



1、Writing task 2, lesson 6: Opinion essay 写作第二部分,第六课:写作观点Here' s the question and the full essay that you saw in the lesson: 下面是你在视频里看到的问题和写作全文:The money spent by governments on space programmes would be better spent on vital public services such as schools and hospitals.To what extent do you agre

2、e or disagree? 政府花费在太空工程里的钱要比花费在学校和医院这些至关重要的公共服务上 更好。你多大程度上同意或者不同意?Governments in some countries spend large amounts of money on space exploration programmes. I completely agree with the idea that these are a waste of money, and that the funds should be allocated to public services.一些国家的政府在太空探索工程方面花

3、费大量的钱。 我同意这完全是一种浪费金 钱的行为,并且认为这些资金本应该被分配到公共服务上。There are several reasons why space programmes should be abandoned. Firstly, it is extremely expensive to train scientists and other staff involved with space missions, andfacilities and equipment also come at a huge cost to the government. Secondly, the

4、se programmes do not benefit normal people in our daily lives; they are simply vanity projectsfor politicians. Finally, many missions to space fail completely, and the smallest technological error can cost astronauts their lives. The Challenger space shuttle disastershowed us that space travel is ex

5、tremely dangerous, and in my opinion it is not worth the risk.有许多理由可以解释为什么太空工程应该被抛弃。 首先,为太空计划培养科学家 和其他相关工作人员是极其昂贵的, 工厂和设备也给政府造成了巨大的花费。 第 二,这些计划对于普通人的日常生活没有什么益处。那只是政客们的面子工程。 最后要说的是, 很多太空计划都完全失败了, 并且哪怕最小的技术错误也会导致 宇航员丧失他们的生命。 挑战者号空难显示了太空旅行是多么地危险, 我认为这 不值得冒险。I believe that the money from space programme

6、s should go to vital public services instead.It is much cheaper to train doctors, teachers, police and other public service workers thanit is to train astronauts or the scientists and engineers who work on space explorationprojects. Furthermore, public serva nts do jobs that have a positive impact o

7、n every member of society. For example, we all use schools, hospitals and roads, and we all n eedthe security that the police provide. If gover nments reallocated the money spe nt on spacetravel and research, many thousa nds of people could be lifted out of poverty or give n abetter quality of life.

8、我认为用于太空计划的钱因该被用于更重要的公共服务上。培养医生、教师、警察和其他公共服务要比培养为太空探索而工作的科学家和工程师更便宜。另外, 公共服务者对社会的每一个成员都有积极的影响。例如,我们需要学校、医院和道路,还有警察所提供的安全。如果政府能够重新分配用在太空旅行和探索的钱, 数以千计的人将能够走出贫穷或者有一个更高质量的生活。In con clusi on, my view is that gover nments should spe nd money on services that ben efitall members of society, and it is wrong

9、to waste resources on projects that do not improveour everyday lives.总之,我的观点是政府应该花更多的钱在对所有社会成员有益的服务上。在不能提高我们日常生活质量的工程上浪费资源是错误的行为。(275 words, ba nd 9) (275个英语单词,雅思9分)An alyse the essay by complet ing the followi ng tasks: 通过完成下列问题来分析这篇作文:1. Count the senten ces in each paragraph. Did I use my no rmal

10、 approach, writi ng 2 senten ces for the in troducti on, 5 senten ces for each main paragraph and 1 sentence forthe con clusi on?1, 数一下每一段中的句子的数量。我是用我正常的方式,一句话介绍,每个主 要段落中用五句话,一句话用于总结吗?2. Highlight the linking words in each main paragraph. Which method did I use in eachone: firstly, sec on dly, fin a

11、lly' or idea, expla in, example ?2, 注意每个主段落中的连接词。对于“第一”,“第二”,“第三”或“想法”,“解 释”,“例子”,每个词我用的哪种方式?3. Un derl ine the good vocabulary that I men ti oned at the end of the video less on.3, 注意我在视频课里提到的好的词汇。An swers:回答:1.1 did use my no rmal approach: 2 senten ces, 5 senten ces, 5 senten ces, 1 sentence.1, 我用了我正常的方式:2句话,5句话,5句话,1句话。2. Li nking in paragraph 2: firstly, sec on dly, fin ally, and, these, theyLinking in paragraph 3: furthermore, for example, andParagraph 2 has a firstly, sec on dly, fin ally' structure because we had 3 separate ideas.Paragraph 3 contains one main idea, s


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