1、技术许可合同英文专有技术许可合同指在国际技术贸易中, 以转让专有技术的使用 权为内容的许可合同.以下是橙子为大家精心准备的:技术许可合同 英文,欢送参考阅读!技术许可合同英文如下:合 同 号:ContractNo:签字日期:Date of Signature :签字地点:Place of Signature:本专有技术许可合同(以下简称合同)是由公司(根据 国法律成立注册的公司,以下简赞许可方)为一方与公司(根据中华人民共和国法律成立注册的公司,以下简称被许可方)为另一方,双方通过友好协商而签订的.This Know-howLicensing Contract (hereinafter ref
2、erred to as Contract) is made and entered into through friendly consultation and negotiation by and between, a corporation organized and existingunder the laws of(the licensor's country)as one party (hereinafter referred to as Licensor), andChina Corporation,a corporation organizedand existing u
3、nder the laws of the People'sRepublic of Chinaas the other party, hereinafter referred to as Licensee)鉴于许可方长期从事设计、制造、安装、销售 (以下简称合 同产品);Whereas Licensor has long been engaged in designing, manufacturing,assembling,inspectingandselling(hereinafter referred to as Contract Products);鉴于许可方拥有设计、制造、安装、
4、检验合同产品的有价值且成 熟的专有技术;Whereas Licensor possesses valuable and mature Know-howon the design, manufacture, assembly and inspection of Contract Products;鉴于许可方有权并且同意向被许可方授权利用与合同产品相关 的专有技术;Whereas Licensor has the right and agrees to grant Licensee a license to exploit Know-how in connection with Contract
5、Products, and鉴于被许可方希望获得许可其利用该专有技术制造、使用和销售合同产品.Whereas Licensee desires to obtain a license for exploiting Know-how to manufacture, use and sell Contract Products;许可方与被许可方同意就以下条款签订本合同.Now and therefore, Licensor and Licensee agree to enterinto the Contract under the following terms and conditions:第一章
6、 定 义 Chapter 1 Definition除另有明确的规定外,以下术语具有所指明的含义:The following expressions have the meanings set forthbelow, unless the context otherwise requires:1.1 验收标准是指合同产品在验收测试中符合的标准,详见附件1.2 Acceptance Standard refers to the standards that Contract Products shall meet in the acceptance test , delailsof which a
7、re specified in Appendix1.1.3 商业性生产是指工作现场生产 数量合格产品后的正常运行和生产.1.4 Contract Products shall meet in the acceptance test, details of which are specified in Appendix1.1.5 合同产品是指与用专有技术和技术资料设计、制造、安装或检验的各类产品,详见附件.1.6 Contract Products refers to all types of the products designed, manufactured, assembled, or
8、inspected with Know-how and Technical Documentation, details of which are specified inAppendixl.1.7 合同生效日期是指本合同的双方政府有关当局中的最后一方批准合同的日期.1.8 Date of Effectiveness refers to the date whenContract is approved by the competent authorities of the respective parties' countries, whichever comes later.1.9
9、 目的地机场是指中华人民共和国的 机场.1.10 Destination Airport refers to Airport, P.R.C.1.11 改良是指在合同有效期内由合同的任何一方以新设计、规那么、处方、成分、数值、参数、计算或任何其它指标的形式对本专有技术 进行的新创造和/或修改.1.12 Improvement refers to new findings and/or modifications made in the validity period of the Contract by either party in Know-howin the form of new des
10、igns, formulas, recipes, ingredients, indices, parameters, calculations, or any other indicators.1.13 工作现场是指被许可方以使用许可方提供的专有技术和技术资料制造合同产品的场所,即中华人民共和国 省、市、X厂.1.14 Job Site refers to Factory, City, Province, PRC, where Licensee manufactures ContractProducts with Know-how and Technical Documentation.1.1
11、5 专有技术是指本合同生效前尚不为公众或被许可方所知晓、由许可方开发、所有或合法取得、占有并由许可方披露给被许可方的 关于设计、制造、安装、合同产品的检验等方面的任何有价值的技术 知识、资料、数值、图纸、设计和其它技术信息,许可方已采取了适 当举措使专有技术处于保密状态,专有技术的具体描述规定在附件二 中.1.16 Know-how refers to any valuable technical knowledge, data, indices, drawings, designs and other technical information, concerning the design,
12、 manufacture, assembly, inspection of Contract Products, developed and ownedor legally acquired and possessed by Licensor and disclosed to Licensee by Licensor, which is unknown to either public or Licensee before the Date of Effectiveness of the Contract, and for which due protection measures have
13、been taken by Licensor for keeping Know-how in secrecy. The specific description of Know-how is set forth in Appendix 2.1.17 许可方的银行是指 1.18 Licensee's Bank refers to1.19 被许可方的银行是指 1.20 Licensee's Bank refers to1.21 净销售价是指被许可方对合同产品的销售或以正常的、善意的商业交易中的其它处理方法的发票价格扣除销售折扣、回扣、退货、佣金、间接税、保险费、运费、包装费、进口合
14、同产品的原材料、 半成品、零配件关税等方面的费用以及与销售合同产品直接有关的支 出.付款为入门费加提成1.22 Net Selling Price refers to the gross invoice priceof Contract Products sold of otherwise disposed of by Licensee in normal, bona fide, commercial transactions without any deduction other than such expenses and charges as sales discounts, rebat
15、es, returns, commissions, indirect taxes, insurance premiums, freights, packing expenses, transportation charges, duties on the imported raw materials, intermediate goods, parts, components for the manufacture of Contract Products and other expenditures directly relating to the sale of Contract Prod
16、ucts.In case of payment on initial fee plus royalty basis.1.23 提成期是指自商业性生产开始至本合同到期或终止的期间,提成期内,被许可方应向许可方支付提成费.付款为入门费加提成1.24 Royalty Period refers to the period starting from commencement of Commercial Production to the expiration or termination of Contract, during which Licensee shall pay royalty to
17、Licensor in case of payment on initial fee plus royalty basis.1.25 技术资料是指许可方拥有和/或开发的正受保护或不受保护的图纸、说明、技术数据、程序、技术和质量标准和其它的有据的 技术信息,包括计算机程序、专有技术的解释和说明、涉及到合同产 品的设计、制造、安装和检验等方便的信息,许可方对披露上述资料 有充分的、自由的权利.技术资料的具体描述,详见附件二.1.26 Technical Documentation refers to such existing protected or unprotected drawings,
18、specifications, technical data, processes, technical and quality standards, and other documented technical information, including computer programs, carrying the descriptions and explanations of Know-how, relating to the design, manufacturing, assembly, and inspection of Contract Products. as are ow
19、ned and/or exploited by Licensor and in respect of which Licensor has full and free rights of disclosing. The specific description of Technical Documentation is set forth in Appendix 2.1.27 技术效劳是指许可方向被许可方提供的与合同项下的专有技术开发有关的技术指导和监督,详见附件三.1.28 Technical Service refers to the technical instruction and s
20、upervision rendered by Licensor to Licensee relating toexploitation of Know-howunder Contract, the contents of which are specified in Appendix 3.1.29 技术培训是指许可方向被许可方提供的与合同项下的专有技术开发有关的技术培训,详见附件四.1.30 Technical Training refers to the technical training rendered by Licensor to Licensee relating to explo
21、itation of Know-how under Contract, the contents of which are specified in Appendix 4.第二章 许可授予 Chapter 2 Grant of License2.1 许可方同意向被许可方授予、被许可方同意从许可方获得合同产品的设计、制造的专有技术和在中华人民共和国境内使用和销售 合同产品的权利,这种权利是非独占的、不可转让的.合同产品的名 称、型号、规格、技术数据和验收标准,详见合同附件一.2.2 Licensor agrees to grant to Licensee and Licensee agrees
22、to obtain from Licensor a non-exclusive and non-transferable license to design and manufacture Contract Products with Know-how as well as to use and sell Contract Products within the territory of China. The name, model, specification, technical data, and Acceptance Standard of Contract Products are
23、detailed in Appendix 1.2.3 许可方同意授予被许可方将合同产品出口到 国家.2.4 Licensor agrees to grant a license to Licensee to export Contract Products to(Country).2.5 许可方同意授予被许可方在合同有效期内采用许可方对专有技术的改良.2.6 Licensor agrees to grant a license to Licensee to adopt Improvement madeby Licensor in the validity period of Contract.
24、2.7 许可方不得禁止被许可方在合同期满后继续使用专有技术和改良技术.2.8 Licensor shall not prohibit Licensee from using Know-how and Improvement after the expiration of Contract.第三章 价格和支付 Chapter 3 Price and Payment方案一:(适用于一次总支付)Option One (For payment on the lump-sum basis)3.1考虑到许可方全面且适当履行其合同义务,被许可方同意向许可方支付合同总价为 (币种)伏写:), 该款项以电汇方式
25、通过被许可方银行转至许可方银行. 具体分项如下:3.1 In consideration of full and proper performance of its contractual obligations by Licensor, Licensee agrees to payLicensor the total contract price amounting to (sayonly) in(currency) by telegraphictransfer (T/T) through Licensee's Bank to Licensor's Bank. The bre
26、akdown price is as followsA. 许可费:(大写:);A. License fee:(Say :only);B.设计费:(大写:);B. Design fee: (Say: only);C.技术资料费: (大写: );C. Technical Documentation fee:(Say: only);D.技术效劳费: (大写: );D. Technical Service fee:(Say: only);E.技术培训费:(大写:).E. Technical Training fee:(Say: only);3.2 上述合同总价为固定价格,包括了与技术资料的交付、技术
27、效劳和技术培训的提供等所有支出与费用,其技术资料价格为DDU目 的地机场交付价.3.2The totalcontract price shallbe firm, fixed andcovering all the expenses and charges in relation to the delivery of Technical Documentation, the rendering of Technical Service and Technical Training Technical Documentation fee is for delivery DDU Destinatio
28、n Airport.3.3 本章第3.1条A、B、C、E项所规定的合同价格将由许可方 依照以下方式和比例支付给被许可方:3.3 The contract price specified in Clause 3.1 A,B,C,E shall be paid by Licensee to Licensor in accordance with the following manner and percentage.3.3.1 该款的%即(大写:) 在被许可方收到许可方提交的以下单据并经审核无误后 大内支付给许可方:3.3.2 percent (%) of the amount, i.e.with
29、in () days after Licensee has received the following documents provided by Licensor and found them in order.A.许可方国家有关当局出具的有效出口许可证或不需出口许可 证的证实文件,正本一份,副本二份;A. One(1) original and two (2) duplicate copies of a valid export license issued by the competent authorities of Licensor's country, or a writ
30、ten statement of the competent authorities or relevant agency of Licensor's country certifying that no export license is required;B.许可方银行出具的金额为 元(大写: )以被许可方为受益人的对预付款的不可撤销保函正本一份,副本一份,保函格式件合同附件B. One (1) original and one (1) duplicate copy of Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee for advance payment iss
31、ued by Licensor's Bank in favor of Licensee covering(Say:only), specimen of which is as per Appendix 6;C.金额为合同总价的形式发票一式五份;C.Five (5) copies of pro foma invoice covering the total contract price;D.签发的标明支付金额的商业发票一式五份;D. Five (5) copies of manually signed commercial invoice indicating the amount to
32、 by be paid;E.即期汇票一式二份.F. Two (2) copies of sight draft.3.3.2 该款的%即(大写:)在被 许可方收到许可方提交的以下单据并经审核无误后 天内支付给许可方:percent (%) of the amount, i.e. (Say: only) shall be paid by Licensee to Licensor within (_) days after Licensee has received the following documents provided by Licensor and found them in orde
33、r.A.标明“运费已付的技术资料空运提单或交付技术资料的空 运挂号收据,正本一份,副本三份;A. One(1) original and three (3) duplicate copies of airway bill covering the delivery of Technical Documentation, and marked FREIGHPREPAID?orreceipt of registered airmail for the delivery of Technical Documentation;B.签发的标明支付金额的商业发票一式五份;B. Five (5) copie
34、s of manually signed commercial invoice indicating the amount to be paid;C.即期汇票一式二份.C. Two (2) copies of sight draft.3.3.3 该款的%即(大写: )在被许 可方收到许可方提交的以下单据并经审核无误后 天内支付给 许可方:3.3.3 percent (%) of the amount, i.e.(Say:only) shall be paid by Licensee toLicensor within (_) days after Licensee has receivedth
35、e following documents provided by Licensor and found them in order.A.双方授权代表签署的验收证书一份;A.One (1) copy of Acceptance Certificate signed by theauthorized representatives of both parties;B.签发的标明支付金额的商业发票一式五份;B.Five (5) copies of manually signed commercial invoice indicating the amountC.即期汇票一式二份.C. Two (2
36、) copies of sight draft.3.3.4 该款的%即(大写: )在被许 可方收到许可方提交的以下单据并经审核无误后 天内支付给许可方:3.3.5 percent (%) of the amount, i.e.(Say:only) shall be paid by Licensee to Licensor within () days after Licensee has received the following documents provided by Licensor and found them in order.A.双方授权代表签署的保证到期的证书一份;A. On
37、e(1) copy of Guarantee Expiration Certificate signed by the authorized representatives of both parties;B.签发的标明支付金额的商业发票一式五份;B. Five (5) copies of manually signed commercial invoice indicating the amount to be paid;C.即期汇票一式二份.C. Two (2) copies of sight draft.3.4 本章第3.1条D项规定的技术效劳费在许可方的第一批技术 人员到达工作现场后每
38、 M且被许可方收到许可方提交的以下 单据并审核无误后 天内,由被许可方根据实际应付款支付给 许可方:3.4 Technical service fee as specified in Clause 3.1.Dshall be paid by Licensee to Licensor according to actual dues once every() months after the arrival of the firstgroup of Licensor's technical personnel at Job Site and within() days after Lic
39、ensee has received the following documents submitted by Licensor and found them in order.A.双方授权代表签署的“工时卡 一份;A. One (1) copy of time sheets signed by the authorized representatives of both partiesB.签发的标明支付金额的商业发票一式五份;B. Five (5) copies of manually signed commercial invoice indicating the amount to be
40、 paid;C.即期汇票一式二份.C. Two (2) copies of sight draft.3.5如果依据合同许可方应支付预提税、违约金和/或赔偿金,被许可方有权从应支付给许可方的款项中扣除.3.5 Licensee shall have the right to deduct from any payment the withholding taxes, liquidated damages, and/or compensations, if any, which Licensor shall pay under Contract.3.6所有在被许可方银行发生的费用均由被许可方承当,
41、所有在被许可方银行外发生的银行费用由许可方承当.3.6 All the banking charges incurred in Licensee's Bankshall be borne by Licensee while those incurred outside Licensee's Bank shall be borne by Licensor. Option Two: For the payment on initial fee plus royalty basis方案二:适用于入门费加提成支付3.1 考虑到许可方全面且适当履行其合同义务,被许可方同意向许可方支付由一
42、笔固定的入门费和连续的提成费组成的合同价,该款项以币种以电汇方式通过被许可方银行转至许可方银 行.3.2 In consideration of full and proper performance of its contractual obligations by Licensor, Licensee agrees to pay the contract price composedof a fixed amount of an initial fee and arunning royalty in currency by telegraphic transferT/T through L
43、icensee's Bank to Licensor's Bank.3.3 被许可方支付给许可方固定的入门费为 ,大写: 按以下方式和比例:3.2 Licensee shall pay the initial fee in a fixed amount of (Say: only) to Licensor in the following manner and percentage:3.2.1 该款的%即(大写:)在被 许可方收到许可方提交的以下单据并经审核无误后 天内支付给许可方:3.2.2 percent (%) of the amount, i.e.(Say: only)
44、, shall be paid by Licensee to Licensor within()days after Licensee has received the following documents provided by Licensor and found them in order:A.许可方国家有关当局出具的有效出口许可证或不需出口许可 证的证实文件,正本一份,副本二份;A.One (1) original and two (2) duplicate copies of a valid export license issued by the competent author
45、ities of Licensor's country, or a written statement of the competent authorities or relevant agency of Licensor's country certifying that no export license is required;B.许可方银行出具的金额为元(大写:)以被许 可方为受益人的对预付款的不可撤销保函正本一份,副本一份,保函格式件合同附件B. One (1) original and one (1) duplicate copy of Irrevocable Le
46、tter of Guarantee for advance payment issued by Licensor's Bank in favor of Licensee covering(Say:only), specimen of which is as per Appendix 6;C.金额为入门费总价的形式发票一式五份;C.Five (5) copies of pro forma invoice covering the total amount of the initial fee;D.签发的标明支付金额的商业发票一式五份;D. Five (5) copies of manua
47、lly signed commercial invoice indicating the amount to be paid;E.即期汇票一式二份.E. Two (2) copies of sight draft.3.2.2 该款的%即(大写: )在被许 可方收到许可方提交的以下单据并经审核无误后 天内支付给许可方:3.2.2 percent (%) of the amount, i.e. (Say: only) shall be paid by Licensee to Licensor within () days after Licensee has received the follow
48、ing documents provided by Licensor and found them in order.A.标明“运费已付的技术资料空运提单或交付技术资料的空 运挂号收据,正本一份,副本三份;A. One(1) original and three (3) duplicate copies of airway bill covering the delivery of Technical Documentation, and marke"dREIGHTPREPAID"orreceipt of registered airmail for the deliver
49、y of Technical Documentation;B.签发的标明支付金额的商业发票一式五份;B. Five (5) copies of manually signed commercial invoice indicating the amount to be paid;C. 即期汇票一式二份.D. Two (2) copies of sight draft.3.2.3 该款的%即(大写: )在被许 可方收到许可方提交的以下单据并经审核无误后 天内支付给许可方:3.2.3 percent(_%) of the amount, i.e. (Say:only) shall be paid
50、by Licensee to Licensor within()days after Licensee has received thefollowing documents provided by Licensor and found them in order.A.双方授权代表签署的验收证书一份;A. One (1) copy of Acceptance Certificate signed by theauthorized representatives of both parties;B.签发的标明支付金额的商业发票一式五份;B. Five (5) copies of manually
51、 signed commercial invoice indicating the amount to be paid;C.即期汇票一式二份.C. Two (2) copies of sight draft.3.3 在提成期间,被许可方以百分之 的比例支付连续的提成 费,计算根底是已售合同产品的净销售价. 连续的提成费每六个月结 算一次(以下简称“结算期).3.4 Licensee shall pay the running royalty at a rate of percent (%) during Royalty Period and the calculation base is Ne
52、t Selling Price of the sold Contract Products. The running royalty shall be settled in every six months (hereinafter referred to as "ettlement Period".3.3.1 每一结算期到期15天内,被许可方向许可方 一份销售数量、净销售价和该结算期的提成费方面的书面报告,许可方在收到该报告后向被许可方发出一份确认 .3.3.2 Within fifteen (15) days from expiration of eachSettlem
53、ent Period, Licensee shall send Licensor by fax a written report on the quantity of sales, Net Selling Price and the royalty duly calculated for Settlement Period. Licensorshall send a confirmation fax to Licensee after receiving the report.3.3.3 被许可方在收到许可方提交的以下单据并审核无误后大内向许可方支付提成费:3.3.4 Licensee sha
54、ll pay Licensor the royalty within (_) days upon receipt of the following documents provided by Licensor and found them in order:A.许可方对到期支付的提成费确实认 ;A. Licensor's fax confirming that the royalty is due;B.签发的标明要支付费用的商业发票一式五份;B. Five (5) copies of manually signed commercial invoice indicating the a
55、mount to be paid;C.即期汇票一式二份.C. Two (2) copies of sight draft.3.4如果依据合同许可方应支付预提税、违约金和/或赔偿金,被许可方有权从应支付给许可方的款项中扣除.3.4 Licensee shall have the right to deduct from any payment the withholding taxes, liquidated damages, and/or compensations, if any , which Licensor shall pay under Contract.3.5被许可方应开设合同产品
56、销售的独立帐户,许可方可经被许可方同意自费聘请中国注册会计师审计与合同产品销售有直接关系的帐目,所出具的与合同产品销售.3.5 Licensee shall keep separate accounts on the sale ofContract Products. Licensor may engage a certified public accountant registered in China with the agreement of Licensee to review the accounts having direct relations with ContractProd
57、ucts. The auditing report shall be final in the respect of the sale of Contract Products. The cost incurred in the review shall be borne by Licensor.3.6所有在被许可方银行发生的费用均由被许可方承当,所有在被许可方银行外发生的银行费用由许可方承当.3.6 All the banking charges incurred in Licensee's Bankshall be borne by Licensee while those inc
58、urred outside Licensee's Bank shall be borne by Licensor.第四章 技术资料 Chapter 4 Technical Documentation4.1 许可方向被许可方提供的技术资料须用公制、英文制定,并在本合同生效之日起 大内以DDUB的地机场价格条件(1990国际贸易术语解释通那么)交付,技术资料的内容、份数和交付时间表等, 详见合同附件二.4.2 Licensor shall be obliged to provide Licensee with Technical Documentation, drafted in metric system in English, and deliver DDU Destination Airport (Incoterm 19
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