1、Unit 9 pleRs® Explaih单元测试胭听力(略)| | |二卜单项选择()l-Theje are mRny boo|ks | oH the . -YeS, I want tO | | check some |bdok|s - to keRd. A. | | | bOokshelVeS,Up R. boOk$heives, out C. | | bOokshelf , Out | ( )2-The Soldiers lined| up and Walked fdrward-Yes, they | | prRctice hRrd | pass 咻 dxam.- A. in
2、I I order, in drdbr to B in drdbr to, in ordeF | | C |in orderj, iH order ( ) 3-I| |to visit. Hawaii -YesLif ydu go here, you'll | hive. A. |eXpe|ct, fuhny B. wish, an | fuh IC.| expect fn ( ) 4-If ybu go on .like I I this, you'll mbkb yourself ill. |-It1| doesn't mhtter.l Im very sbo|ng
3、. A. Ill drinking B. to drink C. drink ( ) 5-, I I his housel wRs stolen yesterday. Now |n 包 robm there is | but al bed. A. Fortunately, nothing B. Unfortunately, l anything C. Ill Unfortunately, nothing |( ) 6-youshould read |mOre| English bOoks than Chinese bodks. -But I Chinese boOk§. A sUgg
4、est, prefer B. want, prefer C. suggeSt, hte ( ) 7-|n th& twd m°nths ,I have | s&en him (ittle. | -I'm to | tell you he | | 501 been |in Bejng Unjvdrsity. A. pas§, phased B. past, please C. past, pleased| ()| 8-The spdrts meeting Will on Sunday.-Really? Yes, a nUmber df students
5、 add | teachers | |_cbming. A. take place, is B. take place, ae | C. happen, ae ( ) 9-Who| allowed you the clhssroom? -My teaCher. A.| to leave B. aVe C. |leavihg. ( )10-Ybu | mUst try ybul best to get everyone |this stbry. -Yes, I Hld everyone this story. A. understand, about B. tb Understand, abou
6、t C. to Underbtand, tb (I )11-This | eVent will / the futUrd. -Yes, we think much. A. take place, have to B. take place, mustn't C. happen, have to ( |)l2-I I bOrrowed |a bo±k "y Sister. But I d|idn't | finish reading 也 碰 siStdr asked it |baCk A. td, tO get |B. frOm, g©t C. fr
7、omJ to | get ( )l3-Cah you tell m | a good bo|ok| |every day?| -Certainly. I know a bet | | book StudentS like reddihg. Its name is Tige. A. tb rbad that B1 ad, that C. | | | reading, Which ( )14- LoGk a the III . information on the card. Which of the | | | following i|s WEng? JOne Eyre Charlotte Br
8、onte (l8l6 1 1855) 09苗9 University| Press, 1900 |237P A. There |are 237 pages in the book. |B. Chad10tte Bonte was the | | | w市ter of the |bo|ok | Jane Eye. C. Jane Eye wOs a teaCher M Oxforfa University. ()15.WhiCh word of the following has a different sfcrdss fm the others? A. .Ill Suggestion B. N
9、othing C. I ContinueI三I、症形填拄 Do yoU get angry when your friends are singing loudly while yhu are trying to | |20 X 20OS X OS86 n邛川op 3 9叫“叫叫】s!©jips sje no/J AjQue )36 A|up p|noqs npX qeq e siin p! puiqo;e/y ajeisidosd ji AjoHpv ;i £jsAo 同|的 Xq6q fe U9d/ XjBub sq oi Jou|j|sjpoX up pi '
10、!(|)p o; SApq noA |e-A|iss JsBu jrioA |op;uoo u6onoX中日 中0再倒| :!qq fpeq e怦n si ;|, ;oe d; AteM lejnieul eloip s AjBUb6ip!;90 JSHfeqliJUfeq; s1|eili 1 Hupo1sjoIaa ijusiqojd sp科山山¥。可即号9u叫1g ufedded s6u|iq; pq jsq/v |oboAe;s o; moi ujeo| o)i|u3L|)joj Juepoapujsji os £ sJoiju jBiLib supoosq ufe
11、oSU991- sBuiisj 9L; |oj;Lioo o ujbs| ;snluro人 $|?山!1)|!/3邛|衿州9日邛蜘 q;i/v XjBipe 所 us;j)o j noA 3Agi llli/wlspusuj jncbAl'llses bs dpw PUE s6U!|网珅0人可哗。| Oj| P33U gx£p|noXj| 4|oqq年中ije;DU ssop piJSUJ jssq JIO L9LM JO 甲0M adgry eaSily, yOu |can 8 a diary|. EVery tim® ybu| get angry |,Write
12、 down Why yOu are ahgM |Lo|ok bWcR at it later an yOu will see | yOu do 9 angry to|o easily. Yo|u Cad aSk yoUr friends to stop talking to yoU When yoU get | angry. Thi口 wi|l make yoU fee better. |Ydu also can db something different. When you get angry, walk away 油疝 the prdblbm and go 口 somewhere be.
13、 |Try a laugh!. There 随 aQo some other Bays to Chjnge the h|ab|it of | getting |angry easily. Maybe you can1 fihd out the wdy 1 10 1 fits you .well. A a word, Mnglryis bad ind it can change mLch of yhul But |if yoj can |try to correct it, you will be happier. | ( )1.A. for B. I of | C.on ( |)2.A.| g
14、dt B. getting C. to get| ()3.A. Feeling B. Thoughts C. FeelingC ()4.A. easily B. ebsiler |C.| easy ( )5.A. I td B of C.由( )6.A.Get B. Getting C.一Gets()7.a. never b sometimes c. often ()8.A. m*ke B. record C. k©ep ( )9.A.| gbt B. getting C tO get ( )10|A what B|.that C. as 四、阅读理解(A)根据短文内容选择最隹笞案。
15、Leaves are nature s foOd factories. Plnts take Water from the grOund thbUgh their rdot*. They take b gbs called darboh dioXide (CO2) from thba". Plants u§e |suhlight to| turn water aHd CO2 into | glUcose. Glucose | is a kind of sUgar. Pnts UHgjUcosJ Os food for ebergy td gbW. The Way plant
16、s turn Water add CO2 into glucose is calledphotosynthesis. That meansputtingtogether With light I” A chemical| cdlledchlorophyll helps make photosynthes s happen. t dives plants the* green color.| As summlerl ends and lautumn comes, the days get shorter and shorter. This is hoWi the I I I trees“knoW
17、f to begin getting ready fbr wi|nter. DUri"g Widter, thefe js not enoUgh light or watef fpr photoSydthesis. The | | | trees will rest dnd| live Onth/ food they hve stored during the JsUmmer. They begid to | close theif food-making factories. The | | gfeen ch|or&phyl| disappears from the I I
18、 leaves. Then, Webegin to sec yellow and | orbnge cd10rs. A few of these colors stay | in |th e lehvbs | all| the tim/. We just cah I | 一一t s/e them |in th/ sUmm/r, | b/cause they ,re | covered up by th/ gre/n chlorophyll. Red I and purpl/ dolors | we s/e| in | leaves ar/ I I mhde mostM 记 the autumn
19、.| In some He/s, | _ like mapl/s |( |枫抠I ) , glucose is stoted in |the leales aft/l photosynthesis stops. | Sunlight and the cool nights of autumn I I tub this glucose into r/dj The brown III color of tdeels like oaks (III I橡树I) is made from wast/s left in the leav/s. ( ) 1. | shows how photosynthes
20、is |happens III20 X 20cOrrectlyd1 23 APicture1 B.Picture :? C.Pictire 3“chilorophyl力inhe first p)ara(jraph me素B氧气C.叶绿素(pho)tosy,nth(冶is.A. planti;getCO2 from thasoodforenergy togrow Cplants turn w(),I. intheeav冶ch】anges irito red colorChl()rophyllC. Gucose ()5.Fromthepasautumncon1es,we can't see
21、 greenleadiscPPears EB. Photos;ynthiesisneeids sunligWecan't see red o orangein leave:> in smadIe orVy in autumn.(B)Smoking Rules istart of 1ban(垓止)The place pmoFet)ruary1,2>007Busstation,museum,resIrelandMarch,21)04Rest2口4讨&(Nub,worMay,2004 Rtestaurarit&cub,estaiuranit&caReast
22、au,ant»%clul),re;stau,anteIcafe Srestaurant &caf,oiitside hawker st据表格所提供的信息was banneci in clubsfrorn _inNew, Yo,():?. Thie w(ordjansin Chinese.A.胡罗卜)3. hewayis ca川ede airB. K乂ants use glicosevate andC CO2 inito gucosen auitumn. ASurilight B.sagtj wecanknow . Ai. Whenvesbecalusechlc)rophyll
23、JhtjCO2andchlc)rophyll.C.summer,becausej they can ben someCouintries Plaice -hekingis b(anned Franctaurant&c<af e,restaurant&clubkplace, restaurant&caifeIndaafe,hotel NlewYork(US)200)3ingaporej July1,2006Bussheter,all (室外小贩货摊)根选择最佳答案()1.Srioking,.A.200)3 B.200,4 C.:?005()2.In_,evenat
24、the bus station,smoking isbannled.A. India3.Singapore (:France:()3.In the above:couintrk冶,almosit inall the,smoking isbanned.A. workplaces Brestaurants (;bijs sheltes()4.Smoking was banned inin India from 1May,200,4. A.mu)eunis B|workpla(ces (C. ho)tels()5Which o)f thej following iswror】g? A. Itisba
25、rmedin bus shelte;rs t()smoein Injlan(i. B.Froim July1,2006,in tlheoutsidehawkerstalls),smioking was forbidden.C. In Fr.ancej, smokinlgin miuseumsis banned.(C) One day averr rid】family in Guiangzhoui wentona tr*)to the countrysi(de. The father wantedto showhissonhowpoor peoplelived,sothe)f spe;nd cd
26、 day,ann night on thefarrm ofa verypoor family.When they got back,the father aslked 1his son.My cearsonhovv was tht trip?'','V,erygood, D,ad!'',Dd you see howpoor peoplelived?''th, father a$ked.'、,eah!And v/hatdidyoulearn?''Thie scn aniswered,We havea do)g ath
27、ome, andthey have thiree.Wehave a k)oolthatreachesto thie mddleof thegardenandtheyhave ariverthathasno(汕d.Wehavev ver,y expen)ivelamps irn thegardenandtheyhave the stars.()ur p)atio(略台)reaichesto the front y,ard,yettheyhave the whole 1horizon(视野).'''/Vhen the:little bo/ finshe(L his>
28、fatlher c;ouldn,tsayanywoids.His s2n aidded ,,Thankyouforshovvingmehowpoor weare!Fromthispass;age,I think i:deplook atthingjs wl】ether the thingsare(joocin classnnates, teachers, s;chools and agoolife,you,ve(jot everything! 丫(儿castillyoucanhave allthemate;rialpossesscanimagineBuif y()u aie pcor spir
29、it,youAttitudeis everythingj! It,s vejry irhave agoo(d, confidt*t and prodijctive att文内容判断正1 口正确(B)()1.Thes fatlier w/ant(ed tomawere.()2.Thie litle b()y thought the peoplepoo工()3Tlie p()or family inhe village ha()4.Materiapossess)ions) areeverythng.canknoiw the atttudeto the things is iimpo(D)根据图示所
30、提供的1. Vhich schoolhasmore and more studeoutof cass? A.Sch()ol Ai. B.School B1. C.students took part inthetechnologicaact1,0()0. B.1,5、00.C. 1423.()3. Thie studenoutof class.A. niusical and physi(cal activi,pends onthewaythatyouor riot! If youj ha】ve love)d attitude(态度).wards,t buy any ofthese things
31、,butons(物质财产)yo)uhave nothingj in fact!mportantto mlakea de>cisi(on totude+ evejry day!根据短的写(A)错1 口的写ke hs son think how |)oortheyin t】e villagewere veryd five dogs.()51二 romthepassagej ,wetant.信息选择最佳答案0()entsto take part in acivitie:sThesamne.()2.Howmanyvityin the year 2006?, A.its ini SchoolB p
32、refertoties,technology B工techmole)gy, muscal <mdphysicalactivitiestechnolo)gy ()4.Thenumiber lof the studenclaass ofthetwoscho)olswasas tlhe s;ameA,?000BZ003 C. 2>006()5i. Whatstudents intheactivitiesin廿ie y(汨r 20063,737.五、任务性阅读(A)make Inonw way, itmaybe thought tl】at ?In amothier vuay,failure
33、 may be regarded aThe“S;pide才-storys often t(old as antheleadIer of theScoits ini the一3_ cenon ai hillfromi theEnclish.Hewatc:heda spsaidto havegotconfdence from this amd tEnjlishEdson,too,theinventorof thie qhunidre(归0 ff modelsthatfailed beforehe fonej. Sowhat?1s theg°al you are? trying toto
34、dIo sc)me_,abo)ut whatyourrealthisque(stion ,If I am successfuin tThisi may help preverit failurein the thngsanyway.(B) Whereis love ?Howc cai】wewaintedto mieetove,Heknew it /vasa lonC. o)theractivities,ts intheacti】vitiej$ outofas eachothejr inthe :/ear.sthetotalnumberof th? A.2,000. B,3,105.C.thir
35、teensuc(lessfullythinlk fail?_1_ isa paart c1 life.s a i>teptowairds2.examphe ofthis.Robert EIruce,ntury,was hidingin aholepiderma1kinga we力,Eruceiso have goneto beat the|ht bulb ,一1oun(t theright way tomake)reach the right o)ne?Trygoals may be. Thinkaboiuthis ;where wll it cjet nie ?youshouldn
36、39;t bedoingfindlove,? O)ncea little boyig trip towhere lovelived ,so hegothis tlhings ready wvith s>omestatedoff .'When hepassedthee streetssitting irr thepark and watching somebirdThej boy ga、ve h订apizz;a. She took itandwa:s sobeautifuthathe ,wanted to see it acokej. Orice againshej smiled.
37、Theboywas方框中所给词的适当形5_任务2;根据-Mr 央文写单词P_:a publicplace whaving t)eauty, nice任务3;Thes smile was so beautiul that he wantecwas> beautifil_to let _Wcmt t(o se(j it a短文简答问题W/hatdid the c六、交际运用(A)入空白处的最佳选项补thar movies;.Wliat about you,Mike?3: I l_2_t 's agreat book aboutfuture._3_.Sonne people don
38、39; ,liketo hear ;abouB: _4_GGo on. A:A nan vants things to che pizzasanddrinlks aridhesawan o)ld womans. SIie looked veiy hungry.smied ait hirn. Tlhe smilegaini, sohe gjavehera,very happy.任务1;用式填空1_2_ 3_4_释义及首字母提示拼here1 peo)plego t()wak b_:同义句转换每空一词to see ilagain The smilegain任务4;根据ld woman have?.从
39、A-G选项中选出台匕 目匕填全对话AI likes boo)ks rmoreike t)ooks, too._1_ A:3: W/hatis the sto)ry about? A:t a b)ookbefo)re theyeadit.ange . Therefore,hebuildIs amachine thaat can travel through time.He、Then h2 se(es erents) that take pl<ace in theThait"s okay. The storyis elxcitin1g. ThanPeo甲ledon't
40、39;hinkmuch ol1 thebook. B.Do '/ou 'wantmeto c(ontinue?D. D)o yo)u wlikebooks,(cansuggesta bOok1to you? Fb00ks.(1 1 'zvantyouto explan. 1.2._(B)填入一个适当的A: Ilikeoldstories from .B: 'Whalfromi Asia? AI: My favoriteoneis _3,Ha/e you re泊d i:more than _4.aA:、B:heri, you can telmethe.1_5_七、阅读表达pas,sedsinc,e I felt my homeof Lijoshan ccertain things that haippenedthere wil staforejver.Swmmng iri the! river, fishingandthethings Iwill remembe;r foreverwh(汨g|Suinmer has alw/aysbeen the best seas
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