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1、易错题总编1. We are waiting for Tom. He is looking for one of his .A. sports shoes B. sport shoe C. sport shoe D. sports shoe2. The population of USA large. Over two thirds of the population white.A. is; is B .are ;are C. is ;are D. are ;is3. After journey, I felt tired.A. twenty miles B .twenty miles C.

2、 twenty mile D .twenty mile s4. - How can I find your house?Oh, when you get to the river, you will see a over it. My house is just near it.A. stony bridge B .stone bridge C. stone s bridge D. bridge with stone5. The teacher and writer come to the meeting.A. wasB .were C. has D. have6. Li Bai wrote

3、many wonderful all his life.A. articles B. poems C. songs D. handwritings7. -What do you have for Paul ?I think he should study harder than before.D. informationA. news B. advice C. help8. Forests are very important to us, aren t they ?Yes, if we have more forests, they will help to keep from runnin

4、g away.A. trees B. leavesC .water D. grass9. - Michael likes flying around the world.I think being a is just right for him.A. pilotB. policemanC. cookD. doctor10. I like a lot, and my mother usually cooks it in different ways.A. fishB. potatoesC .noodles11. There will be for the first time in the ne

5、ar future in Kunming.A. buses B. carsC. subways D .trains12. I was in hospital because of my illness and many of my friends went to hospital to see me .A. /;the B. a; theC. the ;/ D. / ; the13. Wang Ming lost the game, so he wants to have second try.A. the B. aC. / D. an14. W ill you get there by tr

6、ain? No, I ll take taxi.A. /;a B. a; the C. /;/ D. the ; a15. What do you think is the difference between man and woman? I don t think there s any difference.A. the; the B. a; a C. / ;/ D. a; the16. Which of the two poems do you like better?shorter one, of course. I think it s really most interestin

7、g one.A. A ;the B .The; a C. The ; the D. A ;a17. When I left the island last night, word came that strong wind would hit itsoon.A. a; aB. a; / C. /; aD. / ;/18. Thank you so much. I really like scarf you gave me yesterday. It looks very nice.A. aB. theC. /19. My best friend Neil is honest boy. You

8、can believe him.A. aB. anC. theD. /20. Avatar is such wonderful science fiction movie that I want to see it secondtime.A. a; a B. a ;the C. /; the D. /; a21. A low carbon (低碳) lifestyle has effect on our daily life .People are payingmore and more attention to saving _ these days.A. the; energies B.

9、a; energy C. an; energy22. warm idea suddenly came to me that I might use pocket money to buy agift for my father on Father s Day.A. A; theB. The ;the C. The; / D. /; the23. How do you like London? It s great .I love it.A. /;aB. the; / C. the; a D./; /24. We can have bluer sky if we create less poll

10、uted world.A .a; a B. a; the C. the ;a D. the; the25. -Shall we pay visit to Expo 2010, Shanghai ? No, I d rather stay at home and play football.A. a; the B. the; aC. / ;the D. a; /26. There s a arerdpacrking in our neighborhood. Do you know it is ?A. what B. whoC. whose D. whom27. He showed me a ma

11、gazine he bought yesterday. I think it s interesting. So I bought from the bookstore.A. it B. this C. thatD. one28. The house is very nice. But I don t like the color of it.A. its B. itC .itself D. it s29. When shall we meet again next time ?-day is OK.A. EitherB .SomeC. AllD. Any30. The cars made i

12、n China are much cheaper than made in Japan.A. onesB. thoseC. that D. one31. - Would you like to buy a car here? Yes, but I d like to buy made in Shanghai.A. one B .that C. it D. this32. I would appreciate if you could come and help with my work.A. that B .itC. this D. one33. There is no difference

13、between the two sweaters, so I really don t know A. which one to chooseB. which to choose oneC. to choose which oneD. which one to choose34. -do you think is the best restaurant?The one on Bridge Street.A. Who B .Where C. What D. How35. Emma, can you introduce to Alice? I want to meet her.A. him B.

14、his C. me D. my36. -Kate ,I m going on busineslsea. sPe look after well. Don t worry , Mom, I will.A. herself B. myself C. yourself37. Have you got ready for the sports meeting?Not yet. We still have to do.A. anything , nothingB. something, everythingC. everything, something38.- Excuse me . I want t

15、o buy some stamps. Where can I find a post office?-I know not far from here . You can easily find .A. that, itB. it; one C .one ;it39. -Susan, I won t be back for dinner this evening.Don t worry ,Mom. I can take care of .A. yourself B. herself C. himself D. myself40. of the hats suited him, so Jack

16、had to try on the third one .A. Neither B. Either C. Both41. He visited the family a cold morning of MarchA.inB. onC. toD. at42. Japan is the east of China.A. inB. to C. on D. at43. It is important us students to make a plan our studies before a new termstarts.A. for ;for B. of; for C. to ;of D. wit

17、h ;on44. We have to learn English , maths , physics and chemistry at school Chinese.A. beside B. except C. besides D. except for45. I f you want to go to the palace , first you have to go a forest , then you walka square.A. across, through B. through; throughC. across; across D. through ; across46.

18、They left Shanghai this evening. They will stay there three weeks.A. /;for B. for; for C. from; in D. to; in47. You should work hard , for what you have done is far from .A. satisfactory B. satisfied C. satisfying D. satisfaction48. The little elephant is afraid to go alone. He always walks his moth

19、er.A. besides B. beside C. below D. under49. The earthquake which happened in Yushu 14th April 2010 was a big disaster.A. atB. on C. in D. to50. Sally is very happy. There is a big smile her face.A. onB. toC. inD. at51. Let s go hiking staying at home , shall we ?A good idea.A. as well as B. in orde

20、r to C. instead of D. in addition to52. Medicine is dangerous for children , so it should be kept away them.A. by B. toC. from53. Every one of you is looking forward getting a good result. Better thinkcarefully before writing down your answers .Wish you success!A. on B. inC. to54. When was Michael P

21、helps born?He was born June ,1985.55. Dick, it is the time in days that youme m isvtaekme.ade the saA. two ; three B. second ; three C. two; third D second ; third56. I think of the materials I listened to at the beginning of the exam easy .A. two thirds ;is B. second three ;are C. two thirds ;areD.

22、 two third; are57. It is said that people died in the earthquake that happened in America yesterdayafternoon.C. ten thousands D. ten thousandsA. 90S;the B. the 90s;/ 58. It is not rare in _that people in fifties are goingto university for further education.C.90s ;theirD. the 90s;their59 . ” When is

23、your mother s birthday, Tina ?” It s on July A. twenty B. ninthC. five60 .He didn t tell us he got the job.A. what B .that if C. how61 .Children will work actively if .A. praise B. praised C .praising D. to praise62. Though money, his parents managed to send him to university.A. lacked B. lacking of

24、 C. lacking D. lacked in63. When you re learning English, use it, youose it. ll lA. butB. orC.then D. and64. He was tired he fell asleep as soon as he lay down.Oh, we can go out and let him have a good rest.A. too,to B. so ,that C. enough , to D. such, that65. Don t be afraid of asking for informati

25、on it is needed.A. when B. afterC. although D. unless66. You have to leave now you can catch the early bus.A. so that B. as soon as C .because D. if67. we deal with our problems ,we can easily become unhappy.A .Unless B. Until C. Though D. Whether68. Paul s uncle is the mantaught us math last year.A

26、. where B. which C. whoD. when69. -Would you like to go to the concert with meI d love to ,I m afraid I have no time.A. so B .orC. andD. but70. Tom will call me as soon as he home.A. gets B .has got C .gotD. will get71. He wanted to know the English party.A. when will he leaveB .when we will haveC.

27、when would he leaveD. when we would have72. Jamie is a young cook wants to improve school dinners.A. who B. whose C. whom D. which73. -What do you think of the lecture( 演讲 ) of Li Yang s Crazy English? I think it s , but someone thinks it s much too A. wonderful enough; boredB. enough wonderful ;bor

28、ingC. wonderful enough; boringD. enough wonderful ;bored74. I can t believe that little animals eat _m_a_n_y insects.A. such; such B. so ;so C. so; such D. such; so75. It is important English every day.A. of us to read B. for us to read C. for us reading D. we must read76. This girl is Linda s cousi

29、n.A. pretty little SpanishB. Spanish little prettyC. Spanish pretty littleD. little pretty Spanish77. I know of the twin sisters.A. the call B. the taller C .the tallest D. taller78. You are speaking too fast ,and we can t follow you. Could you ple-ase speakA. more lowly a bitB .slowly a bit moreC.

30、a bit more slowlyD. slowly more a bit79 .-It seems that Alice never wants to do anything except drawing pictures. Right . That s what she likes to do .A. more B. less C. most D. least .80 . Hey ,Tina.are you going for your vacation? Hmm. I think I m going to Shanghai.81 .What a picture of a horse. I

31、 would be with some green trees around it.A. goodB. betterC. worse82 .Sometimes it rains in Xi an in summer.A. heavyB. heavilyC. strongD. strongly83. Where is my watch ? I can t find it. Don t worry. It must be in your room.A. somewhere B. anywhere C. everywhere D. nowhere84. The young lady walked i

32、nto the room in order not to wake up the baby.A. quickly B. quietly C. slowly D. hurriedly85. -Did you love your day trip?Yes, we enjoyed the roller coaster of all.A. most B . little C. more D.less86. -do you have an art festival in your school?Once a year.A. How often B .How many C. How soon87. Wai

33、ter, $20 for dinner, right ? I m afraid $25, sir, for drinks are.A. extra B. freeC. high D. spare88. -Are you scared of the flight?No, just a little .A. angryB .seriousC. anxious D. calm89. The train for twenty minutes.A. leftB. has leftC. is leaving D. has been away90Where is Tom? Do you know?I thi

34、nk he to the library.A. has gone B .goesC. has been D .went1. .She wants a piece of paper .A. to writeB .to write with C. to draw on D. to draw92. -you read the story?Yes . I it at school.A. Have ;read B. Did ;read C. Have; have read D .Did; have read93. What did you do last night?I my homework but

35、nothing else.A .did B. was doing C. has done D. had done94. Why do you know the company so well?Oh, Ithere for three years.A. worked B. would work C. had worked D. was working95. -Why didn t you go to the cinema with us this afternoon?I at the station for my uncle from Beijing.A. was waiting B. have

36、 waited C. am waiting D. will wait96. How can I well with my lessons, Dad?Practice makes perfect.A. work on B. hold on C. get onD. keep on97. What s your father doing now?He the room.A. cleaned B. cleans C. has cleaned D. is cleaning98. You homework is well done .Just some small mistakes in it.A. cr

37、eate B. connect C. correct D. control99. If you to the 2010 Shanghai Expo next month. I will go with you.A. goB. has gone C. will go D. are going100. The bus is coming. Be careful when you the bus.A. get on B. get off C. get up D. get to101. -The radio that there will be another heavy rain in Guangd

38、ong.Too bad. It has rained for the whole week.A. tells B .talksC. says D. speaks易错题总编二1. Look at the timetable, Hurry up! Flight 4026 off at 18:20A. takes B. took C. will be taken D. has taken2. -Is this your coat ,Sir?No .Mine over there near the window.A. hangsB. is hangingC. hungD. has hung3. The

39、 students were made in the exercise books.A. handB. to be handed C. to handD. handing4. Do you know what to Mary?A. happened B. was happened C. has been happened D. happen5. The house we bought years ago needs now.A. to paint B. painting C. to painted D. paint6. -Which sport are you in at the school

40、 sports meeting?- No decision yet. I think it after discussing with my PE teacher , Mr Yuan.A. will be decided B. will decide C. was decided D. is decided7. -Why is the classroom so dirty?Sorry ,sir. It yesterday .We forgot to do it.A. doesn t cleanB. didn t cleaCn. isnt cleaned D .wasnt cleaned8. H

41、ong Kong to be a good place for eating today.A. knows B. knew C. is known D. was known9. -What are on show in the museum?Some photos by the children of Yushu, Qingdao.A. have been taken B. were taken C. are taken D. taken10. -Doctor , it seems that you like to work with animals.Yes, I think animals

42、should as our friends.A. regard B. be regarded C. be regarding D. are regarded11. Peter in Korea bow when they meet for the first time.A. supposed to B. are supposed to C. are supposed to12 .You d better put the books here . They ,with the dictionary , back wherethey were.A. should put B. could put

43、C. can be put D. must be put13 . Another new railway station in Changsha in 2011.A. was built B. build C. will be built14.1 t is said in Australia there is more land than the government knows.A. it what to do withB. what to doi t withC. what to do with itD .to do what with it15. good care of the veg

44、etable can make them grow better.A. Taking B. Took C. Take D. Takes16. -The light in the classroom is still on.Oh, I forgot.A. turning it off B .turn it off C. to turn it off D .turning off it17. Near my home there is a big supermarket Price- Low.A. called B. is called C. calling D. calls18. All of

45、us found difficult _.A. it ;work out B. it s ;to work it out C. it was ; to work know it D. it; to work out19. in the chair ,she was reading her novel carefully.A. Seat B. Seating C. Seated D. To seat20.At least 300 million people are using QQ by Ma Huateng to chat on line.A. create B. creates C. cr

46、eating D. created21 .Danny did all kinds of things to make the baby.A. to stop crying B. stop crying C. to stop to cry D .stop to cry22 . -How would your family like to travel ? It asproblem in my family .Mother prefers to take a bus to travel ,while father always sticks to travel.A. to drive B. to

47、driving C. driving D. drive23 .Nancy is really a hard working student .We often see her books in theclassroom.A. read B. to read C. reads24 . Don t forget an umbrella you . It s going to rain.A. to take ;to B. taking; to C. to take ;with D. taking ;with25 .Father often tells me too much time on comp

48、uter games.A. don t spend B. nspoet nd C .not to spend D. not spending26 .We have two rooms ,but I can t decide .A. to live ; to choose which one B. lived ; choose which oneC. to live in ;which one to choose D. live ; which one27 .-I think I ll give Bob a ring. You _. You haven t been in touch with

49、him for ages.A. will B. may C. have to D. should28 .Don t play with the dog ,Jack , for_it_ be dangerous at times.A. shall B. should C. can D. must29 . He said he went to seen the film last night ,but he knows nothing about it.No ,he have seen it.A. can Bt . mustn tC. mightn tD. needn t30 . The man

50、in the office be Mr. Black because he went home just now.A mustn tB. may not C. can tD. needn t31 . Can you go surfing with us this afternoon? I d like to ,but I look after my little sister at home , because my mother is ill.A. need B. must C. have to D. should32 . May I take this book out of the re

51、ading room?. Please read it here.A. Certainly B. No, you neednC. tN. o, you mustn t. D. No, you may not.33 .-Must I go to the shop with you ,Mum?Err .I can make it myself ,Mike .You go with me.A. mustn t B. shouldn t C. wouldn tD .needn34. Is Jessica giving us a speech this even evenin?gNo ,itbe her

52、. She to Japan.A. mustn t ;has goneB. mustn t ;has beeCn. can t ; has gone D. can t; has been 35. I have a ticket, please?Sorry ,sir .All the tickets were sold out ten minutes ago.A .May B. Need C. Must D. Should36. Do you have to finish our homework this afternoon?Yes ,you .A .must B. can C. may D.

53、 need37. Who _ it be walking in the garden ?It be Mr Li. He has gone tothe supermarket. A. may ;mustn t B. might ; may not C. can; can t D. could; mustn t38. I m feeling much better now so you call the doctor.A. couldn t B. wouldn tC. can tD. needn t39. How was the youth club last night ,Mark?It was

54、 great fun .You come.A. must B. can C. should D. may40. your American friend eat with chopsticks? Yes ,but he can t use them well.A. Can B. Should C. Must41. Could I use your dictionary?Yes, you .A. can B. could C. need D. should42. This pair of pants his brother s.A. is B. are C. am D. was43.1 f no

55、body to the party ,I back home.A. will come ;will go B. comes ;go C. come ;will go D. comes ;will go44. Whether we go camping or not on the weather .A. is depended B. are depend C. depends D. depend45. Three kilos so heavy for the boy to carry .Let him do so by himself.A. are B. aren Ct. isn Dt. is46. Neither you nor I here just now.A. am B .are C. was D. were47. Jim works hard on his Chinese and.A. so Lucy d


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