Consonant Digraphs辅音合体字母(课堂PPT)_第1页
Consonant Digraphs辅音合体字母(课堂PPT)_第2页
Consonant Digraphs辅音合体字母(课堂PPT)_第3页
Consonant Digraphs辅音合体字母(课堂PPT)_第4页
Consonant Digraphs辅音合体字母(课堂PPT)_第5页
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1、12 ch beach ch bench ch peach ch much ch French ch chickench says / t /3 tch watch tch catch tch pitch tch fetch tch patchtch says / t /4 sh ship sh shoes sh short sh shirt sh fish sh washsh says / /5 th bath th math th mouth th thank th thinth says /6 th this th that th there th they th feather th

2、leatherth says / /7 wh whale wh white wh wheat wh whip wh when wh whichwh says /hw /8 ph photo ph phone ph phone book ph elephant ph alphabetph says / f /9 gh ghost gh ghosting gh ghoul gh gharry gh gheegh says / g / 10 ck sock ck sick ck pick ck back ck shock ck jacketck says /k/11 ct act ct actor

3、ct acting ct elect ct doctor ct collectct says / kt /12 ce fence ce prince ce nice ce rice ce ice ce officece says / s /13 se tense se incense se mouse se house se blouse se becausese says / s /14 ge sausage ge orange ge cabbage ge age ge villagege says / d /15 ds birds ds hands ds beds ds friends d

4、s kids ds godsds says / z /16 ts bats ts boots ts pants ts boats ts cats ts netsts says / ts /17 mb thumb mb lamb mb climb mb comb mb crumb mb tombmb says /mb/18 kn knife kn knee kn knock kn kneel kn knightkn says / n /19Reading practice Its a sunny day today,there are many people on the beach. Some are sitting on he beach and enjoying the beautiful sea view. And others are playing beach volleyball with their fri


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