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1、附件5北京师范大学学士学位英语考试样题及答案(笔试)-普通类Part IListe ning Comp rehe nsion(20 minu tes)Section ADirections: In this sect ion, you will hear 10 short con versati ons. At the end of each con versati on a questio n will be asked about what was said. Both the con versati on and the questi on will be sp oke n only o

2、n ce. After each questi on there will be a p ause. During the p ause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best an swer. Then mark the corres ponding letter on the An swer Sheet with a sin gle line through the cen ter.1. A. The man doesn t want to see Mr. Will

3、iams.B. Mr. Jones is in an in ferior po siti on tha n Mr. Williams.C. Mr. Jones used to be in charge.D. Mr. Williams doesn t want to work tomorrow.2. A. They n eed to make more efforts.B. They ' ll havmore work to do tomorrow.C. The others have done the greater part of it.D. They ' ve finish

4、ed more than half of it.3. A. She was feeli ng very sorry.B. She felt a bit anno yed.C. She was in a hurry.D. She was in her office.4. A. Jane was telli ng a lie.B. The woman wasn t being sincere.C. Jane has already come back from Paris.D. Jane wasn t in Paris that day.5. A. The knife bel ongs to hi

5、m.B. Bob should mind his own bus in ess.C. The man once borrowed Bob ' s knife.D. Bob' s knife isn t as good as that of the man.6. A. He' ll miss the meet ing that after noon.B. He' ll have an appoin tme nt with the host.C. He won t miss the meeting.D. He is very hardwork ing.7. A. B

6、ecause she won t fulfill her promise.B. Because her mother would be very an gry.C. Because she can t finish the job ahead of schedule.'s toll free.D. Because she would be the last to finish the job.8. A. He always talks on the phone for that long if itB. They have so much free time to talk on th

7、e phone for that l ong.C. They talked on the phone for too long.D. He wants to know what they talked about.9. A. At a restaura nt.B. At the ci nema.C. I n the office.D. At a dep artme nt store.10. A. She wrote the thesis for the man.B. She warned the man about writ ing on such a top ic.C. She likes

8、to take risk.D. She was secretary to Professor Smith.Section BDirections: In this sect ion, you will hear 3 short p assages. At the end of each p assage, you will hear some questio ns. Both the p assage and the questi ons will be sp oke n only once. After you hear a questi on, you must choose the be

9、st an swer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corres ponding letter on the An swer Sheet with a sin gle line through the cen ter.Passage OneQuesti ons 11 to 13 are based on the p assage you have just heard.11. A. America ns are too attached to their cars.B. America n cars are

10、too fast.C. Automobiles endan ger health.D. Automobiles are the main p ubic transp ortati on tools of USA.12. A. Because they p ollute air.B. Because they are n atural hazards.C. Because they are in creas ing in nu mbers.D. Because people don ' t walk so often.13. A. Con trol of n atural hazards

11、.B. Con trol of heavy traffic.C. Con trol of heart disease.D. Con trol of man made hazards.Passage TwoQuesti ons 14 to 17 are based on the p assage you have just heard.14. A. It smashed into a row of houses.B. It was run over by a truck.C. It was too n ervous to leave the stri p in the middle of the

12、 road.D. It hit a truck.15. A. A p asse nger.B. The dog.C. The truck driver.D. A p olicema n.16. A. I n the street.B. I n a family swimmi ng po ol.C. I n a p ublic swimmi ng p ool.D. In a kin dergarte n.17. A. A big steak.B. A p iece of bread.C. A bottle of milk.D. An extra bone.Passage ThreeQuesti

13、ons 18 to 20 are based on the p assage you have just heard.18. A. Seas onal variati ons in n ature.B. How in tellige nee cha nges with the cha nge of seas ons.C. How we can improve our in tellige nee.D. Why summer is the best seas on for vacati on.19. A. Summer.B. Win ter.C. Fall.D. Spring.20. A. Al

14、l people are less in tellige nt in summer tha n in the other seas ons of the year.B. Heat has no effect on people' s mental abilities.'s intelligenee.C. People livi ng n ear the equator are the most i ntellige nt.D. Both climate and temp erature exert imp act on peopleSection CDirections: Li

15、sten to the following news once and fill in the blanks1. The Netherlands: A fire at a New Year' s celebration nearlAmstelEdaimi5<people andinjuredmore. Officials say about 700 young people were celebrat ing in the three-levelbuilding at the port of Volundem. The fire spread quickly through th

16、e third floor. Dutch policearereports that all but o ne of the buildingemergency doors were blocked.2. In bus in ess n ews: has cut in terest rates. Policy makers of theFederal Reserve lowered the banks main in terest rate by one half p erce ntage point to six percent.The goal is to prevent the econ

17、omy from slowing down too much. The Federal Reserve policymakers no ted a con ti nuing drop inand p roduct ion. Their decisi on to lower the cost ofborrowing money was not expected at this time. Financial markets rose after theannoun ceme nt. You are liste ning to the n ews in VOA Sp ecial En glish.

18、Section DDirections: listen to the following news twice and answer the following questions.1. What are the three n ati ons men ti oned by Bush?2. What is one of the top p riority in the year ahead?3. What is Mr. Bush also bei ng pressed to do?4. How does Bush sum up his econo mic security plan?5. Wh

19、at is the main topic of this n ews?Part IIReadi ng comp rehe nsion(40 minu tes)Section ADirectio ns:Fast Readi ngQuesti ons 1-5 are based on the resume you will read. Try to an swer each questi on by quickly sca nning the material.Stacy LeeEmail:Phone:Date of birth:RESUMESlee2001s in 13801053940393O

20、ct. 1, 1956Work Experie nee1993-Prese nt:Senior Con sulta nt at Beijing Best Con sulti ngLead China market research p rojects for foreig n firms and orga ni zati ons in the in dustry of IT, software, deterge nt, cosmetics, household goods, etc.,Help plan and orga nize bus in ess visits overseas for

21、Chin ese firms and age nts in the in dustries men ti oned above,Lead Delegati ons of Chin ese Manufacturers to visit trade shows and conferences in America. Served as main interp reter for heads of delegati ons.Organi zed the first Chin ese Small Bus in ess Exp orters Conference in Beiji ng in 2002.

22、Orga ni zed the sixth annual Intern ati onal Comic Book and Carto on Art Festival in Beiji ng in 2004.1989-1993:Chi na Re prese ntative of the Motion Picture Association of AmericaCollect in formatio n on the film, TV and home video bus in ess in Chi na and report regularly to the head office,Arrang

23、e some of the first meet ings held in China for MPAA .Organi zed the first conference on Movie In tellectual Property Rights in Shan ghai in 1992. Admi nister China office.1986-1989:Tran slator and secretary at Un ited P ress In ternatio nal Beiji ng OfficeArrange in terviews for visit ing journ ali

24、stsTran slate in terviews and n ews.an.Set up the first cli pping service for UPI in China.Set up branch offices for UPI in Shan ghai, Guan gzhou and Xi1976-1986:Tran slator and secretary at Foreig n Lan guage P ress, Beiji ng? Work to help pro mote Chin ese Literature in other coun tries?Arran ged

25、Sales Meet ings for Foreig n Distributors? Served as Interp reter for Bus in ess Leaders duri ng sales visits to the Un ited States, Brita in. Can ada, Australia and the Phili ppin es.Educati on2001-Curre ntStudy ing Part Time for Masters Degree in Educati on, subject in Teach ing En glish as a Seco

26、nd Lan guage -Beiji ng Normal Un iversity1972-1976:America n and British Literature at Beiji ng Foreig n Studies Uni versity1.Stacy Lee worked at Un ited Press Intern ati onal betwee n the year2.She orga ni zed the Chin ese Small Bus in ess Exp orters Conference in the city of3.Where did she work as

27、 a tran slator in 1978?A.B.C.D.Un ited Press Intern ati onalBeiji ng Best Con sult ingForeig n Lan guage P ressMoti on Picture Associati on of America4. What did she study at Beiji ng Foreig n Studies Uni versity? A.B.CD.Teach ing En glish as a Second Lan guage En glish for Tran slatio n.America n a

28、nd British LiteratureEcono mics and Foreig n Trade5. For whom did she orga nize a conference in Shan ghai? A.Un ited Press Intern ati onalB.C.D.Moti on Picture Associati on of AmericaForeig n Lan guage P ressBeiji ng Best Con sult ingSecti on B Careful Read ingDirections: There are four passages in

29、this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfini shed stateme nts. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the An swer Sheet with a sin gle line through the cen ter.Passage One Questions 21

30、 to 25 are based on the following passage:As our lives become increasingly sedentary ( 久坐的)and our eating habits correspondingly un healthy, some of us are eat ing ourselves into an early grave. The statistics really are alarmi ng. More than half the adults in the UK are overweight and one in five i

31、s obese (肥胖的)-which means their weight no ses a serious threat to their health.The reas ons for this weight "e pidemic" seem to be a comb in atio n of sede ntary lifestyle and the way our eat ing habits have cha nged in recent years. Some people may be more in cli ned to put on weight for

32、gen etic reas ons, but the fun dame ntal cause of overweight and obesity is the fact thatpeople are simply consuming more calories than they use up, and the excess is stored as fat. Certainly, we exercise less than we once did in our daily lives. Where our grandmothers swept floors and carp ets and

33、washed clothes and dishes by hand, these tasks are com monly carried out by a mach ine today, while walk ing or cycli ng to work or to the shops has bee n rep laced in many cases by a car journey-or even working or shopping electronically from home. Many tasks at work are now also automated.Eating h

34、abits, too, have changed radically. We may be voracious ( 狼吞虎咽的 )consumers of TV cookery shows, but some scholars point out that we watch them as en terta inment rather tha n rushi ng off immediately afterwards to recreate the featured dishes. In fact, ready meals and fast food ofte n rep lace home-

35、prep ared and cooked food, esp ecially duri ng the week, and differe nt members of the family tend to eat whe n they want to rather tha n wait ing for a meal to be ready to sit dow n together. We have also become a n ati on of "grazers" - p ick ing at sn acks throughout the day rather than

36、 confining the bulk of our consumption to three set mealtimes. Unfortunately, many of our favorite and readily available sn acks, fast foods and takeaway meals are heavy on fat or sugar and short on fruit and vegetables. While this is not harmful in itself if used as an occasional treat, the situati

37、on becomes more serious when they form too large a proportion of the diet. These dietary cha nges are also affecti ng childre n. A 1999 study estimated that betwee n 5 and 15 per cent of childre n of school age were overweight or obese, with the true nu mber thought to be even higher.21. What does t

38、he author imply by say ing "some of us are eat ing ourselves into an early grave" (Li ne 2, Para 1)?A. Some people eat too much in their daily lives, they pay no atte nti on to their health.B. Some of us like eati ng in a grave.C. Un healthy eati ng habits will result in ill ness, eve n de

39、ath.D. Peop le's weight p oses a serious threat to their health.22. Accord ing to the p assage, which of the followi ng is NOT the reas on for being overweight and obesity?A. Lack of exercise.B. Changing eat ing habits.C. A sede ntary lifestyle.D. Not swee ping floors and carp ets or wash ing cl

40、othes and dishes by hand.23. What is the main idea of the sec ond p aragra ph?A. PeopI e's eat ing habits have cha nged radically in recent years.B. PeopI e's lifestyles have cha nged ; cha nged lifestyles have an in flue nee on peopI e's health.C. The fun dame ntal cause of being overwe

41、ight and obesity is the fact that people are simply consuming more calories tha n they use up, and the excess is stored as fat.D. Many tasks in daily life are now automated.24. Which of the followi ng is INCORRECT accordi ng to the passage?A. For most people, to a large exte nt, watchi ng TV cookery

42、 shows is to lear n how to recreate the featured dishes.B. Overweight and obesity may be caused by gen etic reasons.C. Consuming too much fat or sugar is harmful to on e's health.D. Home-prep ared and cooked food are often rep laced by ready made meals and fast food.25. The author's attitude

43、 towards the current situation of being overweight and obesity isB. n eutralD. realisticA. po sitiveC. sus pi ciousPassage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:As parents, we want our children to reach their full academic potential. We read to them, encourage their special talen

44、ts, and support them when they have problems. If they choose to p artici pate in music or sp orts, we also help them reach their poten tial in those areas. These are all good goals.There is, however, an even more imp orta nt goal. It is a goal more difficult tha n excelle nee in arithmetic or soccer

45、 or the violi n. Parents are respon sible for p rovidi ng their childre n with a moral comp ass. They n eed to n urture and treasure good ness in their childre n. Every child has the capacity to become a good, decent human being. To fulfill this capacity, children need the guidanee and support of pa

46、rents and other adults. Raising good, moral children is the most important job we will have.What is a good, decent human being? While we may differ on some details, most would agree that respect for others, kindn ess and cari ng, hon esty and honor, and a reverence ( 尊重)for life are key. Good, dece

47、nt huma n beings are people with a firm sense of direct ion and purpose - a moral comp ass - to guide their lives. Childre n n eed our help to devel op these characteristics and values.While most people try to act with honor and kindn ess, doing so con siste ntly is difficult and requires life long

48、effort. Good ness is not easy for an adult, and it is even more difficult for a child. They do not have the knowledge, experiences, or cognitive skills to understand the impact and con seque nces of their actions.Reinforcement is sometimes an efficient approach to building positive behavior. The chi

49、ld behaves in a desired way and the parents provide reinforcement.The behavior then typicallyin creases in freque ncy. This app roach works for teach ing "P lease" and "Tha nk you". The new behavior is maintain ed, because it helps the child get along in the world.Loving, everyda

50、y interactions are the beginning of raising moral children. The child who falls and receives adult concern lear ns how to treat others kindly whe n they stumble. The child who makes a mistake and is en couraged to try aga in lear ns how to support others. When parents in tercede(调解)graciously for th

51、eir child, the child can see the basis for frien dsh ip. When we treat children with respect and care, we provide a positive model of how to behave. These early exp erie nces establish p atter ns for their treatme nt of others.26. To p rovide their childre n with a moral comp ass, adults should.A. e

52、n courage their childre n to lear n more kno wledge about sp orts or musicB. en courage their childre n to be a man with high in tegrityC. support their childre n whe n they have p roblemsD. set a good exa mple and give po sitive in struct ions to childre n27. Accord ing to the author, people with a

53、 moral comp ass are the kind of people whoA. can reach their full academic poten tialB. can lead a dece nt lifeC. know what to doD. have deve loped characteristics and values such as respect for others28. Why does the author talk about teachi ng "P lease" and "Tha nk you" (Li ne

54、4, Para 5)?A. To dem on strate that say ing "PI ease" and "Tha nk you" is a good habit.B. To dem on strate that po lite ness is the n ature of a moral comp ass.C. To dem on strate that po lite ness helps the child get along in the world.D. To dem on strate that rei nforceme nt is

55、 an efficie nt app roach to buildi ng po sitive behavior.29. Which of the followi ng can exp ress the main idea of the last p assage?A. Adults should treat childre n with love.B. Adults should have more po sitive com muni cati on with childre n.C. Adults should treat childre n with respect and care.

56、D. Adults should p rovide a p ositive model of how to behave for childre n.30. Which of the follow ing can serve as the best title for this p assage?A. How to Make Your Childre n an Academically Excelle nt Stude nt.B. How to Exp lore Your Child's Pote ntial.C. How to Mold a Moral Child.D. How to

57、 Make Your Child a Versatile Stude nt.Passage ThreeQuesti ons 31 to 35 are based on the follow ing p assage:Expansion of cities, destruct ion of forests, erosi on of fields and rising dema nd for water are likely to threaten human and ecological health in many countries for at least a generation, ac

58、cord ing to a new Un ited Nati ons report on environmen tal tren ds.The world has see n sig ni fica nt environmen tal p rogress in recent years, says the report, which was released yesterday by the United Nations Environment Program. Population growth is slow ing, for exa mple, and food p roduct ion is largely kee ping pace with it. But the report warns of severe water shortages in the Middle East over the next generation, and


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