



1、STARTER UNITS 1-3综合测评(分数:100 分时间:90 分钟)第I卷听力部分(15 分)I.听句子,选择与其意思相符的图片(有两幅多余图片)(5 分)1._ 2._ 3._ 4. _ 5._n.听句子,选择正确答语(5 分)6. A.Hello!This is a ball.B. Hi!Good morni ng.C. Good evening.7. Am OK.B. Nice to meet you, too.C. Tha nk you.8. A.I m fine.Thank you.B. How are you?C. You are welcome.9. A.Tha nk

2、you.B. This is Ben.C. You are welcome.10AWhat s this?B. I m Mary.C. It s a map.川.听对话,选择正确答案(5 分)11 .What color is the girl s ruler?A. It s black.B. It s green.C. It s red.12 .Whose pencil is it?A. It s Bill s.B. It s Alice s.C. It s Tony s.13.What s this?A.It s C.2B.lt s U.C.lt s V.14.What s the gir

3、l s name?A.Her n ame is San dy.B.Her n ame is Ci ndy.C.Her n ame is Lucy.15 .Who s the woma n?A.She is Mrs. Black.B.She is Mrs. Smith.C.She is Mrs. Jon es.第n卷笔试部分(85 分)IV .单项选择(10 分)16. 下列字母 _与字母 Ii 含有相同的元音音素。A.RrB.GgC.YyD.Uu17. 下列各组字母中不含元音字母的是 _。A.a c d fB.g h k m18. What s NBA in Chinese?C.j i n r

4、D.l m n oIt s _.A.英国广播公司B.中国中央电视台C.不明飞行物D.美国职业篮球联赛19. 小号的衣服标识为_。A.SB.MC.LD.X20. 在 26 个字母中 _和 _可以单独成词。A.R;EB.O;UC.A;ID. P;T21. What s this in En glish?A.I m fineB.It s green C.It s a key22. _M-A-P.A.What s this? B.Spell it, please.23.It sruler.It sorange ruler.A.a;a nB.a n;aC.a;the24.There is“in the

5、worda?name .A.aB.a nC.the25.is your pen?D.It s his bookC.What color isit?D.an ;theD./D.It s a map.It s _.A.What;blueB.What color;blue3C.What;blue color D.What color;blue colorV.完形填空(10 分)Good mornin g,every on e!I26 a boy. 27Fran k.Look!Thisis a28 .Itnice quilt.What29 is it? 30yellow and white.A nd_

6、3132 .It s33jacket.Thats a ruler.34ruler is3526.A.amB.isC.areD./27 .A.It sBmC.HiD.This is28.A.m apB.pe nC.quiltD.ruler29.A. colorB.nu mberC.sizeD.old30A ItsB.IsC.ItD.It s31 .A. howB.what sC.whatD.h ows32.A.a jacketB.jacketC.an jacketD.the jacket33.A.ora ngeB.a orangeC.an orangeD.the orange34.A.A nB.

7、TheC.AD./35.A.the blueB.blue oneC.a blueD.blueW.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空(10 分)36.I_ (be) OK.37. How_(be) Alice?38. We re fine, _(thank).39. _ (spell) it,please.40can say _ (I) ABCs.vn.按要求改写下列句子(10 分)41 .This is a key .(对画线部分提问)this?42. Ben s bag is yellow and red .(对画线部分提问)is Ben s bag?43. My English teacher

8、 is fine.(改为同义句)My En glish teacher _44. Cindy Green is fine .(对画线部分提问)_Cindy Green?45. an, is. It, orange(连词成句)vrn.情景交际(15 分)A.从n栏中找出i栏的对应答语(5 分)()46.What s this in English?A.Good after noon!this in En glish?It4()47.Good afternoon!B.It s oran ge.()48.What color is that orange?C.Fine, thanks()49.How

9、 are you?D.It s an egg.()50.Hello, Bob!E.Hello, Eric!B.补全对话(10 分)A. Nice to meet you, too!B. I m Li Lei.C. It s a pen.D. It s blue.E. OK.A:Hello! 51._B:Hello!l m Ann.A:Nice to meet you!B:52. _A:Ca n you speak En glish?B:Yes, a little.Let s learn English together.A:53. _B:What s this in En glish?A:54

10、. _B:What color is it?A:55. _B:Yes, you are right.IX.阅读理解(10 分)Hello .I am a schoolbag (书包).I m black.This is my friend( 朋友 ).It is apen.l t s black,too.Look at this!It s a ruler and it s yellow.And that is amap.It s a map of China.The purple one is a cup.We are happy friends.根据短文判断正(T)误(F)56. The s

11、choolbag has four frien ds.57. The schoolbag and the cup are black.58. The ruler is purple.59. The cup is purple.60. They are good frien ds.X.书面表达(20 分)早上玛丽和汤姆见面了,互相问好后,玛丽问汤姆夹克衫用英语怎么说以及汤姆的夹克衫是什 么颜色的。汤姆一一作答。就此情景写一段对话,开头已经给出。5Mary:Good morni ng,Tom!Tom:_Mary: _Tom:Mary: _Tom:_答案与解析答案:I.1.D 2.B 3.A 4.F 5.GII. 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.C川.11.A12.C13.C14.B15.BIV. 16.C17.B18.D19.A20.C21.C22.B23.A24.B25.BV.26.A27.B28.C29.A30.D31.B32.A33.C34.B35.DW.36.am37.is38.tha nks39.Sp ell40.myVfl.41 .What is42.What color43.is OK44.How is45.It is an orangeW.46.D47.A48.B49.C50


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