



1、Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister集体备课备注课题人教版英语八年级上册Unit 3 Im课型新课more outgoing than my sister.第3课时导学案一、学习目标:1. 语言知识目标:1) 能掌握以下单词: talented, truly, care, care about, serious, mirror, kid, aslongas,necessary,be differentfrom,both,though,bringout,grade,should,thesame as, saying, reach, hand, touch,

2、 heart, fact, in fact2) 能掌握以下句型: I think a good friend makes me laugh. For me, a good friend likes to do the same things as me. And a good friend is talented in music. You don t need a lot of them as they are good. Larry is quite different from me.3) 阅读短文获得正确的信息的能力。4 )阅读短文并能完成相关任务。2. 情感态度价值观目标:了解人与人

3、之间的差异性,了解自己对朋友的看法,明确自己需要什么样的朋友。二、教学重难点1) 掌握本课时出现的生词及表达方式。2) 进行听力训练,提高综合听说能力。3) 阅读短文,获得相关信息,提高学生们的综合阅读能力。4) 听力训练5) 阅读 2b 部分的短文并完成相关要求。三、预习感知:写出下列词的比较级。outgoing_; athletic_;wild_; serious_;beautiful_; quiet_;calm_; popular_;1 / 3good_; well_;cool_; important_;heavy_;thin_;fat_; hot_。四、合作探究Reading ( Ac

4、tivity 2d)Task1 :小组成员看图画,猜测人物的动作及感受。Task2 :小组自学课文的生词并尝试听写部分生词。Task3 :小组长带领组员正确朗读课文,注意语音语调。Task3 :小组长带领组员翻译课文,并勾画短语。唱歌比赛比、唱得好头发较短的那个比、唱得清楚比、跳得好更多地练习重要的是学到东西重要的是得到快乐介词短语做后置定语修饰人或物the one on the black bike,the one in a red coat,the man in the green car阅读理解。对错(分)The Soccer TwinsMany people thinkthattwin

5、sare exactlythe same. But they renot!Aliand Ahmetare twin brothers. They look the same and in some ways they are the same. Butin other ways they are different. Ali and Ahmet are both very athletic. Ali andAhmet both likesoccer.But Aliplayseveryday and Ahmet playsonlyon weekends.Ahmet likes watching

6、soccer games on TV but Ali only likes to play the game, not to watch it. Ali and Ahmet are both outgoing and funny, but Ahmet is a little more outgoing than Ali. Ahmet is also a little more serious about schoolwork. Ali and Ahmet are very popular at school, and they both have a lot of friends.1. Ali

7、 plays more soccer than Ahmet ( )2. Both brothers like tennis. ( )3.Ali is more outgoing than Ahmet. ( )4.The twin brothers are popular at school. ()5.Ali likes to watch soccer games on TV. ()五、检查反馈选择填空1. She looks as _ as a Barbie Doll. A. carefully B. lovely C. beautifully D. sweetly2. -Helen, can

8、 I wear jeans and a T- shirt to the school talent show?一 OK, but a dress might be _.A. good B. bad C. better D. worse 3. -Is that girl Amy?一 No,that s Wendy. Amy is _ than Wendy.A.thin B. thinner C. thinnest D. the thinnest2 / 34. Li Huas shoes are as _ as Zhang Huis.A. cheap B. cheaper C. the cheap

9、er5. -Are you relaxing yourself here ? 一 Yes. It is _to walk slowly along the river.A. fantastic B. boring C. Strange D. terrible6. The water in the lakes and rivers in Yunnan became _ because of the dry weather.A. fewer and fewer B. more and more C. less and less D. little and little7.Li Na _ a gol

10、d medal again in Shenzhen _ January 5th , 2013.A.beat;in B. won; in C. Won; on D. beat;on8.There are more students in Grade Two than _ .A. grade one B. other grade C. in Grade One D. others grade9. The Internet makes the world become_.A. bigger and bigger B. more and more C. smaller and smaller D, m

11、ore and more beautiful10. The weather in Harbin in summer is_ than that in Beijing. Theyredifferent.A. cool B. much cooler C. Hot D. much hotter11. Her bag is newer than _. A. mine B. my C. me D. I12. Lin Tao is younger than _ boy in his class. A. any others B. any other C. the other D. the others13. Which one is _, this one or that one?A. good B.


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