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1、北师大出版社 高一年级 | 上册 UNIT1 LifestylesRelaxingtravelWhat makes you relaxed in your life?北师大出版社 高一年级 | 上册 play Ping-Pongswimming北师大出版社 高一年级 | 上册 ReadingListening to music北师大出版社 高一年级 | 上册 Before you start 1. Think about situations in your life. use the key words to say how relaxing or stressful they are fo

2、r you.Key words :quite relaxing ,very relaxing , a little stressful , very stressful 北师大出版社 高一年级 | 上册 quite relaxing 北师大出版社 高一年级 | 上册 stressful北师大出版社 高一年级 | 上册 very stressful北师大出版社 高一年级 | 上册 ExamplesA: I find painting or drawing very relaxing.B: I agree . But its very stressful to wait for exam resu

3、ltsa). studying for an examb). lying on a beachc). waiting for exam resultsd). giving a talk in publice). giving a talk in Englishf). shopping with a friend北师大出版社 高一年级 | 上册 2. You will hear the following words in the interview. Use them to complete the following sentences.a studio北师大出版社 高一年级 | 上册 pr

4、essurepress北师大出版社 高一年级 | 上册 reduceto make sth. smaller or less in size, importance北师大出版社 高一年级 | 上册 1. _ can cause headaches and other illnesses. 2. The interview took place in a _. 3. I am shy and find _ situations stressful. 4. John _ backache.Stressstudiosocialstudio, expert, suffer from, stress,

5、pressure, social, reduce, organise is suffering from北师大出版社 高一年级 | 上册 5. The _ of being a doctor causes me stressful. 6. Breathing exercises can help _ stress. 7. someone must _ this years Christmas party. 8. Dr Smith is an _ on losing weight.pressure reduceorganiseexpert 北师大出版社 高一年级 | 上册 1. suffer f

6、rom 忍受,遭受。指忍受,遭受。指“患患病;病;受受苦,宾语多为疾病或自然灾害等名词。苦,宾语多为疾病或自然灾害等名词。suffer 指指“遭受,通常指结果,宾语一般是遭受,通常指结果,宾语一般是loss损失,损失,punishment处分,处分,defeat失败,失败,hardship苦难等。苦难等。 Japan _ great losses because of nuclear leakage.A recent survey found that about 65 percent of primary school students _ nearsightedness.suffereds

7、uffer from 北师大出版社 高一年级 | 上册 2. reduce vt.&vi. 减少,降低减少,降低 reduce. to. 把把减少到减少到 reduce. by. 把把减少减少reduction n. 减少,降低减少,降低e.g. Now the number of giant pandas is reduced to 1,600.如今大熊猫的数量已经如今大熊猫的数量已经减少到减少到1600 只。只。It is reported that the prices of houses in big cities have reduced by 10% recently.据报

8、道,近来大城市的房价据报道,近来大城市的房价降了降了10%。北师大出版社 高一年级 | 上册 Listening Strategies: Predication Before you listen, read the questions carefully. (e.g. question 1 in Exercise 3)2. Try to think of possible answers. (e.g. students)3. Use your general knowledge to help you. (e.g. Students have lots of tests,)北师大出版社 高一

9、年级 | 上册 cant stand, love, like, dont like, quite like, prefer, enjoy, hateI really (1) _ doing exams.I (2) _ talking in front of the class.I (3) _ going to parties very much.hatecant standdont like7. Listen again. Use the verbs to complete the sentences in the Function File.北师大出版社 高一年级 | 上册 I (4) _

10、meeting people in small groups.I (5) _ listening to music.I (6) _ reading.I (7) _ sitting and doing nothing.I (8) _ talking to my friends. enjoypreferlovelikequite like8. Write eight sentences about yourself using the verbs in the Function File.北师大出版社 高一年级 | 上册 3. stand vt. 忍耐,忍受,站立忍耐,忍受,站立cant stan

11、d (sb.) doing sth. 无法忍受某人做某事无法忍受某人做某事stand by 站在旁边,支持站在旁边,支持stand for 代表,象征代表,象征stand out 显眼,突出显眼,突出Most of the children cant stand _ so early.大多数孩子无法忍受起这么早。大多数孩子无法忍受起这么早。 The dress will make you _ in a crowd.那件衣服会使你在人群中很显眼。那件衣服会使你在人群中很显眼。getting upstand out北师大出版社 高一年级 | 上册 4. prefer vt. 宁可,宁愿,更喜欢宁可,宁愿,更喜欢prefer (doing) sth. 更喜欢做某事更喜欢做某事prefer to do sth. 宁愿做某事宁愿做某事prefer (doing) sth. to (doing) sth.宁愿宁愿而不愿而不愿prefer to do rather than do 宁愿宁愿而不愿而不愿e.g. I prefer classical music to pop music.= I prefer listenin


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