



1、Lesson ElevenEXERCISESI. Translate.1) into English(1) 塑造年轻人的心灵(2) 克制冲动(3) 涂上黄油(4) 作好了准备;创造了条件(5) 污染环境(6) 经历了很大的痛苦折磨(7) 喷上油漆(8) 使声音平静(9) 缓和口气(10) 造成未曾料到的伤害(11) 创造奇迹(12) 获得权力(13) 抛弃朋友(14) 放弃这一城市(15) 解决这一争端(16) 解决这一问题(17) 赏心悦目(18) 侵入那个国家 (19) 侵犯某人隐私(20) 挖一口井2) into Chinese(1) evil spell(2) browned and

2、withered vegetation(3) harsh reality(4) air contamination(5) lethal weapons(6) synthetic materials(7) an inventive mind(8) brand names(9) chemical war(10) advance investigation(11) a life-and-death struggle(12) introduced species(13) natural reserves(14) intensification of agricultureII. Give synony

3、ms.1) countless2) abundance3) to tremble4) substantial5) harsh6) to mold7) to alter8) to employ9) geared to10) precisely11) to undergo12) futile13) synthetic14) to emerge15) pollution16) lethal17) assault18) sinister19) to modifyIII. Translate.1) 造房子不是开玩笑的事情,你们每一步都必须仔细检查。2) 他的部队成功地阻止了敌人的前进。3) 我当时很想批

4、驳他的观点,但是我克制住了,因为我觉得这场合不太合适。4) 你肯定我们能相信他吗?我认为我们应该查查他的底细。5) 我们本来打算住旅店,但是我们的朋友坚持要我们住在他那里。6) 雷切尔卡森将她的一生都献给了环抱事业。7) 他们都深深爱着对方,什么东西也不能将他们分开。8) 他在他最近出版的书里花了整整一章讲这个题目。9) 这个水库能蓄水20亿立方米。10) 那时我们都屏住了呼吸,你都可以听到地上掉的一根针。11) 戴奥真尼斯主张人们拥有的财产不会真正带来幸福。12) 他没有打算让他的发现被用来打仗。13) 这些花花绿绿的衣服是为非洲市场制作的。14) 现在街上车那么多,我宁可走路也不愿开车。走

5、路更快。15) 他宁可站着死,也不愿跪着生。16) 你可以用我的应该说我爱人的自行车。17) 我听说这个电影本来打算成为热门电影的。但是我坦白说,我认为它相当无聊。IV. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets using prepositional phrases. 1) I should appreciate it if you could complete this work _ (在星期五之前)2) The bus driver acted _ (十分镇定地)and pulled off the str

6、eet to avoid hitting a boy running across the street. 3) The climbers set out _ (他们冒险的征途) into the unknown. 4) At this school, only three or four hours a week are devoted _ (用于运动)5) The driver told me that he was once robbed _ (被一个搭车人在枪口的威胁下)6) I told the students that my faith _ (对国家的) had been ren

7、ewed. 7) The man decided to journey _ (从东海岸到西海岸,不带一分钱), relying solely on the good will of strangers. 8) He was American _ (按出生) but renounced his American citizenship _ (出于自愿) during the Vietnam War. 9) At that time, _ (由于对现实社会的失望) he decided to experience the life of hermits and moved to live alon

8、e in an out-of-the-way place. 10) He has it in him to succeed; the only barrier standing _ (妨碍他前进)is himself, that is, his lack of persistence to pursue what he sets his mind to do. V. Complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer. 1) They tried _ vain to talk their son into m

9、ajoring in law. A. forB. inC. onD. with2) Professor Lin has been invited to speak at a conference on environmental protection _ in Singapore next month. A. held B. be held C. to be held D. will be held3) The room was _ that you could hear a pin drop. A. such quiet B. such a quiet C. quiet so D. so q

10、uiet4) True friends do not abandon each other _ of danger. A. at all timesB. at one time C. in no time D. in times5) _ he gets an operation, the boy may lose his hearing forever. A. If B. Given C. Unless D. Even though6) Essential _ they are to modern life, sometimes, computers can also create great

11、 problems for users. A. although B. as C. since D. for7) At the top of the cliff _ the deep valley stood a ten-foot pine tree. A. there B. where C. overlooking D. towering8) After he retired, the professor devoted much of his time _ writing popular science books for children. A. on B. for C. in D. t

12、o9) Products tend to sell well that are packed in _ catch the consumers eye. A. such ways as toB. such way as toC. ways so asD. a way that10) _ his poor health he had to retire at age 50. A. Thanks to B. Because C. For D. Owing to11) _ Mr. Blake still Foreign Minister, relations between the two coun

13、tries would have been better. A. If B. Were C. Is D. Given12) Only when I left my parents for college _ how much I had depended on them. A. I realized B. I has realized C. did I realize D. had I realize13) There are times when children feel that they could manage very well _ their parents would leav

14、e them alone. A. only when B. if only C. only if D. when only14) _ sure that a message is understood by the receiver, the sender must choose words and phrases that he knows the receiver will understand. A. Making B. Having made C. Being made D. To make15) People who speak and write well are generall

15、y _ as educated and intelligent and give a good impression A. seen B. being seen C. to see D. seeVI. Choose the right words in their proper forms. 1) to change to exchange(1) When the game was over, the players _ T-shirts and shook hands. (2) Where can I _ money? All I have is a hundred-dollar bill.

16、 I dont have anything smaller. (3) After we _ our views we reached a final agreement. I dont know why he suddenly _ his attitude soon after that. (4) Discussion is (a, an) _ of knowledge; argument (a, an) _ of ignorance. 2) beside besides except(1) Nobody knew that he was suffering from a serious he

17、art disease _ his wife. (2) _ English, she is also good at singing, dancing, and sports. (3) They decided to park their car _ that tree. (4) We have classes every day _ Wednesday. 3) used to be used to (1) She _ hate hot food. But now after living in Sichuan for about 10 years, she _ _ to it and has

18、 even begun to love it. (2) I _ hard life. I lived in a poor mountain village for more than 20 years. (3) Those were happy days. You remember how we _ to catch mud crabs together?4) to shiver to tremble to shake(1) By that time the building was _ violently. We could not even stand up. (2) The night

19、in the desert was cold. We were all _. (3) He _ with anger when he heard that news. (4) To tell you the truth, I was so frightened that I was _ like a leaf. VII. Choose the best word or phrase for each blank from the four supplied in brackets. The hospital was small and private with just one entranc

20、e. Michael looked (1) _ (at, into, out of, up) the window. There was a curved courtyard that had steps (2) _ (lead, leading, led, to lead) down into the street, and there were no cars in (3) _ (scene, sight, view, vision) But whoever came into the hospital (4) _ (must, ought, should, would) have to

21、come through that entrance. He knew he didnt have (5) _ (a lot, any, some, much) time, so he ran out of the room and down the four (6) _ (flights, landings, levels, stairs) and through the wide doors of the ground floor entrance. He glanced (7) _ (in, into, out of, through) the ambulance yard and there was no car there, no ambulances (8) _ (already, either, neither, yet)Michael stood on the pavement outside the hospital and (9) _ (burnt, fired, flamed, lit) a cigarette. He unbuttoned his coat and stood under the light of a l


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