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1、供应链相关专业英语词汇1.缩写词汇缩写全拼翻译3PL/TPLThird party logistics第三方物流ABCActivity based costing approachABC 成本法AFRAggregate Forecasting and Replenishment合作预测于补给ANNArtificial neural network人工精神网络APSAdvanced planning system先进计划系统BLMBusiness logistics management企业物流管理BPRBusiness Process Reengineering业务流程重组CADCompute

2、r Aided Design计算机辅助设计CAOComputer aided order计算机辅助订货CCMCoordination control mechanism协调控制机制CCMCoordination control mode协调控制模式CEOChief Executive Officer企业主管CIMCoordinated inventory management协同库存管理CIMComputer Integrated Manufacturing计算机集成制造CIOChief information officer信息主管CKOChief knowledge officer知识主管

3、CLMCouncil of logistics management美国物流管理协会CPFRCollaborative planning, forecasting andreplenishment合作计划、预测和补货CSICustomer service index客户服务指标CRPCapacity requirement planning产量需求规划CSLCustomer service Level客户服务水平DMEDouble marginal effect双重边际效应DRPDistribution requirement planning配送需求计划ECREfficiency consu

4、mer response有效用户响应EDIElectronic Data Interchange电子数据交换EFTElectronic Funds Transfer电子资金转账ERPEnterprise Resource Planning企业资源计划ESCEfficient supply chain效率性供应链ETOEngineering to Order面向定单设计FMSFlexible Manufacture System柔性制造系统FMSFlexible Manufacture System柔性制造系统HSEHockey-stickeffect曲棍球帮现象IMSInventory man

5、agement strategies库存管理策略ITMInformation tracking mechanism信息跟踪机制JITJust in time准时制生产JMIJointly managed inventory共同管理库存LRPLogistics resource planning物流资源计划LSPLogistics service provider物流服务提供商MISMeasuring index system评价指标体系MPSmaster production scheduling主生产排程MRPMaterial Requirement Planning物料需求计划MRPnMa

6、nufacturing Resource Planning制造资源计划MTOMake to order按订单生产MTSMake to stock备货生产NSMNegotiation selection method协商选择法OEMOriginal equipment manufacturer原始设备制造商POSPoint of sale销售终端QFDQuality function development质量功能开发RSCResponsive supply chain响应性供应链RSCRevenue sharing contracts收益共享契约RCCPrough cut capacity p

7、lanning粗能力计划SCCSupply chain coordination供应链协调SCDSupply chain design供应链设计SCMSupply chain management供应链管理SCNSupply chain network供应链网络SCPSupply chain planning供应链计划SCPSupply chain partnership供应链合作关系SFASales Forecast Accuracy预测准确率SKUStock Keeping Unit库存进岀计量的单位SISell in销售进入渠道SOSell out销售给消费者SRMSupplier re

8、lationship management供应商关系管理S&OPSales and operation planning销售运营计划TOCTheory of constraint约束理论TPMTraditionalpurchase mode传统采购模式TMSTransportation management system运输管理系统VMIVendor Managed Inventory供应商管理库存WMAPEWeighted Mean Percentage Error加权平均绝对百分比误差WMSWarehouse management system仓储管理系统2.非缩写核心词汇ABC

9、classification ABC 分类 Accessory 附件Action Report行动报告Aggregate Planning.总体规划Agile Manufacturing 灵活制造 Allocated Inventory 保留量 Alternate BOM 替代物料表Anticipation Inventory预期库存Assemble to Order定单组装Automation 自动化 Available Inventory 可用库存 Available to Promise 可答应量 Backlog 待交货 Back Order逾期订单 Bill of Labor 人力表

10、BOM Bill of Material 材料表 bill of resources 资源表 BOM Code 材料表码 BomExplosion 材料表展开 Bom Implosion 材料表逆展 Bom Structure 材科表结构 Built-on the-Iine parts 线上生产零件 Bulk lssue 大批发料 Bullwhip Effect 长鞭效应 Business Plan 事业计划 Capacity 产量 CapacityControl 产量控制 Capacity requirement planning 产量需求规划 Check-in 结入 Check-Out 结

11、出Common part Bom 共享件材料表 constraint management限制因素管理continuous production 连续式生产 critical capacity 关键产量 critical part 关键零件 customer order 客户定单 customization 客制化 customer service level 顾客服务水准 cycle count interval 周期盘点区间 cyclecounting 周期盘点 cycle time 周期时间Demand Management需求管理demonstrated capacity验证产量isc

12、ret manufacturing 装配式生产 distribution center 配销中心 distribution requirement planning 分销资源计划 economic order quantity 经济订购量 economic part period 经济量期emergency kanban 紧急看板 finished goods 完成品 firm planned order 固定计划定单 first in first out 先进先出 forecast 预测 forecast horizon 预测期间linearity 定率生产 load 负荷 look ahe

13、ad/look back lot for lot 逐批批量法 lot number 批号 lotsize 批量lot size inventory 批量库存 lot sizing rule 批量法则 maintenance,repair and operational supplies 间接物料 make to order 定单生产make to stock 计划生产 manufacturing bom 制造单元manufacturing cell 指令单 manufacturing order 制造规划与控制manufacturing planning and control 制造资源规划

14、masterproduction scheduling主生产排程material requirement planning材料需求规划 (计划)modular bom 模块材料表 modular production 模块化生产 mps itemMPS 项目 net requirement 净需求 offset time 冲销时问 on-handinventory 在库量 on order inventory 在途量operations planning and control 作业规划与管制 operationsprocess chart作业程序图order interval 订购区间 or

15、der point 订购点 parent/component 父件子件 pan number 件号 past due 逾期量 peg file 溯源文件pegging 溯源 periodic order quantity 定期批量法 periodic reviewsystem 定期评估法 picking order 领料单 plan do-check actioncycle 计划一执行 - 检查 - 行动循环 planned order receipts计划定单收料planned order releases计划定单发出planning bom 计划材料表 planning horizon 计

16、划期间 planning timefence 计划时栅 priority control 优先次序控制 prioriry planning 优先fundamental data grossrequirement inboundqueue controlindependent demandinput/output controlintermittent productioninventory managementinventory statusinventory type job 工件 ,工作 job shop just intime基本资料总需求输入端队列控制 独立需求 输入输出控制问歇式生产

17、库存管理库存状态库存形态kanban 看板kanban ceilinglead time leadtime offset工件生产工厂及时供补看板界限前置时间前置时问冲销最低总成本批量法最低单位成本批量法平准化排程平准化生产least total cost least unitcost level scheduling levelproduction(linearity)瞻前顾后法次序规划 preventive maintenance 预防性维护 processmanufacturing 流程式生产 product family 产品族 product line 产品线 product stru

18、cture 产品结构表 product sub line 产品副线production activity control 生产活动管制 production rate 生产速率production plan 生产计划 production planning 生产规划 productionrun 生产连 project-based production 项目式生产 projectedavailable balance 预计可用量 pull system 拉式系统 purchase order订购单 purchase reuisition 请购单 quantity per 单位用量 quickre

19、sponse 快速反应 rated capacity 评估产量 raw material 原材料reasonableness test 合理测试 receiving order 收料单 refill kanban补充看板 re order point 再订购点法repetitive manufacturing 重复性生产 replacement part 替代件replenishment plan补充计划replenishment time补充时间resource requirement planning资源需求规划rework kanban 重加工看板rolling kanban 滚动看板 rolling schedule 滚动式排程 rough-cutcapacity planning 粗略产量规划 safety stock 安全存量 safety time安全时间 sales order 销售定单scheduled receipts 在途量 ( 已订未交货 ) scarp rate 报废率secondary stockroom 次


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