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1、编号:本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载合作协议书,英文甲方:乙方:日期:说明:本合同资料适用干约進双方经过谈刘、协商而共同承认、共同遵守的责任与 义务.同时阐述确定的时何内达成約定的承诺结果.文档可直接下载或條改.使用 时请详细阅读内容.篇一:合作协议(中英文翻译)技术合作协议Technical Cooperation Agreement甲方:XX油脂化学有限公司Party A: XX Grease Chemical Co. , Ltd.地址:XX高新技术工业园Address: XXHigh-tech Industrial Park法定代表人:XXXLegal Repre

2、sentative: XXX乙方:Party B:地址:Address:本协议合作双方就组建技术研发团队事项,经过平等协 商,在真实、充分地表达各自意愿互惠互利的基础上,根据 中华人 民共和国合同法的规定,达成如下协议,并由合 作各方共同恪守。This Agreement, concerning the setting up of a technical research and development team, is made according to the Con tract Law of PRC regulations and entered into through equal n

3、egotiation by both Parties as the free and full expression of their own wishes to mutual ben efits, and to this end both Parties shall abide by this Agreement as following.第一条、甲方同意雇用乙方为新产品研发技术顾问。乙方同意 为甲方提供技术顾问服务。Article 1: Party A hereby agrees to employ party B as the technical consultant for the n

4、ew product research and development. Party B hereby agrees to offer technical consultation service to Part A.第二条、甲方同意每月支付乙方的研究费用,包括:薪资、 办公费、检测费、差旅费以及其他相关费用。Article 2: Party A hereby agrees to pay Party B for the research each month, including salaries, administrative experises, detection cost, trave

5、ling experises and other cost associated.第三条、乙方有责任为甲方提供相关国内外技术及市场信息, 并及时答复甲方技术上所遇到的问题。Article 3 : Party B is resp on sible to provide re leva nt tech nical and market information home and abroad and is ready to answer any technical problem frequently asked by Party A.第四条、乙方有义务向甲方提供有关个人简历和相关证明材料,甲方要尊

6、重乙 方个人隐私,有义务妥善保管相关材料。Article 4: Party B shall has the obligation to provide Party A with any releva nt pers onal resume and ref ere nee docume nts as necessary. Party A shall respect the personal privacy of Party B and has the obligation to properly keep those materials.第五条、乙方同意所研发的产品所有知识产权归甲方所有,乙 方

7、不得将相关技术信息泄露给任何第三方,否则需要承担一切法律后杲。Article 5: Party B hereby agrees that the intellectual property of any product as researched and developed herein shall be owned by Party A. Party B shall not be allowed to disclose any technical information concerned to the third party, or it shall take all the legal

8、consequences.第六条、甲乙双方同意通过紧密合作达到共同目标;每年增加 一到三个项目;每年申请一到三个发明专利;每年完成一到两个能够通 过专家认证的新产品;每年至少向市场推广两个产品Article 6: Both Parties agree to achieve their commongoals by their close cooperation. It is planned to add one to three projects each year and to apply for one to three pate nts for in ventions eachyear,

9、 to make one to two new products certified by experts eachyear, and to promote at least two products to the market each year.第七条、此协议甲乙双方各执一份,没有在协议中提 到的事项双方需协商解决。Article 7: This Agreement is held by both Parties, one for each respectively. Any issue not mentioned in this Agreement shall be settled by

10、 both Parties through negotiation.此协议从签字当日起生效。This Agreement shall take effect from the date of signature.甲方:乙方:Party AParty B:Signature: Signature: 期:日期:DateDate:篇二:合作协议(英文版)XX年2月曰Betwee n由And与COOPERATION AGREEMENT合作协议TABLE OF CONTENTS 目录CLAUSE HEADEINGPAGE1. Cooperation Background 合作背景2. Scope of

11、Cooperation合作范围3. Mode of Cooperation 合作方式4. Payment Distribution费用划分5. Liabilities 责任6. Confidentiality 保密7. Governing Law and Settlement of Disputes 法律和争 管辖 议解决8. Term of this Agreement 协议有效期9. Representations and Warranties陈述与保证10. Assignment of Agreement 协议的转让11. Exclusive Clause 排他性条款12. Breach

12、 of Contract 违约责任、13. Miscellaneous 其他事项Cooperation Agreement合作协议THIS AGREEMENT "(this Agreement " ) is made andentered into in,on XX,.by and between(1) ( “ PARTY A" );and(2)( “”)In relation to jointly undertaking ofEngineering .Procurement and Construction (EPC) of Coal bed gas treat

13、ment facilities projects of简称(“PARTY人);与就联合承担煤层气项目处理设施 的设计、 采购、施工(EPC总承包工作事宜于XX年3月曰 在签订本合作协议,以资共同遵守。1. C00PERAI0N BACK GROUN 合作背景WhereasWhereas PARTY A is in the leading position in the gasindustry of China and has, in particular, experienee and track record in the areas of gas gating& transmiss

14、ion ,gas treatment & sweeti ng;Whereas both parties desire to make use of their respective strengths and to undertake projects of Arrow Energy Ltd such as EPC of Coal bed gas treatment facilities in Queensland Australia.鉴于公司,其在承揽中的优势;鉴于PATTY A在中国天气领域处于领先地位,尤其在天然气集 输处理及甜化方面的经验和业绩;鉴于上方均希望利用各自的优势,强

15、强联合,共同承揽并完成煤层气项目处理设施的EPC工程总承包工作。2. SCOPE OF COOPERATION 合作范围a. The scope of cooperation shall be ProjectTender ,FEED, Basic and Detail Engineering, Project ManagementFabricationSupervision ,Procuement ,Construction ,lnstallation,Commissioning and Warranty of such projects as mentioned above.双方的合作范围包

16、括:上述项目的投标、FEED基础设计、详细设计、项目管理、设备监造、采购、施工、安装、试运行及 质保等工作。b. In the term of operation ,each party shall appoint four representatives to establish a JointManagement Committee( “ JMC” ).The JMC shall exercise the following powers;双方在合作期限内将组成一个联合管理委员会,由双方各委派四名代表组成。联合管理委员会 行使以下 职权:(i) To gather market intel

17、ligence 收集市场信息;(ii) To tender for the agreed projects 为经批准的项目投标;(iii) To jointly establish project objective strategies; and为目标项目共同决策;和(iv) To decide on the matters that both parties fail to reach aconsensus,对双方无法达成一致的事项进行决定。c. The JMCshall comprise eight (8) members, of whom four(4) shall be appoin

18、ted by PARTYA and four (4) shall be appointed by联合管理委员会应由8名成员组成,其中PARTY A应委派4名成员。d. Any memberof the JMCmay be removed and replaced by the original appointing partyby giving a 30 days ' prior notice in writing tothe other Party.原委派方可通过向对方提前30天发出书面通知替换其向联合委 员会委派的任何成员。e. For the convenience of JMC

19、 management and operational efficiency, at least 1 JMCmembers of each party shall be able to use both Mandarin and English proficiently.为方便联合管理委员会管理,提高运行效率,双方委派人员中至 少有1人能同时熟练使用中、英文。f. The member of the JMC shall elect a coordinator of theJMC( “ Coordinator n ). TheCoordinator shall prepare the agend

20、a for every JMC meeting and will convene and preside over such meetings. If the Coordinator is unable to convene the JMCmeeting , he shall authorize any other member of the JMC to convene and preside over the meeting.联合管理委员会应选举一名协调人。该协调人应制定联合管理委 员会会议议程,并召集和主持联合管理委员会会议,如该协调人不能 召集时,应委托联合管理委员会其他成员召集和主持

21、联合管理委员会 会议。g. The rules of the JMC meetings shall be adopted by the JMC.联合管理委员会应通过联合管理会会议的规则h. Both Parties agree that this Agreement only sets out the general principles of thecooperation between the Parties and a detailed project agreement will be executed between PARTYA and or between PARTY A and

22、 with the owner or Client for Coal bed gas project ,and such detailed project agreement will set out the terms and conditions for both Parties to cooperate on the specific project in eluding the duties and resp on sibilities each party will bear in such specific project.双方同意本协议仅规定了双方之间合作的原则,PARTYA和将

23、 就与每一个合作项目签署或PARTYA和将就每一个合作 项目与业主 或客户签署一份详细的项目协议。该项目协议将 规定双方在具体项目 上进行合作的条款和条件,包括各方所 承担的职责和责任。3. MODE OF COOPERATIO 合作方式a. Joint Design 联合设计(i ) Both parties may enter into the releva nt agreeme nt in relation to eachcooperative project so as to determine their respective work scope andA ack no wledg

24、es that it possesses the releva nt PRCqualificati onsto engage in the contracting and design work of each project herein. (Party B )acknowledges that it possesses the relevant Australian qualifications to engagein the contracting and design work of each project herein .双方可针对每一个合作项目签署相关协议以确定双方的工作范围 和

25、工作量。PARTY A确认,其拥有完全的中华人民共和国相关资质 从事本协议项下个性工程的成本与设计工作。(乙方)确认,其拥有完全的澳大利 亚相关资质从事本协议项下各项工程的承包与设计工作。(ii ) Both parties shall complete their own design work according to their wok scopeand workload.根据双方工作范围及工作量的划分,双方各自完成所属 范围内的 工作。(iii ) As required by the projects ,the joint designing work can be conducte

26、d in the headquarter of eitheror PARTY A or some other places agreed by bothparties in writing .根据工程项目需要,联合设计工作可以在公司 总部进行,也可以在PARTY A本部进行,或双方书面约定的其他地点进行。b. Joint Procurement 联合采购According to their respective advantages and the features of the projects, will be in charge of the procurement of equipme

27、nt and materials from overseas suppliers/vendors and PARTY A will be in charge of the procurement of equipment and materials in China.根 据各自的优势,针对已承担总承包项目特点,负责从国外供 应商/卖方 购买设备及材料的采购工作,PARTY A负责在中国国内购买设备和 材料的采购工作。c. Staff Secondment 劳务派遣Both parties may sec ond releva nt tech nical pers onnel or projec

28、t management staff to the work site of the other party so as to carry out the projects according to the necessity and features of the projects .Relevant expenses incurred here from shall be listed as the cost of each project and shall be borne by both parties ,as agreed by the JMC.根据已承担项目的特点和需要,双方可互

29、为派遣相关技 术或项目 管理人员赴对方工作所在的执行项目的具体工作。因此而产生的相关 费用将作为各项目总收入的成本并经联 合管理委员会同意由双方共同 承担。4. PAYMENT DISTRIBUTE N 费用分酉己a. The JMCshall assess the revenue that each Party will be entitled to according to theworkload and original pricing proposed by each party on job to job basis.联合管理委员会将在具体项目的基础上根据各方承担的项目工作 量并综合

30、各方的响应原始报价來确定各方应获得的收入。b. The parties shall undertake projects with in the sphere of this frameswork agreement andshall enter into con tract for each cooperati on project to determine the fees,reve nue and in come each party is en titled to .双方将在本框架协议内共同承揽项目,针对每一个合作项目分别 签订去热双方费用和收入合同。5. Liabilities 责任

31、Both Parties agree that the liabilities that eachparty shall bear for each project will be agreed by the Patties in the project agreement ad mentioned in Clause2 (h) above篇三:合作协议书中(英文)版XXX国际物流有限公司XXX International Logistics LimitedTel: Fax:地址:合作协议书甲方 The first party :乙方The second party:深圳市安捷龙货运代理有限公

32、-、协议内容Content本着互利互惠的原则,甲乙双方经友好 协商就进口货物 的运输事宜达成以下协议:With the principles of mutual ben efit, the two parties will make an agreeme nt on import transport as following:1. 由甲方委托乙方办理香港进口货物运输业务,甲方 承诺委托 之货物为合法产品;The firstparty entrust the second party with import transpotation services from HongKongand the

33、first party must promise that the goods are legal.2. 甲方委托给乙方的货物必须真实中报货物品名、数量、价值、用途等产品,资料必须以书面形式委托给乙方,如因甲方申报不符所造成的所有责任由 甲方负责; The first party must provide the the second party with the real in formation of product' s n ame, nu mber,value, of this information must be represented to the second part

34、y in a written form, as a result of discrepancies caused by the first party declaration, the first party will be responsible for all liability.3. 为确保正常报关和办理通关手续,乙方有权对进口运输的货 物进行开箱查检。To ensure the regular procedure of declaring, the second party has right to open the box and check the goods.4. 甲方承诺委托之

35、货物不能夹带易燃、易爆物品及国家规定禁止进口之物品;The first party must promise not to carry cargo consigned flammable, explosive materials and goods prohibited for import by state regulations.5. 甲方托运内容要求更改或取消时,必须书面形式通知乙方,在与乙方操作人员确认可以 退件或终止运输方可取消订单;Before checking the content,changing or canceling the transpotation terms, t

36、he first party must notify the second party in written form. Changes can be made only with the agreement of the secomd party.6. 如是因战争.台风.地震等人力不可抗拒的自然灾害所产生的 货物丢失不予赔偿给甲方外;由于其它任何原因或情况产生的货物损 坏和丢失,乙方应在损失产生后5天内以全额现金方式赔偿给甲方。If the products are lost because of the war, typhoon. earthquakes and other human i

37、rresistible natural disasters,the second party will never take responsibility. Due to other reasons or circumstances arising from any damage and loss of goods,they will pay 100% compensation for the loss in 5 days to the first party.7. 甲方索赔需乙方通知甲方货物丢失之日起15 S内提出,过期视甲方放弃赔偿;In case goods are lost,the s

38、econd party must notify the first party in 15 days before the date expires, for the first party to give up compensation.二、付款方式payment1. 运输费用 Transpotation expenses (人民币 RMB:¥ 17/KG计价;提货费delivery fee:220元/票,如无需 提货,则不 用付提货费如果是发从国外直接发快递到香港公司,要收取一个 200 元 RMB 关税 / 票 If no delivery,no paymentif the p

39、roducts are sent from foreign country to HongKong directly, you will pay tariff of 200RMB此运输费用为全包价格,不可产生其他任何额外费用This price contains all the transport expenses, may notproduce any extra charges预算到达时间需要3天左右。 Delivery time - 3 days.费用支付时间charge for time :货到付款cash on delivery3. 甲、乙双方欲终止本协议,应正式书面通知对方业务部,

40、待 确认后协议终止;If both sides want to terminate the contract, oneparty will notify the other party in writte n form. Con tract can be terminated after comfirmation.三、协议修改agreement modification本协议可经双方书面确认 通知另一方修改内容,经双方共同签字确认后以签字日期为准立即生效,任何修改或补充内容双方未签字确认前仍 按原协议 内容执行。This agreement can be modified andbecome

41、effectiveonly when both parties make anagreement about the content.四、法律与仲裁law and arbitration如双方产生法律纠纷并经协 商无法达成一致,双方同意委托当地法院调解,仲裁或诉讼解决。If both sides can not produce legal disputes and can not reach agreeme nt by n egotiation, both sides agree to commissi on a local court mediation, arbitration or li

42、tigation to resolve.五、协议生效agreement 1.本协议自双方签订日起生效,一单 一签,有效期至甲方收货后7日内确认无异议则自动终止,否则自动 顺延; This Agreeme nt shall take effect from the date con tract is signed by both parties, a single sign, valid until 7 days after receiving confirmation party without objection will automatically terminate, or automa

43、tically extended.2. 在协议执行过程中,如双方有何异议,双方应以友好协商的 方法解决。如任何一方要终止协议应提前一个月以书面形式通知对 方。任何一方须履行协议中未尽事宜并负相 应责任。If any different opinions during the execution of the agreement, both sides should use friendly consultations way to reach the aggrement. If any party wants to termi mate the agreeme nt,there should

44、be a writte n no tice from one party to another one month in advanee. Implementation of the agreement by either party to be held in the outstanding issues and the corresp on ding resp on sibility.甲方签字Signature :乙方签字Sinature :甲方公司盖章 Company chop:乙方公司盖章 Company chop :电话 Tel :电话 Tel :XX年 月曰篇四:合作合同中英文对照

45、版篇五:中英文合作协议合作协议书Cooperation Agreement合同编号:Contract No.:签订地点:西安Signing place of con tract: Xi' an甲、乙双方本着互利互惠,诚实守信,优势互补的原则,经过 友好协商,就甲方对于乙方生产太阳能电池组件中介合作事宜,达成 如下协议:Party A and Party B agree to sign the cooperatio n con tract onproducing of solar panels, and that Party A introduces buyers forParty B,

46、 for mutual ben efitsin conditions as follows1. 合作内容Cooperative Content根据甲乙双方协商,达成以下合作内容:To con elude the below con tents of cooperation according to negotiations between two parties:(1) 甲方介绍、协助和促成乙方与签订生产 买卖 合同;价格为,总价格为。Party A authorizes Party B to produce for .Theunit priceis, in sum .(2) 甲方应认真与其推

47、荐的客户进行联络,介绍并推广乙方 的产品,并为乙方与客户的沟通、谈判、商务运作等相关商务活动提 供商业咨询服务,最终促成乙方与采购商签订买卖合同;On behalf of Party B, Party A is responsible tocon tact with, introduce Party B's products to and operate related business activities with, promote signing contract between party B and.(3) 如杲在采购合同执行过程中,由于甲方客户方面的不 当,发生问题,在乙方

48、的要求下,甲方有义务进行协调 解决执行合同 的问题;并要求甲方客户按采购合同及本合同条款执行。由于乙方的原因没 有执行好合同条款的情况下,那么甲方有权要求乙方按采购合同及本合 同条款执行。In the process of executi on purchase con tract, when has undeserved problems, party A has duty to coordimate solving problems. Whe nparty B do not perform un der the terms of con tract well, Party A has ri

49、ght to require Party B executing terms of purchase con tract.2. 双方的责任、权利和义务Responsibilities, Rights and Obligations(1)甲方的责任、权利和义务Party A's responsibility, rights and obligations:A. 甲方负责与其推荐的客户进行联络、介绍并推广乙方的产 品,并协助乙方对客户的沟通、谈判、商务运作等相关商务活动,最 终能达成乙方与采购商签订买卖合同;On behalf of Party B, Party A is resp on

50、sible to con tact with , introduce Party B's products toandwith ,promoteoperate related business activities signing con tract betwee n party B and .B. 如杲在乙方签订的买卖合同执行过程中,由于甲方 客户方面 的原因而产生的问题,在乙方的要求下,甲方有义务进行协调解 决执行合同的问题;由于乙方的原因而产生的问题,在甲方客户的要求下,甲方有义 务进行协调解决执行合同的问题;In the process of executi on purcha

51、se con tract, when has undeserved problems, party A has duty to coordinate solving problems. Whenparty B do not perform under the terms of contract well, Party A has right to require Party B executing terms of purchase con tract.C. 乙方与客户的买卖合同签订后,按照其合同约定履行。任 何一方出现违约行为,甲方应予以积极协调解决,但甲方不承担对任 何一方的任何担保责任或

52、其他法律责任,甲方有明确承诺的除外。After signing purchase con tract, no matter partyB or broke n, Party A will coo rd i nate solving problems. Except commitment, PartyA will not have warranty and other legal responsibility forany one side.(2) 乙方的责任、权利和义务Party B's responsibilities, rights and obligations:乙方应保证生产太

53、阳能电池组件的质量和功率数量,全部承担对于出现的产品质量和功率数量的责任;Party B should guarantee and be whole responsibility to quality and qua ntity of solar pan els.3. 费用与付款:Commissio n(1) 乙方提供甲方的咨询费,组件数量以乙方与签订的买 卖合同为依据,以实际供货量为结算数量,共计。如果乙方供货量没 有达到合同约定数量,乙方有权要求重新商定咨询费用;Party B pays Party A commissi on as,泊 sum, but the final commiss

54、i on amount willbe subject to theactual qua ntity based on the sales con tract. If the party B have not provided according to the sales con tract, then the party B have right to re-negotiate the con suiting(2) 在乙方收到客户合同内规定的货柜的全款额后,通知甲 方,甲方开具正规商业发票,乙方收到发票后15个工作日内支付相 应货柜的咨询费。Part B must inform Part A

55、when receiving sum con tract amount of specific container goods from the customer, and Part A should make out the stan dard commercial in voice. Part B must pay for the entire con suiting fee of corresp onding container after receiving the invoice within 15 working days.(3)若甲方未能促成 公司与乙方签署买卖合同,甲方 无权要

56、 求乙方支付咨询费或者任何费用。咨询费用以实际发货量为准。If the Party A is unable to cause the signed contract between the PartyB and company, the Party A is not entitled to claim any remuneration or fee.(4)甲方指定银行账户信息如下:Information of Party A designated bank account as below:4. 违约责任Liability for Breach如果一方不能按照本协议执行而给另一方造成了损 失,

57、受害方 有权利要求对方给予相应的赔偿。If any party is unable to perform this agreement and caused the loss of the other party, the victim has the right to ask for the corresponding compensation.5. 转让和保密Assig nment and con fide ntiality(1) 未经过对方同意不得将本协议规定的责任、义务向第三 方转让;Without the agreement of the other party, the respo

58、nsibility and obligation of this cooperation agreement should not be transferred to third party.(2) 合作项目的有关信息、各种资料文件和价格等,甲、 乙双方应对第三方保密,不得以任何理由或方式泄密,因泄密造成的 一切经济损失由泄密方负篇六:合作协议(中英对照)合作协议书Cooperation Agreement合同编号:Contract No.:签订地点:Signing place of con tract:甲、乙双方本着互利互惠,诚实守信,优势互补的原则,经过 友好协商,就甲方对于XXXXXXX合作事宜,达成如下协 议:Party A and Party B agree to sign the


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