



1、12019 年广西来宾市中考模拟试卷英语(时间:120分钟 卷面总分:120分)第I卷(选择题,共90分)一、听力测试(共30分)(一)听句子,选画面(每小题1分,共5分)你将听到五个句子,请根据所听到的内容,选择与画面内容意思相符的选项。每个句 子仅读一遍。B. Thank you. I can take care of myself.C. Yes, I thi nk so.()7. A. So she does, because she found her purse.B. His wife got a can cer.C. So she does, because her husba n

2、d has got acan cer.()8.A. Its only 3 yua n B. Thats too perso n alC.Today is Mon day.()9.A. OK.B. Yes, he could.()10. A. He came back two days ago.B. Hell come back from BejingC. Hell come back next week)11.Whose bike is broke n?A. TomsB. Lindas)12. Has the woma n ever bee n to Japa n?你将听到五个句子,请你根据所

3、听到的内容,()6. A. Sorry, I dontagreeE5._选择恰当的答语。每个句子仅读一(三)对话理解。(每小题1分,共10分)你将听到10段对话,请你根据每段对话内容,选择正确的答案。每段对话读两遍。C. Lily sC. Yes, but o nly to TokyoC. En glish songsA. One hourB. Two hoursC. Three hours((四)短文理解。(每小题1分,共10分)(A)听短文,选答案。你将听至V篇短文,请你根据短文内容,选择正确的答案,短文读两C. To borrow some magaz inesC. With his f

4、riendsC. Cathy scousinC. OneC. New YorkC. I n a wi ndowC. 45 dollarsC. In a supermarketC. No, it did nt你将听至U篇短文,请你根据短文内容,补H全短文中所缺的单词,短文读两遍。we re students i _ 9 now, but were not sure whether we should do27._ or not. To decide, we had a discussion. 58%of the students thought thatwe should. They thoug

5、ht that doing exercise was good for 28._ . They also saidthat it could help us reduce the 29._ of getting some diseases, Our brain couldrest after doing exercise, so it helped us 30_42%of the students thought thatwe shouldnt. They thou ghat doing exercise was a waste of time. We should also hurtours

6、elves whe n play ing sports.二、单项选择( (每小题1分,共15分)从下面各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。()31.My best friend lent me a (an)_ so that I wouldnt get wet in the rainA. can dle B. umbrella C. scarfD. wallet()32.-Could you take care of my dog for me when we re away?A. Yes, please B. No, Im not. Yes, sure D. No, than

7、ks()33.-Wow, my new bike looks the same as_ .-Really.1_ 2._ 3._(二)听句子,选答语。(每小题1分,共5分)4.2A. Yes, several times B. Never )13.What do the two people both like?A. En glish bookB. En glish movies()14. How much will the woma n pay for the hat and the dress?A.$3B.$33C.$36()15. How long has the woma n bee n

8、 swimmi ng?)16.Why does Tom come to the library?A. To read some books B. To get a library card )17.Who does Tom live with?A. With a Chi nese family B. With his pare nts )18.Who runs a computer compa ny?A. Cathys aunt B. Cathys father )19.How many children in Cathys family?A. TwoB. Three)20.Where wil

9、l Jack live in?A. LondonB. France( )21.Where did Tom see the Advertiseme nt?A. In a shopB. In a n ewspaper()22.How much was the bicycle?A. 55 dollarsB. 65 dollars( )23.Where did Tom go to buy the bicycle?A. On the InternetB. In a shop( )24.What problem did Tom find in the shop?A. The bicycle was not

10、 good eno ughB. The price was too highC. There was no basket ob the bicycle()25.Did the price in clude the basket?A. Im not sureB. Yes. I did(B)听短文,填信息。3A. youB. yourself C. yourD. yours()34._ of people will visit Beihai .A. Thousa ndB. Thousa nds C Thousa nds of D. Thousa nd of()35. Tom_ Mary speak

11、sCh in esewell, so they can com muni catewith Chinesestude nts very well.A. Neither; norB. Not o nly; but alsoC. Both; andD. Either; or()36.The people were afraid, because the tiger had escaped_the zoo.A. fromB. onC. toD. of( )37.Work hard,_ youll get good grades.The 48 tells us that what some peopl

12、e believe to be the best music and the best food arent so for 49. Feed a bird according to a birds want50not a.The say ing“Do to others as you would have others do to you.”Is n ever really suitable阅读下列短文内容,从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。A. i nterest B. i nterests C. i nteresti ng D. i nterested()40.-1 often have

13、 hamburgers for my breakfas-You d better not. Its bad for youmuch junk food.A. eatB. to eatC. eati ngD. ate()41.-Do you know the man_ is read ing the book over the-Yfes, he is Mr. Gree n, ourP.E. teacher.A. which B. whatC. whomD. who()42. Trees_every year to make our city gree ner.A. plantB. are pla

14、nted C. were planted D. will be planted()43.- Can you ride a horse?-No, I_ .A. needn t B. may not C. can t D. mustnt()44.We must keep the classroom_.A. clea nB. to clea nC. clea ningD. clea ned()45.-Its an exciting film. Ive just seen _.A. So do IB. So I doC. So have ID. So I have三、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)

15、阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选最佳选项。There was a big sea bird that was very beautiful. One day, the sea bird 41 to a country andstayed outside of a palace. The Emperor asked his men to bring it to the palace. Then he said ,“As a welcome for the sea bird, w42 thebahd and get the best foodand w

16、ine ready for 43.So they played the best music for the sea bird, but it 44 bored. The Emperor in troduced themost delicious food and best wine and asked the bird to have them. But the sea bird 45.After three days 46 eati ng or drinking, the sea bird died.The Emperor said_47_ ,“Why didnt you eat? I h

17、ave you all of the best!AYou can probably all ride a bike well. Im例外xception (I started riding a bike when I was three. It was a tiny toy bike with four wheels. I lovedit very much and rode it every day. When I was 5, my cousin gave me a pink bike. It was a truebicycle with just two wheels! At the t

18、ime, my pare nts were too busy to teach me how to ride it.So I had to learn to ride by myself. I practiced hard on weekends and during vacations,although I still didnt know how to make turns.One summer vacation, I borrowed an old bike and rode it with my friends on a country road.We sang and practic

19、ed our ridi ng skills. Sudde nly, a small boy ran into the road. I was shockedand couldnt control the bike at all. My bike ran into the boy and he fell. He didn seriously hurt,but his gran dma was too angry to accept my apology. My cous in appeared five minu tes laterand saved me from the mess. But

20、the experie nee frighte ned me: I no Ion ger dared to ride abike.Then, last year, free bikes were offered to childre n. My mother tried to teach me how toride. But the traffic made me so nervous that I had to ride really slowly. But Imot going to giveup. One day, believe me; youd see me riding a bik

21、e in a big street.( )56.What kind of bike did the writer have whe n he was five?A. An electric bicycle.B. A bicycle with two wheels.C. A bicycle with three wheels. D. A bicycle with four wheels.()57.Who taught the writer to ride a bike whe n he was five?A. His father. B. His mother. C. His brother. D. No one.()58.Who did the writer hit o n the road?A. A small girl. B. A small boy. C. An old man. D. An old woma n.()59.Why did the writer say“I no Ion ger dared to ride a bike”?A.


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