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1、.专业整理.登陆界面using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Data;using System.Drawing;using System.Text;using System.Windows.Forms;namespaceLabrarypublic partial class FormLogin : Formpublic FormLogin()InitializeComponent();/ summary/ 验一|证?6括件t/ /summary / <re

2、turns></returns> private bool ValidControl()if ( this .tbID.Text ="")MessageBoxShow("请填写用户名! e ?!);this .tbID.Focus(); return false ;if ( this .tbID.Text != "admin") if (!UserManage. ObjUser .IsHasID( All .dbo, this .tbID.Text) MessageBoxShow("不存在此用户! e ?"

3、); this .tbID.Text =""this .tbID.Focus(); return false ; .学习帮手.if ( this .tbID.Text !=admin")UserManage.ObjUser user= new UserManage.ObjUser( this .tbID.Text, All .dbo);if (user.PWD != this .tbPWD.Text)MessageBoxShow("密码错误! e ?');this .tbPWD.Text =""this .tbPWD.Focu

4、s(); return false ; elseif ( this .tbPWD.Text !="123456")MessageBoxShow("密码错误!");this .tbPWD.Text =""this .tbPWD.Focus(); return false ;return true ;private void gbtnCancel_Click( object sender, EventArgs e) this .Close();private void gbtnOK_Click( object sender, EventA

5、rgs e) /如一 ?果?验一 |证?6报件1通2?§过丫 if (ValidControl()if ( this .tbID.Text != "admin")All .userLogin = new UserManage. ObjUser(this .tbID.Text, All .dbo); elseAll .userLogin = new UserManage. ObjUser(All .dbo);All .userLogin.ID = "admin"All .userLogin.Name ="管理员";this .

6、DialogResult = DialogResult .OK; this .Close();主界面using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Data;using System.Drawing;using System.Text;using System.Windows.Forms;namespaceLabrarypublic partialclass FormMain : Formpublicpublicconst int WM_USER = 0x0400;co

7、nst int WM_GETBUFFER_LOOP = WM_USER + 2;private RFID_dll. Reader rdr;private RFID_dll. RFID rfid;List <string > rfids = new List <string >();int directionFlag = 0;/1 进;出?FormInAndOut fiao = new FormInAndOut();public FormMain()InitializeComponent();this .rdr = newRFID_dll. Reader。;/this.r

8、fid = new RFID_dll.RFID(rdr); private void FormMain_Load( object sender, EventArgs e) Init();/ summary/初始化/ /summaryprivate void Init()fiao.StartPosition =FormStartPosition .Manual;/多窗体在不同时间显示Screen口 screens = Screen.AllScreens;if (screens.Length = 2) ListScreenlistScreen = new List <Screen>()

9、; foreach ( Screen screen in Screen .AllScreens) if (screen.Primary = false )listScreen.Add(screen);fiao.Location = listScreen0.WorkingArea.Location;SetMenJin( "PicIn"); fiao.Show(); /toolStripStatusLabel2显示登陆用户名?toolStripStatusLabel2.Text =All .userLogin.Name;this .panell.Backgroundlmage

10、= null ;/菜单栏全部显示o?this .用?户? i 管 一 1理。一 aToolStripMenultem.Visible =true ;this .系| i 统a3初始o?化?¥ CToolStripMenultem.Visible =true ;this .应?| 用??南莫? 6 式o?ToolStripMenuItem.Visible = true ;this .图a?书。一 | 管 一 1 理。"aToolStripMenultem.Visible = true ;this .退a?办? 一 ?卡? § ToolStripMenultem.Vi

11、sible = true ;this .借,阅?ToolStripMenuItem.Visible = true ;this .门?禁?ToolStripMenuItem.Visible = true ;SetPurview();this.toolStripl.Visible=false;this.toolStrip2.Visible=false;this.toolStrip3.Visible=false;/rfid.OpenSerial();/是o?否。?找.一到i ?了禁?设| .一备d?/if (rfid.ChangeWorkModel(2) / rfid.StartInventory(

12、this.Handle.ToInt32(),2);/ summary/权限设置/ /summaryprivate void SetPurview() if ( All .userLogin.ID = "admin")this .应?| 用??南莫? 6 式o?ToolStripMenuItem.Visible =false ; else this .用户管理一 aToolStripMenultem.Visible = false ;this .系统初始化?¥ CToolStripMenultem.Visible =false ;this .读书管理一 aToolS

13、tripMenultem.Visible = false ;this .退力卡? § ToolStripMenultem.Visible = false ;this .借IMl ToolStripMenultem.Visible =false ;this .门禁?ToolStripMenultem.Visible = false ;for ( int i = 0; i < All .userLogin.Purview.Count; i+) string purview = All .userLogin.Purviewi;if (purview ="1")th

14、is .图书管理一 aToolStripMenulte m.Visible = true ; else if (purview ="2")this .办退卡? § ToolStripMenultem.Visible = true ;else if (purview ="3")this .借I?T ?ToolStripMenuItem.Visible =true ;else if (purview ="4")this .门禁 ToolStripMenultem.Visible = true ;private void 用户管理

15、一 aToolStripMenuItem_Click( object sender, EventArgs e) UserManage. FormUserList ful =new UserManage. FormUserList (All .conn);ful.ShowDialog();private void 修改密码?ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)UserManage. FormUserPwdfup = newUserManage. FormUserPwd( All .conn, All .userLogin);fup

16、.ShowDialog();private void tsbtnBookType_Click( object sender, EventArgs e) FormBookTypeList fbtl = new FormBookTypeList ();fbtl.ShowDialog();private void tsbtnBookAdd_Click( object sender, EventArgs e) FormBookAddfba = new FormBookAdd);fba.ShowDialog();private void tsbtnBookManage_Click( object sen

17、der, EventArgs e) FormBookInfoList fbil = new FormBookInfoList ();fbil.ShowDialog();private void tsbtnBookStatistics_Click( object sender, EventArgs e)FormBookStatistics fbs = new FormBookStatistics (); fbs.ShowDialog();private void 退a?出?XToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)this .Clos

18、e(); private void tsbtnCardAdd_Click( object sender, EventArgs e) FormCardInfo fci = new FormCardInfo (1, new ObjCardInfo ();fci.ShowDialog();private void tsbtnCardManage_Click( object sender, EventArgs e) FormCardList fcl = new FormCardList ();fcl.ShowDialog();private void tsbtnAddTime_Click( objec

19、t sender, EventArgs e) string rfid = RfidOperate .GetCard(); if (rfid ="")MessageBoxShow("请把借阅卡放到桌面读写器上!"); else if ( ObjCardInfo .IsHas(rfid) ObjCardInfo oci = new ObjCardInfo (rfid);FormCardInfo fci = new FormCardInfo (5, oci); fci.ShowDialog(); elseMessageBoxShow("没有此借阅卡信

20、息"); private void tsbtnCardDelete_Click( object sender, EventArgs e) string rfid = RfidOperate .GetCard(); if (rfid ="")MessageBoxShow("请把借阅卡到读写器上?"); else if ( ObjCardInfo .IsHas(rfid) ObjCardInfo oci = new ObjCardInfo (rfid);int count = oci.NotReturnCount(); if (count = 0)

21、 if ( MessageBoxShow("是否决定退卡! e ?""", MessageBoxButtons .YesNo) = DialogResult .Yes) oci.Delete();MessageBoxShow("退卡成功 | ! e ?); else MessageBoxShow(oci.Name + "还有一本"+ count.ToString() +"本书未归还不能退卡?"); else MessageBoxShow("没有止匕借阅信息?"); private vo

22、id tsbtnJie_Click( object sender, EventArgs e) FormBookJie fbj = new FormBookJie(1);fbj.ShowDialog();private void tsbtnHuan_Click( object sender, EventArgs e)FormBookHuanfbh = new FormBookHua。fbh.ShowDialog();private void 图a?书。一 | 管 一 1 理。一 aToolStripMenuItem_Click( object sender, EventArgs e)this.t

23、oolStrip1.Visible =true ;this.toolStrip2.Visible =false;this.toolStrip3.Visible =false;this.panel1.BackgroundImage =Image.FromFile( AppDomainCurrentDomain.BaseDirectory +"pic1.jpg");private void 退a?办? 一?卡? § ToolStripMenuItem_Click( object sender, EventArgs e) this.toolStrip1.Visible=

24、false;this.toolStrip2.Visible=true ;this.toolStrip3.Visible=false;this.panel1.BackgroundImage =Image.FromFile( AppDomainCurrentDomain.BaseDirectory +"pic2.jpg");private void 借.一 阅?ToolStripMenuItem_Click( object sender, EventArgs e) this.toolStrip1.Visible=false;this.toolStrip2.Visible=fal

25、se;this.toolStrip3.Visible=true ;this.panel1.BackgroundImage =Image.FromFile( AppDomainCurrentDomain.BaseDirectory +"pic3.jpg");private void 门?禁?ToolStripMenuItem_Click( object sender, EventArgs e) /MenJinInit();/this.toolStrip1.Visible = false;/this.toolStrip2.Visible = false;/this.toolSt

26、rip3.Visible = false;/this.panel1.BackgroundImage = null;/rfid.OpenSerial();/是否找到门禁设备?/if (rfid.IsOpen)/ rfid.StartInventory(this.Handle.ToInt32();/private void 注销 2ToolStripMenuItem_Click( object sender, EventArgs e) All .userLogin = null ;FormLogin fl = new FormLogin ();if (fl.ShowDialog() != Dial

27、ogResult .OK)this .Close(); elseInit();private void 帮助 一 2ToolStripMenuItem1_Click( object sender, EventArgs e) private void 系统初始化?¥ CToolStripMenuItem_Click( object sender, EventArgs e) if ( MessageBoxShow("是否初始化数据库?", "" , MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)=DialogResult .Yes)All .db

28、o.excuteSql(All .dbo.excuteSql(All .dbo.excuteSql(All .dbo.excuteSql(All .dbo.excuteSql("delete from lendtable" );"delete from bookinfo");"delete from booktype");"delete from librarycard" );"delete from usertable" );MessageBoxShow("初始化完成?")

29、;private void 关于 ToolStripMenuItem_Click( object sender, EventArgs e)FormAbout fa = new FormAbout(); fa.ShowDialog();protected override void DefWndProc( ref System.Windows.Forms. Messagem) if (m.Msg = WM_GETBUFFER_LOOP)/启动if ( this .timer1.Tag.ToString() ="0")this .timer1.Start();this .tim

30、er1.Tag ="1"string uid =""string direction =""bool personWithMultCard =false ;rdr.GetLoopGetBufferData(m,ref uid, ref direction, refpersonWithMultCard); if (uid !="0000000000000000")/进if (direction = "In") this .directionFlag = 1;this .rfids.Add(uid)

31、; /出if (direction = "Out") this .directionFlag = 2;this .rfids.Add(uid); if (uid = "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" base.DefWndProc( ref m);private void timer1_Tick( object sender, EventArgs e)if ( this .directionFlag = 1)for ( int i = 0; i < this .rfids.Count; i+)if ( ObjCardInfo .IsHas( t

32、his .rfidsi)ObjCardInfo oci = new ObjCardInfo (this .rfidsi);if (oci.IsOverTime()SetMenJin("PicInOutTime");MenJinInit();return ;elseSetMenJin("PicIn");MenJinInit();return ;SetMenJin("PicInNoCard");MenJinInit();else if ( this .directionFlag = 2)for ( int i = 0; i < th

33、is .rfids.Count; i+)if ( ObjBookInfo .IsHas( this .rfidsi)ObjBookInfo obi = new ObjBookInfo (this .rfidsi);if (obi.LendStatus ="为借出?")this .rdr.WarningOutput( false , false , true , false , false ); SetMenJin("PicOut");MenJinInit();return ; MenJinInit(); / summary/门禁初始化/ /summary

34、 private void MenJinInit() this .rfids.Clear();this .directionFlag = 0;this .timerl.Tag ="0"this .timer1.Stop(); private void SetMenJin( string message) this .fiao.Controls.Clear();UserControlMenJin ucmj = new UserControlMenJin (message); ucmj.Dock =DockStyle .Fill;this .fiao.Controls.Add(

35、ucmj); private void FormMain_FormClosing( object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) /this.rfid.StopInventory();/this.rfid.CloseSerial(); 图书统计using System; using System.Collections.Generic;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Data;using System.Drawing;using System.Text;using System.Windows.Forms;nam

36、espaceLabrary public partial class FormBookStatistics : Form private int boolShelf;public FormBookStatistics。 InitializeComponent();BindTreeView();this .boolShelf = 0;BindListView( "select RFID,BookType_ID,Name,Author,LendStatus,BookShelf from BookInfo");this .cboBookLendStatus.SelectedInd

37、ex = 0; private void BindTreeView() this .treeView1.Nodes.Clear();TreeNode nodeRoot = new TreeNode();nodeRoot.Text ="全部书架 1"this .treeView1.Nodes.Add(nodeRoot);for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i+) TreeNode nodeChild = new TreeNode(); if (i = 0) nodeChild.Text ="第一书架 1" if (i = 1)nodeCh

38、ild.Text ="第二书架1”;if (i = 2)nodeChild.Text ="第三书架. 1”;if (i = 3)nodeChild.Text ="第四书架 一 1”;nodeRoot.Nodes.Add(nodeChild);nodeRoot.Expand();private void BindListView( string sql) this .listView1.Items.Clear();this .listView1.Columns.Clear();string 口 headerText = new string 口 ”标签,100“,”

39、 所属分类。一 O ,100“,“ 书 名,150“,”作者,80“,“借阅危志,80”,”所在书架,80“ ;for ( int i = 0; i < headerText.Length; i+) ColumnHeaderheader = new ColumnHeadeQstring headerName = headerTexti.Split( ',' )0;int headerWidth = Convert .ToInt32(headerTexti.Split( ',' )1);header.Text = headerName;header.Widt

40、h = headerWidth;this .listView1.Columns.Add(header); DataTable dtb = All .dbo.getDataTable(sql);for ( int i = 0; i < dtb.Rows.Count; i+) ObjBookInfo bookinfo = new ObjBookInfo (dtb.Rowsi "RFID” .ToString();ListViewItem item = new ListViewitem (new string bookInfo.RFID, bookInfo.BookType.Name

41、, bookInfo.Name, bookInfo.Author, bookInfo.LendStatus, bookInfo.BookShelf);this .listViewl.Items.Add(item);ListViewItem itemCount = new ListViewItem (newstring 口 "统a3计?","","","""",dtb.Rows.Count.ToString() +"本d ?");this .listView1.Items.Ad

42、d(itemCount);private void treeView1_NodeMouseClick( object sender, TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e)if (e.Node.Text ="全部书架- 1")this .boolShelf = 0;BindListView(string .Format( "selectRFID,BookType_ID,Name,Author,LendStatus,BookShelf from BookInfo" );if (e.Node.Text ="第一书架 一 1&q

43、uot;)this .boolShelf = 1;BindListView(string .Format( "selectRFID,BookType_ID,Name,Author,LendStatus,BookShelf from BookInfo where BookShelf='1'");if (e.Node.Text ="第二书架. 1”)this .boolShelf = 2;BindListView(string .Format( "selectRFID,BookType_ID,Name,Author,LendStatus,Bo

44、okShelf from BookInfo where BookShelf='2'");if (e.Node.Text ="第三书架, 1”)this .boolShelf = 3;BindListView(string .Format( "selectRFID,BookType_ID,Name,Author,LendStatus,BookShelf from BookInfo where BookShelf='3'");if (e.Node.Text ="第四书架 1")this .boolShelf

45、 = 4;BindListView(string .Format( "selectRFID,BookType_ID,Name,Author,LendStatus,BookShelf from BookInfo where BookShelf='4'");private void toolStripComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged( object sender, EventArgs e) if ( this .boolShelf = 0) if ( this .cboBookLendStatus.SelectedIndex = 0)

46、 BindListView(string .Format( "selectRFID,BookType_ID,Name,Author,LendStatus,BookShelf from BookInfo" ); if ( this .cboBookLendStatus.SelectedIndex = 1) BindListView(string .Format( "selectRFID,BookType_ID,Name,Author,LendStatus,BookShelf from BookInfo where LendStatus='1'&quo

47、t;);if ( this .cboBookLendStatus.SelectedIndex = 2) BindListView(string .Format( "selectRFID,BookType_ID,Name,Author,LendStatus,BookShelf from BookInfo where LendStatus='0'"); if ( this .boolShelf > 0) if ( this .cboBookLendStatus.SelectedIndex = 0) BindListView(string .Format(

48、"selectRFID,BookType_ID,Name,Author,LendStatus,BookShelf from BookInfo where BookShelf='0'",this .boolShelf.ToString(); if ( this .cboBookLendStatus.SelectedIndex = 1) BindListView(string .Format( "selectRFID,BookType_ID,Name,Author,LendStatus,BookShelf from BookInfo where Boo

49、kShelf='0' and LendStatus='1'" , this .boolShelf.ToString(); if ( this .cboBookLendStatus.SelectedIndex = 2) BindListView(string .Format( "selectRFID,BookType_ID,Name,Author,LendStatus,BookShelf from BookInfo where BookShelf='0' and LendStatus='0'" , th

50、is .boolShelf.ToString(); 借阅卡管理using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Data;using System.Drawing;using System.Text;using System.Windows.Forms;namespaceLabrarypublic partial class FormCardList : Form public FormCardList()InitializeComponent();SetListView

51、();private void SetListView() this .listView1.Items.Clear();List <ObjCardInfo > listCard = ObjCardInfo .GetAllCard(); for ( int i = 0; i < listCard.Count; i+)ObjCardInfo oci = listCardi;ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem (oci.Rfid); item.Tag = oci;ListViewItem . ListViewSubItem subitem1 =

52、 new ListViewItem . ListViewSubItem ();subitem1.Text = oci.Name;item.SubItems.Add(subitem1);ListViewItem . ListViewSubItem subitem2 = new ListViewItem . ListViewSubItem ();subitem2.Text = oci.Sex;item.SubItems.Add(subitem2);ListViewItem .ListViewSubItemsubitem3 =new"yyyy 年一 0MMi ?dd 日 一 ?"

53、);ListViewItem . ListViewSubItem ();subitem3.Text = oci.Brithday.ToString( item.SubItems.Add(subitem3);ListViewItem . ListViewSubItem subitem4 = new ListViewItem . ListViewSubItem ();subitem4.Text = oci.SID;item.SubItems.Add(subitem4);ListViewItem . ListViewSubItem subitem5 = new ListViewItem . List

54、ViewSubItem ();subitem5.Text = oci.StartTime.ToString();item.SubItems.Add(subitem5);ListViewItem . ListViewSubItem subitem6 = new ListViewItem . ListViewSubItem ();subitem6.Text = oci.EndTime.ToString();item.SubItems.Add(subitem6);ListViewItem . ListViewSubItem subitem7 = new ListViewItem . ListView

55、SubItem ();subitem7.Text = oci.User.Name;item.SubItems.Add(subitem7);this .listView1.Items.Add(item); private void SetListView( List <ObjCardInfo > listCard) this .listView1.Items.Clear();for ( int i = 0; i < listCard.Count; i+) ObjCardInfo oci = listCardi;ListViewItem item = new ListViewIt

56、em (oci.Rfid); item.Tag = oci;ListViewItem . ListViewSubItem subitem1 = new ListViewItem . ListViewSubItem ();subitem1.Text = oci.Name;item.Subltems.Add(subiteml);ListViewItem . ListViewSubItem subitem2 = new ListViewItem . ListViewSubItem ();subitem2.Text = oci.Sex;item.SubItems.Add(subitem2);new&q

57、uot;yyyy 年一 0MMi ?dd 日 一 ?");ListViewItem . ListViewSubItem subitem3 =ListViewItem . ListViewSubItem ();subitem3.Text = oci.Brithday.ToString( item.SubItems.Add(subitem3);ListViewItem . ListViewSubItem subitem4 = new ListViewItem . ListViewSubItem ();subitem4.Text = oci.SID;item.SubItems.Add(subitem4);ListViewItem . ListViewSubItem subitem5 = new ListViewItem . Lis


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