1、医护英语考试三级模拟题最新METS-3模拟试题SeCtiOn I LiStening COmPrehenSiOn (30%)(25 minutes)DireCtions: ThiS SeCtiOn is designed to test your ability toUnderStand SPOken EngliSh in nursing COnteXtS YOU WilI hear a SeIeCtiOnOf recorded materials and you must answer the QUeStiOnS that accompany them There are THREE Par
2、tS in this section, Part A, Part B, and Par CRemember, WhiIe you are doing the test, you ShOUId first PUt downyour answers in your test booklet At the end Of the IiSteningCOmPrehenSiOn section, you WilI have 4 IninUteS to transfer your answers from your test booklet OntO your ANSwER SHEET(PaUSe OO,
3、05,)(TOne) NOW IOOk at Part A in your test bookletPart AYOU WilI hear 10 ShOrt dialogues FOr each dialogue, there is One QUeStiOn and FOUR POSSibIe answers ChOOSe the COrreCt answer - A,LB, C, o rlDZ, and mark it in your test booklet YOU WilI have 10SeCOndS to answer the QUeStiOn and you WilI hear e
4、ach dialogue ONLY ONCE.1. %rhat does the WOman Say about DOCtOr Langus?A He is the OnIy One available B He is too young for the OPeratiOn.CJ He has done many OPeratiOnSD He is an excellent doctor*2 %rhat do you Iearn about the discharge?A It is yellowishB_ It has a bad SmeI 1 * CJ It is Iike mucus D
5、 It is CIear3. When do headaches affect the patient?A When he takes aspirin. B When he IieS downC When he gets nervous * D When he travels4. What does the doctor Want to know?A The Patient?S daily activityB The Patient?S Iife-StyIeCJ The Patient?S exercise Pattern. D The Patient?S PhySiCaI COnditiOn
6、. *5 %rhat SeemS to trouble the patient?A HiS Urine does not COme OUt easily. * B_ HiS PrObIem has IaSted about a WeekCj He UrinateS frequent1yD He experiences Pain after Urinating6. %rhat does the WOman mean?A The Patient ShOUIdn?t WaIk at all. BThe Patient ShOUIdn?t Iean On the WaI 1.CJ The Patien
7、t needs help if he WaIkS * D_ The Patient ShOUld USe a WaIker for SUPPOrt7. %rhat does the man think Of What appears On his legs?A SOmething SeriOUSB SOmething funny.C SOmething importantD SOmething insignificant*8. ¼rhat is the nurse trying to explain?A The Way to do the testB NeCeSSity for th
8、e blood test *C SignS Of COIOn CanCerD Whdt OCCUIt blood means9. Whdt does the WOman Say about IUng cancer?A The death rate is high * B_ It?S IeSS PreVaIent than Other formsCJ Many PatientS Can SUrViVeD The COSt for treatment is rising10. Wrhat are the two talking about?A Maggie?S job PerfOrmanCeMag
9、gie?S family backgroundCJ Maggie?S PerSOnaIityD Maggie?S Career ChOiCe*Part BDireCtions: YOUt re going to hear One IOng dialogue and One ShOrt talk BefOre IiStening to each one, you WilI have 5 SeCOndS to read each Of the QUeStiOnS WhiCh accompany it. WhiIe listening, answer each QUeStiOn by ChOOSin
10、g A, B, C Or LD. After listening, you WilI have 10 SeCOndS to CheCk your answer to each QUeStiOn. Then mark your answer On your AnSWer Sheet YOU WilI hear each PieCe ONLY ONCE11. Whdt does the WOman Say in the beginning Of the conversation?A She?S been WOrking On a reportB_ She?S been IOOking for th
11、e doctor *B She needs to know the test resultD: She?S got a new assignment12. %rhat does the man Say about himself?A He?S been feeling bad recently. B_ He doesn?t have good memory. Cj He is Very busy now. * D He has SOIVed the CaSe13. Whdt is the report about?A A man WhO died When he fell from a hei
12、ght* B一 A man WhO had a heart attack WhiIe WOrkingCl A man WhO got hurt by SOme falling ObjeCtD A man WhO tripped and broke his arni.14. Wrhat did the employers Say about the case?A The WOrkman WaS CareIeSSB_ The Safety measure WaS SUffiCient*CJ It WaS the result Of a heart attackD They Were OnIy Pa
13、rtIy responsible15. Whdt does the doctor think Of the case?A It WaS definitely CirUg-relatedB The WOrkman ShOUIdn?t have WOrked aloneC It WaS CaUSed by POOr management.*D The job WaS too heavy for the WOrkman.16. Whdt does the SPeaker imply about OUr feet?A We don?t think much Of them. * B We think
14、they are very- important Cl We know a IOt about OUr feetD They are Very COmPliCated17. HOW Can We best make USe Of OUr feet according to the talk?A Wearing StyliSh ShOeSB_ Wearing light, SOft ShOeSCJ Changing ShOeS When necessaryD: Fitting ShOeS to SPeCiaI activities*18. Whdt may happen if your feet
15、 SUffer from pain?A YOU may hurt your SkeIetOn. B YOU may have backache *C YOUr toenails may CraCkD YOU may tear SOme IigamentS19. HOW Can you keep your feet in good shape?A KeePing them CIean. * B_ Wearing tight SOCkSC NeVer WaIking barefootD NOt WaIking On rough SUrfaCe20. Whdt Can you do if your
16、feet SWeat a lot?A TO Wear clean, COnlfOrtabIe SOCkSB_ TO WaIk barefoot On COld SUrfaCeCJ TO Wear ShOeS Of natural materials * D TO WaSh your ShOeS daily.Part C: Note-taking and GaP-fillingDireCtions: YOU WilI hear a talk BefOre your listening, you WilI have 30 SeCOndS to read the text briefly. YOU
17、may take notes WhiIe you are listening; CheCk your answers When the talk is read the SeCOnd time Be SUre to Write your answers in the COrreSPOnding SPaCeS On your AnSWer Sheet YOU WilI hear the talk TWlCEThe medical history Of a Patient is essential for the PhySiCian WhO is attempting to 21 Of a dis
18、ease The first items to berecorded are the Patient?S name, race, age, birthplace, sex, 22, and residence The Patient?S age is an important factor because Certain diseases, including SOme COntagiOUS diseases,23, and acute leukemia, are found mainly in young PeOPIeJ WhiIe Other diseases, including art
19、eriosclerotic heart disease and degenerative diseases, are much more COmmOn in 24 PeOPIeThe Patient?S OCCUPatiOn is also an important factor, especially if the Patient?S job 25The real medical history StartS With a 26 for thePatient?S COming to the hospital forCOnSUItatiOn. The PhySiCian needs to kn
20、ow the exact CirCUmStanCeS Of the 27 Of the SymPtOmS FUrther QUeStiOning develops detailsOf the health Of the Patient?S family, his habits and IifeStyIeJ and his 28 Finally, the PhySiCian asks a SerieS Of QUeStiOnS about 29 SUCh as the heart, lungs, and StOmaCh At the COmPIetiOn Of a thorough medica
21、l history, the PhySiCian Often has a good Iead to 30, Or at IeaSt he Can begin to CategOriZe illnessSeCtiOn ? USe Of EngliSh (15%)(15 minutes)Part A VOCabUIary and StrUCtUreDireCtions: There are 20 incomplete SentenCeS in this Part FOr eachSentenCe there are FOUR ChOiCeSJ marked A, B_, CJ and D. ChO
22、OSe the One that best COmPIeteS the SentenCe Then mark the COrreSPOnding Ietter On your AnSWer Sheet31. The doctor Seemed to have to Order Certain StUdieS WhiChWe WOUICi COnSider routine and basicA informed B_ SUPerViSed CJ neglected* D: delayed32. When a PerSOn SUfferS from SeVere pain, Of bronchia
23、ltubes and increased respiratory rate PrOVideSgreater OXygen intakeA CiiViSiOn B disturbance Cj dimension D dilation*41. ArtifiCiaI respiration is applied in CaSeS an individualhas either temporarily Or PermanentIy IOStthe CaPaCity to PerfOrm the normal motions Of respiration.A When B WhiCh CJ where
24、* D Of What42. ThiS type Of injury OCCUrS when, for example, a man along a raised beam SliPS and IandS With thebeam between his IegSA WaIkS B walking* C WaIked D to WaIk43. The bronchoscope is an instrument COntaining tiny mirrors, that the doctor Can inspect the bronchiand the Iarger bronchial tube
25、sA arranged SO B arranged SUCh C SO arranged* D SUCh arranged44. DiaIySiS SaVeS the IiVeS Of many PeOPIe WhO WOUld die Ofkidney failure and fatal UremiC POiSOningA then B otherwise* CJ rather D SOOner45. Veiry Often emergency tracheotomies are PerfOrmed On ChiIdren WhOhave inhaled SOmething Iarge th
26、e respiratory PaSSageSA blocks B blocking Cl SO to block D enough to block*46. It is important that the nurse a Patient?S PerSOnaISPaCe by Standing Or Sitting too CIOSeA not violate* B_ didn?t ViOIate CJ does not ViOIate D_ WOUId not ViOIate47. If all the tubes in the kidney SeParated, Straightened
27、and Iaid end to end, they WOUld SPan SOme 120 kilometers.A were* B_ Can be C WOUld be D had48. By the end Of the third month the new individual, now known as a fetus, has reached a Iength Of nearly 4inches,the legs.A to include B_ and that include C included LD- including*49. SOmetimeS SO many air S
28、aCS become filled With fluid that theViCtiln findsenough OXygen tomaintain life.A it hardly to absorb LB. to absorb hardly CJ it hard to absorb*LD- it hardly absorbing50. A tear in the PeIViC floor tissues does not heal readily; and,it Often IeaVeS a Weakened area.A after it has B_ after it does* Cj
29、 even it has D_evenit isPart B CIOZeDireCtions: Read the following PaSSage ChOOSe the bestWOrdPhraSe for each numbered blank from among the four ChOiCeSA,B, Cl,and D, and mark it Onyour AnSWer So aWOrId-famous mountain biker JOhn TOmaC WOrkS massage therapy training PrOgram that also include
30、s riding 20 hours a Week "MassageSeemS to 51my recovery time, n he says, UWhiCh means that I?Inbetter Off at the Start Of the next race nMany athletes agree With TOmaCJ52the SCientifiC evidenceto SUPPOrt this idea is all butnonexistent T don?t 53any PrOOf that massage has aPOSitiVe effect On Pe
31、rfOrmanCeJ n SayS JennyStone, a PrOfeSSOr Of SPOrtS medicine "Still, most Of the athleteshere 54 in traveling With trainers WhO are Certified massagetherapists nSO What is it that brings SO many athletes to the massage table? OneOf the few benefits massage therapists agree On is that massage he
32、lpsincrease IOCaI CirCUIation, With the result 55 the metabolicWaSteS that COlIeCt in muscle during exercise are SWePt away 56OXygen and nutrients Can move in and help the muscle recoverHOW this 57 IntO PerfOrmanCe is unknown, but no One is aboutto 58 massage as USeIeSS Tf a massage helps an athlete
33、 toCOme Off after a(n) 59 WOrkOUt and SIeeP better, who?S to Sayalone doesn?t improve his Or her PerfOrmanCe the next day?n51.A52.A53.A4.A55.A56.A57.A58.A59.A60raise B_ decrease* Cj enlarge D_ fastenthough B_ WhiIe CJ as D yet*read Of B_ hear Of C know of* D believe inassist B_ insist Cj PerSiSt * E
34、DZ determineWhiCh B_ that* CJ in D fromin that B SO that* Cd in Order D_ PrOVided thatfits* B_ benefits Cj COntribUteS D matchesdismiss* B_ regard Cj accept D refuseintense* B relaxed CJ COntinUaI LDZ COnStant60. A if B Whether C all D that*SeCtiOn III Reading COmPrehenSiOn (40%)(40 minutes)DireCtio
35、ns: There are 4 PaSSageS in this Part EaCh PaSSage is followed by SOme QUeStiOnS Or UnfiniShed StatementS FOr each Of them there are four ChOiCeS marked A, BJ, CJ and D YOU ShOUId decide On the best ChOiCe and mark the COrreSPOnding Ietter On the AnSWer Sheet With a SingIe Iine through the CenterPaS
36、Sage ABUrnS and SCaIdS are PainfUI injuries that may PrOVe fatal if SeVere Or if they COVer a Iarge area BUrnS are CaUSed by fire, hot metals, chemicals, radiation, Or electricity SCaIdS are CaUSed by hot IiqUidSJ SteanlJ Or Other hot vapors, and are treated much the Same as burnsCIaSSifiCatiOn Of b
37、urns is determined by the depth Of the tissue injury. FirSt-degree burns are those inWhiCh the SUrfaCe is red and painful, but the Skin is not broken Or blistered TyPiCaI first-degree burns resultfrom sunburn, electric flash, and Other mild CaUSeS SeCOnd-degree burns are those in WhiCh blisters are
38、formed Third-degree burns are deep, With Charring and actual destruction Of the Skin and tissue SeCOnd- and third-degree burns frequently become infected and are Very SeriOUSTreatment Of burns must take into COnSideratiOn the POSSibiIity Of SeVere ShOCk CaUSed by the great Pain Of SeCOnd- and third-
39、degree burnsIt is necessary to WOrk rapidly to avoid ChilIing the patient, and he ShOUld be kept in a horizontal POSitiOn. In large first-degree burns, the ShOCk may be more SeriOUS than the burn itselfIn first-aid treatment, a SteriIe PetrOIatUm Ointment is excellentWhen this is not available, baki
40、ng SOda (SOdiUm bicarbonate) may SafeIy be USed in a SlightIy Warin SOIUtion, three heaping table-spoonfuls to a QUart Of Water FOr Iarge burns, CIean linen, SheetSJ Or towels dipped in the SOda SOIUtiOn may be WraPPed around the person, after WhiCh blankets and hot Water bottles are USed to COmbat
41、ShOCk Immedidte Care by a PhySiCian may PreVent disfiguring SCarSChemiCaI burns ShOUId be WaShed immediately With flowing Water (from a faucet Or hose, Or by POUring) to dilute and remove the ChelniCa 1. After this has been done, the injury may be Cared for as any Other burns.61. Whdt do burns and S
42、CaIdS have in common?A BOth COnditiOnS CaUSe Pain. *B_ BOth COnditiOnS are Often fata1.C BOth are CaUSed by SOmething hotD_ BOth COnditiOnS USUalIy affect Iarge areas62. Whdt is the CIaSSifiCatiOn Of burns mainly based on?A The extent Of infection. B_ The CaUSatiVe factorsCJ The depth Of injury. *DZ
43、 The COnditiOn Of Skin and SUrfaCe63. The PaSSage implies that A the burn Patient ShOUld be ChilIed QUiCkIyB_ great PainS from burns SOmetimeS Iead to shock*C the Iarger the area affected, the deeper the injuryD SeCOnd- Or third-degree burns Often CaUSe shock.64. WhiCh Of the following is not mentio
44、ned as Part Of the first-aid?A The application Of a SteriIe Ointment B The USe Of baking SOda in a Warm SOIUtiOn.CJ KeePing the Patient Warm With blanketsD CIeaning the burned SUrfaCe With towels *65. Wrhat ShOUld be the first SteP in treating ChenliCaI burns?A CalIing in an experienced PhySiCian. B
45、_ COVering the affected area With OintmentCJ WraPPing UP the affected PartS With SheetSD_ RemOVing the ChemiCaIS With flowing Water *PaSSage BThe big mid-year SCare IaSt year WaS Shark attacks ThiS year it?S WeSt Nile VirUS (西尼罗病毒)一a threatthat is in SOme WayS more frightening because you don?t have
46、 to go near the Water to get hurt Death this SeaSOnis being SPreacl by mosquitoes hatched in your backyards The infestation, first reported in NeW YOrk City in 1999, has reached nearly every region east Of the ROCkieS SeVen PeOPIe have died SO far this year, and health OffiCiaIS believe that an eigh
47、th man, WhO died in MiSSiSSiPPi IaSt WeekJ WaS infested NeighbOrS have PraCtiCalIy COme to blows OVer the PrOS and COnS Of SPraying against mosquitoesBefOre you decide never to go OUt again at dawn Or dusk, though, it PayS to COnSider the IateSt information about WeSt NiIe VirUS Yes, theWeSt NiIe Vi
48、rUS has been found in birds and mosquitoes in many states.Yes, it SeemS IikeIy to reach the WeSt COaSt by the end Of the year BUt the ChanCeS Of getting infected are StilI Pretty SIimJ and most PeOPIe WhO get SiCk WilI develop mild flu-like SymPtOmS In OnIy a rare few WilI the infection Iead to ence
49、phalitis, a POtentialIy deadly inflammation Of the brain.That does not mean you ShOUId ignore the WeSt NiIe VirUS AndPUbliC-health OffiCiaIS definitely need toththupdate SOme Of their IOng-forgotten PIanS for mosquito COntrO1.BUt it?S not as if we?re IiVing in the 18 Or 19CentUryJ When mosquito-born
50、e illnesses Iike yellow fever ravaged NeW YOrk BaCk then, doctors didn?t even know that mosquitoes Were to blame, and there WaS CertainIy no VaCCine一as there is now for yellow feverto help COntrOI the SPread Of the diseaseWOrk is PrOgreSSing On a VaCCine for WeSt NiIe Meanwhile, the best Strategy is
51、 to USe a IittIe COnlmOn SenSe Killing all the birds and mosquitoes that Carry the VirUS is not really an OPtiOn. "People are going to haveto Change their habits, n SayS Dr. JOhn ShanIey That means Wearing IOng-SIeeVed ShirtS and IOng PantS andUSing insect repellent during mosquito SeaSOn. YOU
52、ShOUld also PraCtiCe mosquito COntrOI around your house YOU Can never eliminate risk, but in this CaSe at least, you Can COntrOI it.66. Why does the author mention Shark attacks and WeSt NiIe together?A They threaten PeOPIe in the Same way. B They both OCCUr near the WaterCl They have both CaUSed gr
53、eat alarm.*D There have been reports Of more deaths from both67. %rhat has happened in the face Of the SeemingIy growing PrObIems?A PeOPIe have StOOd together to COmbat the PrObIem.B_ PeOPIe have argued OVer Whether to USe PeStiCideS *C PeOPIe have Weighed CarefUlIy the COnSeqUenCeSD_ PeOPIe have ta
54、ken StePS to StOP the WOrSening SitUatiOn.68. The author StreSSeS in the SeCOnd ParagraPh that A WeSt NiIe VirUS is indeed a SeriOUS threatB- WeSt NiIe VirUS is nothing to WOrry aboutCj WeSt NiIe VirUS is a good reason for not going OUtD_ WeSt NiIe VirUS ShOUId be judged objectively*69. WhiCh Of the
55、 following is not true about the yellow fever?A It OnCe CaUSed disasters in SOme areasB_ MOSqUitOeS Were blamed for it early on. *Cl It WaS a big PrObIem in the absence Of a VaCCine dZ A VaCCine for yellow fever is now available70. The IaSt ParagraPh is A a discussion Of WayS to PreVent WeSt Nile*B_
56、 an analysis Of the CaUSeS and effects Of WeSt NiIeD_ a Warning against UnheaIthy habitsD a SUnlmary Of the fight against WeSt NiIePaSSage CGalIbIadder disease, also known as cholecystitis, OCCUrS When the gallbladder has been repeatedly irritated by ChemiCaISJ infection, Or overuse, thus reducing its ability to release bile for the digestion Of fats USUalIyJ gallstones COnSiSting Of calcium, cholesterol, and Other minerals, form in the gallbladder itself When the Patient eats foo
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