



1、HistoryIberia nsCelts, Gaels, Brit onsRoma nsAn glo-Sax onsVikings & Danes英国部分-Irish, Scottish, Welsh culture and Ianguage-Alphabet,Romancivilization, Christianity-English race and IanguageNew dialectsNorma ns(France)-French Ianguage2.2 The MagnaCarta/TheGreat Charter (1215)贵族)forced King Joh n

2、to sig n the Magna Carta? The Great Council of barons( limit ing his po wer2.3 The HundredYears' War withFrance (1337 -1453)Reas ons: Territorialand economic?The King couldnot levy extrataxeswithoutpeople' s consent?King could not change laws?If King refused to obey laws, the vassals couldre

3、sort to civil war?Freedom of tradeand self-governmentto townspeople?Beginning of civilrights?No imprisonmentuni ess con victedbya jury?Life and propertyp rotected?First ste p towardscon stituti onalgover nmentEn glish kings ' po ssessi on of land in France; the cloth manu facturi ng tow ns in Fl

4、a nders were imp orters of En glish wool, but owed p olitical allegia nee to theFrench king; France gave support to the Scots; a growing sense of national con scious nessEdward III claimed the French crow n in 1337.By 1453, France had won back their land (with gunpo wder) exce pt for city of Calais.

5、2.4 Richard II (1377-1399): The cause of the War of the Roses(1455-1485)(Lan castria n and Yorkist Houses)Lan castria ns:Red roseas the symbolYorkists:White rose asthe symbolFightingfor the thronein EnglandMa ny n obles killedHenry VII stre ngthe nedhis claim to thethroneby marryingElizabeth,a daugh

6、ter of Yorkist Edward IV. Theunionof the two houses ended thewar.The Tudors (1485-1603):sea powerandP rotesta ntismThe Tudor dynastysawthe transitionofEn gla ndfrom a feudal country to modernstate. Capitalismrep lacedfeudalismTextilein dustrylaborEnclosureMovement- cheapTheTudor-erainEn gla ndstarte

7、dfromthe reig n ofKi ng HenryVIII.Shortlyafterbeco mingking, HenryVIII took Catheri neof Aragonas hisbride on11June1509. He inherited£1.5milli on poundsfrom hisfatherandsucceededinthefirst p eacefultran siti onof power after the Wars oftheHenry VIII(1509-1547)Roses.The Reformation:the Church of

8、 England 1534He divorced his wife, Catherine, on the groundsthat theirmarriage was in valid.He married Anne Boleyn.? Pope excommunicatedHenry,which recognizedthe king as thewho rep liedwithsup reme head ofthe Act ofthe ChurchSup remacy,of England.Elizabeth I ( Anne's daughter)becomesQuee n1558-1

9、603"Virginqueen"Seen by many as the" IllegitimateQueen"? King Philip of Spain said Mary Queen of eal QueenScots(Mary' s cousin)was rPhilip sent Spanish Armada(无敌舰队)toattack? Spanish Armada destroyed in North master of the seas 海上霸主Sea(1588)and En gla nd became4.1 The Civil Wa

10、r(Stuart House)4.1.1James I: risingdissentionElizabeth I died childless, the thronepassedtoher distant Stuart relative, James VI.Major p roblemsLack of moneyBitter religious disse nsionThe In dustrialRevolution 18th-19thC?4.1.2 Charles I (1625-1649)?Successful rebelli on?Involvedin the wars againstS

11、pain,France and Scotland?Parliamentpassed resolutionsagainst illegal taxes and his religious poCharles IdissolvedP arliame ntand imprisonedthe leaders.4.1.3 TheCivil War (1642-1649)War brokeout in 1642Cavaliersfor KingRoundheadsfor the ParliamentRadicals:Purita nsfor the ParliamentModerates:presbyte

12、rsand Anglicansfor theP arliame ntOn January 30 1649, Charles I was beheadedOliver Cromwell(1649-1660)En gla ndnow a rep ubliccalled Common wealthA dictatorshipof a radicalminorityTitled LordProtector (of the Com monweath)The GloriousRevolution (1688-1689)CharlesII : The Restoration (1660-1688):them

13、on archy retur nsThe Billof Rights 1689William andMary:King and Queen of EnglandP arliame ntarysup remacylicyThe In dustrial Revoluti on was a p eriod from the 18th to the 19th cen tury where major cha nges in agriculture, manu facturi ng, mining, transport, and tech no logy had a profound effect on

14、 the socioec ono mic and cultural con diti ons start ing in the Un ited Kin gdom, the n subseque ntly sp readi ng throughout Europe, North America, and even tually the world. The use of steam-po wered machi nes, led to a massive in crease in the nu mber of factories. The In dustrial Revoluti on mark

15、s a major turning point in huma n history; almost every aspect of daily life was eve ntually in flue need in someway.P olitical SystemForms of the government:mon archyCon stituti on al/Re prese ntative/ Parliame ntaryWestmi nster system/ modelThe Westmi nster system is a democratic p arliame ntary s

16、ystem of gover nment modeled after the p olitics of the Un ited Kin gdom. This term comes from the Palace of Westm in ster, the seat of the Parliame nt of the Un ited Kin gdom.Head of State & theCom mon wealthQueen Elizabeth II (sinee 1952.2.6)Coronation 加冕:1953.6.2温莎王朝Windsor第四代君主Reign but not

17、rule.统而不治Rep rese ntative& Symbolic function.Head of gover nmentPM David Camer on(Con servativeParty)Associate PM (Liberal DemocraticParty)Legislative Branch-the Houses of Parliament(bicameral两院制的)地点设在 the Palaceof WestminsterHouse of Commons chaired by Speaker659 elected MPs ( Member of Parliam

18、ent)目前全国共设 659个选区(constituency, MP ' seat);每 5 年一次普选(gen eral elect ions );1 Electoral system: First-past-the-post(abbreviatedFPTP or FPP) system ; 主要两党为 Conservative & Labor;Voti ng:100% along party lines mostlyHouse of LordsHereditary peer/peeress世袭贵族 + Life peer/peeress终身贵族1 An electio n

19、won by the can didate(s) with the most votes. The winning can didate does not n ecessarily receive an absolute majority of all votes cast.Prime Minister (下议院多数党领袖担任)&Cabinet核心成员1EU1BritishP arliame ntAncient customsJucicialp recedentsMinisters/Secretaries of State 各政府部门部长Civil service (non-polit

20、ical):Advise ministers and implement their policiesJudiciary BranchHeaded by Lord Chancellor, a leading Law Lord appointed by the Prime MinisterFinal Court of Appeal : House of LordsThe English Legal SystemT1Statue LawCom mon Law成义法J普通法|j Equity LawJudicial Precede nt decisi ons of judges.衡平法is the

21、way in which the law is made and ame nded through theStare decisisThe doctri ne of judicial p recede nt is based on the principle of stare decisis, this means that like cases should be treated alike. The gen eral rule is that all courts are bound to follow decisi ons made by courts higher tha n them

22、selves in the hierarchy and app ellate courts are usually bound by their own p revious decisi ons.Bill : Before proposals become law, as they go through the stages in Parliament, they are called a Bill.Clause : The in dividual p arts of a Bill are known as clauses.Act: Once a Bill is passed and beco

23、mes law it is known as an Act.Secti on : The in dividual p arts of an Act are known as secti ons.House of Lords *Apptab from ibc Court of Appeal lund in exceptional clrcurnitoncefrom the Court (also ScoiUnd and INorrhern h'sland) Cjjc>t3dE,n!giefedby iHhtCZWjCourt of Appeal4Criminal DivisionC

24、ivil DivisionAppeab from the Crewn CourtAppeals tram the High Court, tribune/trxj certainfrcmi' county court54H(sh <CourtQueerfs Bench DivbtonCont ract J nd forT, etc Commercial Court Ad hl III 3hy CourtUm#,OlwsJbiIChancery Dlvbn1 Equity and tnj"s(X, contenTlOu-i prohaM.p-irtnerstiipiKin

25、k*uptty wd Comp-Lhi*(7口uri.1Potent. Ozijrt»Aid rrn niseis cl ve Court StipervfK-ry ifndppelloit哙 (urhidKtlon強 the legalityi;it dicisiCni and ncuorv區 &f JnPerior eeurtx trlburiiK, lotal Mffiisr<rs of the Crown aod other |Hjblk b<?di*w aiKJ oFtkiebDlvislonaJ Court Afipe.iK front K h*

26、9;maEtrsit昂courtsDivtilonrtl Court1 Appear? from tlw ooiinry couft'U1on harkfuptcy and li idITCrown 'CourtTnflis ot ind忙tflble offences, appalsfgn-icourts,CA£e£ for sentenceCounty Cour CsWjonry of civil 恤怦凶 subjeci ton.iiTijire of the filin'*Magistrates' CourtsTnali of iumm

27、ary offences, commktalig the Crown Courj. familycourts and youLh courtsTribunalsHear Appeals from deciskMii oirimmigration. &uinW cunry.child support, p«niions, tax nnd landf” doi adrridninerd by HMCS>In side the courtJudges: Appoin ted by her majesty the Quee n, on the advice of the Pri

28、me Mini ster.Lay peopleMagistrates : No jury in a magistrate ' courtJP: Justice of the Peace 治安官Jury:12 lay people Decides guilty or innocentOutside the courtBarristers ( England & Wales) ; Advocates (Scotiand)Plead the case in court有资格出庭辩护的律师SolicitorsPrepare the case for the barrister befo

29、re the court hearing 主要负责整理法律文件, 提供法律咨询的律师Educati on:It was not un til the Educati on Act i n 1944 that all childre n wereSystem:From Trip artite Systemgive n the right to free sec on dary (middle school) educatio n.A trip artite ” system of sec on dary moder n, tech ni cal and grammar schools selec

30、ted11-year-old childre n at the end of their p rimary educatio n by means of an exam called the eleve n plusTo Comp rehe nsive System:In the 1950s, the trip artite system: Not en sure equaleducati onal opportun ities or a meritocracy .In the 1960s, Comp rehe nsive schools were in troduced with the i

31、dea that pup ils should not be selected & streamed at such an early age.Types of schools:State schools : Op erated by p ublic fun ds, totally fun ded by the gover nment and are free to all British childre n.Independent (P rivate) schools: Privately finan ced, fun ded by the fees charged to thepa

32、ren ts. They are both more expen sive and more exclusive, and tend to give their stude nts a better-quality educati on overall.Britai n has more tha n 100 uni versities, which can be categorized into four typ es:1. The ancient uni versities:existed for cen turies, and for a long time the onlyuni ver

33、sities, all of them restricted to men. (E.g. Oxford, Cambridge, St An drew'苏格兰,Glasgow 苏格兰,Edin burgh 苏格兰)2. The redbrick uni versities:foun ded mainly in the late nin etee nth and early twen tiethcen tury (E.g. Birm in gham, Leicester, Liver po ol, Sheffield)3. The un iversities fou nded in the

34、 1960sSussex, East An glia):ofte n in rural areas (e.g. Bath, Essex Surrey,4. The ew universities once vocational polytechnics but were given university statusin 1992 (e.g. Gree nwich, Thames Valley, Ma nchester Metro polita n. West of En gla nd)Theless happytrends Britishuniversitiesare faced with:

35、1.reduct ioninstaff nu mbers2.reduct ioninresearch funding from the government3.decli ningshare of top-level research out put5. A6. ATheWelfare State4. The use of a Research Assessme nt Exercise (RAE) by which the work of every uni versity researcher is assessed in order to decide how much gover nme

36、nt funding uni versities will receive deterioration in the quality of buildings and other facilities brain drain as academics have left to work overseasThere have bee n eleme nts of a welfare system in p lace since the 16th cen tury.1942 comp rehe nsive welfare systemA welfare state is a system of g

37、over nment-run orga ni zatio ns that help every one to havea good quality of life by providing a safetynet of provisions to ensure peoplewelfare ' s(well-be in g).Welfare state aims to offer its citize ns: A life with certa in sp ecified sta ndards of livi ng which it con siders reason able and

38、p ossible for all, and p rotect ion aga inst the unexp ected hazards of life.HealthThe NHS Act (NHS, Natio nal Health Service) became law in 1946 but did not come into effect un til 1948. There existed great oppo siti on from doctors who feared the loss of their p rivate p ractices. The gover nment compro mised and allowed con sulta nts to con


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