已阅读5页,还剩10页未读 继续免费阅读




1、What' s the matter?导学案ocIto3发烧2胃疼4咳嗽5嗓子疼6牙疼7弄伤自己8脖子疼C: She has a very sore throat.Task 2 2a根据听力标序号 准确表示身体的不适1头疼Unit 1学前反馈把你所知道的身体部位的单词写下来,并写出其相应的中文意思导入目标1能够正确描述表示身体各部位的名称。2准确表达身体的种种不适,讨论健康问题,并 提出合理的建议。 本节教学目标:认读单词1、back(名词)(形容词)2、脚(单数)(复数)3、lie (动词)(名词)4、怎么了? 5胃痛&量体温7发烧掌握句型(1)What' s the

2、 matter with you ?(2)What' s the matter with her?自主学习Task 11a根据图片,熟记表示身体各部位的单词。B: I have a very sore throat.A: What ' s the matter with C?Period 11b根据听力材料,标序号并小组展示1c小组讨论,编对话并展示。A: What' s the matteB?9感冒 2b找出合理的建议,并以对话形式小 组展示。提出合理的建议(should do or shouldn ' t dO sth.1躺下休息 2喝加蜂蜜的热茶 3看医生

3、并拍X光4量体温 5在上面敷药 6多喝水 2c听力练习,并掌握对话(1) A:W hat ' s the matter with you?B:l have a cold.(2) A: what ' s the matter with her?B: She has a very sore throat now.合作探究自主学习后,我还有不明白的问题。展示交流1a.1c dialogue达标提升sore与ache的用法ache名词,与身体名词构成合成名词,放在身体名词后。S+have/has+a/an身体名词 +ache 例词:sore形容词,放在身体名词前,构成名词短语。S+ha

4、ve/has+a+sore身 体名词。例词:翻译句子1怎么了? 2或许你应该看牙医 3我应该怎么办?4昨天他没有足够的钱 5你最好量一下体温Period 2学前反馈翻译以下短语:1、感冒2背疼 3、发烧4量体温5、腹痛 6嗓子疼 7、牙疼8上点药9、去看医生 10、 躺下来休息11头疼 12、看牙医13照X光片14、喝些加蜂蜜的热茶 导入目标1. 能听说读写重点单词和词组: matter, sore, have a cold, stomachache, have a stomachache, foot, neck, stomach, throat, fever, lie, lie down,

5、rest, cough, Xray, toothache, take one ' s tempeeture a den tist2. 句型: 学会用 What' s the matter? I have a cold. I haaestomachache. I have a sore back. I have a sore throat.谈论身体情况。3. 学习用should给出建议自主学习1. read 2d aloud2. 完成下列句子。1) 你还好吗?Are you?2) 我该怎么办? should I?3) 我应该量体温吗?Should I?4) 我头疼。I have.

6、5) 你周末做什么了 ? Whatyouon the?6) 你应该离开电脑休息一下。You n eed tothe computer.7、我认为你应该躺下来休息。I thi nk you shouldand rest.合作探究说说提建议的句型:if引导的条件状语从句:1 If you go to the party,you' ll haimaea good2 If he comes here, please tell me3 If you have any questi on s,you can ask me.归纳:if女“果”主句将来时,从句 展示交流role-play 2d达标提升

7、单项选择。1、()【曲靖中考】I didn ' t sleep well last night, because I a toothache .A. wasB. wentC. hadD. took2、()【山东莱芜中考】 一Tony, What ' smatter with you?I havetoothache.A. a; the B. the; a C. /; the D. the; /3、() Mr. Smith eatsfood, so he' sfat.A.much too; too much B .too many; much tooC. too much;

8、 too much D. too much; much too4、()【孝感中考】 一Why are you so tired these days?Well, I havehomework to do.A. too much B. too many C. much too D. many too5、 () Yoube quiet when you are in the reading room.A. shouldB. shouldn ' tC. can D. can ' t6、 ()【安徽中考】 Youdrive your car so fast. It' s ver

9、y dangerous.A. wouldn ' t B. shouldn ' t C. couldn ' t D. mightn 't7、 () David needsa good rest.A. has B. to have C. have8 ()【连云港中考】一I'd like a cup of black coffee. What about you, Maggie? I prefer coffeesugar.A. tha nB. for C. with D. to9、() The boy isn ' tto dress himself.A

10、. old eno ugh B. eno ugh old C. old10、() I ' m sorry to break your pen. A. That ' s right B. It doesn' t mattferThank youPeriod 3学前反馈Check new words and expressi ons on Page 1-3.导入目标1掌握有用短语,复述课文。2 if引导的条件状语从句。3如何正确开展急救,培养互帮互助的精神。本节教学目标:认读单词:1.上车2.下车3.乘客4使惊讶的5.同意(做某事)6.不同意(做某事)7. trouble

11、(名词)(动词)8、造成麻烦掌握句型(1) The driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road.(2) Thanks to Mr.Wang and the passengers, the doctors saved the man in time.自主学习Finish 3a &3b and try to tran slate.合作探究1. 自主学习后,我还有不明白的问题。2. check 3a,3b each other3. 小组成员轮流读3a并翻译,划出疑难准备提问。4. 共同划出你们认为重要的短语、句子,写在小黑板上.展示

12、交流retell 3a达标提升1.26路公共汽车司机看见一位老人正躺在路边。2. 多亏了王先生和乘客,医生们及时挽救了这个人。3. 使他吃惊的是,他们都同意和他去。4. 他们不想找麻烦。5. 他期待大部分或全部乘客下车去等下一班公共汽车。 Period 4学前反馈Read 3a aloud ,try to recite it.导入目标1学会用一般过去时来讨论突发事件,及有效的急救措施。2通过听,说,读,写,学会灵活运用 should do和shouldn ' t do3根据不同的病症给出多个合理建议。本节教学目标:认读单词1 bandage(名词)(动词) 2 knee3 nosebl

13、eed4 hurt过去式)(过去分词)5 hit(过去式) (过去分词)掌握句型 Are you OK? Do you have a fever? Yes, I do. /No, I don' t.What should she do? She should take her temperature.Should I put some medicine on it? Yes, you should. /No, you shouldn' t.自主学习Fish grammar focus ,4a,4b合作探究1. 组内熟读GF并演练对话。2. 完成4a、4b,小组内互相检查,解决疑

14、难。3. 共同划出你们认为重要的短语、句子,写在小黑板上。4. 总结各种疾病以及相对应的建议,准备4c的活动。展示交流组内演练对话,4c的活动。达标提升句型转换1 What' s the matter (同义句)2 My back hurts.(同义句)3 The bus driver is a 24-year-old young man.同义句)翻译句子1医生告诉我爸爸戒烟。2格林夫人是一个 36岁的妇女。3他发生了什么事?4你最好休息几天 5你量体温了吗?Period 5学前反馈Read and recite GF导入目标1学会用一般过去时来讨论突发事件,及有效的急救措施。2通过听

15、,说,读,写,学会灵活运用should do和shouldn ' t do3反身代词的用法。4. 听力提升。本节教学目标:认读单词1 bandage(名词)(动词) 2 knee3 nosebleed4 hurt过去式)(过去分词)5 hit(过去式) (过去分词)掌握句型A:What happe ned?B:Some one felt sick.C:took his temperature, told him to rest.自主学习Task 1 1a Whe n these accide nts happe n, what should you do? Put the action

16、s in order.1 Some one cut this fin ger.2 Some one hurt his back 3 Some one had a no sebleed._®Task 2 1b Liste n to the school nu rse. Check(V ) the problems you hear.()1 Some one felt sick.()2 Some one cut his kn ee.()3 Some one had a fever.()4 Some one had a no sebleed.()5 Some one hurt his ba

17、ck.()6 Some one got hit on the head.Task 3 1c Listen again. Write the letter of each treatment next to the problems you checked in the chart above.a put a ban dage on itb took his temperaturec told him to restd put some medic ine on ite took him to the hospital to get an X-ray合作探究Check the an swers

18、of 1b&1c展示交流根据以上语言信息,编写对话,小组展示。A: Who came to your office today?B: First, a boy came in. He hurt himself in P.E.class.A: What happe ned?B: He hurt his back.A: He should go to the hospital. Get an X-ray. Rest for a few days.B: And second 达标提升I英汉互译1 put a bandage on it 2 clea n your face 3 tell hi

19、m to the hospital4穿干净的t恤衫 5休息几天6流鼻血7拍x光8 头部受至卩撞9 cut his kneen单项选择()1 You shouldmore water whe n you have a fever.A drink B drinks C to drink D drinking()2 _ did theheadache start? About two hours ago.A Where B Who C When D How()3 I couldn' t sleep, so Ilisten to quiet music ,and Ilisten to exci

20、ting music.A shouldn 'should B should , shouldn ' tC shouldn "shouldn ' t D should, should()4 Billa stomachache, so heeat anything 2 hours.A has, should B have, should C had, shouldD has, shouldn' t()5 Youget up a little earlier, or you' ll be late.A should B shall C must na

21、nt D cPeriod 6学前反馈read page 5 aloud.导入目标学会使用本课的词汇和句子,熟练运用所学复述2b,提高学生的阅读与写作能力。本节教学目标:认读单词:1 breathing( )动词), 2习惯于做某事, 3 危险,4冒险, 5用尽(同意词组),6小刀(单数)(复数), 7切除,8离开,从出来,下车, 9掌管,管理(反义词组)10 的重要性 , 11决定(动词)(名词) , 12死亡(动词)(名词)(形容词),13 keep on doing sth., 14 放弃(做某事)(同意词组), 15 nurse(名词)(动词)掌握句型:1 As a mountain c

22、limber, Aron is used to tak ing risks.2 Aron ' s arm was caught under a 2-B00 rock that fell on him when he wasclimbing by himself in the mountains.3 When his water ran out, he knew that he would have to do somethi ng to save hisown life.4 After los ing his arm, he wrote a book calledBetwee n a

23、Rock and a Hard Place.5 With his left arm, he ban daged himself so that he would not lose too much blood.6 His love for mountain climb ing is so great that he kept on climb ing mountains eve nafter this experie nee.自主学习小组共同学习2a ,2b新单词及有用短语1呼吸困难 2 一个对爬山感兴趣的美国人3作为一名登山员 4最令人兴奋的一件事 5丧生6目的是 7一本叫在岩石与险境间的书

24、 8处于很危险的境地9他自己10习惯于做某事11 一块2000千克的岩石 12晒伤13意味着生与死14讲述Task 2 Un derli ned the words in 2b you donthetikoow ,up the words in a dicti on ary.Task 3 Read the text the n check the questi ons in 2c.Task 4 Read the passage again and answer the questions in 2d.Task 5 Put the sen ten ces in the correct order

25、 in 2e. The n tell the story to your part ner.Task 6 Talk about the accident or a health problem in 3a. What should they do or What shouldn ' t they do?合作探究check the an swers of Task 1-6.共同划出你们认为重要的短语、句子,写在小黑板上小组内互相检查,解决疑难。展示交流组内翻译展示达标提升探讨1. be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事);be used to do sth.(被用于做某事

26、)=be used for doing sth. (被用于做某事);used to do sth.(过去常常做某事)The knife is used(cut) the apples.=The knife is used(cut) the apple.I used(swim) in the lake whe n I was a child.My gran dfather is used(walk) after dinner.2. so that (目的是,以便,为了)引导目的状语从句so tha如此 以至于 )so + 形容词或副词 + that; so + many /much/ few/

27、little + 名词 + that; suchtha如此以至于),such + a /an +形容词+可数名词+ that; such +形容词+可数名 词复数或不可数名词 + that.He isyounghe can ' t go to school.He got up earlyhe could catch the early bus.It isan interesting story(故事)I want to read it again.He runsfastnobody can catch up with追上,赶上)him.There aremany students in

28、 the playgroundI can' t find Lucy.3. 个重 2000 公斤的石头 a 2,000 -kilo rock一个18岁的美国人一条10米宽的河Period 7学前反馈读2b翻译下列句子1 Aron Ralston is an American man who is interested in mountain climbing2.On April 26,2003, he found himself in a very dangerous situation when climbing in Utah.3 He was not ready to die th

29、at day.4. Then, with his left arm, he bandaged himself so that he would not lose too much blood.5. His love for mountain climbing is so great that he kept on climbing mountains even after this experie nee.6 After los ing his arm, he wrote a book called Betwee n a Rock and a Hard Place导入目标学会使用本课的词汇和句

30、子,熟练运用所学复述2b,提高学生的阅读与写作能力自主学习1. Fi nish 3b.2. 自主学习并完成Self Check 1。合作探究合作完成3b展示交流小组展示3bCheck Self Check.达标提升I用所给词的适当形式填空1 He is an American man who(be) interested in mountain climbing.2 This is one of the most exciting(thing) about doing dangerous sports.3 Aron did not give up(climb) after the accide

31、 nt and keeps on(climb) mountains today.4 He would have to do someth ing(save) his own life.5 After(lose) his arm, he wrote a book calledBetwee n a Rock and a Hard Placeu翻译句子1在200年4月26日那一天,他发现自己处于一个非常危险的境地。April 26, 2003, he found him.2他不准备那天去死。He was notdie that day.3在这本书中,他讲述了做出好的决定和把握生命的重要性。In th

32、is book,hemaking good decisi ons and of beingone' s life.4他是手臂被困在了一个2,000公斤的石头下。His arm was caught un der arock.5他爬下山去寻求帮助。Hethe mountain to find help.6他习惯于冒险。Herisk.Period 8单词:强化训练一、根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子1. In fact, we should also care not to咳嗽)or sn eeze loudly in public.2. He has a fand a temperature

33、 of 38.5 degrees cen tigrade.3. Do you have a(头痛)、4. She wears a gold cha in around her n.5. There ' s something wrong with my (6. Tell me about your(烦恼)。7. My feet are疼痛的)after the walk .二、用所给词的适当形式填空1. A man has two(foot ); a dog has four(foot).2. He had to lie dow n for a while(rest) his legs

34、.3. This bus can carry 40( passe nger).4. I have a( tooth ) because there is a cavity洞)in one of my(tooth).5. Mary hurt( her ) whe n she fell over .Section A知识体系要点掌握身体各部位名称的英文表达方式能表述身体的种种不适以及对他人身体的种种不适给予适当的建议 重点问题提示二语言目标What' s the matter? I have a headache. You should drink some tea. The sounds

35、 like a good idea.I.英汉互译1a-2bI. 噪子痛3.躺下休息5.大量饮水7.牙痛9.肚子疼II. 照X光片2. have a cold4. see a den tist6.hot tea with honey8.have a headache10.have a fever12.量体温13.割伤自己2d翻译下列句子:(重难点句子)14.在上面敷些药1. You n eed to take breaks away from the computer.2.1 think I sat in the same way for too long without moving.3a3.

36、 At 9:00 a.m. yesterday, bus No.26 was going along Zhon ghua Road whe n the driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road.4. He expected most or all of the passe ngers to get off and wait for the n ext bus.5. To his surprise, they all agreed to go with him.6. Thanks to Mr Wang and the passenge

37、rs, the doctors saved the man in time.当堂练习单项选择1. My mother is ill.A. I thi nk so.C. Really? Tha nk you2. You should n' t eatB. That ' s OK.D.I am sorry to hear that for breakfast.A. some B. any C. someth ing D. anything3.If you have a toothache, you should see aA. policemanB. teacher C. nurs

38、e D. dentist4.I ' m very tireIdshould .A. work B. rest C. have lunch D .see a film5. Nancy is not feeling now.A. badly B. well C. nice D .right6. Don ' t keep your motherlong .A. wait B. wait ingC. wait forD. wait ing for7. Mrs. Jenny gave uson how to lear n En glish well.A. some advices B.

39、many advices C. some advice D. an advice8. Don ' t worry . She can look after your pet.A. careful eno ughB. eno ugh carefulC. carefully eno ughD. eno ugh carefully9. What' she matteryou ? I have pains in the eyes.A. for B.with C. on D. to 补全对话Jim: Good morning, doctor.Doctor: Good morning. W

40、hat ' s thewith you?Jim: I don ' twell, I ' m feeling cold.Doctor: Open your mouth and “ Ah. ”Jim: Ah.Doctor: And I ' m going t your temperature.Jim: Am I really ill?Doctor: Yes. You have a badand a high.Jim: Must I stay at home?Doctor: Yes, you must. And youtake the medici ne threea

41、 day.Jim :OK, I know. Thank you.Doctor: Iyou feelsoon.Secti on B知识体系要点学会谈论遇到的问题并给出合理的建议。学会使用 should , shouldn °'t新词训练。根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子。Little Kids may hthemselves when they are alone at home.2. The情况)is beco ming very serious.3. Whe n tur ning the corner, we found a large rin our way.4 Where

42、is my刀)?5. What do you mby act ing like this?6 Fortunately, Yang Lei ' s mother agreed with her daughter.' s d7 The traffic lights are(控希 9) by a cen tral computer.用所给词的适当形式填8 The doctors and(nurse ) looked after her very well.9 What does he mean( do )10. She weighs 20(kilo).11. The boys are

43、( hit ) the dog.12. We would like to see it for( our)13 He was ready for any(risk ).14 He feels sad every time he thinks of his cat' s(dead )15 He(die ) last year . He(die ) for one year.16 Anyone who knows the( importa nt) of the exam will study hard.17 This driver got( hurt ) in the accide nt.英汉互译1a-2arun it un der water摔倒get hit by a ball贴创可贴Put your head back呼吸有问题 用should/shouldn '完成下列句子1. She' s tired.Shego to the party.2. I ' m hungry.Youeat


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