1、课题名称Module 2 Developing and Developed CountriesTeaching Aims:To learn the human development report and compare the conditions of the developed countries and developing countries.Help the students to understand the passage better. Train the students' reading ability.Learn and master some importan
2、t words and phrases in this period.Procedures:I.Lead -in Talk about the development of somedeveloped countries and the situation of some developing countries.用 page 11 练习中单词完成下列小短文:In developing countries.People have low . Most of them live in. Many students can not afford to go to school. They don&
3、#39; t havea good chance to receive. Many people suffer from. Many of them can ' t be cured( 治疗、治愈).While in developed countries, people have higher. Less people live in . Most people can receive good. Few people suffer from.Many can becured.II Reading comprehension.Step1:Fast reading:Match the
4、main ideas with paragraphsPara.1Examples of successful development in2020.Para.2The most five important goals of thereport.Para.3financial help.Para.4country ' s achievementPara.5Developed countries should give moreThe Human Development Index measures aHow the HumanDevelopment Report cameout.Ste
5、p 2: Detailed readingA. Readthe text quickly and silentlyand find the answers to the questions1. What did world leaders agree to do in 2000?2. What does the Human Development Index measure?3. What are the first two Development Goals?4. What progress have we made towards these goals?5. What do develo
6、ped countries need to do?B. Read the passages carefully again and fill in the tables to understandbetterZ1 3Bottom of the listage13.Activity III Post reading: Let ' s make a summary of the passageIn the year 2000, 147 world leaders agreed to work together to povertyby 2020 or earlier. From this
7、agreement came the . The index measures a country ' s in three ways: Life,and .The bottom ten countries are all countries, with Sierra Leone (in West Africa) at the bottom of thelist. Oneof the most important goals is to poverty and hunger. The report shows that we are making some, but we need t
8、o greater. Although developed countries give some help,they need to give much more.IV Discussion (Group work):Which is the biggest problem for developing countries ? Why? How to solve the problem?V Language points for ReadingI.From this agreement came the Human Development Report.倒装句,正常语序为: The Huma
9、n Development Report came from this agreement.倒装句,介词短语放句首,句子完全倒装。例如:you are.From the window camesound of music. Here comes the bus. There2 .Norway is at the top of the list, while the US is at number 7. at thetop of: 在顶端 in themiddle of: 在中间 at the bottom of:在底部.句子中的while 表示对照如: The UK is in the thi
10、rteenth position, while China is in the middle of the list.3 .The bottom ten countries are all African countries, with Sierra Leone (in West Africa) at the bottom of the list. with +宾语 + 介词短语表原因、方式、伴随动作The square looks splendid with all the lights on.The teacher came in, with a book in her hand.4 .F
11、or example, in nine years (1953-1962), China increased life expectancyby 13 years.by: 表示增加或减少的数量。e.g 他比我高5 厘米。 He is taller than me by 5 cm.去年我们学校的学生人数增加了50%。The number of the students in our schoolincreased by 50% last year.to: 表示增加或减少到的数量。老板把他们的工资减少到1500 元。 The boss reduced their salaries to 1500y
12、uan.5 .The index measures a country s achievement in three ways:life expectancy ( how long people指数,指标measureusually live), education and income. index: vt. & n.先量一下,e.g First measure it, and then cut it to the correct length.然后切成所需的长度。Measure your words before you speak.话前要斟酌一下用词。We must take e
13、ffective measures to improve our work.我们必须采取有效措施来改进我们的工作。5.147 world leaders agreed to work together to reduce poverty by 2020.agree to do sth同意去做某事agree with同意的意见/观点 与一致;气候、事物、口味适合某人agree to同意计划/安排agree on 就达成一致意见VI.Grammer practice (语法练习- 连词考察,各地高考题)1. I don t mind picking up your things from the
14、store. the walk willdo me good.(04 全国 )A. Sooner or later B. Still C. In time D.Besides2. you call meto say your re not coming , I ll see you at the theatre.(04全国 )A.ThoughB. WhetherC. UntilD. Unless3.1 do every single bit of housework my husband Bobjust does the dishednow and then.(04 全国 )A. since B. While C. whenD. as4. Paul has to write a history paper, he couldn t find time to do.(04全国 )A. butB. So C. because D. If5. You should try to get a good ni
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