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1、六年级上册英语重点句子翻译练习 姓名1、有时候我走路去上学。2、 -请问去动物园怎么走? -你可以坐 12 路公车去。3、我通常做地铁去上学,因为它速度快。4、每个国家的交通灯都是一样的。5、在中国,司机*右行驶。但在英国,司机*左行驶。6、如果你骑自行车、或走路,你必须知道交通规则。7、我们怎样去公园?8、绿灯意思是' 通行 ' 。9、每个都必须记住交通规则。10、 -我可以步行去吗? - 当然可以,如果你愿意的话。11、 -图书馆在哪里?-先向前走,然后在邮局那儿向左拐。然后你就看见12、 -请问,附近有电影院吗?-对,有的。医院旁边就是。13、 -放学以后你打算去哪儿?-

2、我打算去鞋店买双鞋。14、明天是我12 岁的生日。15、在邮局那儿下车,然后往东走三分钟。它在右边。16、三思而行。17、现在我来告诉你怎么来。18、 -这个周末你打算做什么?-我打算打扫一下房间。19、爸爸打算给我买一台电脑。20、星期六我打算去书店买一些书。你呢?21、 -你打算几点去?-三点。22、我需要一本关于植物的杂志。23、 -长大了你想做什么?-我想当警察。24、你的爱好是什么?我喜欢集邮。25、 25 你爸爸的爱好是什么?他喜欢骑单车。26、你妈妈教英语吗?不,她教数学。27、你的叔叔是做什么的?他是一名记者。28、 Mike 的阿姨在哪里工作? 她在一家鞋厂工作。一,用适当的

3、代词填空1 We like (he, his , him very much.2 2 Is this guitar (you, your, yours?3(She, Her, Hers name is Li Li.4 4 Father bought a desk for (I, my, me, mine.5 5 (It, It's, Its is very cold today.6 6 Is this your book, Mike? Yes ,(we, you, they are.7 7 Are you and Tom classmates? Yes, (we, you ,they

4、are.8 8 Each of the students ( have, has a pen pal.9 9 He has a dog. I want to have (it, one ,too.10 10 Her parents are (both, all ,either teachers.二、选择正确的答案1 Is this book?A you B I C she D your2 It's a bird. name is Polly.A Its B It's C His D It3 What's that ?a jeep.A it's B Its C I

5、t's D its4 What's that in English? .A It's egg B That's egg C It's a egg D It's an egg5 Whose cat is this ? Is it yours? Is it a white ?A cat's B one C ones D cats6 Please give the book to .A I B me C my D mine7 skirt is yours?A Whose B Where C How D Which8 is this pen ?

6、It's Wang Fang's.A Who's B Whose C Where D Which9 Kate and Mike do homework in the evening.A one's B his C her D their10 There isn't water in the bottle.A any B some C no D a六年级语法练习(一)一、写出下列各词的复数。1. watch 2.tomato3. child 4. photo 5 .diary (0 记 6. day7. foot8. dress 9.tooth二、用所给名

7、词的正确形式填空。( 1) Are there two ( box on the table?( 2) I can see some ( people in the cinema.( 3) How many ( day are there in a week?六、用动词的适当形式填空。1、 The boy ( speak) Japanese.2、 My sister ( be ) a doctor, she (work ) in a hospital.3、 Who ( teach ) you Chinese? Miss Li( do ) .4、 Miss Liu ( love ) her wo

8、rk very much.5、 That little girl ( watch ) TV every evening.七、选择题6、 1. My English teacher about thirty years old, but he younger than hereally is.A. is, look B. is, looks C. am, look7、 2. Jim _very hard, but he still a little weak in Chinese.A. studies, is B. study, is C. doesn t study, is8、 . We all know that the sun round the earthy着地球转.A. goes B. don t go C. doesn t go9、 4. There twelve months in a year and


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