



1、21545555231华中师范大学-a育学院特殊教育实验室招标工程工程主要内容详细内容见招标文件:设备名称1 通用非文字智力测验(Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test )22 考夫曼儿童成套评估测验(第二版)(K-ABC-II,Kaufman Assessment 2Battery for Children Second Edition)3 皮博迪个人成就测验(第四版)(PPVT-4,PeabodyPicture Vocabulary 2Test, Fourth Edition )4 婴幼儿开展评估(IDA, Infant-Toddler Developm

2、ental Assessment)15 DN CAS认知评估系统(Das-Naglieri: Cognitive Assessment System)26 考夫曼早期成就和语言技能测验(KaufmanSurvey of Early Academic 1 and Language Skills,K-SEALS)7 学习风格测验(Learning Styles Inventory, LSI )18 伍德科克-约翰逊成就测验-III (Woodcock-Johnson m Test of 2 Achievement)9 伍德科克约翰逊认知水平测验-III (NU(Woodcock-Johnson m

3、 Normative Update (NU Tests of Cognitive Abilities )10 雷特国际行为量表修订版(Leiter-R , Leiter international Performance Scale-Revised)11 婴幼儿家庭练习工具(Infant-Toddler and Family Instrument , ITFI)12 根本言语和学习水平评估修订版 (Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills-Revised,ABLLS-R)13 阿斯伯格综合征评定量表(Asperger Syndrome D

4、iagnostic Scale )14 Gilliam 阿斯伯格障碍量表(Gilliam Asperger's Disorder Scale, GADS)15 阿斯伯格综合征评定蒙特利亚访谈指南(Monteria Interview Guidelines for Diagnosing Asperger's Syndrome )16 TEACCHg衔评估手册(第二版)(TEACCH Transition Assessment Profile )17自闭症谱系儿童个别化心理教育评估(第三版)(Individualized Psychoeducational Assessment f

5、or Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders , PEP-3)18 社会反响量表(Social Responsiveness Scale,SRS)19 行为评估(Behavioral Summary )20 自闭症评评估评定修订版(Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised,2ADI-R)21 社会沟通问卷(The Social Communication Questionnaire, SCQ )122 儿童自闭症评定量表(第二版)(Childhood Autism Rating2Scale-2,CARS-2)23 开展评估(

6、第三版)(Developmental Profile 3, DP-3)124 言语行为里程碑评估与安置工程(Verbal Behavior Milestones1Assessment and Placement Program,VB-MAPP)25 The Ziggurat Model-A Framework for Designing Comprehensive Interventions for High-Functioning Individuals with Autism1Spectrum Disorders26 感觉加工处理评估包(Sensory Processing Measure

7、 Comprehensive Kit27 幼儿认知评估(Cognitive Assessment of Young Children)128 视觉动作整合全域测试(Full Range Test of Visual Motor1Integration )29 视觉感知开展测验(青少年和成人版)(Developmental Test of Visual 1 Perception-Young and Adult )30 视觉感知开展测验(第二版)(Developmental Test of Visual1Perception 2 nd)31 感觉统合和实践测验(Sensory Integratio

8、n and Praxis Test )132 沟通和符号行为量表 (Communication and Symbolic Behavior2Scales, CSBS)33 注意缺陷临床评估-儿童版(Clinical Assessment Of Attention.1 Deficit-Child, CATC)34 注意缺陷多动障碍测验(Attention-DeficitHyperactivity2Disorder Test )35 CONNER S3rd Edition )236 气质和非典型性行为量表-早期儿童发育障碍指标(Temperament and Atypical Behavior S

9、cale-Early Childhood Indicators of2Developmental Dysfunction )37 社会情绪年龄阶段问卷(the Ages Stages Questionnaires:2Social-Emotional )38 PDD亍为问卷(PDD Behavior Inventory )239 适应行为评估(Adaptive Behavior Inventory , ABI)140 适应行为评估系统-学校版(第二版)(Adaptive Behavior Assessment 1 System-Second Edition, SCHOOL KIT )41 家庭

10、&社区社会行为量表(Home&CommunitySocial Behavior Scales )442 学校社会行为量表(第二版)(School Social Behavior Scales Second 3 Edition43 情绪障碍评估量表(第二版)(Scales for Assessing Emotional1Disturbance, Second Edition )44 学习障碍评估量表(Learning Disabilities Diagnostic Inventory )345 阅读障碍早期筛查测验(第二版) (The Dyslexia Early Screeni

11、ngTest, DEST-2)46 综合数学水平测验(comprehensive Mathematical Abilities Test,2CMA T47 底特律学习水平倾向测试(Detroit Tests of Learning Aptitude )148 记忆与学习广度评估(第二版)( Wide Range Assessment of Memory 2 and Learning Second Edition )49 阅读障碍筛查工具(Dyslexia Screening Instrument )250 核心数学 3嘤断评估(KeyMath3? Diagnostic Assessment )251 早期数学水平测验(第三版)(Test of Early Mathematics Ability ? -Third Edition, TEMA-3 )52 创造力评估套装(Creativity Assessment Packet, CAP )253 天才与超常儿童评价量表(Gifte


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