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1、排面设计排面设计ImplantationImplantation接受培训和培训他人都是首要义务接受培训和培训他人都是首要义务 - 家乐福政策家乐福政策To be trained and train others are priorities - Carrefour policy l l l l l l l lPurposelTrainerlDurationlAt the end of this training you will be able tolStaff ConcernedlTraining Methodll癡絤揭祘挡盢暗l闽l癡絤l癡絤l丁ObjectivesAt the end o

2、f this training you will be able toPopulationTraining MethodTrainerDuration目的目的训练课程终了时,他将有才干做到训练课程终了时,他将有才干做到参与人员参与人员训练方式训练方式训练者训练者时间时间l 使我们懂得制造排面的原那么使我们懂得制造排面的原那么l l l l 熟习制造排面的方法熟习制造排面的方法 全体营业部门员工全体营业部门员工投影仪投影仪营业部门主管营业部门主管30 30 分钟分钟 To know the principles of implantation All the commercial employe

3、esComputer projector Sales Manager/30 minutesTo know how to group together the items 商品需求组合陈列的理由商品需求组合陈列的理由 The reason why the items need to The reason why the items need to groupgroup 不同层面的引见不同层面的引见 The different levels of The different levels of presentationpresentation制造排面的原那么制造排面的原那么 The princip

4、les of implantationThe principles of implantationTGTG台的陈列台的陈列Exhibition of TGExhibition of TG总结总结 Conclusion Conclusion检验检验 Test Test内容内容Content为什么要组合商品?为什么要组合商品? Group together the items. Why?由于要是他不这样做的话:顾客将会浪费很多时间,由于要是他不这样做的话:顾客将会浪费很多时间,去寻觅他们想要购买的商品。去寻觅他们想要购买的商品。Because if you do not do that : it

5、would take more time for our customers to find what they would like to buy. 作用作用 Effect当商品组合在一同的时候,容易去寻觅当商品组合在一同的时候,容易去寻觅 It is easier to find the items when they are grouped.如何组合商品如何组合商品 How to group together the items当商品组合在一同的时候,顾客当商品组合在一同的时候,顾客清楚归类的方式,店面容易清楚归类的方式,店面容易管理商品管理商品(订货和清点订货和清点 The linea

6、r is clear for the customer, and it is easier for us to manage the goods when the items are grouped (ordering and inventory). 遵照组织表遵照组织表 Follow the structure 如何组合商品如何组合商品 How to group together the itemsl用顾客的目光去思索。思索顾客的需求性:大分类、用顾客的目光去思索。思索顾客的需求性:大分类、小分类、颜色、价钱、品牌、大小、分量、性质小分类、颜色、价钱、品牌、大小、分量、性质 You have

7、 to take into account the CustomerYou have to take into account the Customers s Eye. : sub-family, color, price, brand, size, Eye. : sub-family, color, price, brand, size, weight, nature. weight, nature. l按最重要和次要的依序排面按最重要和次要的依序排面 Then you have to range those items Then you have to range those items

8、( customer( customers eye) from the most important s eye) from the most important to the less important.to the less important. 遵照组织表遵照组织表 Follow the structure l这任务,组织表已帮他完成了。这任务,组织表已帮他完成了。 This work is already done by the Structure.如何组合商品如何组合商品 How to group together the items321016880013 处代码处代码32 部门

9、代码部门代码321 VCD,DVD (大分类大分类)3210 儿童儿童 VCD, DVD(中分类中分类)32101 儿童卡通儿童卡通 VCD,DVD(小分类小分类)32101688 单品编号单品编号321101688001 子代码子代码 区分类别区分类别货架上四种不同层面货架上四种不同层面 The 4 different levels of presentation 不同排面的陈列不同排面的陈列=不同的销售量不同的销售量Different levels = Different sales 低于0.5米The floor Under 0.5m手1.2米The hand: 1.2m眼睛1.6米Th

10、e Eye 1.6m1.70米以上Above 1.70m不同层面的引见不同层面的引见The different levels of presentation 不同的层面,销量不同不同的层面,销量不同 Sales amount is different according to difference level 地板层面以及伸手高度层面容易被忽略地板层面以及伸手高度层面容易被忽略,销量不会太大销量不会太大 Items at “floor or “hand level will easily to be neglected . 货架的最上端,由于手够不到,拿东西不方便,销售量货架的最上端,由于手够

11、不到,拿东西不方便,销售量 最少最少 It is inconvenient for our customers to get items from “Above 1.70m level, sales amount is lowest. 与眼睛平视的层面,普通来销售最大与眼睛平视的层面,普通来销售最大 Sales amount at “Eyes level is biggest.不同层面的引见不同层面的引见The different levels of presentation Eyes 眼晴平视 45% Hands 伸手高度 30% Floor高于地板 15%Above 最上端 10%不同的销

12、售数量指数不同的销售数量指数 货架总销售量百分比货架总销售量百分比The different sales index: Gondola sales in percentage +=低于0.5米The floor Under 0.5m手1.2米The hand 1.2m眼睛1.6米The Eye 1.6m1.70米以上Above 1.70m不同层面的引见不同层面的引见The different levels of presentation第一原那么:同分类以垂直的方式陈列,单品以横的方式陈列第一原那么:同分类以垂直的方式陈列,单品以横的方式陈列First principle: Vertical

13、by family and sub-family, Then, horizontal by item.制造排面的原那么制造排面的原那么The principles of implantation单品单品 Item分类 Family留意:纺织处由于尺码、颜色的需求,有新的陈列留意:纺织处由于尺码、颜色的需求,有新的陈列概念。概念。Attention: Due to the need of size and color, textile division has a new display concept.制造排面的原那么制造排面的原那么The principles of implantation

14、第二原那么:以价位区分,任何第二原那么:以价位区分,任何小分类,原那么上由最廉价到最小分类,原那么上由最廉价到最贵陈列于货架上,由最下到最上,贵陈列于货架上,由最下到最上,但是服饰课是根据顾客的购物道但是服饰课是根据顾客的购物道路路.Second principle: by price range, in each sub-family, all the items from the cheapest to the most expensive, from the bottom to the top for a gondola and in customers flow for textile

15、.制造排面的原那么制造排面的原那么The principles of implantationRMB 4.90/255mlRMB 12.60/750mlRMB 14.60/1000ml制造排面的原那么制造排面的原那么The principles of implantation贵Expensive中等Medium廉价Cheap最廉价Cheapest价钱从高到低Price from high to low体积从小到大Volume from small to bigShelf label on the left side of the product , arrow on the right sid

16、e of the label 每一种商品,必需都有价签每一种商品,必需都有价签放在商品的左下方放在商品的左下方,指示箭头紧指示箭头紧贴标签放在右边贴标签放在右边制造排面的原那么制造排面的原那么The principles of implantation 同时,程度方向商品的陈列应以同时,程度方向商品的陈列应以顾客的购买道路为根据,价钱由低顾客的购买道路为根据,价钱由低至高陈列至高陈列In the meantime, the implementation of horizontal item should respect the flow of customers and price from

17、cheapest to the most expensive.留意:留意:第三原那么:第三原那么:Third principle:将进口产品用标识牌明显标识。将进口产品用标识牌明显标识。Sign the imported products with the special board.制造排面的原那么制造排面的原那么The principles of implantation搭搭TG,换,换TG的目的的目的 Purpose of TG提高卖场笼统、刺激、提高卖场笼统、刺激、 引导消费、添加我们的引导消费、添加我们的 营业额营业额 Improve sales areas image, stimu

18、late and lead consumption to increase our turnover使顾客有新颖感、使促销使顾客有新颖感、使促销 商品更醒目、更突出商品更醒目、更突出 Make promotion items more attractive, more outstandingTG台的陈列台的陈列Exhibition of TG 预备任务预备任务 Preparation Preparation 预备好商品如纺织处装上防盗钉、衣架等预备好商品如纺织处装上防盗钉、衣架等 层层板、挂钩、装饰、价钱牌等资料板、挂钩、装饰、价钱牌等资料 Prepare merchandise (such

19、as anti-theft Prepare merchandise (such as anti-theft for textile) for textile) ,shelves, hook, Price board, shelves, hook, Price board, decoration etc decoration etc 原那么上关店之后、开店之前才干换原那么上关店之后、开店之前才干换TGTG Do TG after store closing and before Do TG after store closing and before store openingstore ope

20、ning 必需保证必需保证TGTG不缺货,如有缺货要及时改换不缺货,如有缺货要及时改换TGTGMake sure no shortage for TG, if there Make sure no shortage for TG, if there is the shortage,is the shortage,change it in timechange it in timeTG台的陈列台的陈列Exhibition of TG 如何搭如何搭TG How to do TG?TG How to do TG?员工把商品从仓库拉至卖场员工把商品从仓库拉至卖场 Remove items from R

21、emove items from Storage to sales areaStorage to sales area把把TGTG台上老的单品收起来并封箱,台上老的单品收起来并封箱,重新拉回仓库整理重新拉回仓库整理 Clean up old items on TG Clean up old items on TG and move to storage to and move to storage to clean upclean up收掉老的收掉老的TGTG牌,换上新的牌,换上新的Change the TG boardChange the TG boardTG台的陈列台的陈列Exhibiti

22、on of TG如何搭如何搭TG How to do TG?TG How to do TG?新的产品放上新的产品放上TGTG台台 Fill up TG with new Fill up TG with new itemsitems摆放终了后作适当整理及装饰摆放终了后作适当整理及装饰 Make some decoration Make some decoration TG台的陈列台的陈列Exhibition of TG 留意留意 NoticeNotice:气势要大气势要大TGTG台要有量感、台要有量感、有竞争力的价钱有竞争力的价钱TG should be with big TG should be with big volume,volume,with very competitive with very competitive price price 留意商品的正面朝向顾客。留意商品的正面朝向顾客。Merchandise should face Merchandise should face to to cus


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