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1、双语阅读Life-The n and Now生活-过去和现在odd: Hey Meg, so I thought we would talk aboutthen and now, thep rese ntand the p ast.托德:嘿,梅格,我们来谈谈那时和现在,现在和过去。Meg Sounds good.梅格:听上去不错。Todd: So, it's very easy to compare thin gs,compare things now, and sometimes peoplethin kth ingswere better inthep ast,or things

2、were worse in thep ast,so let's see what you think. The first one is are you happierno w than you were last year?托德:现在很容易对事情进行比较,有时人们认为以前更好,也有人认为以前更糟糕,我们来听听看你的想法。第一个问题是,你现在比去年更幸福吗?Meg Am I happier now? I think I'm about the same happin esslevel, so last year I was happy withmy job and my fam

3、ily and my friends and this year rmstill happy.What about you? Areyou happier now than last year?梅格:我现在更幸福吗?我想我的幸福程度和去年差不多,去年我对我的工作、家庭和朋友感到满意,今年我依然感到很满意。你呢?你现在比去年更幸福吗?Todd:I am happier because last year I was still in coliegein graduate school and Ifini shed.托德:我今年更幸福,因为去年我还在读研究生,而现在我已经毕业了。MegCon gr

4、atulatio ns.梅格:祝贺你。Todd:Yes, and I have more free time now and because oyear. Lessstressed.托德:嗯,我现在的空闲时间更多,所以我今年更幸福。压力更少。MegLess stressed alwaysmakes up happier.梅格:压力少通常就会更幸福。Todd:OK, so then ext one is do you thinkyou are healthierthese days tha n you were before, sayten years af that, I'm happ

5、 ier this8 / 6go?托德:好,下一个问题是你现在比以前更健康吗?比如和10年前的健康状况相比?Meg Actuallyno.Ithi nkI am nothealthier-than 1was about tenyearsago. LatelyI'vebeen sobusythatIhave n't bee ntak ingenoughtimetoexercise orcookhealthy food, soI would sayIwasp robablyhealthiertenyears ago. What about yourself? Are you hea

6、lthier now orbefore?梅格:实际上并不是。我认为我现在并不比10年比更健康。最近我一直非10年前更常忙,没有足够的时间锻炼或烹饪健康的食物,所以我想我可能健康一些。你呢?你现在比以前更健康吗?托德:我认为我现在更健康。虽然我现在比10年前胖一些,不过我喝酒少Todd: Ithi nkI'm healthieractually.Eve nthoughrmalittlefattertha n 1 wasten yearsago,Idri nkless and I eatmorevegetables.I eat lessfastfood.Ithink I getmoresl

7、ee p, and Ifeellessstressed,soIthink I ama littlebit healthiertha nI wastenyearsag0.了,而且我现在吃的蔬菜更多。我现在很少吃快餐。另外,我的睡眠时间更多了,我感觉压力少了,所以我想我现在比10年前更健康一些。MegYeah, that defi nitely soundshealthier.梅格:对,听起来你现在肯定更健康。Todd:But I'm older so that'syou know.托德:不过我年龄大了,你懂的。Meg梅格:对,年龄大了,但是更健康了。Right, well old

8、er and healthier.Todd:ssedRight. OK, so how about stress ? Are you more strenow than you were five yearsago?托德:好。那压力呢?你现在的压力比 5年前大吗?Meg That's ahard questi on.P robably I'maboutthesame, so I would n'tsay thatI'm morestressednow,butfiveyears ago Iwas finishingmy master'sdegree,sot

9、hatwas also astressful time, and lately rve been quite busy so I'mprobablyat the same stress level as fiveyea rs ago. What about yourself? Are you more stressed now?梅格:这是个很难回答的问题。可能我的压力差不多一样,我不会说我现在的压力更大,不过5年前我即将完成硕士学位,那时也是压力很大的时刻,而最近我一直很忙,所以我现在的压力程度可能和5年前一样。你呢?你现在压力更大吗?Todd: I think I'm les

10、s stressed now actually because nowI worry lesstha nI did before, sobefore I was more st ressed because I worried about everything, and now rve learned to let itgo, let things go. I don't let them b other me.托德:我想实际上我现在的压力更小,因为我现在担心的事情比以前少了,以前我压力更大,因为我对所有事情感到担心,而现在我学会了放手,让事情顺其自然。我不会再让那些事情烦扰我了。Me

11、g That sounds like a good p olicy.梅格:听起来是个不错的方法。Todd: Yeah.托德:对。Meg So, you think you'reless worried now, but whatabout your future. Are youmore worriedaboutyour futurehan before?梅格:你认为你现在担心的更少了,那未来呢?相比于以前,你现在对未来更担心吗?Todd: Ooh, you knowwhat,yeah I do thinkrm moreworried about my futurenowbecause

12、 I'molderso rm more worried about money.I'm more worried aboutwhat I'll bedoing inteny ears,job security , things like that, sosadly I am a littlemore worried about that.托德:哦,你知道,我认为我现在更担心我的未来,因为我年纪大了,所以我对钱越来越担心。我对未来 10年我要做的事情、还有就业保障等等感think about.到越来越担心,不幸的是,我现在更担心这些事情。Meg There's a

13、 lot more to梅格:有很多要考虑的事情。Todd: Yeah, so butI'm lessworried aboutmy life dayto day.Everythi nghappeningaroun dme, so Iguess that'swhy Ifeel lessworriedtha n I was sayfive years ago.托德:对,不过我现在对自己日常生活的担心比以前少了。现在我对周围所发生事情的担心更少了,我想这就是我的担忧比5年前少了的原因。Meg Right.梅格:没错。Todd:How about you? Are you morew

14、orriedabout your futurethese days?托德:你呢?你现在对未来的担心比前多了吗?MegI don't think so.I have agood joband I likewhereI live so I don'tfeel tooworriedaboutwhatI'llbedoing next year orin five years, butp robablyshouldplan ahead a bitmore. Maybe I should be alittle more worried, but Ifeel OK about the


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