



1、名词复数和名词的所有格thisthathe/she/itIis/amfamilyfathermotherkeybrothersisterbookbagrulerpencil boxpen_ colorboywatchphotocaseorange_wifedictionarycardnameparentcousinauntunclegrandparentfriendringcousinjacketboxclasscuperaser27刘梅的女儿28 Tom和Dave的书29 Tom和Dave(两兄弟)的爸爸30我家的一张照片31看这幅图片32我的一家33汤姆的家谱34 一间教室的图片三把下面单

2、数句变为复数句,复数句变为 单数句1. I am an English teacher.2. He is a boy.Chinese Japanese manwoman teacher1 . 两本字典 2 .五个手表3 . 八个文具盒 4 .七个中国人5 .这些男孩6 .这些橡皮擦7 .那些图片8 .那些书包9 .她的两个兄弟10 .这些女孩11 .这两个女孩12 .他们的父母13 .他的三个表姐14 .你的祖父母15 .我的笔友16 .在图片中17 .在图一中18 .迈克的哥哥19 . Alice的朋友们21我姐姐的书22 Grace的一家人23 Mary的书包25她爸爸的名字26 Jeff

3、的狗3. This is an ID card.4. That' s a new watch .5. It' s her photo.6. Is this your pencil box? Yes, it is .7. Is that her dictionary? No. It isn ' t.8. What' s this ? It' s a baseball.9.What' s that ? It' s a computer game.10. They are English boys.11. Are those your penc

4、ils? Yes, they are.12 Those are oranges.13. Are these her watches? No, they aren't.14. These are erasers.15. These are my erasers.16. Those are English books.17. Those are my English books.四变一般疑问句,并实行肯定和否定回答1. I am a teacher.2. Jack is my brother.3. Sally is my cousin.4. This is her schoolbag.5.

5、 That is his ID card.6. The girl is Bob 's sister.7. Those are my dictionaries.8. Those are Anna's parents.9. They are Kate's friends.10. The blue pen is Helen's11. These books are mine.12. You are middle school students .五 用 am, is, are填空1. Excuse me, what this in English?2. -that y

6、our jacket, Mr Green?-No, it not.3. What these? They maps.4. Alan and I good friends .5. That my mother. She a teacher.6. I in Class Eleven. What class youin?7. these her pens? -Yes, they .8. The girl fine. How hergrandparents?9. -Dave my friend.your friend aboy or a girl?10,those my keys?-Yes, they

7、.11 These( be) my English books.12 Here( be) a photo of my family. Here(be)two nice pictures of my dog.13 They her( cousin).14 What those in English? -They're( dictionary)六改错题1. This books are mine. AB C2. Here are two nice photo of my family.AB C3. These dictionaryare hers .AB C4. Peter not my friend . He's my brother. ABC5. My scholbag is_red and your is black. ABC6. Is that green pen Gina's? No, it isn't her. AB C7. This is a his jacket. ABC8. Tom's watch is nice. What about your? ABC9. Are these your erasers ? Yes , it is. ABC10.


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