1、目 录1工艺鉴定要求51.1总那么51.2对生产设备及原材料的要求51.2.1生产线用水水质要求51.2.2化工原材料要求51.2.3质量检验手段51.3工艺鉴定程序51.4工艺鉴定试验及试样要求51.4.1试样要求51.4.2试验工程及试样数量61.5试验方法及质量指标61.5.1外观61.5.2镀层厚度61.5.3结合强度61.5.4耐蚀性61.5.5镀层脆性61.5.6导电性71.5.7六价铬含量71.6鉴定状态的保持72批生产过程中零件质量检验要求72.1镀前外表质量要求72.2镀层外观72.3镀层厚度82.4结合强度82.5耐蚀性82.6镀层脆性82.7六价铬含量8表目录表1.鉴定试
2、验工程及试样数量6表2.螺纹上镀层厚度要求8 Error! Reference source not found.范 围:本标准规定了华为技术产品中电镀锌彩色钝化或黑色钝化的工艺要求及其质量要求。本标准适用于电镀锌的工艺鉴定、首样鉴定和电镀批生产质量检验。可用于指导产品设计、采购和生产,以及用于生产者在零件电镀处理过程中的质量检验。本标准所要求的电镀层只适用于一般环境。简 介:电镀锌工艺中包括有多种后处理方式,华为产品要求的电镀锌工艺中,其后处理只能采用不含六价铬的钝化,同时对于锌基合金压铸件允许只进行“钝化处理。本文规定了钝化膜层的质量指标,包括镀层厚度、钝化膜的耐蚀性、镀层与基体的结合力、
3、镀层脆性以及六价铬含量等等,同时明确了在工艺鉴定时和批生产情况下各种零件类型的检验方法。关键词:镀锌,钝化,质量,六价铬。引用文件:以下文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。但凡注日期的引用文件,其随后所有的修改单不包括勘误的内容或修订版均不适用于本标准,然而,鼓励根据本标准达成协议的各方研究是否可使用这些文件的版本。但凡不注日期的引用文件,其版本适用于本标准。序号文件编号文件名称等效标准1IEC 60068-2-11根本环境试验程序.第2局部:试验.试验Ka:盐雾GB 2423.17ASTM B1172ISO 1463金属和氧化物覆盖层 横断面厚度显微镜测量方法GB/T 6462
4、3ISO 2178磁性金属基体上非磁性覆盖层厚度测量 磁性方法GB/T 49564ISO 2409涂料和清漆 交叉切割试验GB/T 92865ISO 3613锌、铬、铝锌合金及锌铝合金外表铬酸盐的转化镀层测试方法GB/T 97916ISO 4042紧固件.电镀层GB/T 5267.17ISO 4519金属电镀层和有关的精加工 计数检查的抽样程序GB/T 126098GB/T 2058锌阳极板9GB 5749生活饮用水卫生标准10DKBA0.400.0021产品外表外观缺陷的限定标准术语和定义:术语定义平均厚度在同一平面内、选择平均分布的十个点进行厚度测量,所测厚度的算术平均值即为平均厚度。主视
5、外表零件在装配成完整产品后处于正常视觉范围内的可见外表。生产批指同一天在相同条件下处理的、材料和形状相似的零件的总和。标准胶带指符合ISO2409的、专门用于检测外表镀涂层附着力的粘胶带产品,其在金属外表或有机涂层外表的粘附力是每25 mm宽不低于 (10 1) N。丝印即丝网印刷。一种印刷工艺方法。1 工艺鉴定要求1.1 总那么 电镀锌工艺应采用环保的无氰电镀工艺;钝化不能采用含六价铬的工艺。除紧固件外,电镀后处理工艺中不能有任何“封闭类处理操作。生产者的工艺设备、工艺流程、质量保证措施应在其主要的工艺文件中加以说明。生产者的工艺质量必须满足第 1.2 至 1.6 节的要求。1.2 对生产设
6、备及原材料的要求1.2.1 生产线用水水质要求1) 所有工艺槽的配制用水必须用去离子水或蒸馏水;2) 钝化前、后的清洗用水必须用去离子水或蒸馏水;其它清洗用水必须到达 GB 5749 饮用水要求;3) 清洗槽中水流方式应采用逆流,或者定时更换。注:去离子水或蒸馏水的水质要求到达 pH5.0-7.5,电导率不大于 10 S/cm1.2.2 化工原材料要求1) 镀锌前各工艺槽所用化工原材料必须不低于相应工业级材料的国家标准要求;2) 镀锌液所用化工原材料必须不低于相应化学纯级材料的国家标准要求;3) 镀锌用锌阳极不低于 GB/T 2058 的要求。4) 镀锌光剂或钝化剂的供给商必须具备良好的品质保
7、证能力,一般需得到华为技术认可。1.2.3 质量检验手段生产方除了应具备化学分析实验室外,还必须具有以下检测仪器:测厚仪、盐雾试验箱、附着力检测用刀具和标准胶带符合 ISO 2409,并能进行合格的试验操作。所有检测仪器设备都必须具有有效的校验合格证。1.3 工艺鉴定程序被鉴定的工厂必须完成以下全部试验工作,这些试验必须在零件批生产所用的条件下完成:1.试样加工 注12.外表处理 注23.试样检查及测试4.提供试验报告注3及试片给华为技术的质检部门以便复验注:1、鉴定用试样也可由华为技术完成并提供给被鉴定工厂。2、所有试样必须同时进行处理。试验报告的发出者必须是华为技术质量鉴定部门认可的试验室
8、或单位。1.4 工艺鉴定试验及试样要求1.4.1 试样要求1) 挂镀工艺材料: 冷轧钢板或锌合金压铸件尺寸: 801251 4 (mm) 或与实际加工零件相同或相似的样件外表粗糙度:Ra 1 mm外表处理: 根据工艺鉴定要求选择冷轧板电镀锌彩色钝化或锌基合金直接钝化处理。2) 滚镀工艺材料: 冷轧钢尺寸: 选择与实际加工零件相同或相似的样件外表粗糙度:Ra 1 mm外表处理: 根据工艺鉴定要求选择电镀锌彩色钝化或黑色钝化工艺1.4.2 试验工程及试样数量表1给出了工艺鉴定所需的试验工程和试样数量要求:表1. 鉴定试验工程及试样数量试验工程试样数量件备注外观所有试样镀层厚度所有试样锌基合金钝化工
9、艺不要求结合强度3锌基合金钝化工艺不要求镀层脆性3+3 锌基合金钝化工艺不要求耐蚀性3+3 导电性3六价铬含量2注: 其中三件为提供华为技术进行复验用。1.5 试验方法及质量指标1.5.1 外观1) 所有试样均应进行外观检查。2) 镀层结晶均匀、细致、连续。3) 允许有轻微夹具印。4) 不允许:镀层粗糙、麻点、黑点、起泡、剥落和严重条纹;钝化膜疏松、起粉、及严重的钝化液痕迹;局部无镀层。5) 钝化膜颜色如下:镀锌后的彩色钝化膜应是带有绿色、黄色和紫色色彩的光亮彩虹色;锌基合金钝化处理膜可以是灰色至略显彩色的暗灰色;黑色钝化处理的外表应是均匀的黑色。1.5.2 镀层厚度1) 所有试样均应进行厚度
10、检测。2) 按 ISO 2178 进行非破坏性测试或采用其它等效的方法。每一试样上测取 10 个点滚镀试样可只取35个点,其值均应在 812m 范围以内。1.5.3 结合强度1) 在三件试样上进行结合强度试验;试验应在电镀完成 24H 后、三天之内进行。2) 按 ISO 2409 的试验方法,在试样上划出 1mm 见方的 100 个小格,然后用标准胶带拉扯,应没有钝化膜或镀层脱落现象。1.5.4 耐蚀性1) 在三件试样上进行耐蚀性试验;试验应在电镀或钝化完成 24H 后、三天之内开始进行。2) 对镀锌彩色钝化膜:按IEC 60068-2-11 进行 72H 的中性盐雾试验;试验后,在每一试样的
11、试验外表不能出现任何白色或黑色腐蚀点。3) 对锌基合金钝化处理膜:按IEC 60068-2-11 进行 48H 的中性盐雾试验;试验后,在每一试样距边缘 5mm 以上的外表不能出现任何白色或黑色腐蚀点。1.5.5 镀层脆性1) 在三件试样上进行镀层脆性试验。2) 将试样放入 180200 的恒温烘箱中保持 0.51 H后,取出自然冷却,检查镀层应没有起泡、脱落的现象。1.5.6 导电性1) 在三件试样上进行导电性测试。2) 利用微欧计,两个电极与被测外表接触,电极面积为 1cm2、电极压强为 1.4MPa即压力 14kgf,在试样外表上任取两点进行测量,共测 5次,其值应不大于 50 m。1.
12、5.7 六价铬含量1) 按ISO 3613中的六价铬存在试验方法检测钝化膜中是否存在六价铬。2) 如果发现存在六价铬,那么应利用ISO 3613中的比色法定量检测六价铬含量检测机构必须得到华为技术认可。要求转化膜中的六价铬含量不能高于900ppm。1.6 鉴定状态的保持经过华为技术鉴定的工艺,在未得到华为技术的同意之前,不能改变任何可影响性能质量的工艺参数,否那么将重新进行鉴定.。2 批生产过程中零件质量检验要求2.1 镀前外表质量要求1) 应无严重油污、金属屑、漆层以及锈蚀和氧化皮等;不能夹带有任何塑料膜碎屑。2) 零件外表应无毛刺、裂纹、压坑等因操作不良而导致的人为损伤;外表划伤等外观缺陷
13、要符合 DKBA0.400.0021 要求;3) 焊接件应无焊料剩余物和溶渣、钍孔等缺陷;焊缝处的严重氧化皮应已被打磨消除;4) 应无铆接螺母或者“压死边等易造成截留溶液的缝隙,除非是特殊结构使镀后铆接不可能实现;5) 铸件不得有未除尽的砂粒和涂料烧结物,不能有肉眼可见的针孔、起皮、夹层等缺陷;6) 铸件、焊接件、冲压件及原材料,如果带有其相应的技术标准允许范围内的缺陷,可以接受。2.2 镀层外观1) 所有零件都应进行外观检查。2) 镀层结晶均匀、细致、连续。3) 颜色:镀锌后的彩色钝化膜应是带有绿色、黄色和紫色色彩的光亮彩虹色,但允许经过局部喷粉的零件外表镀层变暗失光或呈雾状;黑色钝化膜应是
14、均匀的黑色;锌基合金压铸件钝化后的外观颜色不作控制要求。4) 在零件外表允许有以下缺陷: 不影响装配后外观效果的轻微水印主视外表不允许有水印; 非主视外表上小而少的夹具印夹具印小于 11 mm2; 由于零件外表状态不同而导致的同一零件上有不均匀的颜色或光泽; 在复杂件、大型件或过长的零件棱边及端部有轻微的粗糙不影响装配; 焊缝、搭接交界处不明显的稍暗或发白,或者符合外观要求参见DKBA0.400.0021的局部修补; 在大型零件某一方向尺寸超过 600mm的隐蔽部位允许有少于三处、每处面积小于 4mm2 的钝化膜脱落表现为白色和黑点现象。5) 不允许: 镀层粗糙、起泡、烧焦、孔隙、疙瘩、脱落、
15、裂纹; 树枝状、海绵状和条纹状镀层; 钝化膜疏松、起粉; 局部无镀层; 手印; 彩色钝化膜中夹有深黄色、棕色或褐色;黑色钝化膜中夹有白色、红色。 在上面第4点中未包括的其它缺陷。2.3 镀层厚度1) 厚度检查在零件上进行;每件零件都需检测滚镀零件可以抽检,抽检比例符合 ISO 4519 的规定。2) 按 ISO 2178 进行检测。在零件外表,凡能被直径为 20 mm 的球接触到的区域,其平均厚度应为 812m ,最低电位区域如槽内允许最小平均厚度在 5m 以上。 凡直径为 20 mm 的球不能接触到的区域,其厚度不作要求。3) 对带螺纹的工件:其镀层厚度以保证螺纹质量为准,即必须符合图纸或
16、ISO 4042 中的要求,如表2 所示;其厚度检测方法按 ISO 4042 的相关内容进行。4) 当对检测结果有争议时,按 ISO 1463 进行仲裁试验。表2. 螺纹上镀层厚度要求螺纹公称直径(mm)2.53810121422螺纹上镀层厚度(m)358102.4 结合强度1) 试验应在电镀完成 24H 以后、三天之内进行;每生产批至少检查一件试片试片要求见 1.4.1 节或样件。2) 按 ISO 2409 的试验方法,在试样或样件上划出 1mm 见方的 100 个小格,然后用标准胶带拉扯,应没有钝化膜或镀层脱落现象。否那么该生产批零件不合格。3) 对螺纹紧固件、锌基合金钝化处理不要求此项内
17、容。2.5 耐蚀性1) 耐蚀性检测在零件上进行。2) 试验应在电镀完成 24H 以后、三天之内进行;每生产批至少检查一件零件。3) 对镀锌彩色钝化膜:按 IEC 60068-2-11 进行 72H 的中性盐雾试验;试验后,在试样距边缘5mm以外的外表不能出现任何白色或黑色或棕红色腐蚀点。否那么,该批零件不合格。4) 对镀锌黑色钝化膜、或锌基合金钝化处理膜:按 IEC 60068-2-11 进行 48H 的中性盐雾试验;试验后,在每一试样除边缘5mm以外的外表不能出现任何白色或黑色腐蚀点。否那么,该批零件不合格。5) 对于紧固件之类滚镀的小零件,每生产批试验零件至少取 5 件。在按上述3的要求试
18、验后,允许不超过 1/2 的试样在外表出现个别黑点、但不允许出现白色腐蚀。否那么,该批零件不合格。紧固件不考查螺纹及装配后的压合部位。6) 对于局部喷粉的零件,在喷粉后不要求耐蚀性试验。7) 对于只在电镀层上进行了丝印、没有再进行其它处理的零件外表,其耐蚀性要求与上面第3点一样。8) 当生产的零件尺寸太大不能放入试验箱时,可以用该零件上的典型结构局部作替代试样。2.6 镀层脆性1) 每生产批零件中抽取至少三件进行本试验。2) 将试样放入 180200 的恒温烘箱中保持 0.51H 后,取出自然冷却,检查每件上的镀层都应没有起泡、脱落的现象。否那么该生产批零件不合格。3) 对锌基合金钝化处理的零
19、件、紧固件不要求此项内容。2.7 六价铬含量1) 每周试验一次,有新调整电镀或钝化溶液后也必须试验一次。试验样件必须从批生产零件中抽取至少一件。2) 按 ISO 3613 中的六价铬存在试验方法检测钝化膜中是否存在六价铬。3) 如果发现存在六价铬,那么应利用 ISO 3613 中的比色法定量检测六价铬含量检测机构必须得到华为技术认可。要求转化膜中的六价铬含量不能高于900ppm。 可修改 欢送下载 精品 WordTABLE OF CONTENTS1.REQUIREMENTS FOR PROCESS AUTHENTICATION121.1.General Principles121.2.Requ
20、irements for Production Equipment and Raw Materials121.2.1 Requirements for Water Quality of Production Line121.2.2 Requirements for Chemical Raw Materials121.2.3.Quality Inspection Methods121.3.Procedures for Process Qualification121.4.Test and Sample Requirements for Process Qualification131.4.1 S
21、ample Requirements131.4.2 Test Items and Sample Quantity131.5.Test Methods and Quality Indexes131.5.1 Appearance131.5.2 Coating Thickness141.5.3 Bonding Strength141.5.4 Corrosion Resistance141.5.5 Coating Embrittlement141.5.6 Electrical Conductivity141.5.7 Content of Hexavalent Chrome141.6.Maintenan
22、ce of Qualification State152.REQUIREMENTS FOR BATCH PRODUCTION152.1.Surface Quality Requirements Before Plating152.2.Coating Appearance152.3.Coating Thickness162.4.Bonding Strength162.5.Corrosion Resistance162.6.Coating Embrittlement172.7.Content of Hexavalent Chrome17LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1 TEST ITE
23、MS AND SAMPLE QUANTITY15TABLE 2 REQUIREMENTS FOR COATING THICKNESS OF SCREW THREADS18Error! Reference source not found. ScopeThis specification defines process and quality requirements for color passivation or black passivation of zinc electroplating in products of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (her
24、einafter referred to as Huawei).This specification is applicable to the process qualification and initial sample qualification of zinc electroplating, and quality inspection of electroplating in batch production. It can be used to guide the design, procurement and production of products, as well as
25、quality inspection during the process of parts electroplating by manufacturers.Electroplated coatings required in this specification apply to only the general environment.Brief introductionZinc electroplating process contains multiple post-processing methods. However, the zinc electroplating process
26、 of Huaweis products only uses hexavalent chrome exclusive passivation for post-processing. In addition, for the zinc alloy die castings, only passivation is permitted. This document specifies quality indexes of passive films, including coating thickness, corrosion resistance of passive films, bondi
27、ng force between coating and substrate, coating embrittlement, and content of hexavalent chrome. Besides, it defines the testing methods of various parts during process qualification and batch production.Key wordsZinc plating, passivation, quality, and hexavalent chromeReferenced DocumentsThe follow
28、ing normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this specification. For dated references, subsequent amendments, excluding corrections, to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this
29、 specification are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.No.Doc No.Doc TitleEquivalent1IEC 60068-2-11Basic environmental testing procedures. P
30、art 2 : Tests. Test Ka: Salt mistGB 2423.17ASTM B1172ISO 1463Measurement of transaction thickness of metallic and oxide coating using microscopical methodGB/T 6462 3ISO 2178Measurement of non-magnetic coating thickness on magnetic and metallic substrates-magnetic methodsGB/T 49564ISO 2409Coatings an
31、d vanishes-Cross-cut testGB/T 92865ISO 3613Chromate conversion coatings on zinc,cadmium,aluminium-zinc alloys and zinc-aluminium alloys Test methodsGB/T 97916ISO 4042Fasteners-Electroplated coatingsGB/T 5267.17ISO 4519Electrodeposited metallic coatings and related finishes - Sampling procedures for
32、inspection by attributesGB/T 126098GB/T 2058Zinc anodic plate9DKBA0.400.0021Cosmetic Standard for Product SurfacesTerm&DefinitionTermDefinitionAverage thicknessArithmetic mean value of thicknesses of ten evenly distributed points on one surface.Primary apparent surfaceVisible surface within the norm
33、al visual range after assembly of a complete product with parts.Production batchSum of parts with similar materials and shapes processed under the same conditions on the same day.Standard adhesive tapeAdhesive tape specifically for testing adhesion of surface coatings. The adhesion on the surface of
34、 metal or organic coating is not less than 101 N for a width every 25 mm.SilkscreenSilkscreen printing, a printing method.1. Requirements for Process Authentication1.1. General PrinciplesZinc electroplating should adopt the environmental non-cyanide electroplating technology. Passivation cannot use
35、the technology with hexavalent chrome. Except fasteners, any “closed processing operation should not exist in the post-processing of electroplating.Manufacturers process documents should specify their process equipment, process flow, and quality assurance measures.Manufacturers process quality must
36、meet requirements specified in sections .2. Requirements for Production Equipment and Raw Materials1.2.1 Requirements for Water Quality of Production Line1) The prepared water for all process troughs must be deionized water or distilled water.2) The rinsing water before and after passivation
37、 must be deionized water or distilled water. Other rinsing water must be tap water.3) The water in washing troughs should be in counter flow or changed periodically.(Note: The quality of deionized water or distilled water should meet requirements such as pH = 5.07.5 and electrical conductivity 10 S/
38、cm.)1.2.2 Requirements for Chemical Raw Materials1) Before plating zinc, chemical raw materials used in all process troughs must meet national standard requirements for industrial-class materials.2) Chemical raw materials used in the zinc plating solution must meet national standard requirements for
39、 chemical pure-class materials.3) Zinc anodes for plating zinc should meet requirements in GB/T 2058.4) Suppliers must provide zinc-plating brighteners or passivators with good quality, which generally should be recognized by Huawei.1.2.3.Quality Inspection MethodsBesides chemical analysis laborator
40、ies, manufacturers must have the following testing instruments compliant with test operations: thickness gauge, salt fog testing chamber, and tools and standard adhesive tapes for testing adhesion (in accordance with ISO 2409). All testing instruments must have a valid calibration certificate.1.3. P
41、rocedures for Process QualificationAuthenticated factories must complete the following test operations under the conditions for batch production of parts.Sample processing (Note 1)Surface treatment (Note 2)Sample inspection and testProviding Huawei with test reports (Note 3) and sample pieces for re
42、test. Samples used in qualification can also be produced and provided by Huawei. All samples must be processed simultaneously. Test reports must be issued by laboratories or units approved by the Qualification Dept of Huawei.1.4. Test and Sample Requirements for Process Qualification1.4.1 Sample Req
43、uirements1) Rack plating processMaterial: cold rolled steel plates or zinc alloy die castings.Dimensions: 80 mm x 125 mm x 14 mm or samples which are the same as or similar to actual processing parts.Surface roughness: Ra 1 mm.Surface treatment: According to requirements for process qualification, s
44、elect color passivation for cold rolled zinc electroplating or direct passivation for zinc alloys.2) Barrel plating processMaterial: cold rolled steel.Dimension: samples which are the same as or similar to actual processing parts. Surface roughness: Ra 1 mm.Surface treatment: According to requiremen
45、ts for process qualification, select color passivation or black passivation for zinc electroplating.1.4.2 Test Items and Sample QuantityTable 1 shows requirements for test items and sample quantity in process qualification.Table 1 Test items and sample quantityTest ItemSample Quantity (Pieces)Remark
46、sAppearanceAll samplesCoating thicknessAll samplesNot required in passivation process of zinc alloysBonding strength3Not required in passivation process of zinc alloysCoating embrittlement3+3 jNot required in passivation process of zinc alloysCorrosion resistance3+3 jElectrical conductivity3Content
47、of hexavalent chrome2Note: j Three pieces are used for retest by Huawei.1.5. Test Methods and Quality Indexes1.5.1 Appearance1) Exterior inspection should be performed on all samples.2) The coating crystallization should be well-distributed, fine, and continuous.3) Slight clamp marks are acceptable.
48、4) Not allowed defects: roughness, pitting, black dot, bubbling, falling off, and serious stripe on the coating; loose and powdering passive films, and obvious mark of passive solution; partially unplated.5) Color of passive film: The galvanized color passive film should be of bright iridescent colo
49、r (green, yellow, and purple). The color of zinc base alloy passive film could be gray or dark gray with light color. The color of the black passive surface should be well-distributed black.1.5.2 Coating Thickness1) Thickness inspection should be performed on all samples.2) Non-destructive test shou
50、ld be conducted according to ISO 2178 or equivalent. Choose 10 points on each sample (three to five points on the barrel plated sample is acceptable). The size of each point should be within 812 m.1.5.3 Bonding Strength1) Bond strength test should be performed on three samples. The test should be co
51、nducted 24 hours after and within three days upon the completion of plating.2) The passive film or coating should not fall off when you scratch 100 grids of 1 mm on a sample and pull the grids with standard adhesive tapes according to the test method of ISO 240 Corrosion Resistance1) Corrosio
52、n resistance test should be performed on three samples. The test should be conducted 24 hours after and within three days upon the completion of plating or passivation.2) For galvanized color passive films, perform a neutral salt fog test for 72 hours according to IEC 60068-2-11. A sample should be
53、free of white or black corrosion points on its surface.3) For zinc base alloy passive films, perform a neutral salt fog test for 48 hours according to IEC 60068-2-11. A sample should be free of white or black corrosion points on its surface.1.5.5 Coating Embrittlement1) Coating embrittlement test sh
54、ould be conducted on three samples.2) Put samples in a thermostatic heating oven at 180200C for 0.51 hour. Take out them for natural cooling. Bubbling or falling is not allowed to the coating.1.5.6 Electrical Conductivity1) Electrical conductivity test is conducted on three samples.2) Contact two el
55、ectrodes of a micro-ohmmeter with a measured surface. The area and pressure intensity of each electrode is 1 cm2 and 1.4 MPa (that is, the pressure is14 kgf) respectively. Measure any two points on the surface for five times, and the values should not be larger than 50 mohms.1.5.7 Content of Hexaval
56、ent Chrome1) Check passive films for hexavalent chrome according to the test method for hexavalent chrome according to ISO 3613.2) If hexavalent chrome exists, quantitative inspection should be conducted to check the content of hexavalent chrome using colorimetric method according to ISO3613 (the inspection organization should be approved by Huawei). The co
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