



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上高三英语高考写作专题训练学案课题:议论文主体段落写作指导学习目标:通过本课时的学习 1.使学生能够充分理解议论文的整体结构。 2.使学生了解议论文主体段落的写作方法并运用实际写作 3.促使学生间的协作学习、和谐交流,顺利完成学习任务学习重点:掌握并运用议论文主体段落写作技巧,并注意段落的逻辑层次学习难点:如何对主体段落的结构形成清晰的概念并会运用学习过程:I. Pre-writing自学导引:A. 阅读下文,找出主题句、支撑句和结论句(1)Those who studied with Lin-lin in the same class will never forge

2、t her qualities as well as looks. (2) She is the tallest girl in our class.(3)Her eyes are big and bright. (4)You may think of waves when you see her hair.(5)When she laughs,you can see her white teeth which are as white as snow.(6)we, however, made her our monitor not for her fine looks,but for her

3、 good qualities.(7)For example,she is good at learning and is ready to help others.(8)Never does she quarrel with anyone else about small things.(9) She is good-mannered, that is, she is kind and polite.(10)But on the sports ground she is exactly like a boy who is agressive and brave.(11)How can one

4、 forget her if one has been with her in the same class for quite some time?II.While-writing扩展句 .教师点拨 A. 一级扩展 扩展句是用来支持或说明主题句的,是段落主题句的延伸和发展,起着辅助主题句、推展段落中心的作用,对主题句表达的中心思想或举例说明、或细致描写、或详细解释阐述和论证,使读者能够清晰地理解和信服地接受作者所表达的意思。 拓展句一般要具备这样的特点: (1)清晰、详实,有较强的说服力,能清楚地表达思想; (2)条理分明,脉络清晰。上一句要为下一句铺平道路,下一句是上一句的自然延伸, 一步

5、一步地论述或叙述主题。 B. 二级扩展 一个段落通常有若干个扩展句。这些扩展句可以处于同一个层次,共同来为主题句服务;也可以在一级扩展句之下用二级扩展句来支持一级扩展句,从而构成扩展句之间的层次关系。但在段落中如果有多个不同层次的扩展句时,必须要合理地安排它们,既要作到简洁清晰、意义连贯、合乎逻辑,又要作到层次分明并紧紧地围绕主题句,为主题句服务;同时还要注意一级扩展句、二级扩展句等和主题句之间的关系。一级扩展句为主题句服务,二级扩展句支持一级扩展句来说明或论证主题句。 a. (1)The computer finds many applications in all fields. (2)C

6、omputers are now doing almost everything from diagnosing hospital patients to running nuclear power stations. (3)In any field where information is collected, processed, stored, and retrieved(回收), computers are being increasingly used . (4)Computers are also used as an aid to design planning. (5)For

7、example, they can be used to predict faults in design as well as the cost of a design if one is planning to build a road. 在这个段落中,句(1)是主题句,提出计算机在所有领域都有应用的观点;句(2)、(3)和(4)是一级扩展句或叫支持句,句(4)具体说明计算机都在哪些领域应用,而句(5)是二级扩展句,用来补充说明句(4),通过举例来说明计算机辅助设计的用途。 b .阅读下文,完成下面的空格 (1)In rock music there is a distinct and a

8、lmost overwhelming(不可抵抗的) beat. (2) No single beat is characteristic of the music today. (3)But each song has an easily recognizable rhythm. (4)As you listen to a song, your foot usually starts to pick up the beat. (5)Before long, your entire body seems to be moving with it. (6)Your head pounds with

9、 the beat, and there is no room for thought. (7)Only the surge of the music is important. (8)In its own way, rock music is as dominant as the rock Gibraltar. Its message is an overgrowing emotional one.在这一段中,句(1)是_句,点出本段_,要说明“摇滚乐最突出的特点是其节奏”。句(2)、(3)是_句,对主题句进一步补充说明;而句(4)、(5)、(6)是_句,从属于句(2),对句(2)起着_作用

10、,更形象、生动地证明了主题句所表达的思想。这里,句(7)是结尾句,它的功用在后面的章节里会做详尽的讲解。巩固探究Rearrange the sentences into a paragraph, the beginning and ending are given. The Reasons Why Students Fail the College Study There are three reasons why studennts can not finish their college studies.1. According to an article in China Daily,a

11、bout 9% of students who have to take jobs don't have as much time on study,as a result of which,they may fail their classes.2. Finally,some students are not interested in college study.3. Some students fail in college because their academic background is weak.4. They spend their time doing other

12、 things.Consequently,they fail.5. Next,because of finanical problems,other students may fail university classes.6. For example,one student might not have an adequate mathematics course in high school,so he fails his university mathematics class. Because of the weak academic background,financial prob

13、lems and loss of interest in study,numerous students fail in college every year._ _ _ _ _ _ .Post-writing合作操练BrainstormingA:Read the given topic and the topic sentence,and list several reasons to support the topic sentence.Topic:With the Entrance College Examination approaching,senior three students

14、 spend most of time on study.Many students even give up all the after-class activities.But some people think it is bad for their physical and mental health.Topic sentence:In my opinion,it is essential for senoir three students to properly take part in the after-class activities.Reason 1:_Reason 2:_R

15、eason 3:_B:Find some details to support your reasonsDetails for reason 1:_Details for reason 2:_Details for reason 3:_Summary:How to write a good supporting part?Homework: 拓展提高A.Try to develop the supporting part with your sentences and don't forget to use some connective words._B.Enjoy the foll

16、owing composition and say the function of each sentence in the essay and translate the underlined parts Life is not always smooth and everybody is sure to get through more or less the ups and downs or happiness and sorrows in his growth, which enriches his life and speeds up his mental maturity as w

17、ell. Some people are afraid that difficulties and strains of work will rob them of joy and happiness and distort them both physically and mentally. In fact,however,difficulty and stress are not necessarily bad as they are musts to provide motivation and give purpose and display their full range of p

18、otential and actualize their own personal worth. Life is short and not smooth, so it is imperative that we should not waste a minute of it so as to live a life to the fullest. Though barriers may sometimes stand in the process of realizing your dreams, remember that your destiny is hiding behind them. Acc


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