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1、1构构 词词 法法 -By Miss Liu -By Miss Liu2一:构词法分类一:构词法分类1 1派生词派生词: 词根词根 ( (或单词或单词) ) 附加前缀、后缀构成新词叫派附加前缀、后缀构成新词叫派生词生词rich-enrich home-homelessrich-enrich home-homeless2 2 转换法转换法:把一个词由一种词类转用为另一种词类:把一个词由一种词类转用为另一种词类 back n. back n.背背- back v.- back v.支持支持 slow adj. slow adj.慢的慢的-slow v. -slow v. 减慢减慢3 3合成法合成法

2、:由两个或两个以上单词合成一个单词:由两个或两个以上单词合成一个单词 blackboard hand-made blackboard hand-made 手工制作的手工制作的语法填空中必有一道题是考查词类转换语法填空中必有一道题是考查词类转换的。考查不同词性在句中的不同用法,的。考查不同词性在句中的不同用法,其中主要涉及到以下三条:其中主要涉及到以下三条:1. 在句中修饰动词或形容词等作状语在句中修饰动词或形容词等作状语, 用用副词;副词;2. 在句中作定语、表语或补语在句中作定语、表语或补语, 一般用形一般用形容词;容词;3. 作主语、及物动词或者介词的宾语作主语、及物动词或者介词的宾语,

3、用用名词。名词。4派生法 派生法又叫词缀法,即在一个单词前或其后加上词缀,构成新的单词。中学英语中以派生法生成的词汇占整个中学词汇总量的25。5一、前缀一般说来前缀不会改变一个词的词性。1. 否定前缀(1) un-a. un +形容词:unfit, unhappy, unfair, unlucky, unfortunate, unkind, unimportant, unnecessary, uncomfortable, unselfish, unusual, uncommon, unexpected, unknown, unthinkable, unbelievable, unseen, u

4、nforgettable, unwise, unhealthy, unpleasant, unable, untrue 6b. un+副词:undoubtedly, unexpectedly, unfortunately, unusually, unhappily, unluckily由un形容词构成的词除了unknown, unseen, unfit等词之外,其它词都可变为加-ly的副词(个别形容词尾需要变动)。c. un动词:uncover, untie, unlock, undress, undo, unpack7(2) im形容词:impossible, impolite(3) in形

5、容词:incorrect, incomplete, invisible, independent(4) ir形容词:irregular(5) mis动词:misspell, misunderstand, mistake8(6) dis-a. dis名词:dishonour, disease, discomfortb. dis形容词:dishonest, discouragedc. dis动词:disappear, dislike, discover, disclose, disagree, discomfort, dismiss92、表示空间、位置关系的前缀(1) a,大多加在音节较少的名词或

6、不及物动词上构成新词,表示“在之上、向、处于状态”:ahead, abroad, aside, alive, awake, above, about等。(2) fore,表示“在前面”:forehead, foreground, forearm, foreleg(3) in, il, im, ir表示“向内 在内”:inside, include, import(4) inter,表示“在间、相互”:international(5) intro,表示“在(向)内”:introduce10(6) out,表示“向外”:outside, outlook, outdoors, outflow(7)

7、over,表示“在上面的、在外的”:overhead, overlook, overcoat, overcome, overtime, overgrow(8) pre,表示“在前”:prefix, preposition(9) pro,表示“在(向)前”:progress, programme(10) sur,表示“在上”:surface, surround11(11) trans,表示“转移”:translate(12) under,表示“在下”:undergraound, underline(13) up,表示“向上”:upward, upset, upstairs(14) be,表示“在

8、,靠近”:before, behind, below, between, beyond(15)ex,表示“向外,从出来”:exchange, export(16) tele,表示“远”:telephone, television, telegram, telegraph123、表示时间、序列关系的前缀(1) fore,表示“在前,预先”:foreword, foresight, foretell(2) mid,表示“中间”:midnight, midsummer, midautumn(3) post,表示“在后”:postwar, postlistening(4) re,表示“重复”:revi

9、ew, retell, rewrite, replace, return, rebuild(5) extra,表示“格外、超越”:extraordinary(6) over,表示“超过”: overcome, overeat, overpass (7) super,表示“极、超”:supermarket, superpower, superman, superpower134、表示共同、相等关系(1) com(在b, m, p前),col,con, cor(com在g, l, r及其它辅音前): company, cnnect, correct(2) co:cooperate, coexist

10、(3) sym:sympathy, symphony 145、表示整个、完全关系(1) al:alone, almost, altogether(2) over:overall, overflow, overfall156、表示“离、离开”(1) a:arise, away, apart (2) de:depart, dewater, decolour(3) se:separate, select(4) for:forget, forgive167、变换词类作用的前缀(1) enem:enable, enlarge, enrich, enclose, empower(2) ad,ac,af,a

11、g,an,ap,ar,as,at,(ad在c, f, g, I, n, p, r , s, t前的变体):adapt, across, affect, appear, arrange, assist, attend, attract178、表示加强意义(1) a:ashamed, arouse, amuse(2) ad:address, admire, advise, advance(3) be:belong, believe18二:派生词二:派生词1 常见名词的缀1) 动词+-er/-or名词 villager teacher actor operator操作员 user performer

12、 2) 动词+ee名词( 表示“受动者,行动者”) interviewee 被采访者 trainee 培训生 payee 收(受)款人 employee193) -ist 表示“从事研究者;信 仰主义者”。如: pianist钢琴家 scientist科学家 artist艺术家 chemist药剂师4) -dom 表示“等级,领域,状态”。如: freedom自由 kingdom王国 wisdom智慧20 5)以ent/ant结尾的形容词 -ance/ence结尾的名词violent(violence) distant(distance) present(presence) absent(ab

13、sence) obedient(obedience) competent ( c o m p e t e n c e ) 能 力 , 胜 任 , 称 职 intelligent(intelligence)智力 confident(confidence) patient(patience) convenient (convenience) elegant(elegance) different(difference)21注意:特殊ent结尾的形容词 -ency结尾的名词current -currency fluent -fluency urgent-urgencyfrequent-frequen

14、cy efficient-efficiency226) 动词+(a)tion/sion名词 express /graduate /impress / devote -expression/graduation/impression/devotion persuade/divide /decide /conclude/expandpersuasion/division/decision/conclusion/expansion admit/ permit admission/permissionobserve/consider/ transport /determine/organize/inv

15、ite observation/consideration/transportation/organization/invitation23 注意:compete /apply/ solve /intendcompete-competitionapply-applicationsolve-solutionintend-intention247)动词/形容词+y 名词injure-injury discover-discoveryrecover-recovery deliver -deliverydifficult-difficulty modest-modestyhonest-honesty注

16、意:safe- safety secure- security brave-bravery 258)动词+ment名词agree-agreement adjust-adjustment arrange-arrangement manage-management argue-argument govern-government acknowledge-acknowledgement punish-punishment employ-employment entertain-entertainment announce-announcement appoint-appointment embarr

17、ass-embarrassment state-statement encourage-encouragement 269) 形容词/动词+th 名词 strong-strength wide-width long-length deep-depth warm-warmth grow-growth10) 形容词+ ness名词 kind-kindness happy-happiness11)动词al结尾的名词arrive-arrival survive-survivalapprove-approval propose-proposalrefuse-refusal272.常见形容词的后缀1)名词

18、+-ful/-less(意思与原词相反) 形容词 care careful careless power powerful powerless hope hopeful hopeless pain painful painless use useful useless282) 名词+y 形容词 dust- /dirt- /salt-/wind-/ fog-/water-/rain- /sun-/cloud-/taste-fog-foggy sun-sunny taste-tastyhealth-/wealth-3) 名词/动词 +- able /-ible 形容词 rely-reliable

19、terror-terrible value-valuable belief-believable forgive-forgivable change-changable consider-considerable comfort-comfortable294)名词+al形容词 naturenatural person-personal nation-national education-educational5)名词+ly形容词 love-lovely live-lively friend-friendly dead-deadly week-weekly306) 动词的2个形容词frighte

20、n (frightening/frightened) terrify (terrifying/terrified) amaze (amazing/amazed) astonish (astonishing/astonished)shock (shocking/shocked) surprise (surprising/surprised) puzzle (puzzling/puzzled) disappoint (disappointing/disappointed)excite(exciting/excited) interest(interesting/interested)313常见副词

21、的后缀1)-ly表示方式或程度。 personal personally 个人地 entire-entirely(注意true- truly)angry angrily生气地 terrible terribly可怕地flexible- flexibly possible-possibly simple- simply probable-probably 322) -ward(s)朝,向 back backwards 向后 up upwards 向上 out outwards 向外 3) wide 用于名词之后表范围。 nation nationwide 全国性地 world worldwide

22、 全世界地4常见动词的后缀1)-(e)n使成为,引起,使有某些形容词后-(e)n weak weaken(使)虚弱,减弱 short shorten缩短 sharp sharpen(使)变锋利,明朗33某些名词后-(e)n fright frighten(使)惊吓 length lengthen加长 strength strengthen加强-en放在某些形容词前 rich-enrich large-enlarge2) (i)fy 使化,使成 beauty beautify美化 pure purify提纯 simple simplify使简 class classify.分类 quality

23、qualify取得资格(或学历) 343) ize/-ise 做成,变成,化 real realize意识到 organ organize组织 apology apologize道歉 modern modernize使现代化 normal normalize 使正常化 civil-civilize 使文明35三:合成法1. 复合名词的主要构成方式有: (1)名词+名词 如:newspaper报纸 teamwork 协作 (2)形容词+名词 如:blackboard 黑板 highway 公路 (3)副词+名词 如:overcoat大衣 underground 地铁 (4)名词+介词短语 如:f

24、ather-in-law岳父 mother-in-law 岳母362. 复合动词的主要构成方式: (1)副词+动词 如:update更新 overlook 忽视 (2)名词+动词 如:sun-bathe日光浴 proof-read 校对 3. 复合代词的主要构成方式: (1)代词宾格或物主代词+self/selves 如: ourselves itself (2)某些不定代词+body/ thing / one 如: nobody everything. 374. 复合形容词的主要构成方式: (1)名词+形容词 如:colour-blind色盲的 (2)副词+形容词 如:over-sensit

25、ive过敏的 (3)名词+分词 如:hand-made手工制作的(4) 形容词+名词 如:good-looking好看的 (5) 副词+分词 如:well-meant好意的 outstanding 出色的 38(6) 形容词+名词 如:gentleman 绅士 greengrocer 水果商 (7)形容词+名词+ -ed 如: ill-mannered 不礼貌的 (8)数词+名词+(-ed) 如:two-faced两面派的 one-sided 片面的 (9)名词+名词+-ed 如:iron-willed有钢铁意志的395. 复合副词的主要构成方式: 1)名词+名词, 如:sideways向旁边

26、 (2)名词+副词, 如:headfirst头朝下 (3)形容词+名词, 如:meanwhile同时 (4)介词+名词, 如:beforehand事先40四:转化法(有大量的动词可以转化为名词) have a look (chat, talk, wash, swim, rest, try, quarrel, interview, taste) make a study (guess, visit, call, survey, jump, slip, change, answer) come to a stop (end, pause) 41一一 练习题练习题1. He must be _ (m

27、ental) disabled.1. He must be _ (mental) disabled.2. His teacher took a deep drink, smiled _ 2. His teacher took a deep drink, smiled _ (warm), and thanked his student very much for the (warm), and thanked his student very much for the sweet water. sweet water. 3. But Jane knew from past experience

28、that her 3. But Jane knew from past experience that her _ (choose) of ties hardly ever pleased her (choose) of ties hardly ever pleased her father. father. mentallywarmlychoice424. This proverb is saying we have to let 4. This proverb is saying we have to let things go in their _(nature) course.thin

29、gs go in their _(nature) course.5. We drank together and talked _ 5. We drank together and talked _ (merry) till far into the night. (merry) till far into the night. 6. All facts are the source of _ 6. All facts are the source of _ (conclude).(conclude). naturalmerrilyconclusion437. I won7. I wont d

30、o the purchase because the t do the purchase because the price of this dress is _price of this dress is _(reason)._(reason).8. However, most _(science) agree 8. However, most _(science) agree that EQ has a lot to do with _ that EQ has a lot to do with _ (educate).(educate).9. Excellent oral and writ

31、ten _ 9. Excellent oral and written _ (communicate) skills in Chinese and English (communicate) skills in Chinese and English are of _ (important).are of _ (important).unreasonablescientistseducationcommunicationimportance4410. It is your _ (free) to do what you want 10. It is your _ (free) to do wh

32、at you want after class.after class.11. He devoted much money to building schools in 11. He devoted much money to building schools in _(mountain) areas. _(mountain) areas. 12. Unfortunately, my car broke down on a _ 12. Unfortunately, my car broke down on a _ (mud) road. (mud) road. 13. To make myse

33、lf _, I would do some 13. To make myself _, I would do some _exercise after work. (relax) _exercise after work. (relax) freedommountainousmuddyrelaxedrelaxing4514. We _ (apology) for the late 14. We _ (apology) for the late departure of this flight. departure of this flight. 15. The article can _(lo

34、ng) out a 15. The article can _(long) out a little by adding some examples. little by adding some examples. 16. His illness _(worse) during the 16. His illness _(worse) during the night. night. 17. The black people were against slavery 17. The black people were against slavery a n d f o u g h t f o

35、r t h e i r f r e e d o m a n d f o u g h t f o r t h e i r f r e e d o m _(brave)._(brave).apologizelengthenworsenbravelybravely4618. He went out of the office _ 18. He went out of the office _ (hurry) to run after her. (hurry) to run after her. 19.One _(investigate) described 19.One _(investigate)

36、 described the robbery as a the robbery as a “_ (profession) _ (profession) jobjob”. . 20.Letting that animal escape was no 20.Letting that animal escape was no a c c i d e n t ; y o u d i d i t a c c i d e n t ; y o u d i d i t _(intention)._(intention).hurriedlyinvestigationprofessionalintentional

37、ly47二、请根据中文含义写出下列常见复合词:二、请根据中文含义写出下列常见复合词:复合词复合词词性词性中文意义中文意义1.n.护照护照2.vt.下载下载3.n.降雨量降雨量4.adj.非凡的非凡的5.adj.超重的超重的passport downloadrainfall extraordinary overweight 48复合词复合词词性词性中文意义中文意义6.n.打字机打字机7.vt.克服克服, 战胜战胜8.adj 坦率的坦率的9.n.女推销员女推销员10.adv.在户外在户外outdoors outspoken/straightforward typewriter saleswoman overcome 即时练习:即时练习:根据黑体词在句中所作句子成根据黑体词在句中所作句子成分分, 判断其词性及其意义。判断其词性及其意义。1.In particular, there was (and perhaps still is) a belief in fairies (仙女仙女) 名词名词 in particular 尤其尤其, 特别是特别是2. Only thus


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