



1、1.-2.-精选教育第五单元基础练习(.根据中文,选择正确的英文.)1.)2.)3.)4.)5.我饿了 . A. I晚餐吃什么?,我想吃面条.早餐准备好了 . A. Dinner is ready.请随意. A. Help yourself. B. Help myself. .选择题.)1. -A. are you)2. What _A. arem thirsty.A. How is dinner? B. WhatA. I d like some noodles. B.B. Breakfast is ready.B.m hun gry. s fordinner?d like some rice

2、.(Can I have some juice? - Sure, hereB. you are C. I am_ you like for breakfast?B. would C. is)3. I would like someA. rice)4. WhatA. for)5. HereA. amB. rices C. no odle sdinner?C. ins specials.C. areB. totodayB. is)6. Tom, please help_.A. your B. youC. yourself)7.- Would you like some soup? -_ . IA.

3、 No, tha nks. B. Yes, please. C. Excuse me.)8. Are the keys on the table? - No, they_A. areB. aren t C. isn)9.A. he-Is that schoolbag in the desk?B. sheC. it- There s a small_in my bedroom.B.bedC. beds)10.A. fridge.找答语.)1. Can you use the chopsticks?)2. What would you like for di nner?)3. Would you

4、like some cakes?)4. Please help yourself.-Yes,is.m full.( 我饱了)A. Thank you.B. Yes, I can.C.D. No, tha nks.四.读一读,选择适当的句子补全对话.Jim: Mom, 1_._ Mom: Vegetables and rice.Jim: I don t like vegetables.Mom: Then 2Jim: I d like some noodles and soup.Mom:m, 3_ .A. what would you like?五.看每个句子的回答How Whatis the boy?would you like?old are you?is the En glish book?Mom: OK._ Jim: Than ks, Mom.B. What s for dinner?,选词填空.Whod like some beef.C. dinners ready.3.-4.-Where-He is my brother, Oliver.-I d like some chicken. m 10 years old.s in the desk.-I-It1.-2.-精选教育六. 连词成句 , 注意大小写和标点符号 .


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