



1、Unit 14 Satellites一、教学目标与要求让学生了解有关人造地球卫星的一些基本常识,人造地球卫星所发挥的巨大作用以及复 习定语从句的用法,是本单元的教学重点。学生在理解课文的前提下,用较为流利的英语简 述人造地球卫星的概况、工作原理,以及它们在传送广播、电视信号、预报天气情况、世界 通讯行业和观测太空等方面所发挥的巨大作用;通过对话课的学习与操练,学生复习表示打 算和意愿的常用语句;复习并熟练运用定语从句;正确完成练习册安排的练习。二、教学重点与难点1. 重点词汇 pers on ally; broad; fold ; conn ect; sig nal; pull ; heigh

2、t; men ti on ; ques tion ; attempt; feel like doing ; so/as far as; in space; doze ns of; carry out2. 重要句型 1) Once the satellite goes into its orbit round the earth , the pan els are un folded in order to catch the sunshine. 2) There is a rocket motor on the satellite by which the direction of the s

3、atellite can be changed if necessary. 3) It is therefore possible to say not only what the weather is like at present, but also what is likely to happen in the next day or two . 4) The problem with looking into space from the earth is that there is a lot of dust in the earth . 5) The dusty air mak&#

4、39;ssitair difficult to get a clear picture of space .3. 语法 复习定语从句(Revising the Attributive Clause ) 1) There is a rocket motor by which the direct ion of the satellite can be cha nged . 2) There was no way in which it could be brought back to the earth. 3) We carefully studied the photos , in which

5、 we could see sig ns of pla nt disease .4. 日常交际用语打算和意愿(Intentionsand wishes) 1) What shall I do today ? The weather ' s not very good2) I feel like going to a museum . 3) What about you ? What do you feel like doing ? 4) Pers on ally, I ' d rather go to the Scie nee Museum5) I ' d like t

6、o see that tooMaybe I could findsome useful information . 6) I haven ' t decided what to do yet三、课型(一)对话课I.教具 录音机、投影仪。n.课堂教学设计1.教师通过向学生提出以下问题导入本课:I understand that many of you are very busy withyour studies and you have a lot of homework to do at present . But still I would suggest that you do s

7、omething else in your spare time . For example, visiting museums . Can anybody tell me what museums you have been to and what wonderful things you see there ?提问几位学生,并和曾经参观过各种博物馆的同学就他们的参观经历进行问答:1) What museums did you ever visit ? 2)What didyou see there ? 3)What gave you the deepest impression ? 4)

8、What kind of museums do you prefer ? Why ? 5) Do you think that visiting museums is a good way for you to learn something new ? Why do you think so ?向学生介绍一些博物馆的名称:History Museum ; Scienee Museum ; Art Gallery ; Natu ral History Museum ; Military Museum , etc.2 .准备放对话录音。借助投影片打出以下听前提问:1) Where did the

9、 conversation takeplace? 2) What was the weather like thatday ? 3) Which museum did they fin ally decide to visit ?放录音一至两遍,请学生回答上述问题,教师予以必要订正。Key : 1) The conversation took place in London . 2) It was probably raining that day . 3) They fin ally decided to visit the Science Museum .3 .再次放对话录音,学生跟读。根

10、据本课对话内容,教师再提出一些问题,检查学生的理解程度:1) If you want to visit the Natural History Museum in London at present , do you have to payfor it ?2) What is on at the Science Museum this month ? 3) Why does Zhou Lan want to seethe exhibition too ?Key : 1) You have to pay to get in if you want to visit the Natural His

11、tory Museum in London at present. In the past it was free . 2) A special exhibition is on at the Scienee Muse um this month , It ' s about space and satellites) Because she is planning to do a special study of satellites next term and she wants to find out some useful information .4. 将学生分为两人一组练习

12、对话。数分钟后,请两三组同学到前面表演,教师予以讲评。教师指导学生归纳本课中有关打算和意愿(Intentions and wishes)的常用语句(见日常交际用语部分)。5 .要求学生将本课对话改写为一篇短文,教师可给予必要的提示。提示语:1) feel like going to a museum 2 ) have to pay to get in 3) a special exhibition at the Scienee Museum 4) make a final decision要求学生根据对话,参照教师所给提示及首句编写短文。将前两句给出:Jane and Zhou Lan are

13、 in London . They are wondering what to do to day. Zhou Lan feels like going to a museum since it is too wet toModel :Jane and Zhou Lan are in London . They are wondering what to do today . Zhou Lan feels like going to the Natural History Museum since it is too wet to go walking around Lon don. But

14、Jane tells her that they have to pay to get in . Then Jane suggests going to the Sci ence Museum because a special exhibition is on this month . Zhou Lan agrees and they make a final decision .当堂要求学生完成,如时间允许,可请几位同学朗读自己的短文,教师予以讲评。6.布置作业1)预习第54课;2)完成练习册中安排的练习。(二)阅读理解课(I)1 .教具 录音机、投影仪。n.课堂教学设计1.检查生词及短语

15、。2 .教师通过向学生提出以下问题导入本课:1) If you look into the sky at night , what canyou see? (The moon and the stars.) 2) Yes, you are right. You can see the moon, and the stars Now can you tell me how the moon travels ? (The moon travels around the earth . ) 3) Yes, that ' s The moon travels around the earth.

16、 Now tell me , what do we call that if it travels around the earth ? (We call it a satellite . ) 4) That ' s truWe call it a satellite . The moon is our satellite . Do we have other satellites? Yes. We also have man made satellites. But how are man made satellites carried up into space? Now read

17、 t he passage and you ' ll find the answer3.准备阅读课文,教师给出读前提问:1) How are man made satellites carried up intospace? 2) What can weather satellites do ?教师给学生数分钟,要求学生快速阅读课文,之后请同学回答上述问题。Key : 1) Man made satellites are carried up into space by rockets. 2) Weather satellites send information and photos

18、 of weather conditions to weather stations on the earth .4 .放课文录音,学生跟读一至两遍。教师就课文内容提问,检查学生的理解程度(可参 阅练习册中所列出的问题)。5.教师用投影仪打出以下statements,要求学生判断其正误,并对错误的statements进行修改:1) When we talk about the satellite , we always refer to the moon . 2) If a rocket does not reach a speed of 28 440 km/h , it will fall

19、back to the earth . 3) A man made satellite usually contains very expensive cameras as well as equipment for making electricity from sunshine . 4) Before the satellite goes into its orbit round the earth , the pan els are un folded in order to catch the sunshine. 5) Scien tists can con trol the dire

20、ct ion of the satellite by the rocket motor on the satellite . 6) The satellites forbroadcast ng connect broadcast ing stati ons, which are a long dista nee from each other. 7) Most of the satellites for broadcast ing rema in above the same place on the earth and travel round the earth in a very hig

21、h circle . 8) Weather satellites send not only information but also photos of weather conditions to weather stations on the earth .Key : 1) False. (The moon is a satellite . But we have many other man made satellites that go round the earth. ) 2) True. 3) True. 4) False. (Once the satellite goes int

22、o its orbit round the earth, the pan els are un folded in order to catch the sunshine . ) 5) True. 6) True. 7) True. 8) True.6.教师要求学生将修正后的上述各句连接成一个短篇,介绍有关人造地球卫星的一些基本常识。数分钟后,请学生在班上交流,教师予以讲评。7 .布置作业1)复述课文;2)完成练习册中所安排的练习。阅读理解课(n)I.教具录音机、投影仪。n.课堂教学设计1.检查学生课文朗读和复述。2 .准备阅读课文第二部分。教师给出读前提问:What did the 17 c

23、oun tries set up anor-ganization for ?教师给学生数分钟,要求学生快速阅读课文,之后请同学回答上述问题。Key : They set up an orga ni zati on for sending teleph one sig nals by satellite .3 .放课文录音,学生跟读一至两遍。教师就课文内容提问,检查学生的理解程度:1)What was the name of the first satellite of the organization ?2) How many countries are there inthis group

24、today ? 3) How can you telephone somebody on the other side of the world ? 4) What was the use of special cameras? 5) What is the disadvantage of studying outer space at research stations on the earth?Key : 1) It was called Early Bird . 2) There are now over 100 countries in this group . 3) With the

25、 help ofa satellite you can teleph one somebody on the other side of the world . 4) Special cameras can produce pictures showing where different metals can be found . And they can also tell the differenee between healthy plants and plants that are diseased. 5) The disadvantage of studying outer spac

26、e at research stations on the earth is that there is a lot of dust in the earth , and the dusty air makes it difficult to get a clear picture of space .4 教师用投影仪打出以下表格,学生利用课文中所提供的信息填写表格,从而加深对本 课内容的理解:Ask the students to try to collect as much information on satellites and man made satel lites as they

27、 can from the reading comprehension :Infomiation on satellites and man-made satellitesThe meaning of thet£ satellite "An object > eith&r natural or man-jnade) which travels in an orbit round anothet object in sp ace , is called a satellite +Types of satellitesNatural satellitesMan-m

28、ade 曲ellit沾Natural satellite of the earthThe moon It travels round the earth every 24 houts +Something about the man made satellitesHow are they c amed up mto space 7By rockets ,The speed of the rocket fast enough to escape the pull of the e arth40 000km / hMore information about man made satellites

29、One of the m口就 exp&nsive pieces of scientific e quipment The lighter j the better.It contains very exp ensive cameras as weD as equipment for mahng electricity from sunshine The function of satellitesSatellites for broadcasting are used to send radio and TV pro grammes WeatiLer satellites send i

30、nformation and photos of weather conditions +(斜体部分为参考答案,可不向学生展示)七八分钟后,请几位同学根据所填写内容,讲述有关人造地球卫星的一些基本常识,教 师予以讲评,鼓励学生将自己整理的内容连成短文。5 布置作业 1)将两课内容结合,简述人造地球卫星的概况;2)完成练习册中所安排的练习。(三)语言训练课I 教具投影仪。n.课堂教学设计1 .教师检查课文复述。2 教师从本单元词语中选择部分常用词语,配以例句介绍给学生。要求学生反复练习这 些例句,并请同学造句,教师予以讲评、订正。1) feel like ( doing)Do you feel

31、like a cup oftea ?He said that he had a stomachache and he did not feel like eating at the moment.I was so angry that I felt like throw ing someth ing at him .2) as/so far asJohn did a good job as far as he went, but he didn ' t finish itI will help you as far as I can .We did not go so (as) far

32、 as the bridge.3) connect/connectionA good student must connect what he reads with what he sees around him .Where does the cooker connect with the gas pipe ?Is there a connection betwee n the sun and the seas on94) dozens ofThey sold three dozen copies of the magazine .He pla nned to buy doze ns of

33、reference books since he would study abroad .5) carry outThey now decided to carry out their own views .Several cats and some other small animals were chosen to carry out the experiment .He hoped you should carry out his advice .6) question v.Stop questi oning me about my pers onal bus in ess .You c

34、an question the whole class on the story they have read .I question whether his policy will be successful .It is questi on able whether we will finish all this in time .7) mentionHe felt his duty to mention this to the headmaster .A : Thanks very much .B : Don' t mention itI have all these heavy

35、 baskets to carry, not to mention the large box over there .8) attempt v. /n.She attempted to go on with her work . But she couldn . 'tHe attempted the exam in ati on but failed .His first attempt at English composition was poor .3 .要求学生根据课文所提供的信息,介绍早期人造地球卫星的一些情况:1) The first man made satellite:

36、 What was the name of the man made satellite ? Which country made it ? When was it sent up into space ? What did it send back ? What was sent into the space together with another man made satellite ? What happened to the animal ? What was the reas on for this ?2) The first US satellite : What did it

37、 discover ? When was it sent into space ?3) Other satellites : When was weather information first sent back to the earth ? Which country did it belong to ? When was the first weather pictures of the earth taken ? What hap pened in the year 1962?数分钟后,请几位同学在班上交流。4 .布置作业1)预习第15单元;2)完成练习册中安排的练习。四、难句分析1.

38、 So far as I know , it ' s fre就我所知,那个博物馆是不收门票的。so/as far as I know意为:据我据知,在句中作插入语,通常用逗号与句子其他部分隔开, 用来陈述说话人认为他/她所掌握的某个事实,在口语中经常使用。例如:As far as I know, students have too much homework nowadays .据我所知,学生们现在的 作业负担太重。So far as I know , no more than three people are for the plan .就我据知,只有三个人赞成这 项计划。2. Pe

39、rsonally , I ' d rather go tothe Scienee Museum就我个人来说,我倒想去科学博物馆。person ally是副词,意为 就自己而言”就个人来说”这里相当于Speak ing for myself only (就我自己而言)的意思,在句中作插入语。例如:Personally I agree to your plan .就我个人来说,我同意你的计划。She said she did n ' tbke person ally I thought it was very good .她说她不喜欢这个东西, 但我自己认为它是很好的。I '

40、; d rath是 I would rather的缩略形式。would rather+动词原形,意为:宁愿(做某事)。 翻译成汉语时,要视情况而采用灵活译法。例如:I ' d rather stay at home alone我愿意一个人呆在家里。I ' d rather not go out today 我今天不想外出。would rather还可以接从句,这时从句中需要使用虚拟语气。例如:I ' d rather you told me the truth我宁愿让你对我讲实话。3. Once the satellite goes into its orbit rou

41、nd the earth , the pan els are un folded in order to catch the sun shi ne. 旦卫星进入地球轨道,帆板就打开来吸收阳光。句中once是连词,一旦 (就),用以连接一个表示时间的状语从句,相当于 assoon as 。例如:Once you have learnt Spanish, you will find Italian easy .你一旦学会了西班牙语,就会发 现意大利语容易了。Once you get into the habit of smoking , you won ' t be able to giv

42、e it up easily 你一旦抽烟扌由 上了瘾,就不可能轻易戒掉了。Once you understand the rule , you will have no further difficulty.一旦你理解了这条规则,你就不会再有困难了。A decision shouldn ' t be changed once it is mad一旦作出了决定,就不应当改变它。4. In this way , they are able to connect broadcasting stations which are a long distanee from each other.这样,它们就可以把相距遥远的广播电台联系起来。句中connect是及物动词,意为:连接。例如:The road connects Lon don and Edi nburgh .这条公路连接伦敦和爱丁堡。A good student should connect what he reads with what he sees arou


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