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1、课后第一题15分(10个中译英,5个英译中)Parent company 母公司 Subsidiary company子公司 Foreign-owned company外商独资企业 Holding company控股公司 Trade company贸易公司 Trust company信托公司 China Ocean Shipping Company中国远洋运输公司 Nanjing Cereals, Oils and foodstuffs Import & Export Corporation南京粮油食品进出口公司 China National Offshore oil Corp. 中国国家海洋

2、石油总公司 Beijing Stone Group Co. 北京石材集团有限公司Guangzhou Kimberley Mechanical & Electrical Enterprises ltd. 广州金伯利机电企业有限公司。Capital Investment资本投资 Portfolio investment证券投资 Investment portfolio投资组合Investment environment投资环境 Real estate investment房地产投资 Research and development investment研发投入 Investment apprais

3、al投资评估 Common stock普通股 Preferred stock优先股 Non-par value stock无面值股票 Bearer stock不记名股票 Promoters stock发起人股票 Listed stock上市股票 Stock issue股票发行 Stock transfer股权转让 Stock holders equity股票持有人之权益 Stock quotation股票报价 Short-selling卖空Margin trading保证金交易A purchase syndicate采购团 Equity investors股权投资者 Bond yields债券

4、收益率 Share premium股份溢价 Share capital股份资本 To speculate in stocks炒股 To bear the market承担市场To bull the market在多头市场Machine tool industry机床工具行业 Machine building industry机械制造行业Raw materials industry原材料工业 Aerospace industry航空航天工业Textile machinery industry纺织机械行业Textile industry纺织工业Advertising industry广告行业Pro

5、cessing industry加工业Infant industry幼稚产业Service industry服务业 The tertiary industry第三产业The canning industry制罐行业 The construction industry建筑业 Nonresidential construction非住宅建筑 Housing construction住房建设Construction budget施工预算Construction work in process在建工程 Construction contract施工合同Global economy世界经济 The ne

6、wly emerging economies新兴经济体 Consumer economy消费经济Planned economy计划经济 Market economy市场经济 Economic reform经济改革Economic take-off经济腾飞Economic returns经济效益 Special economic zone经济特区 Economic and technical development district经济技术开发区Economic prosperity经济繁荣Economic recession经济衰退Economic sanction经济制裁Economic b

7、lockade经济封锁Economic life-lines经济生活线 Overheated economy经济过热Home economics家庭经济Keynesian economics凯恩斯主义经济学 commercial banks商业银行Investment banks投资银行Exchange banks外汇银行Citibank Corp. 花旗银行公司 Chase Manhattan Bank大通曼哈顿银行Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corp. 香港上海汇丰银行股份有限公司 Bank deposits银行存款Bank reserves银行准备金Ba

8、nk loans银行贷款Bank charges银行收费 Bank draft银行汇票Bank overdraft银行透支The financial position of banks银行的财务状况A banks balance sheet银行的资产负债表Non-bank financial companies非银行金融公司Banking panics银行恐慌Banking reform银行业改革Deregulation of the banking industry银行业放松管制Insurance business保险业务Insurance coverage保险范围Insurance cla

9、use保险条款Insurance portfolio保险组合Insured value保险价值Open policy开放政策Premium rate溢价率Insurance claim保险索赔Insurance indemnity保险赔偿Land transportation insurance陆上运输保险Through transport insurance通过运输保险Life insurance人寿保险Medical insurance医疗保险Insurance underwriter承保人Insurance broker保险经纪Insurance agent保险公司Policy proo

10、f of interest利率政策的证明reinsurance再保险The all American beverage在所有的美国饮料All-weather operations全天候作战An all-time record一个空前纪录All-China Federation of Trade Union所有的中国工会联合会The intercountry red tape国家间的繁文缛节Inter-company bond holdings公司间债券持有Inter-bank deposits银行同业存款International economic cooperation国际经济合作Intra

11、-European service欧洲内部的服务Intra-governmental service funds政府内部服务基金Intra-company transaction公司内部交易Multilateral trade多边贸易An multi-disciplinary project一个多学科项目Pan-European strategies泛欧洲策略Pan-American World Airways泛美世界航空公司The Fifth Pan-American Games第五届泛美运动会An transnational powerhouse一个跨国巨头Transregional co

12、mmodity supplies跨地区的商品供应A trans-African expedition一个跨非洲探险The first transcontinental railway第一条横贯大陆的铁路Bill at sight即期汇票Bill accepted承兑汇票Bill dishonored拒付汇票Bill for acceptance认付汇票 Shipping bill船货清单Blank check空白支票Rubber check空头支票Check to order记名支票 Check to bearer不记名支票Acceptance contract接受合同Unconditiona

13、l acceptance无条件接受Dollar acceptance美元承兑Provisional invoice临时发票Consignment invoice寄售发票Consignment contract寄售合同 Invoice approval stamp核准发票印章Payment against arrival货到付款 Payment on credit付款信用简体写全称(10分)MNC Multinational Corporation跨国公司FDI Foreign Direct Investment国外直接投资TFC Total Fixed Cost固定成本总额AFC Averag

14、e Fixed Cost平均固定成本TVC Total Variable Cost可变成本总额L/C Letter of credit 信用证S/C Sales confirmation 销售确认书B/L Bill of lading 提单S.S. Steam Ship 轮船M.V. Motel Vessel 轮船U.P.S United Parcel Service 联邦快递公司ROE Return on Equity 股东资产净值盈利ROI Return on investment 投资报酬率ROS Return on Sales 销售利润率EPS Earning per share 每股

15、收益AVC Average Variable Cost平均可变成本MR Marginal Revenue边际收入MC Marginal Cost边际成本CIF Cost, Insurance and Fd port of destination成本加保险费,运费CIP Carriage, Insurance paid d place of destination运费,保险费付至(指定目的地)CFR Cost and Fd port of destination成本加运费(指定目的地)FOB Free on Bd por

16、t of shipment船上交货(指定转运港)IPI Insurance Proof of Interest保险证明,保险权益 WPA With particular average 水渍险FPA Free from particular average 平安险EC European Community欧洲共同体EEC European Economic Community欧洲经济共同体EU European Union欧洲联盟IPD Interest, Profit and dividend利息利润和分红OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Co

17、untries石油输出国组织WTO World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织IMF International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织EFTA European Free Trade Association欧洲自由贸易联盟NAFTA North American Free Trade Area北美自由贸易区UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development联合国贸易与发展会议GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade关贸总协定 SWIFT So

18、ciety for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications环球同业银行金融电讯协会 短语翻译(5个10分)公司的战略,政策和计划Corporate strategy, policy and planning种种其他因素A variety of other factors世界贸易和投资的模式World trade and investment patterns除了采掘工业之外With the exception of extractive industries建立海外子公司最重要的动机The most important motive f

19、or setting up overseas subsidiaries寻求新的利润来源The search for new sources of profit对国外经销方法的不满意Dissatisfaction over distribution techniques abroad国外生产设备的定址The location of foreign production facilities企业兼并的巨浪A tremendous surge of acquisition of enterprises通过在国外生产的方式By way of foreign production像税收待遇优惠之类的补贴

20、Subsidies such as preferential tax treatment国际商务决定International business decisions第二单元做正式的物价预测To do official price forecasts由公关部主任主持的专题座谈会A panel discussion hosted by public relations manager主要受益人The main beneficiaries套头保值的好处Hedging benefits所需要供给的原材料Needed supplies of raw materials技术的不断进步Continued a

21、dvances in technology技术革新Technological innovation商品与金融资产之间的价格差别Price disparity between commodities and financial assets一个较令人信服的思想学派A more credible school thought比较富裕的那部分人口The more affluent part of the population在劳工方面On the labor front对利率比较敏感的那部分经济The more interest-sensitive sector of the economy房屋重新

22、装修上的总开支Overall spending on repair and remodelling大大低于最高生产能力Well below full capacity占有市场优势的公司Firms with a dominant market share上涨的原材料成本Rising raw materials costs全国消费者协会The National Association of Consumers工业建筑的回升A pick up in industrial construction乐观的理由Reasons for optimism向急需资金的公司贷款To make loans to c

23、ompanies badly in need of capital超过任何一家美国银行的资产To exceed the assets of any American bank把所有的各种保险索赔计算在内To count in whole classes of insurance claims垄断有关投资者的信息To monopolise information about investors将信用卡应收款项证券化To have credit-card receivables securitised遵照公司的规章制度行事To comply with the companys rules and

24、regulations已出具本票的方式筹集资金To raise capital by issuing promissory notes降低拖欠风险To reduce the risk of default将 18%的资金留做准备金To put 18% of capital in reserve担保储蓄存款To guarantee savings deposited in banks把个人债务和资产转换成证券To convert individual liabilities and assets into securities发行5万份每股面值50美金的股票To issue 50 thousan

25、d shares with the face value of $50 per share蒙受货物损失To be prejudiced by the loss of goods证明具有可保权益To prove ones insurable interest品保险单索赔To make a claim against a policy受理索赔To accept/meet a claim背签提单To endorse a bill of lading赔偿投保人To indemnify the insured按保险金额计算保险费To calculate premiums on the insured v

26、alue 空运发货To make a shipment by air注销一笔债款To write off a debt对负有责任的承运人采取行动To take actions against the liable carriers由保险公司接替这些权利To subrogate the claim to the insurance company确定造成损失的直接原因To establish the actual/proximate cause of the loss感觉到跨国界投资的风险To perceive the risk in cross-border investment以美元计算平均

27、增长30%To rise by 30% on average in dollar terms按大众的心理运转To move on mass psychology蒙受200万美元的巨额损失To suffer a huge loss of $2 million因总统遇刺而紧张不安To get jittery over the assassination of the president表明欧洲经济复苏的迹象Signs pointing to a mild European recovery流入亚太地区的外资Foreign funds flowing into the Asian-Pacific r

28、egion一些债台高筑的发展中国家Some debt-laden developing countries美元对日元的微弱升值The dollars slight rise against the Japanese Yen难以预测的市场反应Unpredictable market reaction现行官方远期汇率The prevailing official forward rate以外汇开具的发票Invoice billed in foreign currency国际商业交易中商品的定价The pricing of merchandise in an international busine

29、ss transaction与外汇交易紧密相关的问题Problems closely associated with foreign exchange transaction货到后凭单付现款Cash against documents on arrival of goods结算应收账款To settle accounts receivable银行拒付通知Bank notice of dishonor预付现款Payment in advance以贸易账户方式出售Selling on open account以银行间转账方式付款To make payment by bank transfer承担一

30、切信贷风险和境外风险To accept/bear all credit and cross-border risks做出有无追索权的决定To make a recourse or non-recourse decision大型国有企业Large state-owned enterprises外国独资企业Wholly foreign-owned enterprises中外合资企业Sino-foreign joint ventures面向出口的企业Export-oriented enterprises高科技工业High-tech industries新汽车的销售量New-car sales vol

31、ume总部设在俄勒冈州的运动鞋业巨霸The Oregon-based athletic shoe giant迄今在中国最大的一笔投资The largest-ever investment in China大大改善了的商业环境The greatly-improved business environment在长达3年的经济衰退之后After a three-year-long recession公司发言人A company spokesman经济顾问Economic consultant瑞典一家工程公司的总裁President of a Swedish engineering firm在伦敦的一

32、家美国公司的汽车业分析家An automobile analyst with an American firm in London一个做全球生意的权威A global-business guru一个研究全球竞争的专家An expert on global competition在布鲁塞尔的美国商会欧盟事务所主任Manager of EU affairs for the American Chamber of Commerce in Brussels“亚洲杯”拍球邀请赛的所有赞助单位All the sponsors of the “Asian Cup” Volleyball Invitation

33、al Tourament美国首席器械制造厂家Americas leading appliance maker个人计算机行业里的首脑公司The leader in personal computer句子翻译(5个10分)这些因素都直接关系到国际投资的流向(bearing)All these factors have a direct bearing on international investment flows公司经理考虑了将冒的风险之后,决定在东道国再投资60万美元(to allow for)After allowing for risk, the corporate managers d

34、ecided to make an additional investment of $600,000 in the host country.为了进一步开发国外市场,很多公司已在国外设立了销售部或者子公司(to tap)In order to further tap overseas markets, many companies have set up their foreign marketing divisions or subsidiaries.吸引外资发展国民经济是非常重要的,这对发展中国家来说尤其如此(to be true of)It is imperative to acqui

35、re foreign funds to develop the national economy. This is particularly true of the developing countries.降低生产成本是决定建立海外生产设施的主要因素之一(to underlie)Reduction of production costs is one of the major factors that underlie the decision to set up overseas productive facilities产品质量的好坏,价格是否具有竞争力,对公司的成败极为重要(to be

36、 of importance)Products of high quality and their competition prices are of great importance to the success or failure of a company.他建议减价10%,以便扩大市场占有率,这一建议已纳入公司的销售计划。(to incorporate)He suggests cutting down the price by 10% so as to enlarge the market share. His suggestion has been incorporated into

37、 the companys marketing plan.全球化是确保产品成本最低,质量最高的最好方法。(to assure)Globalization is the best way to assure the highest quality product at the lowest cost.今年增长的销售额足以抵消去年的损失This years rise in sales is more than enough to offset the loss last year.随着利率的提高,预计基本建设开支很快将平定下来,不再增长了。With the rise of interest rat

38、e, spending on capital construction is expected to level off soon.确切地说,这是一个我们应在价格上还是在产品上与三大巨头竞争的问题。It is more a question of whether we should compete with the Big Three on price or on product.联邦预算赤字在1992财政年度达到高峰,在1994和1995财政年度里将再度下降。The federal budget deficit, which peaked in fiscal 1992, will decli

39、ne again in 1994 and 1995.外贸赤字的增大意味着美国必须吸引更多的外资。The larger foreign trade deficit means that the U.S will have to attract more foreign capital.鉴于拉美市场的混乱,目前对股票的走向看法不一。The stock is controversial at the moment, given the turmoil in Latin American markets.墨西哥危机也阻碍了投资流入泰国,这不是坏事而是好事,因为政府不必进一步提高利率就可以控制住经济。T

40、he crisis in Mexico has also dampened investment flows into Thailand, which is a blessing rather than a curse, since the government can keep the economy under control without raising interest rates further.伴随着经济快速增长而来的是收入和消费的猛增而后者反过来又刺激经济进一步增长。With the rapid economic growth comes a sharp increase in

41、 incomes and consumption, which in turn stimulates the economy to further grow.政府已经采取了果断措施使长达3年的过热经济降温。The government has taken drastic measures to cool the 3-year-long over-heated economy当前经济正接近全力运转,几乎可以肯定,国内生产总值的增长将放慢而不是加速。Right now the economy is operating close to full capacity, with GDP growth

42、almost certain to slow down rather than accelerate.建筑业哪一部分对利率不太敏感,而更与公司利润相关?Which sector of the construction industry is less interest rate sensitive but more corporate-profits related?非耐用消费品开支8年来第一次与收入同步增长。For the first time in 8 years, spending on consumer nondurables has kept pace with the rise i

43、n income. 许多住房建筑市场分析家争辩说尽管提高了利率,建筑业总开支在年底前也不会下滑。Many housing analysts reason that despite the rise in interest rates, overall spending on construction wont slide down before the end of the year.经济衰退对美容业比对其他行业构成的威胁要小。The recession posed less of a threat to the beauty industry than to other industries

44、.世界范围对高科技产品的需求在今后10年里将超过60个亿。Worldwide demand for high-tech products would top $6 billion in the next decade公司把生产成本降低了27%,使其成为利润最高的公司之一The company lowered its production costs by 27%, making it one of the most profitable companies银行业所受到的来自这两方面的攻击可能将导致它的最终衰落,这样说可能有悖于人们的直觉It may seem counter-intuitive

45、 to say that the two-pronged assault on banking might be leading to its terminal decline银行保留的准备金越多,银行在一些借款人无力偿还贷款时倒闭的可能性就越小The more capital a bank holds in reserve, the less likely its collapsing in the event of some creditors being unable to pay off their loans.这项工程所需要的开支将比你所预算的大得多The project will

46、entail much greater expenses than you have budgeted.你清楚投资海外可能带来的风险吗?Are you aware of the risk that investing abroad may entail?对一位公司的总裁来说,这都是些令人感到宽慰的想法,唯一不足之处是忽略了竞争对手越来越多这个现实These should be pretty consoling thought if you are president of a company. The only flaw in them is that they all overlook th

47、e reality of a growing array of competitors.什么导致美元连续不断贬值?What lies behind this continuous depreciation of the US dollars?证券化进程远远超出了直接发行证券的范围The process of securitization has gone well beyond the direct issuing of securities.使事情更糟的是,银行即使获得了想要的法律和自由,也难免遭受来自非银行金融机构的竞争What makes matters worse is that ev

48、en if banks acquire the legal freedom they want, they would not be safe from the competition of non-banks.我们已为下列船货按5400美元保险额投保综合险。We have taken out insurance for the following shipment against All Risks for the sum of US $5400.保险事宜由你方安排,但希望该或也报战争险。We leave the insurance arrangements to you but we wi

49、sh to have the goods covered against war risk as well由于你公司持有保险单,希望你公司能先付款,然后向保险公司索赔保险金额。As you hold the insurance policy, we should be grateful if you would make the payment first and then claim for the insured value on the insurance company.如发现预约保险单客户故意不申报船货,保险公司有权取消该保险单。If the open policy holder i

50、s found not to declare its shipment deliberately, the insurance company has the right to void the policy.如你方同意接受此费率,请告知船货的详细情况,以便我公司据此出具保险单。If you find the premium rate acceptable, please inform us of the details of your shipment so that we may issue the policy accordingly. 漏损险是一种特别险别,需额外收保险费Leakage

51、 is a special risk, for which an extra premium will have to be charged我们对破损造成的损失不负赔偿责任,你的保险单上没有破损险。We are not liable for the loss caused by breakage, which is not an insured risk on your policy.保险公司拒绝理赔,因为所需文件补全,缺少提单原件。The insurance company refused to meet the claim as the required documents were in

52、complete, short of the original bill of lading.新兴金融市场特别易受外界应响,当前墨西哥金融危机就是一个很好的例证。The current Mexican financial crisis is a good example of emerging financial markets that are especially susceptible to outside influence.这些国家的经济不景气令人可怕的不是通货膨胀而是通货紧缩。Their economies being sluggish, inflation is not fear

53、ed as much as deflation.该公司的B股股票将于下周三在上海股票市场挂牌交易。The companys B shares will begin trading on the Shanghai market next Wednesday.普遍看法似乎是:短期利率剧增将损害股票的价格。The consensus seemed to be that a significant hike in short-term interest rates would hurt equities prices.该公司股票价格现为70美元,今年每股盈收益8.75美元,所以显示出售价为收益率的8倍

54、。Now the stock is $70 and should earn $8.75 per share this year, so it is selling a 8 times earning上周美元对日元的汇率下滑到新的低点,自二战以来第一次以低于100日元的汇率收盘。The dollar slid to new lows against the Yen last week, closing below 100 Yen for the first time since 2nd World War.长期利率下跌将刺激经济的发展,尤其是房地产业,但令那些赌注经济将减慢的投资者大失所望。Th

55、e drop in long-term interest rates will stimulate the economy, especially housing, disappointing investors betting on slowdown.或者经济必须搞上去,或者过高的股票价格必须回落,与经济现状相一致,二者必居其一。Either the economy must go up, or overvalued share must fall in line with underlying economic realities.他们决定上诉法庭以追回这家时装公司应付的欠款They ha

56、ve decided to have recourse to the courts to obtain money due from this fashion company. 我们愿退让一步,以45天为期的信用证方式敲定这笔生意We are ready to meet you half way and reach an agreement by L/C at 45 days.买方在持票人出示卖方开具的即期跟单汇票时应立即付款,付款后方交装运单据。Upon first presentation the buyer shall pay against documentary draft drawn by the seller at sight. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only.买方核对单据无误后按全部发票金额将货款支付给在纽约的中国银行。Having found documents in order, the buyer shall pa


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