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1、阅读课的教学方法阅读课的教学方法 -以读报课为例 颜静兰 高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲p 培养21 世纪英语专业人才,使英语专业教学在新台阶上展开,使学生整体素质提高。p大纲培养目标:“1333”p一个基础、三种知识、三种能力、三种素质p1:打好扎实的英语语言基础p3:牢固掌握英语专业知识、拓宽人文学科知识和科技知识、掌握与毕业后从事工作有关的专业基础知识,p3:注重培养获取知识能力、独立思考能力、创新能力,p3:提高思想道德素质、文化素质和心理素质。p 这三种知识结构的拓宽、三种能力的培养和三种素质的提高构成了英语人才培养、英语教学改革和英语学生整体教学质量提高的总框架。 高等学校英语专业培

2、养目标高等学校英语专业培养目标打好基本功打好基本功 拓宽知识拓宽知识培养能力培养能力提高素质提高素质 语语音音语语法法词词汇汇听听力力口口语语写写作作 翻翻译译人人文文学学科科知知识识科科技技知知识识专专业业基基础础知知识识获获取取知知识识的的能能力力独独立立思思考考的的能能力力创创新新的的能能力力思思想想道道德德素素质质文文化化素素质质心心理理素素质质全国近五年八级考试子项目得分情况一览全国近五年八级考试子项目得分情况一览听力听力10阅读阅读20人文人文10GAP10改错改错10英译中英译中10中译英中译英10写作20总平总平均分均分通过率通过率066. 4510. 466. 116. 08

3、4. 754. 525. 28550649.970760811185845634815. 175. 31545647.30086. 1111. 185. 904. 614. 586. 115. 6756. 3745.28095. 6810. 286. 933. 695. 136. 614. 8856. 8547.33105. 6511. 796. 524. 912. 965. 895. 9756.3443.11新世纪新任务:拓宽人文学科知识,提高文化素质p大纲在课程设置中与人文有关的课程排了近30门课p在教学要求上也做出了具体的制定,在专门安排的文化素养一栏里要求学生在大学期间:p“熟悉中国文

4、化传统;p具有一定的艺术修养;p熟悉英语国家的地理、历史、发展现状、文化传统、风俗习惯;p具有较多的人文知识和科技知识”p没有广泛的阅读何来人文知识的拓宽,文化素质的提高!阅读十大问题p1. 不读文学原著p2. 不读报刊杂志p3. 阅读量少质薄p4. 没有阅读习惯p5. 不做阅读笔记p6. 阅读种类太少p7. 没有阅读作业p8. 阅读课沦为精读课p9. 教师没时间阅读充实自己p10. 学生做题教师讲题集体遗弃阅读 教师阅读课程教学能力阻碍p缺乏阅读教学能力的培训p自身阅读能力欠缺p上课时底气不足p无法正确引导学生提高阅读能力p张红玲的调查显示,67的外语教师未受过任何培训,只能凭借感觉和经验来

5、从事教学。p笔者对86位英语教师的调查显示,近70的教师未受过既有语言本身又有教学方法的培训,接触外国文化的质和量也不够,缺少体验外国文化的机会。没有时间进行系统文学名著阅读和报刊杂志的阅读。p其结果是:p1。对着教材照本宣科,无法深入讨论,课堂效果不尽人意;p2。教师和学生无意识将词汇语法作为重点分割学习,忽视阅读中的思想文化的点与线;p3. 对阅读中出现的文化历史等现象似蜻蜓点水,一带而过,没有广度和深度上的拓展;p4。语言教学和文化教学人为分割;p5。教师激发不起学生对阅读的兴趣与动力;胡文仲 :p学习一种语言应该同时发展两种能力:p语言能力(linguistic competence)

6、p社会能力(social competence),p 即文化能力(cross cultural communicative competence p语言学习提高最佳途径是大量阅读! s ig n ifie r( F O RS U R V I V A L )s ig ns ig n ifie ds o u n dw r itte n im a g es ig n ifie rc o n c e p ts ig n ifie dS ig n2 n d le v e ls ig nC o n n o ta tio ns ig n ifie rs ig n ifie ds o u n dw r itt

7、e n im a g es ig n ifie rc o n c e p ts ig n ifie d1 s t le v e lS ig nD e n o ta tio n读什么?p1. 小说:简写本原版p2. 散文、杂文p3. 杂志p4. 报纸 我校操作:我校操作:常规阅读课+课外阅读p一上10本,一下10本 简写本小说p二年级10本小说p检查:读书报告, Presentation, Q & A, Quizp21世纪英文报导读为什么读21世纪英文报?(大学版)p1。词汇量30006000,适合大学生阅读并检验自己的词汇量和阅读能力。p2。普及性英文时事周报,广泛采用外电,基本原汁原


9、。开阔视野。21世纪英文报的内容很广泛,通过了解不同的信息,开拓大家的视野;p三。培养思考问题和用英语进行表达的能力。三。培养思考问题和用英语进行表达的能力。遇到某个问题或现象时,要学会思考,能够产生自己的思想观点,而且言之有理,既不无话可说,也不能人云亦云。如何读?p1。导读式:指导学生阅读;p2。提问式:提出问题让学生思考回答; p3。讨论式:引导学生对话题进行讨论;p4。多媒体式:用多媒体渠道加强印象p5.参与式:指导学生参加编报、比赛,征文赛p6。测验式:测验常用词汇句子导读式p“这课与普通的课堂完全不同的。整个一堂读报课,老师和同学们边读边聊,有时读到一则新闻,老师会停下来请同学们谈


11、西。p老师经常带给大家一些多媒体信息。报纸上讲到胡戈,老师就把一个馒头的血案放给大家看,报纸上介绍某首英文歌曲时,老师就把这首歌下载下来放给大家欣赏。有时候,老师看到一些有创意的英语广告,也会带到课堂上来,让大家比较国内外广告的差异。”测试式pMaglev (magnetically levitated train) ppop divaplady killerpchick magnetpdental brace pthong Tpsurrogate birth pextramarital affairpa metrosexual manpmedia hypepthree major posit

12、ive indexespPeople First Partypal-Qaida pVisit the Yasukunni Shrine pScientific Concept of DevelopmentpPeople-Oriented/ People ForemostpSocialist Concept of Honour and DisgraceRevisionproperty developers 房地产发展商The US Securities and Exchange Commission 美国证交所the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico 墨西哥湾漏油s

13、trengthen mediation at the grassroots level 加强基层的调节作用coalition government 联合政府International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织smoke-free indoors 全面禁烟susceptible to natural disasters 易受自然灾害的影响business suspension 停业energy efficient and environmental-friendly industries节能环保型企业a Hung parliament 悬浮国会indulge in pleas

14、ure and forget about home and duty 乐不思蜀 political rivals 政敌handle social problems and resolve disputes 处理社会矛盾和化解纠纷 US Treasury Secretary 美国财政部长rise of the underdogs 咸鱼翻身torrential down pour 强降水cold spell in late spring 倒春寒Methuselah gene 长寿基因the former Formula One No.1 前一级方程赛第一名steel wire walking走钢丝

15、fugitive ex-prime minister 流亡前首相BRIC Summit 金砖四国峰会unwilling to be in the same league 不愿为伍down payments 首付the late IOC president 已故奥组委主席staggered working hours 错峰上下班alleviate traffic congestion 减缓交通压力reconciliation roadmap 和解路线图start from scratch 白手起家,从头做起授课对象专业选修课(80)大类平台课(150)全校公选课(300)专业选修课:英语专业一二

16、年级英语、日语、德语专业大类平台选修课全校1-4年级学生特点:特点:三结合p报纸和多媒体运用相结;p教师讲解和学生互动讨论相结合;p课堂讨论和课后复习相结合。“SPICM”教学模式pS: Student-centered (以学生为中心) 引导学生学会读英语报,促进学生自主学习pP: Interaction-oriented (以互动为主导)开展课堂互动,让学生主动投入教与学的过程pI: Integrated-skills Focused (以英语综合技能运用为主线)听、说、读、写、译技能综合融合,提高学生综合运用语言能力;pC: Cultral-Compence Based (以提高文化能力

17、为基点)pM: Mutimedia-teaching Approach Auxiliarized (以多媒体教学为辅助) Film ClipsTV programmePhotosInternet MaterialsFlashPPT报章题材的选择p必讲必讲:pBUZZpISSUES pFORUMpOPINIONp选讲:选讲:pIN FOCUS pRelationships pNew horizon pHOTSHOTSpStreet WisepEntertainmentpCampus Life pSportpGet AheadIn FocusOnce Rivals, Now Colleagues

18、David Cameron Nick CleggBackgroundListen to the news New Prime Minister.mp3 3pThe leader of the British Conservative Party, David Cameron has been appointed Prime Minister by Queen Elizabeth five days after the inconclusive election. The election resulted in the Conservatives winning the largest num

19、ber of seats, but failing to secure an overall majority, leaving Britains third party, the Liberal Democrats holding the balance of power. Within the past time, Mr. Cameron was driven from Buckingham Palace to the Prime Ministers official residence in Downing Street, where he made this announcement

20、to the waiting crowd.p“Our country has a hung parliament where no party has an overall majority. And we have some deep and pressing problems: a huge deficit, deep social problems and a political system in need of reform. For those reasons, I aim to form a proper and full coalition between the Conser

21、vatives and the Liberal Democrats. I believe that is the right way to provide this country with the strong, the stable, the good and decent government that I think we need so badly.”Read the NewspaperOnce Rivals, Now ColleaguesIN the dappled light of the garden of 10 Downing Street, new British Prim

22、e Minister David Cameron and his new political “wife”, Nick Clegg, smiled for the cameras.Their “shotgun wedding” took no shine off the moment. They quipped and bantered through their first press conference.They even sounded hopeful of spending five years together: “Compromise, give and take, reason

23、able, civilized, grown-up behavior is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength,” said Cameron. shotgun wedding:强制婚姻,勉强的妥协 Henry and Janet had a shotgun wedding last week. 【误译】亨利和珍妮特上周举行了有猎枪保卫的婚礼。 【正译】亨利和珍妮特因怀孕所迫上周举行了婚礼。 【说明】 shotgun wedding or shotgun marriage为美国口语,意为“为怀孕所迫而举行的婚礼。 源自这样的实例:未婚先孕时

24、女方父亲就以猎枪(shotgun)强迫男方快娶其女儿进门,不然,无情的猎枪一响就会叫他丧命。 Think and Discuss:pBritains new coalition government is forcing political rivals to work together. pHow can you get along with people who have different values, personalities and cultures?Methuselah Gene 长寿基因 Living to the age of 100 may depend, in part

25、, on possessing the right DNA. Dutch scientists studied the genetic make-up of centenarians and nonagenarians, and concluded that a tiny mutation, or the “Methuselah” gene, gives extra protection against the diseases of old age. These genes are extremely rare, with only one person in 10,000 reaching

26、 the age of 100.Methuselah 玛士撒拉,圣经中的人物,据传享年969岁,代指长寿的人或物。 e.g.The burger is as old as Methuselah. IssuesBlood Red ThailandDiscussion1. What is the cause of the crisis?This crisis has been a simmering problem in Thailand for decades. It is about a struggle for power between the poor, rural classes (r

27、ed shirts) and the elite, upper classes (yellow shirts).In 2006 and 2008, protests led to the yellow shirts taking over power in a parliamentary election. They accused the red shirts of committing electoral fraud and kicked them out of government. Now the red shirts are calling for a new democratic

28、election. It is simply a battle over who runs Thailand.2. How will this affect Thailand on the international stage?Thailand was primarily known as a sunny tourist destination. Watch the clip Amazing Thailand.flv Thailand is an amazing land of_. 1.Discoveries 2.Adventures 3.Sensations 4.Emotions But

29、after the 2004 tsunami and its numerous political crises, it has increasingly been viewed as susceptible to both political and natural disasters. Thailand is becoming known as an “unstable” country.Forum:Liu ZhuWho is Liu Zhu? Liu Zhu, one of the cross-dressing Happy Boys contestants, is among the 5

30、0 finalists in the shows district competition in Chengdu. He and others have convincingly presented themselves as not only good-looking girls but also as talented performers. In doing so they have gained millions of young fans nationwide.They also have lots of critics. Among them are many parents wi

31、th teenage sons. They worry that their children will follow the example of the “ drag queens” on TV and ruin their futures.Question: Should TV stations allow transvestites, or young men dressed as girls publicly, to perform and compete?Homeworkp1. Read this issue of the newspaper carefully and write

32、 down the questions or problems for the discussion next time in class.p2. Choose one of the topics from “Issues”, “Forum”, ”Opinion”,” Horizon”, “In-focus” or “Relationships” to prepare a 5-minute presentation to be delivered next time. 教学特点:教学特点:p结合学生学习实际,在教学中体现了报刊教学课程的扩充学生知识面,提高学生思辨能力和创新能力,综合运用英语技

33、能的教学理念。p重点让学生关注国内外大事,提高学生获得信息和新知识的能力、拓宽学生文化视野、提高分析和思辨能力。p教学中利用多媒体揉入听说读写译多种技能,强调学生的互动与参与,课后的复习和联系,从而多维度提高教学效率,为培养学生终身学习的意识和能力打下基础。以学生为主的课堂教学互动模式以学生为主的课堂教学互动模式互动形式互动形式 互动方式互动方式 师师生生互互动动生生生生互互动动资资源源互互动动人人机机互互动动课课内内外外互互动动自自主主互互动动协协作作互互动动可可控控互互动动情情知知互互动动探探究究互互动动 x = information sourceA = senderB = receiv

34、erC = editorial functionf = feedback path Westley and MacLeans Model x = information sourceA教师X报纸B学生F反馈C上级旨意读报课可以培养学生读报课可以培养学生“ACCE”四种学习能力四种学习能力pA: (Active) p主动式的学习态度;pC: (Cooperative) p合作式的学习方式;pC: (Creative) p创造式的学习行为;pE: (Explorative) p探究式的学习范围。p(2006)通过率:通过率:49.97 平均分:平均分:55.06 作文平均分:作文平均分:11.01

35、pWriting Task (45mins)20%p Joseph Epstein, a famous writer, once said, “We decide what is important and what is trivial in life. We decide (so) that what makes us significant is either what we do or what we refuse to do. But no matter how indifferent the universe may be to our choices and decisions,

36、 these choices and decisions are ours to make. We decide. We choose. And as we decide and choose, so are our lives formed. In the end, forming our own destiny is what ambition is about. Do you agree or disagree with him? Write an essay about 400 words entitled: p AmbitionpNowhere is the word ambitio

37、n so vividly and accurately defined than in Joseph Epsteins comment that “in the end, forming our own destiny is what ambition is about.” A cosmetic definition as it seems, however, Epsteins words can, on the whole, be interpreted and summarized into one sentence: to be ambitious is to strive for ou

38、r own personal goals set upon our own values regardless of the possible outcome and controversy. In other words, the two indispensable parts of ambition include: firstly, making your own unique targets; secondly, persisting in achieving these aims without being distracted by others ridicule and scor

39、n.pTo begin with, visualizing your personal goals instead of drifting among the mass is, undoubtedly, the very prerequisite of the fulfillment of your aims. The reason for this is simple. We ourselves are the best judges of our capabilities and potentials. And the same voice is echoed in that “we de

40、cide what is important and what is trivial in life.” Madame Currie could never have achieved so many honors and breakthroughs in science and the discovery of radium if she took the same path as majority of the women in her time. It was her decision to devote her time and energy to science not househ

41、old chores that made her stand our so prominently. On the other hand, she might have been just as plain and mundane as other women if she did not match herself with her personal aspirations and goals. Therefore, having your own goals is essential to the realization of ambition.pThen there is the issue of how one should purs


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