



1、实用文档6下 Unit3单元分析个人设计备课组集体讨论 意见单元教材分析本单元呈现了许多和食物相关的词 汇,其部分已学过,引导学生树立合 理饮食,健康生活的观念。这一话题 和学生的生活和健康密切相关,通过 本课的学习,学生能对照健康饮食金 字塔,分析讨论自己的饮食习惯是否 合理,并能进行调整。能对食物进行分 类整理,总结可 数名词和不可数 名词。二单元目标要求1 n 四会 单词:healthy, diet, aI ittIe.a few, need2、四会句型:He has a I ot of/some nood I es/meat She eats a few eggs/a little r

2、 ice3、三会单词和词组:at a time. cola4、字母组合ou在单词中的发音。5、教学难点可数名词和不可数名词;a Iot of, some, a I ittle , a few 的用法本单元的目标词 汇是表示数量的 a I ot of, some, a IittIe, a few 教师可以综合以 前学过的 much,many, any 等词汇进行操 练。三单元设计意图本单元先通过对Story部分的M i ke 和Yang Ling每天饮食情况的分 析,建构健康饮食的观念。接着后 面3课时围绕健康饮食这一话题展 开讨论,最后能为自己设计合理的 膳食计划。围绕单元主题,进行食 物类单

3、词的复习和巩固,操练句型, 形成健康的生活习惯。以现有文本为蓝 图,以学生生活 实际为素材,循 序渐进的展开话 题的讨论,从知 识点到情感态度 价值观的升华。四单元目标达成交往互动式教学设计课题:Unit 3 A hea 1 thy diet (Story time)教时1日期教学目标:1、了解健康饮食的常识,知道健康饮食的重要性。2、能听懂、会说、会读词汇:only a little a few me a theaI thy d i et3、正确使用 a I ittle a few some a lot of4、理清文章脉络,会简单复述个人的食谱。占t与 难点1、会正确朗读词组、句子及语段。

4、2、正确使用 a little a fewsome a lot of3、理清文章脉络,会简单复 述个人的食谱。Teaching ProceduresTimeStepsTeacher5 s activitiesLearners5 act i v i tiesPurpose,FeedbacksSAims5 minStep 1Warming-up 吸引注意,积 累语言1. Free talk2. Talk about foodWhas your favour i te food?What do you have for lunch and d i nner? ?Group work:1每人说一个食物

5、的单词。2其他同学用a few/a little , some , a lot of 组成 词组。3如果小组成员有语法错误, 大家可帮他纠正。I I i ke/1 haveMy favour i te food i s 本课的主题是健康饮 食,以小组学习的形式 呈现学生所知道的食 物,聚类呈现,同时给 学生建立健康饮食要 对食物进行分类的概 念。达成目标13minStep2Pre-task导出目标,生成结构Story timeWhat have you known?What do you want to know?I known I want to know*通过对学生学习单完 成情况的检查,

6、使这节 课更有针对性,学学生 想学的,聊大家想聊 的。达成目标110 minStep3Task 1 回忆相关知 识,初步运用1. read and understand Show the thinking mapLearning tips:(这些句子可 帮助你组织语言)Yane ling/Mike hasforGroup work:1小组展示并谈论thinking map o2每人准备一个问题和大家共 同讨论。理潸脉络,由浅入深。达成目标4结构breakfast/Iunch/dinnerHe/she 1i kes He/shedoesn1 t 1i keHe /she onlyeats/dr

7、inks3组完善并修改你的 thinking map, 选岀一个最棒 的全班展示,并把组仍未解决 或有争议的问题全班讨论。10 minStep4Task 2呈现 刺激材料,活 用结构Let' s debateWh i ch food i s hea 1 thier.Western food or Ch i nese food ?Group work:1小组确定辩题V/estern food /Chinese food2组员每人给岀一个理由。 若组员在表达上有困难,大 家可以帮助他组织语言。3组长记录整理论据。通过辩论的方式,让学 生更喜闻乐见。通过问 题的追问,更快的理解 文本。达成目

8、标212 minStep5Task 3引发期待行 为,强化结构Give some suggestions (建议)Group work:1小组每人给一个建议,注意 提建议的句型结构。2组员如果在表达上有困难, 大家可以帮他组织语言,或纠 正语法错误。2组长以关键词的形式把建议 整理下来,并汇报。通过为他们提建议,巩 固本节课所学的单词、 词组、句型,分清几个 修饰副词的正确用法。达成目标3Step6Post task 提 供反馈评价, 巩固结构Practice timeHealthy dietIn a hea 1 thy diet .there i sfru itandvThereisalso

9、r ice and bread .You can havemeat andf i sh in your mea 1 s .You can havemilkevervGroup work:1四人一小组,组讨论,确定 话题。2创设情景,人物,时间,地 点等。3对于表达有困难的同学,要 给予帮助,或安排容较少的句 子。4小剧容要涉及hea I thy d i et 容。通过学习,理解意思, 明白道理。高年级的学 习不仅仅是就文本而 文本,在理解这些的基 础上,能有更高的要 求,会用自己的语言说 说收获,让学生的语言 学以致用。达成目标4day . Sfood is nice , butit is n

10、ot good for your teeth.Eatonlyswee tfoodeveryday.2.Homev/ork1.I ntroduce theFoodPyramid toyourA healthy diet.A happy I ife (生活).A bright future (未来).fami I y.(向你的家人介绍食物金字塔) 2 Wr ite 1-2 suggestions on healthy dietfor your fr i ends.(请给你的好友写1-2条健 康饮食的建议)3 Surf the internet: yiqizuoye and finish Homew

11、ork板书设计:Unit 3 A hea I thy dietI A healthy dieta fewa littlesomea lotIn a healthy diet .there isfruit andv.There is alsorice and bread.You can havemeat and fish in yourmeals .You can havemilk every daySfood is nice it is not good for yourteeth .Eat onlysweet food every day.交往互动式教学设计课题:Uni t 3 A hea

12、1 thy d iet (Grammer t i me&Fun t i me)教时2日期教学目标:1. 能根据提示复述课文容。2. 分清 a I ot of a little a few some 等词的意 义和用法。3学生能理解量词的用法,合理安排膳食。重占 与难点1 .分清 a I ot ofalittle a few some 等 词的意义和用法。2学生能理解量词的用法, 合理安排膳食。Teaching ProceduresTimeStepsTeacher5 s activitiesLearners5 act i v i tiesPurpose,Feedbacks SAims5m

13、inStep 1V/arm in g-uP吸引注意, 积累语言1Free taIk2.reviewWhatdoesM i kehaveforbreakfas t/1 unch/di nn er?What does Yanf Ling have for breakfas t/1 unch/d i nner?Maybe you Yang Ling has for Mike has for 复习巩固,重现 故事。达成目标 13 minStep2Pre- task导岀 目标,生成 结构Let' s reviewWho has a healthy diet?Hov/about Mike, s d

14、iet? Can you give him some suggest i on?I think has a heathy diet.Work in group 通过复述和表 演,提炼本课的 重点,在表演中 巩固,并能熟练 运用。达成目标 110 minStep3Task 1回忆相关 知识,初步 运用结构Grammar time1. From the story we know d i ffererrt peopIe has different diet But we shouId make a heaI thy d i et We should know how much we should

15、need、Whas for your breakfast/Iunch/dinner?Work in groupWe should have everyday.(量t司的彳吏用)突岀重点,突破 难点。在朗读的 基础上能进行 语法点的剖析, 对比运用最后 生成语用规则, 并能在实际练 习中运用。达成 目标210 minStep4Task 2呈现刺激 材料,活用 结构Discuss in groups.1. A I ittle和a fev/后面跟的词有什么不同?2. Let' s play.(搭配习)3. A lot of和some后面跟的词有何特点呢?4可数名词和不可数名词有哪些?5.Ex

16、erciseGroup workSingle workClass work初步运用所学 规则,活用结 构,能在小组合 作的基础上完 成,并能总结反 思。达成目标212 minStep5Task 3引发期待行为,强化结构Fun timeSay somethi ng about your friends' dietsDo the surveyGroup work活学活用,在理 解的基础上及 时进行练习巩 固,加深印象, 获得成功的体 验。达成目标2、 3Step6Post -task 提 供反馈评 价,巩固结 构Let5 st ry to write a hea I thy d i et,

17、 OK? You can write your diet or other' s Homework :1Listen and read the storycorrectly.2.Wr ite your heaI thy diet Group work板书设计:Unit 3 A healthy dietUnit 3 A hea1thy diet很多a lot。广些 some/几个a few +可数名词复数点儿a little +不可数名,A: What do you have for?B: 1 have(for )+可数名词复数、不可数名词词交往互动式教学设计课题:Unit 3 A he

18、a 1 thy diet (Cartoon time)教时3日期教学目标:1、能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣 味之处,能在教师的指导下表演故事。能根据自己的饮食特点,合 理完成购物任务。2、了解中国的早餐和西方早餐不同饮食文化,并能用英语做简单 的介绍。会说一些常见中餐的英语表达。3、掌握字母组合Uoun的发音规则。重占 与难点1. 学生能正确理解Cartoon time 故事;2. 学生能了解中西方传统的饮 食,并能用英语作简单介绍。OTeaching ProceduresTimeStepsTeacher5 s activitiesLearners'

19、 act i v i t i esPurposeFeedbacks SAims5 minStep 1Warming-up 吸引注意,积 累语言1 Rev i s i onReteI I the story2. Free ta I kWhat do you usual ly have for breakfast?ReteI I the storyI have 师生谈话导入 复习新课学习, 营造学习的氛 围。3minStep2Pre-task导出目标,生成结构Culture time1 Peop I e from d i fferent countr i es has different diet

20、Look at the pictures. which one i s about Chinese people, which one i s about western people?2 Discuss in groups. Whas in the pictures? Learn some other food.3. Have a reading competit ion.4. Discuss in groups: V/hat do youI i ke? V/h i ch food i s better?Single workClass v/orkReading timeGroup work

21、回忆刚才所用 的方法,初步运 用这一方法,理 清文章脉络。达 成目标210 minStep3Task 1回忆相关知 识,初步运用Sound time1. Look and sayAccording the picture and try to teI I a story2. Read and answerWho? What? Where? When?How?Single work&group利用图片建立信 息沟,让学生在自 然的交流中呈现 这一板块的重点,结构Discuss: ou3. Falling i ntonat i on.4. Read sound time togetherw

22、ork.会朗读特殊疑问 词,抓住特殊疑问 词这一关键词,描 述故事。使故事的 描述更渭晰准确。达成目标310 minStep4Task 2呈现 刺激材料,活 用结构Cartoon time1 Listen and find.Where are they go i ng?What do they buy?2.Read and findWhat happens at last?Explain the new phrases in pai rs.Class v/ork理解巩固生词,小 组合作完成,互帮 互学,共同提高。达成目标112 minStep5Task 3 引发期待行 为,强化结构1. Rea

23、d the story after the recorder2. Act in groups3. Summary: Sam' s fami ly have healthy diet They buy things according to thei r dietThey have a heaI thy diet, theyhave a heaI thy Ii fe.Read the storyShare the group work课向课外拓展'延 伸,巩固句型达成目标1Step6Post task 提 供反馈评价, 巩固结构Consolidation1. Do a surve

24、y: Do you have good eating habits?Read the sen ten ces and ask and answer each othera. Do you drink a lot of water every day?b Do you wash your hands before eat i ng?c. Do you watch TV when you eat? d Do you brush your teeth every morni ng?e. Do you brush your teeth before you go to bed?f Do you eat

25、 a lot of sweet food? g Do you eat a lot of fruit and vegetables?h. Do you eat a lot of fried food?Wr i te heaIthy tips1. 4人小组讨论健康小 贴士。2. 每人写-2条,贴到 纸上。3. 完成后要读一读哦!We can We shouId We shouldn1 t Eatevery day.Drink every day联系前后所学知 识,复习巩固旧 知,学习把相关知 识在真实的情景 中综合运用。达成 目标2i Do you eat breakfast, lunch and

26、 d i nner?j Do you help to wash the dishes?Homework:1. Read the car toon freely and act it out.2 Finish the exerci se book板书设计:Unit 3 A healthy dietou-au about house mouth out shout c1oudy loudlyChinese people : porridge. stearned bunsV/estern people: cereal, bread and sausagesYou shou1dn t dr ink t

27、oo much co 1 a交往互动式教学设计课题:Unit 3 A hea 1 thy diet (Checkout time)教时4日期教学目标:1. 按要求学握本单元单词、句型和日常用语。2. 根据所描述的对象正确地' 熟练地运用a lot of, some, a few 和 a little3. 完成补充习题以及同步练习。4能对照Ticking time的三个目标进行客观的自我评价占 与难点1 按要求学握本单元单词、句型 和日常用语。2.根据所描述的对象正确地、 熟练地运用a lot of. some, a few 和 a little加强语言输岀的训练,促进综合 语言运用能力

28、的提升Teaching ProceduresTimeStepsTeacher1 s activitiesLearners1 act i v i t i esPurpose,Feedbacks SAims5 minStep 1Warmi ng-u p吸引注 意,积累语 言Revi sion1. Read and rec i te the words2. I i sten and wr ite.Review the phrases and sentencesListen and wr iteCheck the answer复习本单元的 单词,交流朗读 并听写。3minStep2Pre-ask 导出

29、目标, 生成结构Warm upQuick response “Yes or NonShov/ some sentences , and let the students read and judgeChinese people often have some stearned buns for breakfastMike dr inks a lot of water every day.Yang Ling eats a little sweet food at a time.Sam dr i nks too much colaYou I ike eating a lot of foodYour mother cooks i n your homeReview the Unit3Read and say.让学生把所学 的容用到实际 生活中去,使学 生能够真正的 在生活中使用 英语。师生交 流,复习旧 知,进一步熟 练主要句型。达成目标110Step3Checkout time回忆相关知识,minTask 1Ask and answerThere are a lot of somea了解中外文化回忆相关1. Show the picture and talk aboutfew* There i s a lot of的差异,结合学知识,初步运用结构it.What' s on


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