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1、斯里兰卡阿塔纳水厂场平工程锚杆分项工程Sub-Engineering of Anchor for Site LevelingSpecific Method Statement专项施工方案编制:Prepared By:审核:Reviewed By:批准:Approved By:CMEC公司斯里兰卡阿塔纳水厂项目部 Gampaha,Attanagalla & Minuwangoda Integrated Water Supply Scheme 编制时间:2017年09月09日Preparation Date:September 9th , 2017目 录 Contents第一节、编制依据-

2、01 I. Preparation Basis第2节 、施工步骤-03 II. Construction Arrangement 一 )、施工步骤-03 1. Construction Arrangement 二)、劳动力组织安排-03 2Manpower Plan 三)、机械设备配置-04 3.Mechanical Equipment Preparation 四)、主要仪器设备-05 4. Main Instrument and Equipment第三节、锚杆主要施工方法-06 III Main Construction Method of Anchor 一)、总体方案-06 1. Over

3、all Scheme 二)、施工准备-08 2. Construction Preparation 三)、锚杆成孔工艺-09 3. Bore-forming Process of Anchor第四节、施工进度计划-26 IV Construction Progress Schedule附图一、质量保证机构框架图-32 Attached Figure-1 Frame Chart of Quality Assurance Organization 附图二、安全保证机构框架图-33 Attached Figure-2 Frame Chart of Safety Assurance Organizat

4、ion第1节 、编制依据 I. Preparation Basis1、 阿塔纳水厂工程招标文件中关于场地平整的相关内容及相关技术条款。 1. The relevant contents and related technical terms about Site Preparation included in the Bidding Document of Gampaha,Attanagalla & Minuwangoda Integrated Water Supply Scheme.2、 阿塔纳水厂工程场地平整设计施图、图说(送审版)。 2. Site Preparation Dra

5、wings and Design Description of the Site Preparation of Gampaha,Attanagalla & Minuwangoda Integrated Water Supply Scheme. (Approval Version)3、 阿塔纳水厂工程地质勘探报告及实地考察施工现场周边环境情况。3. Report of Geological Engineering Exploration for proposed Water Treatment Plant and on-the-spot investigation for the sur

6、rounding environment of said construction site.4、中国现行国家标准、施工技术规范、规程、质量检验评定标准及验收方法、安全检测标准及技术规程、文明施工要求等。4. Current national standards in China, technical specifications, procedures, quality inspection, evaluation standards as well as acceptance methods of construction, safety inspection standards and

7、technical regulations, civilized construction requirements, etc.岩土锚杆与喷射混凝土支护工程技术规范 GB50086-2015Technical Code for Engineering of Ground Anchorages and Shotcrete Support GB50086-2015预应力筋用锚具、夹具和连接器 GBT 14370-2015 Anchor, Grip and Coupler for Prestressed Tendons GBT 14370-2015 施工现场临时用电安全技术规范 JGJ46-2005

8、Technical Code for Safety of Temporary Electrification on Construction Site JGJ46-2005第 1 页 共 35 页第2节 、施工步骤 II. Construction Arrangement1、 施工步骤 1.Construction Arrangement主要施工内容有:施工准备、锚杆孔定位及钻孔(含不良地质段固结灌浆处理)、锚杆加工编制、清孔下锚、锚固段注浆(含二次劈裂注浆)、锚杆腰梁及锚斜托浇筑、锚杆张拉、补充注浆及封锚等工作。The main construction contents include:

9、construction preparation,anchor hole positioning and drilling (including consolidation grouting treatment for poor geological section ),anchor processing preparation, hole cleaning and anchoring, grouting for anchorage section (including secondary splitting grouting),concrete pouring for intermediat

10、e beam of anchor and anchor inclined supporting, anchor tension, supplementary grouting and anchor seal work, etc.2、 劳动力组织安排2.Manpower Plan(1)根据工程的特点及施工组织设计的要求配备劳动定员及设置施工组织机构,主要劳动力组织见下表:(1)As per this project characteristic and requirement of construction organization design to arrange workers and s

11、et up construction organization.Main manpower as follows:序号S/N工种Position人数Qty主要工作内容Main Work Content1施工员Engineer5负责测量放线、施工指导及质量控制Measure and setting out,construction guidance and quality control2钻机司机Drilling rig driver2锚固钻机操作Operate anchorage drilling rig3砂浆搅拌工Mortar mix worker2搅拌桶操作Mix bucket opera

12、tion4锚索工Anchor cable worker4负责锚索安装Anchor cable installation5综合辅助工Comprehensive assistant worker8负责辅助作业Normal work6电工Electrician2负责施工中涉电作业Electricity operation7钢筋工Steel bar worker8负责钢筋制作、绑扎、安装作业Steel bar fabrication,binding and installation8模板工Form worker13负责模板制作、安装、加固作业Formwork fabrication, installa

13、tion and strengthening(2) 锚杆施工组织机构: (2)Construction organization of anchor:现场技术负责人:刘涛;生产负责人:胡延辉;Site technical in charge: Liu Tao Site engineer: Hu Yanhui 专职质量检查:李庆东;Special quality inspector: Li Qingdong 3、主要机械设备 3.Main Mechanical Equipment预应力锚杆施工进场的主要机械设备如表1所示The main mechanical equipment prepared

14、 for prestressed anchor construction are shown in figure-1 below.表1 锚杆施工配备机械设备表 Figure-1 Mechanical Equipment List for Anchor Construction机械名称Equipment Name规格型号Specification and Model数量Qty备注Note锚固钻机Anchorage drilling rig优博林868型Youbolin (Type 868) 2台2 nos.注浆设备Grouting equipment BLW-130型搅浆桶Mortar mixi

15、ng bucket with type BLW-1302套2 sets含不良地质段处理Including the treatment for poor geological section空 压 机Air compressor12m3柴油12m³Diesel1套1 set备用Standby发电机Generator250KW2套2 sets备用Standby泥浆泵Mud pumpBW1501套1 set双作用空心千斤顶Double acting hollow jackRRH-6065套5 sets混凝土施工设备Concrete construction equipment3套3 set

16、s材料运输车Transport vehicle for material 5T2辆2 nos.其他设备Other equipment据需要配置Prepared as per needs锚杆辅助施工Aided anchor construction木工圆盘锯Woodworking circular saw380V、7.5KW1台1 set模板制作Formwork fabrication钢筋断钢机Steel bar cutting machine380V、3.8KW1台1 set钢筋加工Steel bar process钢筋切割机Steel bar cutter380V、2.5KW1台1 set钢

17、筋加工Steel bar process钢筋弯箍机Steel bar bender380V、3.8KW1台1 set钢筋加工Steel bar process电焊机Electric welding machine380V、3.8KW1台1 set钢筋加工Steel bar process木工手提圆盘锯Woodworking portable circular saw220V.1.5KW8台8nos.模板加工Formwork process4、主要仪器设备4. Main Instruments and Equipment预应力锚杆施工配备的主要仪器如表2所示Instruments List fo

18、r anchor construction are shown in figure-2 below表2 主要测量、试验、质检、监测仪器设备表Main Instruments for Measurement, Test, Quality Inspection and Monitoring List序号NO.设备名称Instrument Name厂牌及规格型号Brand, Specification and Model数量Qty备注Note1全站仪Total StationSET230RK、NTS302R+1锚孔定位Anchor hole positioning2水准仪Water LevelC32

19、II、DSZ21350m钢尺Steel Tape(50m)34磨光机Polishing Machine25试样切割机Sample Cutting Machine16砂浆稠度仪Mortar Consistometer17电动重型击实仪Electric Heavy Compaction Apparatus电 动electric type18其它仪器Other Instrument根据需要配置Prepared as per needs第三节 锚杆主要施工方法 III. Main Construction Method of Anchor (1) 、总体方案 1.Overall Scheme锚杆施工与

20、边坡开挖施工同步进行,上层边坡支护施工完成,开挖至预应力锚杆施工位置后,及时组织进行腰梁及预应力锚杆施工,完成边坡防护,减少边坡暴露时间。The anchor construction shall be performed simultaneously with the slope excavation. After the completion of supporting construction of upper slope, excavating to the construction location of prestressed anchor, then carrying out t

21、he construction of intermediate beam and prestressed anchor and finishing supporting work for slope in order to reduce exposure time of slope. 1) 、准备工作:机具配备质量和数量,人员配置数量和结构等必须与预应力锚杆施工相适应,满足施工需要;完成原材料进场及试验检测;完成施工技术方案、开工报告等技术资料的编写、上报和审批,技术交底资料的下发学习,原材料送检、报批手续及资料收集。 1).Preparation Work: The quality and

22、quantity of equipment preparation together with the quantity and structure of human resource arrangement must be compatible with the construction of prestressed anchor to meet the construction needs; Completing the approach and test of raw materials ;Completing the preparation, submitting and approv

23、al of related technical documents including construction program and construction starting report, etc; Issuing technical information to staff for study; Conducting raw materials inspection, approval procedures and data collection.2) 、锚杆施工顺序:锚杆施工按从上到下(可根据现场情况适当调整)分序加密的原则进行施工。锚杆施工平面布置详见附图(一)(以从上至下为例)

24、所示,然后及时进行后续各工序的施工。 2).Construction Sequence of Anchor: The anchor construction shall be conducted from the top to the bottom(some proper adjustment can be made according to the actual situation) under the principle of sequence and denseness. Grout leaking between anchor holes shall be avoided in ord

25、er to prevent the serious impact on construction effect. See Attachment 1 for detailed Plan of Anchor Arrangement(take the construction order from the top to the bottom as example). The following various construction work shall be carried out timely.(2) 、施工准备2. Construction Preparation2.1、锚杆的简述2.1 B

26、rief Introduction of Anchor2.1.1、锚杆长度:15.020.0m,锚杆锚固长度58m,以进入原混凝土基础顶向下不少于1.0m控制。2.1.1. Length of anchor: its length shall be 15.020.0m and the anchorage length shall be 58m.The depth that the anchor hacked into the original concrete foundation shall be not less than 1m. 2.1.2、锚杆入射角度:25度2.1.2 Injecti

27、on Degree:25 degree2.1.3、锚杆直径:150mm2.1.3 Diameter of anchor:150mm2.1.4、锚杆:采用钢绞线¢s17.8-1860 执行标准GB/T 5224-2014,锚杆规格采用绞线3¢s17.8-1860、绞线2¢s17.8-1860;沿锚杆长度每隔2000mm,采用48*3.5mm钢管制作定位隔离支架;2.1.4 Anchor: The steel strand with the specification and model of ¢s17.8-1860 shall be selected in

28、 line with the operative norm of GB/T 5224-2014.The specification of anchor has two types including 3¢s17.8-1860 and 2¢s17.8-1860. The steel pipe with 48*3.5mm shall be used to make positioning isolation stent along the length of anchor every2000mm.2.1.5、锚具:锚具(M17-2,2孔)设计值340KN,与钢绞线2¢

29、s17.8-1860配套,锚具(M17-3,3孔)设计值380KN,与钢绞线3¢s17.8-1860配套, 执行规范GB50086-2015。2.1.5 Anchorage: The designed strength of M17-2 anchorage with 2 holes shall be equal or more than 340KN which match with that steel strand with 2¢s17.8-1860; The designed strength of M17-3 anchorage with 3 holes shall

30、be equal or more than 380KN which match with that steel strand with 3¢s17.8-1860. Two types anchorages shall conform to the operative norm of GB50086-2015.2.1.6、锚板:锚板尺寸300*300*25(mm),锚板中间圆孔尺寸根据锚具圆孔确定(锚具3孔),垫板的圆孔外径等于锚具圆孔外边距;锚板尺寸300*300*25(mm),锚板中间圆孔尺寸根据锚具圆孔确定(锚具2孔),垫板的圆孔外径等于锚具圆孔外边距。执行规范GB50086-2

31、0152.1.6 Anchor plate: The size of anchor plate shall be 300*300*25(mm). The size of round hole located at the center of anchor plate shall be determined according to the round hole of anchorage(with 3 holes). The external diameter of round hole for inserted plate shall be equal to dimension of the

32、margin of anchorage. The size of anchor plate shall be 300*300*25(mm). The size of round hole located at the center of anchor plate shall be determined according to the round hole of anchorage(with 2 holes). The external diameter of round hole for inserted plate shall be equal to dimension of the ma

33、rgin of anchorage. The standard of GB50086-2015 shall be complied with. 2.1.7、锚杆抗拔:待腰梁施工完毕立即进行养护,且腰梁、锚杆混凝土强度达到80%后才能进行锚杆抗拔实验检测;2.1.7 Tensile testing of anchor: The curing work shall be carried out at once after the completion of intermediate beam construction and the tensile testing of anchor c

34、ould be conducted after the concrete strength of intermediate beam as well as anchor up to 80%.锚杆检测实验按下列规范进行:The anchor test shall be performed conforming to the following standards:(3) 、锚杆成孔工艺3. Bore-forming Process of Anchor锚杆施工工艺流程图:Anchoring Construction Process Flow Chart3.1、技术参数:3.1 Technical

35、Parameters:在土方开挖或回填施工的同时,留设锚杆工作面(锚位以下500mm)。预应力锚杆采用风动潜孔锤施工工艺,锚杆长度1520m,锚杆锚固长度约5-8m。Reserve anchor working area(500mm below anchoring point) while excavating or backfilling of earthwork. Air-driven down-hole hammer construction technology shall be adopted for prestressed anchor whose length is 15-20m

36、 and anchorage length is about 5-8m.3.2、风动潜孔锤施工方法 3.2. Air-driven Down-hole Hammer Construction Method 3.2.1、根据设计图纸要求,测量人员测定锚杆孔的孔位,打入标桩,注明锚孔编号(详见附图一、二、三)。钻机安装好后,进行全面质量检查,检查钻机方位、倾角、水平度和开孔钻头落点差。检查合格后再进行施工。3.2.1 According to requirement of drawing, surveyors measure and determine the location of anchor

37、age hole, hammered it into the relevant pile and indicate serial number of the anchor hole(see Attachment 1,2,3). After completing the drill machine installation, overall quality inspection shall be performed for position, inclination and levelness of the drill and placement difference of opening bi

38、t. Construction shall be continued after the inspection is passed.3.2.2、锚孔采用风动潜孔锤钻孔施工,能有效地避免冲刷坡体,施工速度快。锚杆孔施工选用优博林868型锚固钻机,锚孔直径约150mm,设计锚孔深度为5-8m,与水平夹角25度成孔。3.2.2 Adopt air-driven down-hole hammer for anchor hole construction to effectively avoid the erosion of the slope. Fasten the construction spee

39、d. Adopt type 868 Youbolin anchorage drilling rig for anchor hole construction. The diameter of the anchor hole is about 150mm, the designed depth of the anchor hole is 5-8m, 25 degree bore-forming with horizontal angle.3.2.3、锚孔钻孔技术参数根据所钻部位孔内地层情况确定。3.2.3 The technical parameter of anchor hole is bas

40、ed on the geological condition of the drilled location.3.2.4、钻压:钻孔过程中,钻压保持平稳,不得随意增减压力。 3.2.4 Drilling pressure: keep stable pressure during drilling and dont change the pressure randomly.3.2.5、转数:正常钻孔中,保持中等转数。松散土层及破碎岩石中采用低转数,完整基岩中钻孔中适当提高转数。3.2.5 Revolving speed: keep medium speed in normal drilling

41、proceed. Keep low speed for the loose soil and broken rock. Appropriately improve the speed for unbroken bedrock.3.2.6、钻孔过程中,随时保证孔内排渣畅通,及时排出孔内岩渣。3.2.6 During the drilling proceed, remove the residue timely and keep the inside hole smooth.3.3、主要施工方法:3.3 Main Construction Methods 3.3.1、坡面修整3.3.1 Clean

42、 Surface of Slope锚杆施工前,首先用人工及时按照从上而下分层修坡。开挖至灌注桩桩身边缘时,每层开挖高度为锚杆上下横梁间距大小,严格控制超挖,直至开挖至下级平台,然后再开挖腰梁基础并施作锚杆。完成每层坡面开挖后,若为土质坡,及时用彩条布覆盖,防止雨水冲刷边坡。Before anchor construction, arrange manpower to modify the slope surface timely from top to bottom layer by layer. When excavated to edge of the filling pile body,

43、 excavation height of each layer is equal to the spacing between intermediate beams. Over excavation is strictly controlled. Intermediate beam foundation can be excavated until excavating to the next terrace, and carry out the anchor working. After each slope excavation completed, if occurred soil s

44、lope, it shall be covered by tarpaulin to avoid erosion by rain.3.3.2、施作锚孔3.3.2 Anchor Hole Drilling锚孔在腰梁基础开挖完成,并经坡面地质条件确定能满足锚杆施工要求后进行。Anchor hole shall be drilled after completing foundation excavation of intermediate beam and ensuring that geological condition of slope can meet the requirement of

45、anchor construction.3.3.3、锚孔测放3.3.3 Anchor Hole Measure and Setting out根据实际坡面,先按设计布置要求,将锚孔位置准确测放在坡面上,并用红油漆在现场施工部位标明锚杆开孔位置(详见附图一)。如遇坡面不平顺或特殊困难场地时,须经设计单位认可,在确保坡体稳定和结构安全的前提下,适当调整锚孔定位。对测放并验收合格的锚孔位置进行编号,并用油漆标示在现场坡面上,该编号作为锚杆制作编号的依据。Based on existing slope surface, position of anchor hole shall be measured

46、 and set out exactly and marked by red paint at the construction point according to designed arrangement(see Attachment 1 for details). If uneven slope surface or special geological condition occurred, adjust position of anchor appropriately on premise of getting approval from design unit and ensuri

47、ng stability of the slope and safety of the structure. Position of anchor holes which have been measured, set out and verified shall be numbered and marked on the slope surface with paint. The serial number shall be regarded as anchorage making evidence . 3.3.4、钻孔设备3.3.4 Drilling Equipment 为提高钻孔效率和保

48、证钻孔质量,钻孔机具采用优博林868型锚固钻机,潜孔冲击成孔。In order to improve drilling efficiency and guarantee drilling quality, type 868 Youbolin anchorage drilling rig shall be adopted to drill.3.3.5钻机就位3.3.5 Position of Drilling Machine根据坡面准确测放锚杆孔位,准确安装固定钻机,并严格认真进行机位调整,确保锚孔开钻就位纵横误差、高程误差、钻孔倾角和方向、方位符合中国规范标准。Exactly measure

49、and set out the anchorage position according to slope, accurately fix drilling machine and strictly adjust the machines position to ensure the deviation in vertical and horizontal direction and elevation conform to Chinese standard. Ensure the drilling angle and direction in accordance with Chinese

50、standard.、钻孔方式 Drilling Methods锚孔钻孔采用干钻,以确保锚固工程施工不至于恶化边坡岩土工程地质条件和保证孔壁的粘结性能,难以钻孔时方可采用水钻。Adopt dry drilling method to ensure that anchorage construction will not deteriorate the geological condition of the slope and guarantee the adhesive property of the hole wall. Water drilling method shall be adopt

51、ed only when it is hard to drill. 、钻孔工艺 Drilling Process 锚杆钻孔施工要加强钻机的导向作用,及时检测孔斜误差,合理采用纠偏措施,确保锚杆钻孔满足设计及规范要求。钻孔过程中对每个孔的地层变化,钻孔状态(钻压、钻速)、地下水及一些特殊情况作好现场施工记录。如遇地质情况与地勘报告不符出现不良钻孔现象时,须立即停钻,及时进行孔道固壁灌浆处理(灌浆压力0.10.2MPa),待水泥砂浆初凝后,重新扫孔钻孔。Strengthen guide role of drilling machine during the anchor hole drilling

52、, check deviation error of hole timely and adopt reasonable corrective measure to ensure anchor hole meeting design requirements and specification. The stratum change, drilling status(drilling pressure and speed), ground water and some special circumstances during the drilling work shall be recorded

53、 in site. If geological conditions are not matched with geological report which causing undesirable drilling , stop the drilling immediately. Grouting for braced hole wall(grouting pressure as 0.10.2MPa) shall be carried out timely. After initial setting of cement mortar, clean the hole and restart

54、the drilling work. a、 渗水及塌孔的处理a. Treatment of Water Seepage and Hole Collapsing孔内有渗水时,在钻孔过程中或钻孔结束后吹孔时,从孔中吹出的都是一些小石粒和团粒而无粉尘,岩粉多贴附于孔壁。当锚孔深度已满足要求,则以高压风吹净,直至吹出清水。During drilling or blowing hole after drilling, gravel and aggregate without dust are blew out from holes if water seepage occurred in hole ,and rock powder generally is attached to hole wall. When the depth of anchor hole has met the requirements, blow


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