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1、仁爱英语2017-2018学年度七年级第一学期期末试卷(考试时间:120分钟,满分:150分)题号听力部分笔试部分总分IIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIIIIXXXIXIIXII得分第一部分:听力(30分)(每小题1分,共5分)I .听句子,选择与其内容相符的图片。句子读一遍。n .听句子,选择正确的应答语。句子读一遍。()6. A. No, problem.()7. A. Good evening.Good-bye.()8. A. It ' s tenyuan.It ' s ten years.()9. A. That would be nice.B. It ' s v

2、ery kind of you.(每小题1分,共5分)B. Me, too.C. All right.B. Yes, I ' d love to.C.B. It ' s ten kilos.C.C. Thank you all the same.()10. A. Yes, please.B. OK, here you are.C. That' sfine.m.听对话,选择正确答案。对话读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分)()11. What does Anna look likeA. She is tall with long hair.B. She is tall with

3、 short hair.C. She is short with long hair.()12. What does Jack think of the trousersA. They ' re too old.B. They ' re too short.C.They' re too long.()13. Where does Mr. Green workA. On the farm.B. In the restaurant.C. In anoffice.()14. Where is Linda fromA. China.B. The USA.C. England.(

4、)15. How many apples does the woman want ?A. Three bags. B. Two kilos.C. Three kilos.W.听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)听第一段对话,完成 16-17小题。()16. Where are theyA. At a shop.B. In the restaurant.C. In a zoo.()17. How much does the man need to pay (付款)A. Nine yuan.B. Twelve yuan. C. Fifteenyuan.听第二段对话,完成 1

5、8-20小题。()18. What is Peter' s mom going to doA. Cook breakfast.B. Cook lunch.C. Cook dinner.()19. How much rice do they needA. One bag.B. Two kilos.C. Five kilos.()are the speakers (说话人)A. They are father and daughter.B. They are mother and son.C. They are teacher and student.V.听短文,完成表格。短文读两遍。(每

6、小题2分,共10分)Li Hong ' s familyWhoJobLooksClothesLi Hongstudentlonghairand?22 ?eyes/LiHong' sfather? 21tall and strongblue pants and a white T-shirtLiHong' smotherofficeworkera little heavya? 23 ?dressLi Weidoctor/a black 24 ?CatsWe have? 25 ?cats and we all like them.21.第二部分:笔试(120分)VI.单项选

7、择(每小题1分,共15分)从下面每小题的 A、B、C D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。()26. Helen is a very nice girl. We all like very much.A. sheB. herC. himD. hers()27.- What your father Oh, he is a teacher.A. does; doB. do; doesC. does; doesD. do; do()28.- What time do you often have luncht welve o ' clock.A. AtB. InC. OnD. To()

8、29.- What do you need to make dinnerA bag of rice, some chicken, and three.A. milkB. appleC. eggsD. fish()30. My uncle is a teacher. He Chinese in a high school.A. spellsB. speaksC. teachesD.works()31. What does your brother look likeA. He is very kind.B. He is tall.C. He is fine.D. He is 20 years o

9、ld.)32. Linda wantsa toy car for her little brother.)33.A. buyB. buysC. to buyD. buying Look! It ' s 11:45 now.Oh. It ' s timelunch. Lets go.A. haveB. hasC. havingD. to have)34.are these shoesA. How muchB. How manyC. What sizeD. What kindThey are 158 yuan.)35. I like these pants. Can Itry th

10、emA. try it onB. try on itC. try on themD.on()36.()37.A. riceB. milkC. orangesD. fish一Hello! This is Kevin. Would you like something to drink Yes. Please give me someA. Who are you This is Lily. I want to speak with Mr. Gao.D. Who is thisB. How do you doC. May I help you()38.to have aglass of milk-G

11、ood idea.A. How aboutB. What aboutC. Why notD.Would you like()39.do you like this hat I like it very much.A. HowB. WhyC. WhereD. When()40. Would you like to fly a kite with meA. Yes. What ' s upB. That ' s all right.C. No at all.D. Oh, I ' d love to.vn.完形填空(每小题 1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、

12、B、G D四个选项中选择一个最佳选项。Hi! My name is Zhao Lei, a student from Beijing No. 11 High School. Now let meintroduce ( 介绍)my new 41 to you. His name is John. He is from America. Nowhe 42 to China with his parents and studies (学习)Chinese in our 43 . Weare in the same class.He likes China verymuch, buthe can on

13、ly speak44Chinese.My English is not good,45 we often help eachother.I go to school with46 every morning. Wehave lunchat school. He likesChinese 47 very much andJiaozi is hisfavorite. 48 Sunday, he comes to myhome and play games with me. He says,a Chinese people are very 49 to us. Weare very glad to

14、50 China. I have a good time every day ”( )41. A. teacherB. cousinC. classmateD.student()42. A.visitsgoesB. comesC. takesD.()43. A.homeB. officeC. schoolD. zoo()44. A.anyB. mayC. a lotD. a little()45. A.andB. soC. butD. then()46. A.himB. herC. youD. us()47. A.clothesB. drinkC. foodD. people()48. A.I

15、nB. OnC. AtD. About()49. A. happyB. differentC. cuteD. kind()50. A.live inB. work atC. get toD. play withvrn.阅读理解(每小题 2分,共40分)Here are some studentsAfavorite teachers. How do they like their teachersLet' s have a look at their teachers.Bai Yun, 14, ZhengzhouI like Miss Li, myChinese teacher. She

16、 looks very nice.She is often in a red coat. Red is her favorite color.She is strict (严格的)with us.Gao Tian, 13, BeijingMiss Ye is my English teacher. She is tall and has long hair. She asks us to read English books every day. She says it is a good way to study English.Yang Guang, 14, ShanghaiMy favo

17、rite teacher isMr. Wu. He is kind to usand weall like him. He is good at singing, too. I think heis cool.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。()51. Who is Yang Guang ' s favorite teacherA. Miss. Li.B. Mr. Wu.C. His English teacher.D. His Chinese teacher.A. She is tall.C. She is very cool.()52. What does Gao Tian '

18、 s teacher look likeB. She is heavy.D. She looks like a cute girl.()53. What' s Miss Lis favorite colorA. Green. B. Purple.C. Red. D. Pink.()54. Which of the following is RIGHT?A. Bai Yun and Gao Tian are at the same age.B. Miss Ye is a P. E. teacher.C. Miss Li often asks students to read Englis

19、h.D. Mr. Wu can sing very well.()55. What does the passage (文章)mainly ( 主要)tell usA. Our teachers.B. Our school.C. Our classes.D. Our classmates.B'由sibedtoousk(her sonOne early (早的)morning, an old woman goes into her sonto get up.“Get upMark. It's time to go to school!“But why, Mom I don 

20、9; t want to go.Give me twcreasonswhy you don't want to go.Well, for one, I don't have any friends there, and the teachers dont like me for two!Oh, that ' s no reason not ooschool. Come on now and get ready (准备好).Give me two reasons why I must go to school!“ Well, for one, you ' re 5

21、2 years old. And you校re thfoptwcipOo u have a lotto do .”根据短文内容,选择正确答案。()56. Who asks Mark to get upA. Mark's father.B. Mark's mother.C. Mark's teacher.D. Mark's students.()57. Where does Mark workA. In a school. B. On the farm.C. In a hospital.D. In a shop.()58. The underlined word

22、a reasons " means "" in Chinese.A.计划B.说明C.资料D.原因()59. Which of the following is TRUE (哪句话是正确的)?B. The son doesnC. The son doesnD. The son doesn()60. What is the best title (A. Mom and SonC. A Kind MomA. The son likes his school very much.t like his teachers.t like to work.t need to ge

23、t up early.标题)of the passage?B. Time to SchoolD. In the SchoolIn America, many people like to go out for a picnic on Sundays. They usually have a good time with their friends.It is Sunday. In the morning, Bob ' s family have a picnic with their friends in the park. They take lots of food and dri

24、nks with them. They take their pet dog,Ted with them, too. It ' s time for lunch, but they can' t find the glasses for juice!They look for them for a long time. At last, they find Ted is playing with the glasses next to the trees. Ted thinks they are toys.they can' t enjoy the juice, it

25、' sThey all like the amusing Ted show, although funny to see Ted playing with the glasses.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。()61. People in America often on Sundays.A. go to workC. do some shopping()62. Bob' s family take with them.A. food and drinksC. clothes and food()63. Ted is the name of.A. Bob ' s bro

26、therC. their pet dog()64. They can ' t find for juice.A. foodB. glasses()65. What is the meaning of the underlined wordA.毫无乐趣的B. visit friendsD. have a picnicB. fruit and juiceD. some vegetablesB. Bob ' s friendD. their pet catC. drinksD. toys“amusing”B.引人发笑的C.令人绝望的D.没有意义的DDear Helen,Thank y

27、ou for your e-mail. From your e-mail I know something about your family.You have a small family, and there are only three people in your family. Your parentsare teachers. Your family like western (西方的)food, like bread, hamburgers and chicken.汉堡是你最喜欢的食物。Now let me tell you something about my family.

28、My family is big. There are mygrandparents, my parents, my uncle and me. We live in Hainan, China. My father isa doctor and my mother is a high school teacher. My uncle, my father' s brother,is a young student of Peking University(d匕京大学). My grandpa is 68 years old, buthe is healthy(健康的).He ofte

29、n goes to the park in the morning. I love my familyvery much.Yours,Gao Le根据信件内容完成下列任务。任务 一、 66. This e-mail is from to.任务二、67.将文中画线的句子译成英语。任务三、68.从文中找出两对反义词: , ; , 任务四、回答下列问题。69 . What does Helen ' s father do70 . How old is Gao Le ' s grandpaIX.词汇运用(每小题 1分,共5分)根据语境和汉语提示填写单词。71. I have a pet

30、 dog at home.( 它的)name is Lucky.72. The little girl can ' t(找至U ) her way home.73. This bike is a little dear, it' s eight( 百)yuan.74. Look! The (大象)is so big and strong.want to visit my grandparents(明天) morning.X.完成句子(每小题 2分,共10分)根据汉语提示完成句子。76 .林女士喜欢在星期天的时候去购物。Ms. Lin likes on Sundays.77 .王

31、明明通常在晚上 7:00钟做作业。Wang Mingming usually at 7:00 in the evening.78 .你真好,帮助了我那么多。It ' s very you to help me a lot.79 .迈克尔,和我一起放风筝怎么样?Michael, what about with me80 .你觉得“小苹果”这首歌怎么样?What do you the song Little ApplesXI .情景交际(每小题 2分,共10分)从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。A: Hello!8: Hello! This is Joan. 81A: Hi, Joan! T

32、his is Maria. What's up9: I want to go shopping this afternoon. 82A: Oh, I'd love to .83 What do you want to buyB: My schoolbag is too old. I need a new one.A: All right. When do you want to goB: 84A: It ' s OK for me, I am free this afternoon.B: 85A: See you!A. I need some sports shoes.

33、 ?B. See you then.C. Who' s th isD. How about 4 o ' clock in the afternoonE. Would you like to go with mexn.综合填空(每小题 1分,共10分)阅读短文,根据语境、音标或所给中文提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的词,要求所 填的词意义准确、形式正确,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。Lucy and Lily are my friends. They come 86 America. They are twins (双胞胎)一they look the 87 . They like

34、to be in the same 88 ( 衣服).And they are in the same class, too. But sometimes (有时)they are d 89 . Lucy likes readingbooks but Lily likes s 90 songs. Lucy has many books, but Lily has lots of CDs.Miss White is 91 /ee?/ English teacher. Sometimes she can not tell (分辨)Lucy from Lily.“Whaf s your 92&quo

35、t; she asks one of th em.Lily Brown, Miss White.How 93 are you“We are nine, " say Lily and Lucy.“ Don't tell her. Let her95,big sister,“says Lucy86. / hu?/ is the older(年长者)of you twox m .书面表达(共20分)Sunday假如Ema是你的朋友,以下是她星期天的活动。请根据表格内容,以Emd s为题写一篇70词左右的英语短文。要求:短文须

36、包含所给内容,适当发挥,语句通顺,语法正确。Ema s Sunday7:00 .get up7:30 .have breakfast8:00 .go to the zoo8:45 .Panda Show9:30 .Monkey Show11:35 am. .?go home Ema s Sunday仁爱英语2017-2018 学年度七年级第一学期期末试卷答案与解析 第一部分:听力1.1. C2. A3. B4. C5. Bn. 6. B7. B8. A9. C10. Am.11. A12. C13. C14.B 15.CW.16. B17. A18. B19.A 20.BV. 21. cook

37、 22. small 23. red 24. jacket 25. three第二部分:笔试VI.26. B 前面有动词like ,此处应填“她”的宾格 her。27. A该题考查询问职业的特殊疑问句,主语是 your father ,助动词用does,后用动词原形do,故选Ao28. A表示在具体的时刻应用介词at,故选A。29. C 由空格前的数词three ,可知应填一个可数名词的复数形式。故选C。30. C 句意为“我的叔叔是教师,在一所中学教汉语”,应选C。31. B 由问句可知是问人的外貌,只有B 选项的回答与之相对应。故选B。32. C want to do sth. 意为“想要

38、做某事”,故选C。33. D It s time to do sth. 或 It s time for sth. 意为“是做某事的时间了”。34. A 由答句可知是询问价格,应该用how much。35. D try on 意为“试穿”,而 pants 是复数形式,所以用代词them。36. B 根据句意“请给我一些可以喝的东西”, milk 意为“牛奶”,代词放在中间,故选B。37. C 根据语境可知是在打电话,故用May I help you 表示“我能帮你吗?”38. D would like to do sth. 意为“愿意做某事”, how about 和 what about 后面

39、接名词或动名词,而why not 后面接动词原形。故选D。39. A How do you like 或 What do you think of.?意为”怎么样?“故选A。40. D 回答 Would you like to. 问句一般用Yes, I d love to. 或 No, thanks.vn.41. C 由下文中We are in the same class. 可知 John 是 Zhao Lei 的同班同学。故选A。42. B come to 意为“来到”,此处应使用第三人称单数的一般现在时形式。43. C 根据上文可知,John 是到我们学校来学习的。44. D a lit

40、tle 意为“一点儿”,句意为“但是他只会说一点儿汉语” 。45. B so 意为“所以”,根据句意可知上下文应该是因果关系。46. A 句意应为“我每天和 John 一起去学校”,应该用him 来指代John。47. C 由句中的. Jiaozi is his favorite. 可知此处是指食物。48. B 句意为“在星期天”,介词应该用on。49. D 句意为“中国人对我们很友好",kind表示“友好的,和蔼的”50. A 根据句意“我们很高兴住在中国”, live in 意为“居住,住在某地”。51. B 由表格第三栏中是对Yang Guang 的介绍,由My favorit

41、e teacher is Mr. Wu.知他最喜欢的老师是Mr. Wu 。52. A由表格第二栏中53. C由表格第一栏中54. D由表格第三栏中可知 Gao Tian 的老师个子很高。可知 Miss Li 最喜欢的颜色是红色。可知Mr.Wu唱歌很好,故D正确。She is tall and looks like.Red is her favorite color. He is good at singing, too.55. A 综合表格信息,可知材料主要介绍几个学生最喜欢的老师。B56. B 由下文中But why, Mom. 可知是妈妈叫他起床。57. A由文章末尾可知 Mark是校长,

42、所以是在学校工作。58. D妈妈让 Mark 给出两个不想去学校的理由或者“原因”。59. C由 Mark 和妈妈的对话可知他不想去上班。60. B 标题 Time to School ,幽默风趣,符合文意。C61. D由文章第一句话可知美国人星期天常外出野餐。62. A由第二段第二句可知他们带了很多食物和饮料。63. C由第二段中 They take their pet dog, Ted with them, too.一句,可知 Ted是宠物狗。64. B由文中第二段第三句话可知“他们找不到喝果汁的杯子”,故选B。65. B 由文中最后一段可知,他们认为Ted玩杯子很有意思,所以应该是“引人

43、发笑”的意74.elephant79. flying a kite90. singing95. guessclock she goes to the思,故选B。66. Gao Le; Helen67. Hamburgers are your favorite food.68. small, big; young, old69. He is a teacher.70. 68.IX.71. Its72. find73. hundred75. tomorrowX.76. going shopping77. does homework78. kind of80. think ofXI.81. C 82

44、. E 83. A 84. D 85. Bxn.86. from 87. same 88. clothes89. different91. their 92. name93. old94. Whoxm .Jane s DayJane is myfriend.She is a good girl. She gets up at sev en o clock in the morning on Sunday. She has breakfast at half past seven. At eight o zoo with her parents. They see the Panda Show

45、at a quarter to nine. And at half past nine they see the Monkey Show. At eleven thirty-five they go home. In the afternoon, Jane does her homework. Her mother makes a big dinner for them.听力材料1 .听句子,选择与其内容相符的图片。句子读一遍。1. Miss Lin is a nurse and she works in a hospital.2. May I take your order, please3. This pair of shoes is 118yuan.4. Tom wants to go and fly a kite this Sunday afternoon.5. Lucy usually gets up at half past six in the morning.n .听句子,选择正确的应答语。句子读一遍。6. Glad to meet you, Jane.7. Would you like to go for a picnic with us this Sunday8. How much is the bag


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