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1、Chapter 9Revising and editingContents The quality of good writing; Maki ngyourwriti ng cohere nt; Making your writing clear; Tips for good writingThe quality of good writing Clarity: grammar; vocabulary Accuracy: precisely and exactly, avoid ambiguity Fluency: smoothly flowing ideas through unity an

2、d coherence, avoid broken sentences or abrupt switches of ideas; Correctness: grammatical mattersWhen you are revising, check to see: If the ideas are all related to your thesis statement?If all these ideas are logically and coherently structured?If these ideas are expressed in good english sentence

3、s?If the format and style are appropriate?Maki ng your writing coherent through revising When you revise, focus on your attention on content and organization General questions: The thesis focus and adequately support your thesis statement? Have a clear introduction, body and conclusion? Logical and

4、clear in structure? Coherent through transitions?Introduction: Engage the readers' attention? Present your thesis statement clearly? Background information?Body: Present evidence from a variety of reliable sources? Are materials presented in acombi nation of summary, paraphrase, quotati on? Any

5、gaps in your argument? Any inadequately supported points? Any unnecessary or irrelevant materials?Con elusion Summarize the main points? Repeat the major argument, or restate your thesis? Are all loose ends tied up? Have all the parts been supported? Addressed all those most likely questions about t

6、he topic?Style Variety in style by using different kinds of sentences? Avoid wordiness? Deleted unnecessary words, phrase and clauses? Clear concrete examples? Defined the key terms? Avoid colloquial language, slang Jargon, and dialect? Avoid 1st person pronouns?Making your paper clear through editi

7、ng1) Word choice and perspectives on sen tences:Avoid being too chatty or conversational; Avoid using clithes, jargon,euphemism, pretending Ianguage, sexist Ianguage, and Chinese EnglishTry to write sentences that are more-varied and complex in structure:avoid sentence fragments:Along with populatio

8、n explosion many problems occurred. For instance, natural resources, education, etc.( X)Along with population explosion many problems occurred, for instance, natural resources, education, etc.(V) avoid run-on sentence (缺乏连词或标点符 号的长句):We had no lack of entertainment during the time which we spent in

9、the city, which seemed very gay and attractive(X)The city seemed so gay and attractive that We had no lack of entertainment during our stay there. (V) avoid dangling phrases:Opening the door, an amusing scene caught my eye. (X)Opening the door, I saw an amusing scene(V) To be admitted to college, th

10、e entrance examination must be passed(X)To be admitted to college, the candidate must pass the entrance examination(V) avoid the comma fault:It was raining hard, they could not play basketball outside. (X)It was raining hard and they could not play basketball outside. (V)Because it was raining hard,

11、 they could not play basketball outside(V)2) edit your thesis:For clarity: grammar, vocabulary For variety: Variety is the spice of writing; try to vary your choice of words as much as possible; look for any words that are repeated many times, esp within the same paragraph, then select alternatives.

12、 For symmetry, balance and parallelism: grammar, logic For economy: use as many words as you need, but no more than you need to accomplish your goal. Everything should be part of the main effect No word should be wasted Every excessive verbiage(冗词) should be eliminated during revision3) recognizing

13、imprecision Ambiguity: the result of vague Ige; no word is inherently vague but words can be used in different ways. Wordiness:4) writing concisely: wordiness is a sure way of losing a reader's attention Substitute the specific words for general ones, avoid the superfluous modifiers before a nou

14、n or verb:a true factbasic fundamentalsa free giftforeign importsfuture prog nosis gree n in color in close proximity Avoid the following Verb-object combination: Made a decision = decided expressed a denial = denied ventured an attempt = tried granted permission = permitted Avoid the following bloa

15、ted expressions: At no time= neverAt the time that= whenDue to the fact that= becauseDuring the time that= while at this point in time= nowTips for good writing Respect yourself and your ideas: your ideas are the most important part of your thesis Spent time and effort to develop sophisticated, smar

16、t ideas Striving for clarity: try to make your thesis easy to read by having a well-balanced structure, logical organization, and coherent writing Avoid common grammatical errors: avoid Ige fragments, run-on sentences, ambiguous references, dangling modifiers, split infinitives, tense choice, wordiness, and spelling errors Say it with style: every piece of writing has its own distinctive style. The style depends on: the choice of words, the sentence patterns, and the way


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