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1、肯定句变否定句和一般疑问句类型一、实义动词We were having a meeting this time yesterday.He ofte n goes to bed at ten.We do eye exercises every day.四、被动语态The man was run over by a car.She came to Japan in 1990.The plan has bee n made.、系动词I am your friend.Kate may be elected our mon itor.Her mother is a teacher.五、助动词He has

2、 bee n to En gla nd twice.There are two books on the desk.We have stayed here for six years.Yesterday was July 1, 1995.Tom had finishedthe task before nineo clock.They were in Beiji ng in 1990.三、进行时The girl is sta nding at the stati on.六、情态动词Lucy will be back in four days.You can use this dict ionar

3、y.The students arepl ayingbasketball on the pl ayground.You n eed go tomorrow.I am look ing for a job recen tly.We ought to an swer this questi on now?Little Jane dared go alone.He was writing letters at this time last ni ght.road.将下列陈述句变为否定句和一般疑问句。1. He found his pen un der his desk.12. Wang made s

4、ome model ships for the boys.13. The monitor has got something to tell us.2. We must go to the meeti ng right now.3. I ve got a novel by Lu Xun.14. I saw somebody in the room just now.15. There is some wonderful news in today4. I wrote him a letter last week.paper.5. My sister sings beautifully.16.

5、Xiao Li dropped the letter into the letterbox.6. Mary missed the bus.17. They are playing on the playground.7. This bus will take you right to the city.18. Tom often tells them stories in French.8. We have bee n to that farm many a time19. I met a friend of mine in the park thismorni ng.9. They are

6、doing questions and answers withthe teachers.20. After class some students play balls.10. My father has his lunch at 11:30 everyday.21. He sp eaks En glish flue ntly.(语法精讲P428)11. There is a policeman at the corner of thechildre n.22. I spent the whole evening with the34. I can go to the zoo today.2

7、3. Mary is reading newspaper now35. The first class begins at eight o clock.24. We have been to Shanghai twice.36. They often had meeting in his room.25. I tele phoned you yesterday.37. It takes you three hours to go to P aris by air.26. Some one is in the room.38. I reviewed my less ons yesterday.2

8、7. You have to go now.39. I ll go home by bus.40. She has bee n to the library.28. I have a house in the country.41. We have visited the exhibition.29. We did our homework together.42. He forgot to post the letter this morning.30. They study for exam in ati on.43. I have some money on me.31. Some on

9、e phoned last ni ght.44. This problem can be solved.32. We are talking about the film.45. This room is going to bepain tednextweek.33. That little boy broke the window.46. My car has bee n rep aired.f Were they in Beiji ng in 1990?三、进行时The girl is sta nding at the stati on.f The girl is not sta ndin

10、g at the stati on.47. Tom might be sent to America by his company in August.f Is the girl sta nding at the stati on?The students arepl ayingbasketball onthepl ayground.f The stude nts are not p lay ing basketball on the p laygro und.f Are the stude nts p lay ing basketball on the pl aygro und?I am l

11、ook ing for a job recen tly.last肯定句变否定句和一般疑问句类型答案一、实义动词He ofte n goes to bed at ten.f I am n ot look ing for a job recen tly.f Are you look ing for a job recen tly?He was writingletters at this timen ight.f He does not ofte n go to bed at ten.f Does he ofte n go to bed at ten?We do eye exercises eve

12、ry day.f We don t do eye exercises every day.f Do you do eye exercises every day?She came to Japan in 1990.f She did not come to Japan in 1990.f Did she come to Japan in 1990?二、系动词I am your friend.f I am not your friend.f Are you my friend? Her mother is a teacher.f He was not writing letters at thi

13、s timeni ght.f Was he writ ing letters at this time lastnight?We were having a meeting this timef We were not having a meetingyesterday.f Were you havinga meetingyesterday?四、被动语态The man was run over by a car.f The man was not run over by a car.lastyesterday.thisthistimetimef Her mother is not a teac

14、her f Was the man run over by a car?The plan has bee n made.f Is her mother a teacher?There are two books on the desk. f The plan has not bee n made.f There are not two books on the deskf Has the plan bee n made?Kate may be elected our mon itor.f May Kate be elected our / your mon itor?五、助动词He has b

15、ee n to En gla nd twice.f Are there two books on the desk?Yesterday was July 1, 1995.f Yesterday was n ot July 1, 1995.f Was yesterday July 1, 1995?They were in Beijing in 1990.f They were not in Beiji ng in 1990 f Kate may not be elected our mon itor.f He has not bee n to En gla nd twice.T Has he b

16、ee n to En gla nd twice? We have stayed here for six years.I did not write him a letter last week.Did you write him a letter last week?5. My sister sings beautifully.T We have not stayed here for six years.T Have you stayed here for six years?Tom had finished the task before o clock.nineMy sister do

17、es not sing beautifully.Did your sister sing beautifully?6. Mary missed the bus.Mary did not miss the bus.Did Mary miss the bus?T Tom had not fini shed the task before nine o clock.T Had Tom finished the task beforenine7.This bus will takeo clock?六、情态动词Lucy will be back in four days.T Lucy will not

18、be back in four days.T Will Lucy be back in four days?You can use this dict ion ary.ThisWill8.bus will not takethis bus take youyou rightyou right/ me righttototothethetheWe have bee n to that farm many a time.We have not bee n to that farm many a time.Have you bee n to that farm many a time?city.ci

19、ty.city?and answers withT You can not use this dict ionary.9. They are doing questionsand answers withT Can I use this dicti on ary?You n eed go tomorrow.the teachers.They are not doing questionsthe teachers.T You n eed not go tomorrow.answers with theT Need I go tomorrow?We ought to an swer this qu

20、esti on now?Are they doing questions and teachers?T We ought not to an swer this questi on now.10. My father has his lunch at 11:30 everyT Ought we to an swer this questi on?Little Jane dared go alone.day.My father does n ot have his lunch at 11:30T Dared Little Jane go alone?every day.T Little Jane

21、 dared not go alone.Does your father his lunch at 11:30 every day?将下列陈述句变为否定句和一般疑问句。Does my father have his lunch at 11:30 every day?1. He found his pen un der his desk. He didn t find his pen under his desk.Did he find his pen un der his desk?2. We must go to the meeti ng right now.We n eed not go

22、to the meeti ng right now.Must we go to the meeti ng right now?3. I ve got a novel by Lu Xun.I have not got a novel by Lu Xun.Have you got a novel by Lu Xun?4. I wrote him a letter last week.11. There is a policeman at the corner of theroad.There is not a policeman at the corner of theroad.Is there

23、a policeman at the corner of the road?12. Wang made some model ships for the boys.Wangdid not make any model ships for the boys.Did Wang make any model ships for the boys?13. The monitor has got something to tell us.The mon itor has got nothing to tell us.22. I spent the whole evening with thechildr

24、e n.Has the monitor got anything to tell us / you?14. I saw somebody in the room just now.I did not spend the whole evening with theI did not see an ybody in the room just now.Did you see an ybody in the room just now?15. There is some wonderful news in todaychildre n.Did you spend the whole evening

25、 with thechildre n?paper.23. Mary is read ing n ews paper nowThere is not any won derful n ews in todayMary is not readi ng n ews paper nowpaper.Is Mary readi ng n ews paper now?paper?today sIs there any wonderful news in24. We have been to Shanghai twice.letterinto the16. Xiao Li dropped the letter

26、We have not bee n to Shan ghai twice.box.Have you bee n to Shan ghai twice?letterinto theXiao Li did not drop the letter25. I tele phoned you yesterday.box.Did Xiao Li drop the letter into the letterbox?17. They are playing on the playground.They are not p lay ing on the p laygro und.Are they p lay

27、ing on the p laygro und?18. Tom often tells them stories in French.Tom does not oftentell them stories inFrench.Does Tom ofte n tell them stories in Fren ch?I did not tele phone you yesterday.Did you tele phone me yesterday?26. Some one is in the room.No one is in the room.Is anyone in the room?27.

28、You have to go now.You do not have to go now.Do you have to go now.28. I have a house in the country.I do not have a house in the country.19. I met a friend of mine in the park this Do you have a house in the coun try?morni ng.29. We did our homework together.I did not meet a friend of mine in the p

29、ark We did not do our homework together.this morni ng.Did you meet a friend of yours in the park thismorning?20. After class some students play balls.Did you do your homework together?30. They study for exam in ati on.They do not study for exam in ati on.Do they study for exam in ati on?After class

30、no stude nts p lay balls.31. Some one phoned last ni ght.Do any stude nts p lay balls after class?(语法精讲21. He speaks English fluently.P428)No one phoned last ni ght.Did any one phone last ni ght?32. We are talking about the film.He does not sp eak En glish flue ntly.We are not talk ing about the fil

31、m.Does he sp eak En glish flue ntly?Are you talk ing about the film?33. That little boy broke the window.I do not have any money on me.I have no money on me.That little boy did not break the win dow.Did that little boy break the wi ndow?Do you have any money on you?34. I can go to the zoo today.I ca

32、n not go to the zoo today.44. This problem can be solved.This p roblem can not be solved.Can I_/ you go to the zoo today?35. The first class beg ins at eightclock.Can this p roblem be solved?45. This room is going to bepain tednextThe first class does not beginateightweek.o clock.Does the first class begin at eightclock?Is this room going to be pain ted n ext week?36. They often had meeting in his room.They did not ofte n have meet ing i


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