



1、南京市白下区三 年级20112012年度上学期期末试卷学校 班级 姓名 得分听力部分(30分)、听录音,选择你所听到的内容,并将序号填入括号内。(每题1分,共10分)()1. A.sleepB.sweepC.ski()2. A.whereB.thereC.chair()3. A.light B.right C.night()4. A.withB.whichC.watch()5. A.learnB.listenC.lesson()6. A.horse B.house C.mouse()7. A.together B.toilet C.tomorrow()8. A.play chess B.pla

2、y cards C.play football()9. A.use three circles B.draw three circlesC. make three circles()10.A.Don' t forget to open the box.B.Why don' t we watch TV now?C.Don' t forget to open the book.、听录音,按所听顺序给下列图标号。(每题1分,共8分)、听录音,找出相应答句。( 听两遍 ) ( 每题 1 分,共 5 分 )() 1.A. It s over th.ereB. There s a

3、footb.allC. It s under the .bed() 2. A. Yes, I do.B. Yes, I like.C. No,I can t.() 3. A. It s a circle. B. They re circles. C. It s a square.() 4. A. He can play chess. B. He is playing chess.C. He likes playing chess.( )5.A.He has a blanket. B.Yes,he does. C.No,he s not.四、听录音,填入所缺单词。 ( 听两遍)(每格1 分,共

4、7 分)Look, Jack is a picture. It is a . There are many. You can see two triangles. They are its . There are circles in it. The one is its head. The small ones are its and eyes. How lovely!笔试部分 (70 分 )一、词组翻译。 ( 每题 1 分,共 10 分 )1 做家务 6 .a camping site2 做一个模型飞机 7.run after3 上一节美术课 8.make a model car4 帮助她

5、学数学 9.how to draw a circle5 买一张新年贺卡 10.some thin bears二、单项选择。 ( 每题 1 分,共 10 分 )() 1. I can play guitar and she can play volleyball.A. the, theB. the, /C. / ,the() 2. Tom a toy car,his parents a stove.A. has, hasB. have, haveC.has, have() 3. My parentslike watching TV.A.doB. don tC.aren t() 4. I m ve

6、ry thirsty.But there any water in the glass.A.isn tB. isC.aren t()5. are they playing?They are playing in the playground.A.WhatB.Who C.Where() 6.I ilke .I can .I am in the kitchen.A.cooking, cook,cook B. cooking, cook, cooking C.cook, cooking, cooking ()7.Please listen to Miss Li and follow.A. sheB.

7、himC. her()8. What your brothers?A. do ,has B.do, haveC. does ,have()9. What I doing?guess!You playing football.A.am, are B. are, are C. am, / ()10. Can you come and help with English?A. me, meB. me, myC. I, my三、用所给词的适当形式填空。(每空1分,共10分)1. Do you like ( skate)? -Yes, I do.2. Don' t(sing) in the li

8、brary.3. How many(mango)are there in the basket?4. The students are(learn)how (draw ).5. She would like (buy)some flowers for the party.6. What can he (do)?He can (make)a toy bike.四、从II栏中找出与I栏相对应的内容。(每题1分,共10分)A. Some masks, please.B. No, he is reading a picture book.C. There are some eggs.D. Yes, t

9、here are three.E. Yes, we can.F. Yes, I like them very much.G. Fifty-eight yuan.H. I can see six.I. OK.J. Me, too.II()1. Do you like horses?()2. Are there any toilets in the building?()3. Can you ride a bike?()4. I can put an egg on my head.()5. What's on the plate?()6.How many triangles can you

10、 see?()7. Is your brother playing with a yo-yo ?()8. Listen to the music now.()9. How much are these lanterns?()10.Can I help you?五、改错。(每题2分,共10分)you need?to my father.Clooking for she.C)1。 What else areA B C )2. Let' s buy a shirt A B )3. Helen ' smother isAB()4. There isn ' tany lamp o

11、n the desk. ABC()5. My parents don' t work at Sundays. A BC六、连词成句(每题1分,共5分)1 .not songs I English can sing(.)2.show to me drawcan howplaneyou a(?)3.is the behind whatlibrary(?)4.going like withIswimmingmyparents(.)5. an brother elephantBen' s has(.)七、阅读理解,判断对错,对的写T,错白勺写F。(每题2分,共10分)Today is

12、Saturday. Jim' samily don' go to school or go to work at the weekends倜末).His father, Mr Green is sitting on the sofa. He' sreading a newspaper. His sister Kate is listening to the tape. She is learning English. Mary is cleaning the house. His mother is washing clothes now. Jim is reading

13、 in the library. They are all very busy.( )1.There are five people in Jim ' s family.( )2.Kate is playing a game.()3.Jim ' s parents go to work on Saturdays.()4.Jim ' s mother is doing housework.( )5.Mary is doing her homework now.八.以'My toy”为题,介绍一下你的玩具(不少于5句话)(5分)My toyI have a toy.

14、It is a .It牛津小学英语5A期末试题参考答案(附听力文字稿)听力部分一、听录音,选择你所听到的内容,将序号填入括号中(听两遍)(每题1分,共10分)1 .sleep 2.there 3.right 4.watch 5.lesson 6.house 7.toilet8 .play football9.make three circles 10.Don ' t forget to open the box.1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.B 7.B8.C 9.C10.A二、听录音,按所听顺序给下列图标号(听两遍)(每题1分,共8分)1. Su Hai and Su Y

15、ang are doing housework at home.2. Mr Green and his students are having a Music lesson.3. Ben and his family are buying things for a Halloween party.4. There ' s a mouse in the cat ' s mouth .5. There is a swing in the playground .6. My sister likes reading magazines after class.7. There is

16、a lovely dog in the basket.6. Wang Bing can play the guitar very well.74386215三、听录音,找出相应答句(听两遍)(每题2分,共12分)1 . What' s undehe bed ?2 .Do you have a pot?3 .What shape is the sun?4 .What is Mr Green doing?5 .Is your father watching TV?6.Can you ride a bike?1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5.C6.C四.听录音,填入所缺单词。(听两

17、遍)Look, Jack is drawing a picture. It is a pig. There are many shapes. You can see two triangles. They are its ears. There are six circles in it. The big one is its head. The small ones are its nose and eyes. How lovely!五、词组翻译。(每题1分,共10分)1. do housework 2.make a model plane 3. have an Art lesson 4.

18、help her with( her) Maths5.buy a New Year card 6.一个野营营地 7 。追赶 8 。做一个玩具小汽车9.怎样画一个圆10 。 一些瘦熊六、选择填空(每题1分,共10分)1. B 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.C 8. B 9.A 10.B七、用所给词的适当形式填空(每空1分,共10分)1. skating 2.sing 3. mangoes 4.learnning, to draw5.to buy, 6. do, make八、从 II 栏中找出与I 栏相对应的内容(每题 1 分,共 10分)1. F 2.D3.E4. J 5.C6. H 7. B 8.I 9. G 10. A九、改错。 ( 每题 2 分,共 10 分 )1 C (


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