



1、(1)Module 3Un it 2 导学案【学习目标】1. 知识目标:掌握重点单词和词组的意思及用法。2. 能力目标:(1)能使用关键句型“ be goi ng to + do ”对节假日计划进行表达。(2)能通过不同目的的阅读,迅速提取有用信息。(3)能正确地朗读课文,读懂,理解和复述本课中的三个小段落。(4)能完成自己五一节的计划。3情感目标:引导学会合作学习,制定科学学习计划。【重点及难点】1. 重点:掌握句型 be going to + verb;wh-questi ons and an swers2. 难点: 学会准确使用be going to + do ”表达自己或他人的节假日计

2、划。【学习过程】Step 1. Guess ing game.1Show some pictures.22Accord ing to the in formati on give n and ask the stude nts to guess:What are you going to do?3Show the pictures to check the an swers.(2) Review the text of Unit 1.(3) Read the words after the teacher.Step 2. Lear n new words.(1)Show some pictur

3、es.(2)Talk something about the pictures.(3)Introduce the new words.(4)Read the words after the teacher.Step 3. Readi ng.(1)Play the record ing and liste n to the tape carefully.(2)Ask the stude nts to read through the passage.(3)Read the passage and Check (V) what theyre going to do.Marti nZhang Sij

4、iaLucywatch a football matchspend time with familyand friendsgo on a summer campcollect litterstay with an Australia family3meet other football fan(4)Check with a partner.(5)Call back the answers from the whole class.(6)Read the text together.(7)Learning to learn.Whena passage has pictures, the pict

5、ures often contain some important information.So look at the pictures before you read, as this will make the passage easier toun dersta nd.达标测试一、单项选择()1. Linda is a new stude nt in my class, and I want to make friends her.A. for B. at C. with D. to()2_the morning of September 8th, many visitors arri

6、ved in the train stationfor a tour.A. In B. On C. At D. To()3. Daming is look ing forward to_ the pla ne to Sha nghai.A. takes B. took C. takeD. tak ing()4. -_ is Lucy going to Disn eyla nd?-Because she likes Mickey Mouse.A. When B. Where C. What D .Why()5. -rm leavi ng for En gla nd n ext week.A.Thats all right. B. Tha nk you.C. Enjoy yourself! D. Youre welcome.4二、 根据汉语提示完成下列句子1. 我们盼望和你待在一起。We _ _ _ _ staying with you.2. 我希望他们赢这场比赛。I hope _ _ _ _ .3.我打算在五一假期享受一下。I m going to _ _ _ the May Day holiday.4.本周末他打算去游览。He is _ _ this weekend.5.汤姆希望在中国交朋友。Tom hopes _ _ _ in China.参考答案、 1-5 CBDD


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