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1、实用文案新题型:语法填空辅导解题策略一通读全文,理解大意.二根据句子结构,确定词性;三根据句意,确定词形;考查范围1语境(上下文);2语法:有提示词一一谓语动词,非谓语动词,名词,形容词,副词,形容词或副词的比较级或最高级无提示词一一介词,连词,代词,冠词语法填空(无提示词)冠词:a, an, the介词:in, on, at, with, as, before, after, by, from, through, to, for等代词:one, another, other, both, none,I, we, you等人称连词:(1)and, or, but, so(两个完整的句子之间)(

2、2)that, which, who, whom, whose, whe n, where, why (弓丨导定语从句)(3)that, whether, if, whose, which, who, what, whe n, where, how,why (引导名词性从句)(4)whe n, before, after, un til, while, because, so, if, uni ess,although, as (引导状语从句)(一)无提示词解题技巧:技巧1缺主语或宾语,一定是填代词或名词(多考代词)I.She did not hesitate for long : altho

3、ugh her father smoked a pipe only once in a while, she knew that this was a present whichwas bound to please _38_.2. He asked his teacher, “ Sir, the water was awful. Why didyouprete nd to like _38_”3.I can send a message to Kenya whe never I want to, and _38 gets _ there almost in a sec ond.技巧2.如果句

4、子基本结构完整,名词前面无限定词(冠词、不定代词和形容词性物主代词),则设在该名词前的空格很大可能填限定词。4.lt is said that a short-tempered man in the Song Dyn asty (9601279) was very an xious to help _33 rice crop grow up quickly.5. Besides,shoppingat this time of the year was not _33_pleasa nt experie nee:6. the head of the village was tying up hi

5、s horse to my car to pullit to_35_small town some 20 kilometres away where there was a garage.7. After the student left, the teacher let _36_ studenttaste thewater.技巧3.如果句子基本结构完整,名词或代词在句中既不作主语、表语,也不作动词的宾语时,其前面的空格通常是填介词。8. Whe n Jane got home, with her small but well-chose n prese nt inher bag, her p

6、are nts were already _39_ table hav ing supper.9. The young man went home _35_ a happy heart.技巧4.如果两个句子(即两个主谓结构)之间没有分号或句号,也没有关联 词连接或引导,则填并列连词或从属连词例如that, which, who, whom,whose, when, where, why (弓丨导定语从句 )that, whether, if, whose, which, who, what, when, where, how, why (弓丨导名词性从句 ) when, before, aft

7、er, un til, while, because, so, if, uni ess, although, as (弓丨导状语从句)。and ,or but ( 连接并列句)10. He was very tired from/after doing this for a whole day, _37_he felt very happy since the crop did“grow ” higher.11. Jane paused in front of a counter_35_ some attractive ties were on display.12.1 wan ted to

8、see as much of the city as possible in the two days32_I was to return to Guan gzhou.技巧5:和it有关的一些特殊句型也是判断纯填空题的一个重要技巧。A. 根据it作形式主语或形式宾语的句型来判断空格处是否应填it.13.She remembered how difficult _31_ was to choose a suitableChristmas prese nt for her father.B. 根据强调句结构“ It is/was+被强调部分+ that/who+句子剩下部分”判断空格处填it还是t

9、hat.14. and _40_ was only after I heard she became sick that I learned she couldn' t eat MSG.强调句判断方法:去掉it is/wasthat看句子结构是否仍然强调完整的方法来判断句子是否为强调句Exercise 1.0ne day while working at the cash register in the gift shop, I sawelderly couple come in with a little girl in a wheelchair.2. There is a bott

10、le full of water on the desk. ater is verydirty.3. No one helped me. I did it allmyself.4. Bob and Mary are going to see a movieChristmas Day.5.lt was a pity that the great writer diedhis work unfini shed.6.lf you give your children the impression that they can never doany thi ng quite right, the n

11、they will regardas unfit or un ablepers ons.7. He is also an author, and ew book will come out nextmon th.8. He knew what he wan ted., he did n' t know how to get it.9. This is the parkthey visited last year.10still remember many of the games we played I wasabout ten.11would hear them talk about

12、happe ned duri ng their day.(二)、给出提示词的解题技巧1 .动词:1).给出的提示词为动词时,考生应首先分析句子结构,判断该动词在句中是谓 语动词还是非谓语动词,或者是否需要转换词性等,然后再具体解题。15. people stepped on your feet or _34_ (push) you with their elbows, hurry ing ahead to get to a barga in.2) .如果一个句子没有谓语动词,或者提示词与已有谓语动词之间是并列关系 时,所给提示词就是谓语动词,此时要根据语境考察时态和语态。16. Her mot

13、her was excited.“ You father has at last decided to stopsmok ing, ” Jane _40_ (in form).17. After a long jour ney, the young man _33_ (prese nt) the waterto the old man.3) .如果句子已有谓语动词,给出的动词提示词也不作并列谓语时,则考查非谓语动词,这时要根据句子所缺成分和非谓语动词各自用法特点,选择动词-ing、动词-ed和不定式,具体确定方法如下:提示词在句中作目的状语、only后的结果状语、情感形容词或动词后的原因状 语

14、时,通常用不定式。18. For example, the proverb, “ pluckingup a crop _32_(help) itgrow ” , is based on the following story.4) .提示词给的是动词有时也会考查词类转换,考生须仔细分析句子结构,正 确填词。19. But Jane knew from her past experienee that her _36_ (choose)of ties hardly ever pleased her father.2 .形容词和副词1).提示词为形容词或副词,重点考察它们的比较等级、形容词副词之间

15、的词性 转换,具体解题技巧如下:1).考察形容词和副词的比较等级。一般来说,如果有表示范围的in/of介词短 语,用最高级;tha n的前面要用比较级,但考生要特别注意的是,在特定语 境中,“ than+ 比较对象”和表示比较范围的of/in短语常常被省略。20. He was very tired after/from doing this for a whole day, but hefelt very happy since the crop did“grow ”_38_(high).21. The water was simply the container for an act of

16、 kindness andlove. Nothi ng could be _39_(sweet)”2).形容词和副词之间的词类转换。修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子,作状 语,用副词形式;作表语、定语或补语,通常用形容词形式。22. We drank together and talked _38_ (merry) till far into the n ight.23. His teacher took a deep drink, smiled _34_ (warm), and than ked his stude nt very much for the sweet water.总结1首先

17、熟悉语境。2对于连词、介词、关系代词、关系副词等,不仅要理解它们的意思,还要熟 记它们,在考试时能准确、快速地提取它们。3对于动词,要掌握常用的时态、语态和非谓语动词的用法。4对于句子,要能够分析其结构,懂得在什么时候该用什么词性。5对于单词,不仅要背诵其意义和拼写,还好掌握基本的词形变换。练习:一、动词(谓语/非谓语)1. Ms Chen(teach) me En glish since Junior 1, and to showmy appreciati on I decided to get her a prese nt.2. I was certain she would like i

18、t because I ell) by myclassmates that she loved hot food.3. Theexam, whichwas orig in ally to be held in ourclassroom,(cha nge) to the library at the last mi nu te.4.1 had to leave work to take him to the hospital because he (break) his fin ger.5. The child, Nicole Hobs on,(take) by her mother to Ch

19、ildre n'sMemorial Hospital about 11 p.m., Wed nesday to check6. A tran sit spokesma n said the driver should (make) radio callto the con trol cen ter for help.7. An official from the Ministry of Education said that China followsan educatio nal policy that (en courage)stude ntsto studyabroad.8.0n

20、e of them was a visitor, saying he wouldn' t have been there ifhe(watch)the weather forecast the day before.9. We must also con sider the reacti onof the pers on(receive)the gift.10 With the problem (solve), I felt proud of my achievement.11 Ithe nno ticedthat I had just 10minu tesleftomplete) t

21、he rest.12. There, (place) n eatly beside the empty dish ,were two n ickelsand five pennies her tip!13. ( compare) with the previous year, the nu mber of stude ntswho went abroad for study was in creasedby 15 ,000, or a rise of13%.二、 代词挖掉代词,句子的结构受到破坏,句子间出现不连贯。1. T patientlywalked to the library, too

22、k my seat and did somedeep breathi ng to help relax2. The little boy pulled right ha nd out of the pocket and studieda nu mber of coins in it.3. the driver did to help and eve n stopped once to pick upmore passe ngers.4 . If you give your children that they can never do anything quiteright, then the

23、y will regard as unfit or unable persons.5. Some 134,000 Chinese students went to study abroad, and120,000 of _ ere self-fu nded stude nts,6 . Firstly, we mustunderstandtheIanguagewhenwehear _spoken.三、定语从句的引导词必须根据定语从句的信息和先行词进行推断,从而补出引导词,这本身就是考查逻辑思维能力。1. The exam, was originally to be held in our cla

24、ssroom,was cha nged to the library at the last minu te.2 ThenI went to the departmentstore I workedpart-time and bought her an expensive gift box of Sichuan beef.3. It was a poem about me,in cluded the time4. At the same time, there had bee n a grow ing nu mber of overseasstude nts came back to Chi

25、na after study.5. More and more Chinese students go abroad for study, issupported by the Chin ese gover nment.四、连词(从属连词/并列连词)A)引导各种从句的连词叫从属连词。如名词性从句的引导词what, who,which, when, where, whatever, whoever, whichever, whether;畐U词从句弓丨导词 where, wherever, whe n, if , how, uni ess, un til1. Many things must b

26、e con sidered such asthe pers on isin terested in and how old he is.2. My face tur ned red on heari ng _my mother said.3. she would point out _ eyhad masteredand declared firmlythey could lear n what they had missed.4. The American Academy of Pediatrics (丿儿科)says hildrenreally need for health develo

27、pment is more good, old-fashioned playtime.5. I almost started to yell his n ameI sudde nly remembered hewas in bed asleep.6. hildrenbelieve they can succeed, they will never becometotally in depe ndent.7.Statistics show that hina carried out the opening - uppolicy, a total of one milli on stude nts

28、 have gone abroad for study.8. _we are satisfied with only a few rules we have memorized, weare not really lear ning the Ian guage.9. Some people, however, mai nta in that this is preciselythedan ger lies.B)并列句的各种关联词叫并列连词。如and, but, or, though, although,so挖掉关联词,要想补上连词,思路必须与作者思路相吻合。1.1 had no idea ho

29、w to do it. I tried to stay positive and persevered I finally found the soluti on.2.1 asked my classmates about her in terestI made my finaldecisi on.sat at a3. Tom, an 8 year old boy, en tered a hotel coffee shoptable.4.It is difficult for parentsof nearly every familyto teach theirchildre nto be r

30、esp on siblefor housework, withoneof thefollow ing suggesti ons, youreally can get your childrentohelp at标准文档home.五、挖掉表示起承转合的副词或副词性短语此功能于关联词相似。只是这种副词(短语)在用法上更加灵活多变。典型的有though, however, also, therefore, still, besides, in additi on, in stead, or ,otherwise ,first, sec ond, the n, fin ally, in a word

31、等等。1. This, idn ' t bother me because maths had always beenmy stron gest subject.2. Don ' t always scold and give lots of praise .六、特殊句型(或固定短语)考查对固定结构(短语)的熟悉掌握程度。属于 字词层面考查语法。1t was not long the waitress came back and then she began towipe dow n the table.2. as only after I heard she became s

32、ick that I learned shecouldn ' t eat MSG!3. So careless was II had forgotte n all about that.4. "as a matter of _ , you have done well and made great achieveme nt 5 . When Carettson, 29, a passenger, was trying to bring Nicole's _life 6. The child was stricke n about a mile away the hos

33、pital.七、冠词1 .But my mood quickly changed when I sawfirst question.2 Then I went to the departmentstore and boughther xpe nsive gift box of Sichua n beef.3. Tom, _8 year old boy, en tered a hotel coffee shop.4 . He talked about how I wrestled with him in the evenings andgood many other thi ngs.5. I t

34、old the bus driver that my baby had just had heart operati onand that she was having heart failure.6. Televisi on is not only a convenient source of en terta inment, butalso comparatively cheap one.八、词形变化或者词性变化.给出单词的原形,通过句子分析,缺少什么成分,再用正确的单词形式补充完整。这属于比较基础的单词拼写方面的能力要求。1. Mr Chen has taught me English

35、since Junior 1, and to showmy preciate) I decided to get her a prese nt.2. ortunate),I then noticedthat I had just 10 minutestocomplete the rest.3. Some people were now wait ing for her service and the waitressgrew a bit (patie nee).4. “Thirty-five cents,” she said (rude).5. I don ' t know if he

36、 placed the poem next to the failing grade to(soft) the blow, but it work.6. I must know how to care for others and try n ot to (un derstand) them.7. you have done well and made greatachieveme ntin theen tertai n) field.8. These people have made great (contribute) to China with theirwork.9. -to chec

37、k her(rece nt) in serted (插入)pacemaker.10 . The torn adoes damaged several(new) built build in gs,11 . Numerous studies haveshow nthat free play isvery en efit). It can help childre n become creative12 they can see plays, films, operas, and shows of every kind, not tomen ti on the latest (excite) fo

38、otball match.九、介词或数词1 was always told that the three Ps,were a sure path success.2 . "Don't be always particular _your prese nt work and in come.3. It bega n to make sense to me that I could in clude praise alongcon structive criticism.4. He showed the public a limited edition four-wheel dr

39、ive car,which is especially made his pers onal taste.5. Five were in critical conditionhead trauma(夕卜伤,损伤),saidLiz Crouch, the center's chief operating officer.6 . There is no easy way to success language learning.7. It was his(nine ) year of school.十、形容词/副词1. One of the (bad) gift choices I eve

40、r made was for my highschool En glish teacher, Ms Chen.2. I put the paper aside and tur ned to theone, at the top ofwhich 3. Many other actors are(badly)off tha n me at prese nt,4. In 2006, over 40,000 overseas stude nts came back, with 33,000 ofthan _the year before.them being self-f und stude nts,

41、 20%语法填空专练一In the small tow ns of the Un itedStates in the 1 (nin etee n)cen tury, the gen eral store was 2 everyone bought the things hecouldn ' t make 3 grow at home. What the stores sold 4 (tell) great deal about 5 life at that time. People bought tools thatthey n eeded for farm work; salt, s

42、ugar and 6 foods that the farmdidn ' t produce; articles of clothing that they couldn' t make 7 ;shirts for the men; or clothes for the children. Life was simple then.One feels that people were 8 (thank) for what they had and thatthey looked 9 with courage to whatever the future brought. Itw

43、ould be interestingto know how they would feel about the life today. Would it seem to them that life is too complex? Would they enjoy 10 (live) a life as we do now?语法填空专练二Do you feel 1 difficult to be happy all the time? Now I' ll giveyou some tips 2 howto make yourself happy.One way isbeing 3 (

44、self)becauseun selfish nessis the keyfactor 4 (require)if you want to get along well withothers.wantBy 5 (say) beingun selfishwe mea n we 6 not everythi ng our own way or dema nd the best share of everythi ng.Another way is to look for good points in7 people. You' II findmost people pleasant to

45、go with and it will surely make you happy.Third, you can not expect to be too perfect, 8 don' t be tooun happy whe n you make a mistake. Everythi ng will be OK if you try to make things right. Finally, it is important to remember that while you are not 9 (bad) that others, chances you have may n

46、ot be much better. I n this case, 10 surest way to be happy is to thi nk yourself above other people.语法填空专练三We may be very 1 (please) with the rapid progress we have made in every field of study, but we have almost done no thi ng to improve our present 2 (exam) systems which focus 3 testing the stud

47、e nts ' memory in stead of their 4 (able). As soon as a child beg ins schoo, he en ters a world of exam in atio n5 willdecide his future of job. In fact a good exam in atio n stystem should en courage stude nts to thi nk for themselves. But the exam in ati on now does anything but that. It force

48、s thestude ntstoremember 6 is taught to get high marks. Thus the students who come out first in theexam in ati onofte n many bethe 7 (good) in their studies. In additi on, such 8 examination system ofte n drives teachers to cram all the time and forces them to train stude nts what to do with the 9 (

49、come) exami natio n.There must be a better way to test a student ' s true ability as 10 as their kno wledge.语法填空专练四More America npeople take their troubles with them onholiday, according 1anew survey. Although 40 percentsaidthat the main reas on for going away is to escape 2 (press) from work, a

50、lmost all saidtheyworry more3 theydo at home.Onlyfore in every one hun dred said that they are happy and free of care.The most com mon worry is burglary(入室盗窃),with four out often worrying about their homes 4 (break) into while they are abroad. More tha n a quarter feel they will feel crazy 5 some ot

51、her no isy and rough holiday-makers and twen ty-twoperce nt worrythey may be attacked 6 their possessi ons will be 7 (miss).The survey also showed 8 the stay-at home America ns are no more. Three out of every five want to have a holiday abroad, which was 9 increase from the figures only three years

52、ago. The hotel holiday is still a winner, with about one third of all America ns 10 (prefer) to go on a self-cateri ng(自助) holiday.语法填空专练五Many Chin ese believe 1 (eat) pig brains will in crease their in tellige nee and some America ns regularly eat 2 (cook) eggs to keep their minds sharp. 3 ,doctor

53、don ' t recommendtoeat 4 raw eggs or ani mal bra ins. Then, what food is good for your bra in? Scie ntists have found 5 relationship 6 diet and a healthybra in.Gen erallyspeak ing,fish is a brain food. Besides fish, youshouldin troducelotsof dark greenleafy vegetablesand colorfulfruitsintoyourdi

54、et 7mostpeoplelackthe specialvitami ns 8 thesebrai nfoodprovide.If youeat brainfoods9 (regular),theycan in crease bra in power-help youpayatte ntio n,keepyoumotivated,improveyourmemoryand 10( less) stress from studies. The n you can do much betterin your test.链接高考一一2017高考真题There has bee n a rece nt

55、trend in the food service in dustry towardlower fat content and less salt. This trend, which was started by the medical community (医学界) a method of fighting heart disease,has had some uninten ded side(effect) such as overweight andheart disease the very thi ng the medical commu nity was tryi ng to f

56、ight.Fat and salt are very importa nt parts of a diet. They are required(process) the food that we eat, to recover from injury and for several other bodily fun cti ons. When fat and salt(remove) fromfood, the food tastes as if it is miss ing someth ing. Asresult, people will eat more food to try to make up for that s


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