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1、HANDLING OBJECTIONSLear ning ObjectivesI. Able to ide ntify differe nt kinds of object ions.2. Lear n how to use han dli ng objecti ons process in daily selli ngWhat is Object ion?It may be treated as a concern, reas on, or argume nt towards a pla n or idea.Objection is part of the Selling Process;

2、it only reflectscustomer' s concern orcurrent limitation, which needed to be resolved before making a decision. Objection can also express as pers onal n eed- go to be liste ned to; to be give n face.There are two main ways to deal with object ions. One is to reduce the opport un ities of occur;

3、 the other is to han dle it effectively.Reduci ng Objecti on Opport un ities1. Have good kno wledge of customer in formati on(bus in ess n eeds and pers onal style)to an ticipate pote ntial objecti ons.2. In your call planning, read and practice related information:a. Promotion Description; New Prod

4、uct Trade Leaflet and Q&A (this will helpyou to an swer most of the questi ons)b. Promotion Details: raise and discuss potentialquestions in weekly meetingc. For specific pote ntial objecti ons, get man ager or supervisor in puts andpractice how to deal with these object ions before actio n.“Rea

5、l” and “False ” ObjectionsRetailer can raise “real object ions ” and also“ false object ions.” The key to usis to lear n how to ide ntifyand han dle the real object ions, notspe nding a lot of timeattempt ing to an swer false on es.From a practical sta ndpo int, we should assume, at first, that ever

6、y objecti on is anactual or real concern in the retailer' s position. However, some concerns are moreimporta nt tha n others.Real objection = Expressed concern is an actual/real concern from the retailer' spositi on.Example:Retailer: The problem with your pla n, Mr. Che n, is margi n. It 

7、9; s not eno ugh . ”Salesman:“You' re concerned about margin . Does anything else trouble you?”Retailer :“ No. The plan sounds good - except for margin . ”Is the objection real? Is marginthe retailer ' s real concern? To close the sale, isit the margin objectio nthat must be handled to the r

8、etailer' s satisfaction?False Object ionsSi nee many sales people accept these false object ions and stop their efforts to make the sale, some retailers get in the habit of saying the first thing that comes into their mind. Weshould, therefore, to help the retailer think through and further exam

9、ine his/her resp on ses and object ions so that our idea gets a fair evaluati on. If our ideais good for his/her bus in ess, he/she will accept it.False Object ion = Expressed concern is not actual/real concern.Example:Statement like:“The package design is too dull ” . “ Kids do not drink that anymo

10、re” .“ No-one will pay that premium price ” .To identify the“ real ” objection and “false ” objections , we need to examine theconcerns raised by the retailer.Process of Han dli ng Objectio nsFour Basic Steps:1.lden tify (the real objecti on)2. U ndersta nd3. Verify4. Ha ndlePurpose of Steps 1 and 2

11、 is to help you find out the Real Object ion that must be han dled to close the sale.Purpose of Step 3 is to assure your finding - the retailer' s a ctual/real concern andisolate it as the only remai ning object ion, preferably in words that you can address (e.g. profit, not margi n).Purpose of

12、Step 4 is to help close the sale by handling the real objection to meet retailer expectatio n.Iden tify (The Real Objectio n)STEP 1: Clarify the objectio n by restati ng it; the n ask for any other concerns.Example:Retailer:“ The problem with your pla n, Mr. Cher, is margi n. It ' s not eno ugh.

13、 ”Salesman:“You' re concerned about margin. Does anything else troubl e you? ”Retailer:“ No. The plan sounds good- except for margin . ”Salesman:“So, you ' re concerned about margi n. No other things trouble you?Retailer:“ No nothing of importa nee. ”So, the retailer has said that margin is

14、the real concern, and that nothing else. Step 1 completed.But, is it safe to assume margin is the real concern? Yes, it is safe for the momentAt this poin t, it is all you have to work with. A more thorough exam in ati on will lead to better un dersta nding. And, that un dersta nding gen erally reve

15、als whether or not it is the real concern.In some cases, buyers express more than oneobjection. So, let ' s look into how thosesituati ons are han dled.Here is ano ther an swer for Example:Retailer:“ Oh! Shelvi ng Space is also a problem ”Salesman:“OKyou have a concern about shelving space. Is t

16、here anything else? ”Retailer:“Well, another is weather. It would be too cold for your product. ”Salesman:“I seeso, you also concern about the weather will have negative impacton sales perfo rman ce. Does anything else trouble you? ”Retailer:“ No.”Salesman:“Mr. Guo, you ' ve mentioned three conc

17、erns margin, shelving space andweather impact on sales performanee . Which one ' s the most important? ”Retailer:“Well. I ' d have to say weather impact . ”So for this situation, Step 1 has been carried out. And, we know for the moment that“weather impact on sales performanee” is apparently

18、the main concern. While thisobjection is still too vague to attempt to answer, the purpose of Step 1 has been accomplished.Un dersta nd The Objecti onSTEP 2: To clearly un dersta nd the object ion and to find out exactly what it is thatmust be han died to close the sale.Examples:Retailer:“Well, I &#

19、39; d have to say weather. ”Salesma n:“ Tell me more about that. ”This will give the retailerlots of“room” to tell you more about the impact due toweather. The retailer will then offer specific information, to avoid possible misun dersta nding,or to give in formatio n that in someother way con tribu

20、testo clarity.Retailer:“ Well, I ' d have to say shel ving space. I do not have eno ugh room to displayall the products . ”Salesma n:“ So, the shel ving space is your main concern? ”This reflects your understanding.It is an opportunity for the retailer to correct wrongimpressi ons you might have

21、.When you clarify the objection, try to turn that into something you could handle in future, for example: Price/Margin objection - we should try to turn it into profit, as you can better answer that by using the Profit Story concept. For example: Salesman:“ You have said the problem is price/margi n

22、. What you are really concerned about is profit, how much you can make by selli ng X, is that correct?”It is importa nt thatun dersta nding of an object ion don ' t in dicate immediatedisagreeme nt by you. Remember your purpose is to gai n more in formati on, not to immediately minimize or reduc

23、e the objection.If the retailer perceives your responseas contradicting his statement, his natural reaction is to be defensive, thus stre ngthe ning the objecti on.Therefore, before the real concern is handled, the process calls for first being sure that it has bee n accurately identified. And, that

24、 the retailer and you have a mutualunderstanding of it.Note:Con cessi ons Do not beg in offeri ng con cessi on un til you have n egotiatedall issues,which you can reach agreeme nt.Verify The Objectio nStep 3: To ensure both of you understand the objection and have focus on the real issue.An effectiv

25、e way to verify your un dersta nding of the objectio n is to summarize the objection from the retailer ' s point of view. And, conclude the summary with” isthat right? ” Good ways to start your summary statement include:- “ So what you are trying to decide is why” Is that right?- “Then what you

26、really want to know is corre ct?- “You seem to be asking ” is it?This gets the retailer ' s agreement that you have accurately stated his concern and allows you the opport unity to address it. You are in a sense helpi ng the retailer to reope n his mind about his concern. You are also en courag

27、ing him to liste n further. If the buyer disagrees with your summary of the objection, you obviously need to learn more about his concern before proceed ing.Han die The Objectio nSTEP 4: To resolve the issue, meeting retailer' s expectation.Han dli ng object ions satisfactorily gen erally requir

28、es three thin gs. They are:- Being kno wledgeable about the bus in ess: should be kno wledgeable in our bus in ess, i.e. Brand in formati on, Customer in formati on, Trade in formatio n.- Bei ng skillful in con vert ing object ions into ben efits: Con vert concern in to selli ng point, highlight the

29、 profit story and ben efits to customer so as to overcome the concern.- Being con cise: Prese nti ng the case with just eno ugh in formati on and focus on acco unt ben efits.What are the most effective ways to resolve object ion:- Find parallel with retailer' s own experienee similarproduct/package/promoti on has bee n successful.- Goodexperie nee


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