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1、2020年浙江省高考英语仿真冲刺模拟试卷4考试时间:120分钟;满分:150分注意事项:1 答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2 请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I卷(选择题)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、BC三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小B. Calli ng the policema n.C. Seeing whether he couldhelp.题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1 Who is the woma n?A. The mari s wife

2、. B. The mart s secretary. C.2. What is the man doing?A shop assistant.A. Taking classes.B. Making a phone call.C. Clea ning the room.3. What does the man thinkthe woman should do?A. Ask the stewardess for somemedici ne.B. Move to ano ther part ofthe pla ne.C. Tolerate his smok ing.4. What does the

3、woman thinkA. She has no idea yet.B. It *sbetter tha n the oldC. It'snot as good as the5. What was the man doing whenof the new DVD player?puter.he saw the accide nt yesterday?A. Queu ing for the cin ema.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)4B、C三个选项中听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听

4、每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。6. Why do Frank and PeterA. It1 s convenient. B.It'swant to cyclecheap. .c. Rto work?s en viro nmen tai.7. How much is theAn ders onbicycle?A. £ 65. B.£ 80. C. £ 145.听第7段材料,回答第8、 9题。8. What isthe man doing?A

5、. Worki ng9. What isin the office. B.the woman goingHanging out. C. Repair! ng his car. to do?A. Atte nd classes. B. Go shopping. C.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。Have lunch.10. What time is it now?A. 6:45. B. 7:15. C. 7:45.11. WhaVs the woman s attitude toward the thorough check?A. Satisfied. B. Angry. C. Scared

6、.12. Why are the police dogs there?A. To find weap ons. B. To snifffor drugs. C.To stop lin e-jumpers听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13.Where does thewoman meet the man?A.At theBerlinbus stati on.B.At theLondonbus stati on.C.At thewoman sapartme nt.14.How long wasthe manfstrip?A.An hourand ahalf. B.Ni ne hours. C.

7、 Nin etee n hours.15.Why didthe man chooseto take a bus?A. To save mon ey.B. To enjoy the country view.C. To protect the environment.16. What does the woma say about the man?A. He doesn' t look well.B. He could have take n a faster bus. C. He should care more about the en V'ro nment.听第10段材料,

8、回答第17至20题。17. Where will visitors go on the first day of the tour?A. Temple Square. B. Goblin Valley. C. Arches Natio nal Park.18. Whatdowe knowaboutLittle Wild Horse Canyon?A. It's very n arrow.B. It *sinn orther nUtah.C. It was formed from an earthquake.19. What is in eluded in the tour?A. Ent

9、rance fees.B. Three meals a day.C. Tran sportati on in Utah.20. How long can you make a reservationfor the tour in advanee?A. Four days. B. One week. C. Two weeks.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分35分) 第一节:(共10个小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ASometimes we thinkue. However, it' sthat

10、 we would be由 process ofhappy if all our achiev ing Our goalsdreams come trand it' s theroad towards ourdreams that en richesus and makes us happy.There was a little, er. There were n'tng. She wished tobut always crankygirl.Everyth! ng was bad for heno ugh toys or the gifts meet anshe was ge

11、tti ng were wroenchantress (女 her life a fairy tale.巫)that would turnOne day an enchantresscame to the littlegirl and said that she would give her the fulfilme ntof one wish every day. The girlbecamehappy: now all her dreams would come true. She tha nked the kind ench:nand ran home,tressFrom that da

12、y she was waiti ng for every morning with joy and en thusiasm: because one more dream would come true forher. The days passed,the dreams came true.But soon the little girl realized that fulfilme nt of the wishes did nothoped for.Ma nywishes broughtin. Almostevery dream was angive her joy and happ in

13、 ess which she ,disappo in tme.her eand some even a paempty little girl *s caprice ( 任性). Being satisfied, she sudde nly realized that she did not want thi s.The girl was gettingsadder and sadder day by day, and wish-fulfilment did not bring any joy to her. Soon she started to fear her own dreams.So

14、 the girl went to the kindenchantressand asked her to take herto wake up everterrible gift back. She was afraid to live, afraidy day, wait ing for a coming executi on (完成)of ano ther wish.Cryi ng, she askedan en cha ntressto fulfil on lyone her dream: tolive as she livedbefore and enjoy life.Kind en

15、 cha ntresshad mercy upon the little girl. She waved her magicwand and disappeared. The girl ran home. She was happy, because she knew that now she wouldpainstakingly seek for her one big cherished dream, not wasti ngtime with short-term, in fact, quiteunn ecessarywhims.21 Why wasnftthe girl happy a

16、tthe very begi nning?A. Because she didn' t have goodtoys and gifts.B. Because she was afraid to liveor wake up every day.C. Because she was not satisfiedwith everyth ing around her.D. Because she had ntmet an en cha ntressthat would cha nge her life.22. What does“this "in paragraph 4 mean?

17、A.Every dreamwasan emptygirl 's caprice.B.Her wisheswerefulfilledone by one astimewent byC.She couldenjoyher lifeand chase herdreamfreely.D.The fulfilme nt ofthe wishes did n'tgive herjoy and happ in ess.23.Accord ing tothepassage, we' II behappy ifweA.meeta kind en cha ntressB.realizeal

18、l our small dreamsC.livean extraord inary lifeand enjoy itD.workhard for one precious dreamThis activity will melt away thepounds,build your body and leave you on an emoti onalhigh. Yet theform of exercise,the fitn esstrendof the year, does notrequiregym membership ora pers onaltrainer.All you n eed

19、 to do iswalk.Walk ing is a refresh ingalter nativeto complicatedaerobic (氧)rout inas and overpriced gym membership, says personal trainer Lucy Knight,author of a new book on the exercise. It is free, enjoyable and alrea dy a part of everyday life. All you need to do is correct your tec hniq ue, wal

20、k faster and for Ion ger and you will lose weight.There is much evide neeof the ben efits ofwalk ing. Scien tistsat theUni versity of Pittsburghrecen tlydiscovered that overweight people who ' walkedbriskly(快for30 to60 minu tes a day lostweight eveniftheydidn 9tchangeanyotherlifestylehabitsA , A

21、mericaAno thernstudyfoundthatpeoplewhowalkedfor atleastfour hoursa weekgainedlessweightthan couchpotatoes asthey gotolder.Researchersatthe Un iversityof Massachusettsmedicalschoolfound thatpeoplewhowalked every day had 25 percentfewer colds than those who sat alot. Best of all,walking makes you feel

22、 good aboutyourself.“Forpeople suffer! ngfrom depress! on,walki ng three to fourtimes a weekfor 30 minu tes has bee n show nBut how to walk your way torecommend that we should walkto lift theirweight loss andmood ”wellness?says Kni ght.Healt hexperts10,000 steps a day tostay healthy.Actually you wou

23、ld probablyn eed to walk at least 16,000 steps a dayto lose weight. Your workout pla ns depe nd onyour level of fitn ess.You should aim to progress by in creas ing your walk ing time by five minu tes every two weeks, and walk a bit faster. In just three months5 the results should speak for themselve

24、s, says Kni ght.24. What is the latestfitness trend according to the passage?A. Brisk walk ing.B. Los ing weight.C. Work ing out in a gym.D. Exercis ing with a pers onal trainer.25. Studies and researches are mentioned in the passage to show walki ngA. is gaining in creas ing popularityB. ben efitsp

25、eople in differe ntaspectsC. is an enjoyableway to lose weightD. in volvesdiffere ntgroups of people26.It nbe lear nedfromthe last paragraph thatA. 1600 stepsa day isn eeded for weightlossesB. the effectof walki ng is no ticeableover timeC. your fitn esslevel depe nds on your healthexpertsD. cha ngi

26、ng thewalk ing time every day isnecessaryAgi ng happe ns to all of us, and isgen erally thought of as a n aturaI part of life. It would seem silly to call such a thing a "diseas e.nOn the other hand, scientists areincreasinglylearning that aging andbiological age are two differe ntthin gs, and

27、that the former is akey risk factor for con diti ons such as heart disease,more. In that light, agi ng itself might be seen ascancer and manysomethtreatable, the way you would treat high blood pressure or a vitamin defici ency.Biophysicist Alex Zhavoro nkov believes that agi ng should be con sidered

28、a disease. He said that describing aging as a disease creates incentives to developtreatme nts.Hlt un ties the hands of the pharmaceutical的)industryso that they can begi ntreati ng the disease and not just the side effects/1 he said.“Right now, people think of agi ng as n atural and someth ingcon tr

29、ol,n he said.nl n academic circles, peopleyou can'ttake agi ng researchas justan in terest area where they cantry todevelop in terve nti ons (预).The medicalcom munity also takes agi ng forgran ted, and can doflicknothingis not among them.about it except keep peoplewithincerta in healthran ge.”Bu

30、t ifagi ng were recog ni zed as a disease,hesaid, Hlt 、 would attract fundingandchangethe waywe dohealthcareWhat matters isundersta ndingthatag ingis curable.1111 It wasalwaysknownthat thebodyaccumulatesdamage,M headded. "The on lyway tocureagi ng isto findways torepair thatdamage. Ithi nkof it

31、as preve ntivemedici nefor age-relatedcon dition s.LeonardHayflick,a professorat theUni versity of California,San Francisco,said the ideathatagi ng canbe cured implies thehuma n lifespa n can be in creased,which some researchers suggest is possible. HayHThere're manypeople who recover from cance

32、r, stroke,or heart disease. But they continue to age, because agi ng is separate from their di sease/1 Hayflick said. HEve n ifthosecauses of death were elimi nated,life expecta ncy would still not go much bey ond92 years/127.What does AlexZhavoro nkov thinkabout agi ng?A. Itis sillyto regard aging

33、asa disease.B. Aging is morerisky tha ncancer.C. Describ ingagi ng as adisease willhelp to developtreatme nts.D. Agi ng isn atural andthere isno way to con trolit.28.What doesthe un derli nedsentencein Para.4 mean?A. The medicalcom mun ityis quitein terestedin agi ng research.B. The medical com mun

34、itythi nks ofagi ng uncon trolledC.The medicalcom munity isworki nghard on stopp ing agi ng.D.The medicalcom munity keeps peoplehealthy so as toslow theiraging29.What does ProfessorLeonard Hayflick believe?A.Agi ng can be possibly cured in the future.B.Agi ng is closelyconn ected with disease.C.Most

35、 people stillcan live bey ond92years.D.The huma n lifespa n cannot be in creased.30.The above passage ismost likelytobeA.a n ews storyB. a scie neereportC. a medical reviewD. an in troduct ionto diseases第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Moving into a new home in a new nei

36、ghborhoodis an excitingexperience. Of course, you want to make surethat you become anacceptableand valuable part of yourn eighborhood. the easiest way to accomplish this is tomake sure you con ductyourself as a goodn eighbor should.31Perhaps one of the most importa nt things you can do as a good n e

37、ighbor is to keepyour property (房产) n eat, clea n, and in good repair.32By choos ing to keep the outside of the home in great shape, you will help to improve the look and feel of the area.Second, take the overall appears nee of the n eighborhood seriously,. Whe n going for a walk. Take a small garba

38、ge bag. 33 This smallact will let your n eighbors know that you care about the area.34 If a n eighbor is going to be out of tow n, offer to col lect mail and n ewspapers. If a n eighbor suffers an ill ness, offer todo the groceryshopp ing Let themknow youare there tohelp inany way thisacceptable,whi

39、le stillrespect ingthe privacy ofyourn eighbor.35 By followi ngthe basic rules of respect ing others, taki ng care of whatbel ongs to you, and tak ingpride in the appears nee of the neighborhood in general, you will quickly become a good neighbo r that every one appreciate. A. In gen eral, keep an e

40、ye on their property while they are gone.B. A good neighbor is also one who likes tohelp out in small ways.C. Being a good n eighbor is more or less aboutcon siderate behavior.D. Sometimes neighbors may go tothe supermarket together to do shopping.E. Should you come across waste paper thrown out of

41、a passing car, pick it up.F. People tend to lake pride in keep ingeveryth ing in their street fresh and in vit ing.G. Here are a few tips to help you win over every onein the n eighborhood quickly第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共20题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项( A、B C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂

42、黑。When Henry Ford decided to produce his famous V-8 motor, he chose to build an engine with the entireeight cyli nderscast in one block(将八个气缸全部放在一起的引擎) and in structedhisengin eers to36it.The37was placed onpaper,butthe engin eers found itwas38impossible to makeit.Ford said,“Produceit39“But,theyrepli

43、ed,dt1 s impossible!”“ Go aheadFord4i“And stay onthe job41you succeed, no matter how much time is required.The engin eerswent ahead. They had no other42,if they were to43on the Ford staff.One year passedbut44happened.Theengin eers triedeverypla npossible to45theorders, butthethi ngseemed46"impo

44、ssible! ”At theendof theyear Ford47with hisengin eers,andaga inthey48him they hadfound nowayout.“Go rightahead,said Ford,“I wantit,andI' II have it.They wentahead, andthe n,asifby a49of magic, the seeret was50Ford was51,becauseheun derstoodand52the principles of success. Oneof theseisdesire:know

45、ingwhat one wan ts. Remember this Ford storyas youread.If you can53your fin gerson the particular group of principles which made Henry Ford rich, you can 54his achieveme nts in almost any calli ng(行业)for which you are5536.A. work out B. work on C. work for D. work with37.A. schedule B. program C. de

46、sig n D. table38.A. hardly B.con sta ntly C. gradually D. simply39. A. any way B. however C. whe never D.moreover40. A. comma nded B. comme nted C.suggested D. requestedA.if B. asuni ess D.un til42.A.ideas B. substitutes C.opti ons D.suggestio ns43.A.remai n B. keep C. last D.appear44.A.someth ing B

47、.no thi ng C.anything D.everyth ing45.A.set dow n Bcarry out C.pick up D.take in46.A.out of con trol B.out ofcon diti on C.out of sightD.outof questi on47.A.discussedB.con suited C.debated D.checked48.A.persuadedB.expla ined C.in formed D.con firmed49.A.stroke B.list C. cast D.hail50.A.dissolvedB. d

48、ismissed C.discovered D.dist in guished51.A.fortunate B.successful C.patie nt D.ambitious52.A.made B. clarified C.disobeyed D. applied53.A.dip B. lie C. lay D. hold54.A.compare B.make C. equal D.conquer55.A.suited B.required C. eager D. dream ing第II卷(非选择题)第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节语法填空(共1。小题;每小题L5分,满分15

49、分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。I can stillrecall the day 56I sat onthe stairsofatemplein Nepal.The squarebefore the temple became very muddy as57resultof therain.We had to walk on apath _58_ (make)by a Iine ofbrickson themuddygro und.A friendof_59-(I) compla ined allthe way whileshesteppedon theb

50、ricks(patie ntwalk ing .Disgusti nntowards me. Look ingin deed! What if Iaround she saidfall into thevery _60_dirty water?Si nee Iknew her verywell,61 _ (nod) cautiously,hoping to corfort her by my silentA few minutes later,sympathy.62 friendcam eto thesamesce ne. Sheon the brick path dancing brisklyand sin gi ng,“Ju mp,jump,steppedjump! ”un til she reached the“ Wh at“ Themfun it is! ”pleasa nt thingdry ground.Eyes beam ingof the rainyShe could n'twith joy, sheseas on isbe free64 dust.,In theeyes of t


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