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1、2021学年第一学期七年级英语期中试卷完卷时间:70分钟 总分值:100分Part I Listening (25%)I. Listen and choose the right picture根据你所听到的内容,选出相应的图片)5%n . Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.根据你所听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案8%D . A doctor .D .Green .D . Four .()6. A. A nurse .B . A waiter .C.A policeman .(

2、)7. A .White .B . Red .C.Black .()8. A . One .B .Two .C.Three .()9. A . Because she can go swimming.B . Because there are many flowers.C . Because there is a lot of sunshine.D Because there are a lot of butterflies .()10. A.The one on the right.C. No one.B. The one on the left.D. The one in the midd

3、le.D. 4.D. At 7:30.()11. A. 1.B. 2.C. 3.()12. A . At 6:00.B. At 7:00.C. At 6:30.()13. A. She became a beautiful singer.B. She became a beautiful doctor.C. She became a beautiful teacher.D. She became a beautiful model.m . Listen to the passageand tell whether the following statementsare true orfalse

4、 判断以下句子是否符合你所听到的短文内容,符合的用T表示,不符合的用F表示6%()14. It was warm and sunny. Mike and his friends went to swim in the lake.()15. May could skate very well, but Jane could not.()16. Jim fell into the water and called for help.()17. A policeman heard and came to help the boy go out.()18. The policeman took the

5、 boy to a hospital and he was saved.()19. Jim's parents thanked the farmer.IV . Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks.根据你所听到的内容,完成短文,每 空格限填一词)6%Nancy is 20 years old. She is from America. She studies in Class 2. Herhobbies are swimming,21 and many other things. She likes Chinese food andC

6、hinese people. Butshe is22at Chinese. So she often helps the Chinesestudents to learn23. And they help her with Chinese. They are always veryhappy together .In 24 years, Nancy will be a teacher in China. She will stayin China with her25. Because she loves China very much, she say s: Chinasmy second

7、home.3.24.25.Part n Vocabulary and Grammar ( 45%)I. Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案)20%26. The Great Wallis very famous and it ' f岫aryidice. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word?A./f?2t/B. /fi:st /C. /fri:st /D. /frist /27. There is SPCA officer in the office. He

8、can help you, I think.A. aB. anC. theD. /28. 一 are you going to stay in Beijing?D. How farD. are swimmingD. with us danger.We are going to stay there for a week .A. How long B. How much C. How often29. On Kunming Lake, people can see swans happily.A. to swimB. swimmingC. swam30. Shanghai is a great

9、city many interesting places.A. ofB. byC. for31. Dogs are our good friends and sometimes they canA. keepawayB. keeptoC. keep from D. keepat32. I my homework soon, please wait a minute.A. finishB. will finishC. is finishingD. finished33. Tom in Beijing since he left university.A. livesB. have livedC.

10、 will liveD. has lived34. I ve got many paper planes. Do you like that colorful?A. one'sB. onesC. oneD. it35. We thanked Mr. Brown for us to visit his own farm.A. inviteB. invitedC. invitingD. has invited36. We call people from .A. India, IndianB. British, BritainC. Australia, AustralianD. Ameri

11、ca, Americans37. Our school is much bigger than.A. theyB. theirC. theirsD. themselves38. The plane is faster than the train, but is.A. cheapB. cheaperC. expensiveD.more expensive39. His brother is a(n). He often moves people furniture to their new flats.A. firemanB. removal manC. ambulance workerD.

12、postman40. The homeless dog will have no food drink.A. /B. butC. andD. or41. Mary enjoys books at weekends.A. readsB.readC.to readD.reading42. You are so tall. Dont sit me. I cant see the words on the blackboard.A. next toB.behindC.nearD.in front of43. Tom the bus station quite early this morning.A.

13、 arrived atB.gotC.reached toD.arrived in44. Our flat is big enough, sowe moveto a bigger one.A. don't needB.needntC.neednt toD.not need to45. I was just in time to get there for the meeting. Thank you for lending me the bike.A. That' s right.B. Of course not.C. You' re welcome.D. The sam

14、e to you.II. Complete the following passage with the words or phrase in the box. Each can only be used one e将以下单词或词组填入空格.每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次).5%A. calledB. mineC. noticeD.darkE. blackF. ran awayThis is a true story. It happened to a friend of 46 a year ago. While my friend, George, was reading in bed, t

15、wo thieves climbed into another room. It was very 47, so they turned on the light. Suddenly, they heard a voice behind them.What s up?' What s up?' someone 48.The thieves turned off the light and 49 as quickly as possible. George heard the noise and came downstairs quickly. He turned on the

16、light, but he couldn't 50 anyone. The thieves have already gone. But Georges parrot, Henry, was stillthere. What s up Georger he called. Nothing, Henry," George said and smiled. Go back to sleep.46. 47. 48. 49. 50.III. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper for mS 括号 中所

17、给单词的恰当形式完成以下句子.每空格限填一词)8%51. Wenhui Daily is a newspaperin China and it has a large number ofreaders. (nation)52. More and more come to China and enjoy the trip very much. (foreign)53. Here s an from Mark for you. (invite)54. We mustri t be to animals. (kind)55. With the help of the policemen, the m

18、issing girl came back home. (safe)56. Please write to me soon and tell me about. (you)57. I have many books so I think I need two. (shelf)58. Mary takes her dog to the park for a walk a day. (two)IV. Complete the following sentences as required据所给要求完成句子.59-64小题每空格限填一词)12%59. We are going to visit th

19、e Great Wall this summer.改为一般疑问句) going to visit the Great Wall this summer?60. Lily took the sick dog to the SPCA yesterday.改成否认句)Lily the sick dog to the SPCA yesterday.61. You should feed the 4-month-old dog 3 - 4 times a day划线提问) should I feed the 4-month-old dog?62. It took him three hours to c

20、lean the garden保持原意)He three hours the garden.63. Her job is very interesting.撼叹句) her job is!64. singing, the girls, in the music room, songs, are;底词成句)Part m Reading and Writing (30%)1. Reading comprehension.(阅读理解)A. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)5%I read some stories about amazing people

21、 today. Here I ' dke to share some interesting things with you.Xie Qiuping, a Chinese woman, has the longest hair in the world. Her hair was 5.672 meters long in 2004! How amazing! Before I got to know this, I thought my hair was quite long, It is nearly 50 cm long. I don' t know how she was

22、hes her hair.There is a man in France called Michel Lotito. He eats such items as metal, glass and rubber. He once even ate a plane! How strange! I don' t think metal is as tasty assweets and chocolates.The tallest man in the world lived in the USA. His name was Robert PershingWadlow. He was 2.7

23、2 meters tall. I want to know if he lived in a flat like mine. How could he go into the room? The tallest man was born in 1918 and died in 1940.()65. Where does the woman with the longest hair come from?A. FranceB. The USA C. KoreaD. China)66. Michel Lotito once ate. It A. some sweetsB. a plane)67.R

24、obert Pershing Wadlow was the A. shortestB. oldess so amazing!C. some hairsD. a frogman in the world.C. tallestD. smallest)68. Robert Pershing Wadlow died at the age of.A. 18B. 22C. 48D. 58 )69. The best title of the passage is.A. The amazing peopleB. The amazing womanC. The longest hairD. The talle

25、st manB. Choose the words or expressions and complete the pass aQfe择最恰当的单 词或词语完成短文):6%It is interesting to visit another country, but there are sometimes problems when we don't know the 70 very well. It may be difficult to talk with the people there. We may not know how to use the telephone in t

26、he country we are visiting We may not know how to buy the thing we need In a 71 country we might not know where to eat or what to order in a 72. It is not easy to decide how 73to tip(给小费)waiters or taxi drivers. When we need help we might not know how to ask for help. It is not pleasant to have an e

27、xperience(历)74 that. After a shorttime, however, we learn what to do and what to say We learn to enjoy life in 75 country, and then we may be sorry to leave()70.A.peopleB. countryC. languageD. words()71.A.strangeB. knownC. nativeD. new()72.A.schoolB. shopC. restaurantD. hospital()73.A.oftenB. manyC.

28、 soonD. much()74.A.asB. forC. likeD. with()75.A.otherB. anotherC. othersD. the otherC. Read the passageand fill in the blanks with proper words.(首字母填空) 6%Hello, I'm Tom. I'm going to m 76 in a new flat in Rose Garden Estate this Sunday. The new flat is very big b 77 I have a very big family.

29、 There are five people in my family. My grandfather and grandmother live w78us. There are three bedrooms and two sitting rooms in my flat. My bedroom is the s 79 one, but it 'the most beautiful. My flat isn't in the center of city. It s in thecountryside. My grandmother likes it becauseit s

30、very q 80 and beautiful in the countryside. All of us like this flat. We live h81 together here.76. m77. b78. w79. s80. q81. hD. Answer the questions* 根据短文内容答复以下问题5%The Dead Sea is not a sea. It is a big lake in the Jordan,旦Valley 河谷.It is near the city of Jericho 耶禾哥.The river Jordan runs into the

31、Dead Sea. It comes from the north. The lake is 400 metres below the sea level 海平面.The weather is hot there and the water is salty. Fish can not live in the salty water and plants can not grow near it. People can not swim well in the Dead Sea, but they can float on the water. You can often see people

32、 floating on the lake, reading books and newspapers. The water is very blue and the air is clear. In winter, people come to the lake. They sit in the sunshine or bathe in the warm water.82. Is the Dead Sea a sea or a lake?83. Which river runs into the Dead Sea?84. The lake is below the sea level, is

33、n it?85. What can you often see people doing on the lake?86. When do people come to the sea and sit in the sunshine?n . Writing 写话8%Write a short passage of at least 60 words about the topic 'A visit to请以“一次去 的参观为题写不少于60个单词的短文Use the following points as a guide:1. Where did you go?2. Who did you

34、 go with?3. How did you go?4. What did you do there?5. What did you think of this trip?Part I Listening (25%)I . 5%1. Mike often listen to the radio.2. Look! The boys are playing basketball in the playground.3. My father always washes his car by himself.4. Mike is a football player. He plays footbal

35、l with his friend every day.5. My mother goes to work by bicycle every day.1-5 B F A C Dn. 8%6. M: Hi, Susan. What is your new job?W: Hi, Mike. Now I am a nurse. What about you?M: I am a waiter in a restaurant.Q: What does Mike do?7. M: Hi, Lily. Can you help me find my pen?W: Certainly, Tom. What c

36、olour is it?M: It s a black one.Q: What colour is Tom's pen?8. M: Lily, I moved to a new flat.W: I am glad to hear that. How big is it?M: It is 100 square meters. There are two large bedrooms, a large sitting room and a balcony.Q: How many balconies are there in the mars new flat?9. M: Which sea

37、son do you like best?W: I think my favourite season is summer because I can go swimming in summer.Q:Why dose Ann like summer best?10. M: Susan, can you tell me which sign means no smoking''?W: The one in the middle.Q:Which sign means no smoking''?11. M: Mary, how is your new room?W:

38、It is really wonderful. It is a big one with two big windows.Q: How many windows does Mary's new room have?12. M: What time do you get up every day, Nancy?W: I often get up at 6 o'clock on weekdays and on Saturdays and Sundays I get up at 6:30.Q: What time does Nancy get up on Sundays?13. W:

39、Last night I had a dream.M: .What did you dream about?W: I became a beautiful model.Many people came to see me.Q: What did the girl dream about?6-13 A C A D B C Dm. 6%It snowed hard that day. Mike and his friends went to skate on the lake. May couldn't skate, so Mike taught her. Jane tried to st

40、op him, but he didn "t listen to her. After a few minutes, they heard him calling for help. Help! Help! Then they found he had fallen into the water. They run to him and, May, the youngest of them shouted loudly there. A farmer was working near the lake and heard her. He took off his coat, jump

41、ed into the water and saved the boy. Their clothes were all wet. He took the boy to a hospital. Jim' s parents thanked him very much.14. F 15 F 16. T 17. F 18. F 19. TIV. 6%Nancy is a thirteen-year-old girl. She is from America. She is in Class 2. She likes swimming, singing and many other things.


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