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1、最新资料推荐五种基本句型主系表结构主(语)系(动词)表(语)主语 ,主语是五种基本句型都具备的。 从位置上来看,主语一般在句子开头,也就是一个句子的 “头把交椅”。 从意义上理解,主语一般是一个句子的“陈述对象” ,后面的一切都是针对主语 来说的。主语一般是名词或代词(当然还有其他,这里暂且详细讨论)系动词 是联系动词的简称, 顾名思义, 它是起到联系作用的动词, 是连接主语和 表语的。系动词的数量是有限的,常见的只有十来个,我们把它们分成四组,这 样有助于我们记忆系动词:一、be 动词类: am、 is 、are 、was 、were二、表示变化类: become、 get 、 turn 、

2、 grow 、 go三、感官动词类:眼( look )耳(sound)鼻(smell)舌(taste身(feel)四、表示延续性的动词 :remain 、 stay 、 keep表语从位置上来讲,它总是在系动词后面 (系动词和表语关系甚为紧密, 没有系动词, 就没有表语:没有表语,就没有系动词。二从意义上讲,表语通常是来说明主语的性质、特征的。表语通常是由 形容词、 介词短语、名词、代词、动词不定式、 doing 等来充当。上面就是对主系表结构的简要介绍, 其中,系动词是主系表结构的核心, 它是这 个结构的标志,看到了系动词,也就能立刻判断出句子的结构是主系表,因此, 记住系动词非常重要。8练

3、习找出下面句子中的主语、 系动词及表语, 并指出主语和表语分别是由什么词性或 词类来充当的。1 Tom is a student.2 He is fat.3 I am tired .4 We are students.5 The bag was lost .6 The boy was foolish .7 They were kind.8 She is in the room.9 The books are on the desk.10 Snow is white.11 Kate was here yesterday.12 My father became a teacher in 1978.

4、13 The weather gets hot in summer.14 She looks beautiful.15 The flower smells good.16 We were very happy.17 You are right.18 The soup tastes delicious.19 The chair is yours.20 The children are asleep.21 The story is interesting.22 He feels better today.23 The leaf turns green.24 I stayed awake all t

5、he night.25 The weather still remained cold in April.26 The little girl is six.27 My work is to look after the baby.28 His job is taking care of the patient.29 The girl is very pretty.30 He went mad.31 Please don ' t get angry.32 The weather is getting colder and colder.33 You look angry.34 She

6、looks like her mother.35 You look unhappy, what' s the matter?36 Those roses smell beautiful.37 This tastes nice. What' s in it?38 Do you feel happy?39 He remained silent.40 The weather is going to stay fine.41 M y job is teaching English42 She is at home43 I feel terrible44 He is older than

7、 he looks 他比看上去要老。45 He seen interested in the book 他似乎对这本书感兴趣。46 The story sou nds in terest ing 这个故事听起来有趣。47 The desk feels hard书桌摸起来很硬。48 The cake tastes nice 饼尝起来很香。49 The flowers smell sweet and nice 花闻起来香甜。50 You have grown taller than before 你长得比以前高了。51 He has suddenly fallen ill 他突然病倒了。52 He

8、 stood quite still 他静静地站看。53 He becomes a teacher . 他当了教师。54 He looks well.他面色好。55 It sou nds nice这个听起来不错。56 I feel good我感觉好。57 The egg smells bad& 个鸡蛋难闻。58 He became a teacher at last.59 His face turned red.60 Is he an En glish teacher, Chin ese teacher or Japa nese teache他是 一个英语、汉 语还是日语老师?练习答案

9、找出下面句子中的主语、 系动词及表语, 并指出主语和表语分别是由什么词性或 词类来充当的。1 Tom is a student. 汤姆是一个学生。Tom 主语,名词 a student表语 名词2 He is fat. 他很胖。He 主语,代词 fat 表语,形容词3 I am tired .我累了I 主语,代词 tired 表语,形容词4 We are stude nts我们是学生。We主语,代词 students表语,名词5 The bag was lost包 丢了。The bag 主语,名词 lost 丢,形容词,表语6 The boy is foolish.这男孩是愚蠢的。The bo

10、y主语,名词foolish愚蠢的,形容词,表语7 They were kind他们很亲切。They主语,代词kind.亲切的,和蔼的,形容词,表语8 She is in the room她在屋里。She主语,代词in the room.在屋里,介词短语,表语9 The books are on the des 书在桌子上。The books主语,名词 on the desk在桌子上,介词短语,表语10 Snow is white.雪是白色的。Snow 主语,名词 white 白色的,形容词,表语11 Kate was here yesterdays 特昨天在这。Kate 主语,名词 here

11、代词,表语 yesterday 时间状语12 My father became a teacher in 1978我. 爸爸在 1978 年成为一名教师。 My father主语,名词 a teacher名词,表语in 1978.时间状语13 The weather gets hot in summeH 天,天气变热了。The weather主语,名词 hot形容词表语in summer时间状语14 She looks beautiful她看起来很漂亮。She 主语,代词 beautiful 表语,形容词15 The flower smells good 花闻起来很香。The flower主语

12、,名词 good形容词,表语16 We were very happy我 们很高兴。We主语,代词 very happy表语,形容词17 You are right 你对了。You 主语,代词 right 形容词,表语18 The soup tastes delicious汤尝起来美味。The soup主语,名词delicious美味的,形容词,表语19 The chair is yours 椅子是你的。The chair 主语,名词 yours 表语,物主代词20 The children are asleep孩 子们睡着了。The children主语,名词 asleep表语,形容词21

13、The story is in terest ing 这故事挺有趣。The story主语,名词interesting形容词,表语22 He feels better today他 今天感觉不错。He主语,代词better形容词,表语today时间状语23 The leaf turns green. 树叶变绿了。The leaf主语,名词 green表语,形容词24 I stayed awake all the ni ght我 整夜没睡。I 主语,代词 awake 形容词,表语 all the night 时间状语25 The weather still remained cold in Ap

14、ril. 四月份天气在仍很冷。 The weather 主语,名词 cold 形容词,表语 in April 时间状语26 The little girl is six. 这小女孩六岁了。The little girl 主语,名词 six 数词,表语27 My work is to look after the bab y我的工作是照看小孩。My work主语,名词to look after the baby动词不定式短语做表语28 His job is taking care of the patient.他的工作是照顾病人。 His job 主语,名词 taki ng care of th

15、e patie nt动名词短语做表语29 The girl is very pretty.这女孩很漂亮。The girl主语,名词very pretty.形容词,表语30 He went mad 他疯了。He主语,代词 mad形容词,表语31 Please don t get angry请不要生气。祈使句,缺少主语,get做系动词,后边的做表语32 The weather is gett ing colder and colde天变的越来越冷了, The weather 主语, 名词colder and colder形容词短语做表语,形容词比较级 and形容词比较级表示 一个渐变的过程。33

16、You look angry 你生气了。You主语,代词angry形容词,表语34 She looks like her mother她看起来象她妈妈。She主语,名词her mother名词,表语35 You look un happy, what' s the matter?尔看起来不高兴,怎么了。 You 主语, 名词unhappy形容词,表语36 Those roses smell goo(这些玫瑰花闻起来很香 。Those roses主语,名词 good形容词,表语37 This tastes nice. Wha't s in it? 这东西尝起来不错,它里边包的什么

17、? This 代 词,主语nice形容词,表语38 Do you feel happy? 感觉快乐么。Do you feel happy? 一般疑问句,do助动词提前,you主语,代词,happy形容 词,表语39 He remai ned sile nt他保持沉默。He 主语,代词 silent 形容词,表语40 The weather is going to stay fine天气将持续晴朗。The weather 主语,名词 fine 形容词,表语41 M y job is teaching English.我的工作是教英语。M y job主语,名词 English名词,表语42 She

18、 is at home 她在家呢。She主语,代词at home介词短语做表语43 I feel terrible .我感觉很可怕。I 主语,代词 terrible 形容词,表语44 He is older than he looks 他比看上去要老。He主语,代词 older than he looks表语,形容词短语45 He seems interested in the book 他似乎对这本书感兴趣。He 主语,代词 the book 名词,表语46 The story sou nds in terest ing 这个故事听起来有趣。The story主语,名词interesting形容词,表语47 The desk feels hard书桌摸起来很硬。The desk主语,名词 hard形容词,表语48 The cake tastes nice 饼尝起来很香。The cake名词,主语 nice形容词,表语49 The flowers smell sweet and nice 花闻起来香甜。The flowers主语,名词 sweet and nice并列形容词做表语50 You have


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