1、考试步骤:中级口语考试由以下几个步骤组成: 8-10分钟考官与考生相互问候和介绍考官与考生进行自由对话(3分钟)考生考生从电脑上随机选择题号,根据所选话题,根据提示,进行观点陈述(2-3分钟)回答考官的提问(2-3分钟) 结束考试,考生退场考试步骤:中级口语考试由以下几个步骤组成: 8-10分钟考官与考生相互问候和介绍(1分钟)考官与考生进行自由对话(3分钟)考生考生从电脑上随机选择题号,根据所选话题,根据提示,进行观点陈述(2分钟)回答考官的提问(2-3分钟) 结束考试,考生退场北京英语口语证书考试中级口试试题(口试时间8-10分钟)I .Introduction and General C
2、onversation (about 4 minutes)Good morning/afternoon.Sit down, please.I am(examiners full name).What is your name? And what is your registration number (准考证号)?Can I have your mark sheet, please? (Can you give me the mark sheet, please?) (Please give me that sheet of paper.) Thank you.Now, first of al
3、l, Id like to know something about you.How did you get here today?How long have you lived here?Are you studying or do you work?If the candidate is a student, ask the following questionsHow long have you been learning English?How important is English to you?Can you tell me something about your early
4、school days? What were they like?Thank you, Now, Id like to ask you questions about your personal experience.Whats the most exciting thing youve ever done?What is your favorite way of relaxing?What do you enjoy doing with your friends?What kind of music do you enjoy most?Do you like animals? Why( no
5、t)?Thank you. Now, Id like to ask you one more question. Select one more question for the candidateTell me about your best friend.Do you and your friends share the same ideas?Who are the most important people in your life?How ambitious are you?How important is TV to you?Whats the longest journey you
6、ve ever been on?II. Presentation and Discussion ( about 4 minutes )Now, here are some topics. Please choose one topic from them.Show the candidate 8 numbered cards at random order, and all facing down, so that the information on them will not be seen, and ask him/her to choose a card.What is your to
7、pic?Read out the topic area that the candidate has chosen.Your topic is.Read the information under each topicNow you have 30 seconds to prepare your talk.Allow the candidate 30 seconds before saying.Would you like to begin now?Now you have 2 minutes to talk about it, and then Ill ask you some questi
8、ons.Allow the candidate 2 minutes to give the presentationII. Presentation and Discussion ( about 4 minutes )Thats the end of the test, Thank you.分项打分的合格标准为:领悟及反应:领悟及反应:能够完全领悟考官的要求,积极主动地与考官交流,能够完成该级目标描述中设定的任务。语音语调:语音语调:语音语调正确、自然、得体、流畅,一般不会给对方造成理解上的困难;能够使用基本的语音手段,如重音或语调表达自己的态度或情感。词汇语法:词汇语法: 熟悉日常生活及其它多种场合下口头交际中使用的各种词汇和句型、能够有效地运用这些词汇和句型进行表达,允许出现语法或用词方面的错误,但不会给对方理解造成困难。互动交际:互动交际:能够在比较广泛的积极场合有效地使用得体的语言进行交际,能够主动地展开话题,并围绕话题进行讨论,知道如何结束话题;交流中能够使用一些常见的衔接手段把自己的意思表达得清楚、顺畅、允许交际中出现停顿。连贯表达
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