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1、IV.语篇完形Polly I eft work and waIked quickly towards her usuaI bus stop, but she was told that the bus wouldn' t go to King Street because of the thick 1. Instead, she had to take an Underground on which she could 2.that she was be i ng 3.by a ta I I man. While the rest of the passengers were gett

2、 ing out, she 4. at the faces around her, but 5. was the man to be seen. When she got to the station 6., there was no one in 7. . She lost her way in the terr ible fog. She fe 11 her heart beat i ng 8. fear when a man offered h i s serv i ces as a guide, but soon she judged that he was kind by his v

3、oice.With the man' s he I p, Polly had no 9. i n arriving home. She must have been very surpr ised when the oId man told her that he was 10. .I .用所给单词的正确形式填空1. This middle school is to a teachers? col lege, (attach)2. The number of i n the company has i ncreased by 20%. (empIoy)3. The crowdat th

4、e sound of the explosion, (panic)4. Safety reguI at ions are beingby company managers in thedr i ve to i ncrease profits, (ignore)5. My mother doesn? t like me wear i ng short sk i rts to churchshe doesn* t think they' re. (suit)6. Ice cream i s to a I most every chi Id. (attract)7. We waited fo

5、r news with a growing sense of. (anxious)8. Al I the to the ai rport were guarded by the police. (approach)9. The a i rport i s about ten miles from the city, (d i stance)10. She Iistened with aexpression on her face, (puzzIe)IV.语篇完形PeopIe from many different countr ies and cultures have I i ved tog

6、ether in Britain all 1.history. That is why English has so many 2. ru I es.Engl i sh 3.of three types, name I y Old Engl i sh, Middle Eng I i sh and Modern Engl ish. The original I anguage 4.i n Eng I and v/as Celtic. Many factors 5.to its development. One factor is 6.the fore i gn i nvaders took 7.

7、of Britain and brought with them the i r I anguages, 8. had a great i nf I uence on the changes i n the Eng I i sh I anguage. By the I atter ha I f of the 14th century, Eng I i sh had come i nto widespread 9.among a I I cI asses i n Eng I and.Engli sh i s changing a I I the time. The Engli sh we spe

8、ak nowadays i nc I udes many Lat i n and Greek words. It i s 10. that Eng I i sh wi I Icontinue changing in the future.IV.语篇完形Ann is a high school student. She was chosen to go on a 1. tour arranged by a British c I ub. She has been to Pompe i i and Lou I an, both of which were important 2.cities ab

9、out 2, 000 years ago. Pompe i i was 3.i n the 8th century BC. 4., it was 5. by a vo Icano. What was worse, a I I the peop I e there were bur i ed 6. . Lou I an was a stopp i ng 7. on the famous Silk Road between the East and the West. It i s be Ii eved to have been 8.covered over by sandstorms. Abou

10、t 100 years ago, a European explorer d i scovered the 9. of Lou I an and found the 10. of buiIdings bur ied beneath the sand.1 .用所给词的适当形式填空1. Many peopIe randomly surveyed in the street they wereagainst the proposaI. (expression)2. Bei j ing, the capital city of China, is the pol it ica I and centre

11、, (culture)3. We face so many prob Iems at present. Can you come up with to them (solve)4. Lots of peopIe haveabout the noi se. (comp I a i nt)5. Now we' re going to see theof Yuanmingyuane It was theroyaI garden in Qing Dynasty, (remain)1. , over 100 people were killed in the hurr icane that ha

12、ppened in Amer ica Iast week, (unfortunate)7. Earthquakes aredifficult to predict, (extreme)8. As we a I I know, most ancientwere born near r i vers,(c i v iIization)9. He I eft as a poor, work i ng cI ass boy and returned as a very man. (wea I th)10. SeveraI peopIe were i njured i n a gas . (exp I

13、ode)IV.语篇完形Nowadays, we can find advert i sements a I most 1. we go.An advertisement uses words and pictures to 2. people tobuy a product or service, or to be I ieve 3. an idea. A commercia I advertisement is one 4.someone has paid for to advertisea product or service, while pub I i c service advert

14、 i sements, or PSAs, are 5.to educate people about health, safety, or any other prob I em that affects pub I ic 6. An advert i sement doesn' t a I ways te I I people the comp I ete truth. We must be 7. the ski IfuI methods used in it. Even if an advertisement doesn' t I ie, it doesn* t meani

15、t i s a I together 8. . PSAs are made to serve the public, which 9.teach us and he Ip us lead better I i ves and 10.the pub Iic. Fol low the advice they give and you can learn a lot.I .用所给词的适当形式填空1. He is doing all of this to prove his(innocent) of the cr ime.2. It was unbeI ievable that he should b

16、e(cheat) into doingsuch a silly th i ng.3. To our (amazed), he got the f i rst pr ize in the English-speaking contest.4. On I y those with the greatest (determine) can reach the i r goaIs i n time.5. It is requi red that we shouId keep a I I the contents of our website(update) regular ly.6. Sunsh i

17、ne, fresh a i r are sure I y (benefit) to our hea I th.7. She i s not on I y a famous super mode I but a I so a fashion (des i gn).8. Though ten years, the book i s still highly (recommend).9. My col league is said to have been (promote) as saIes manager of the company.10. 11 i s a great(p I eased)

18、to work with these young and energetic people.IV.语篇完形Mr Johnson was a member of the InternationaI 01ympic Committee and he was 1.to have been invited to a high school in Beijing to 2.some facts and stor ies with the teachers and studentsthere.Just 3. _ he said, the ancient 01ympic Games began in 776

19、 BC and were he I d every four years for a I most 12 centur ies, unt i I AD 394. And it was a Frenchman, Pierre de Coubert i n, 4. he I ped to start the fi rst contemporary Olympics in 1896 in Athens. He dreamt that the 01ympics wouId make 5. _ possible for peopIe of a I I countr ies to I i ve side

20、by side in 6.Now many peop I e are helping to rea I ize the dream. Among them are many 7.athIetes, including the famous Amer i can boxer Muhammad Ali and Amer ican basketbaI I star Michael Jordan. Chinese athletes have a I so made important 8.to the 01ympic Games.The Chinese Ied the way at the 2008

21、Beijing Olympics, 9.51 go I d meda I s. They have brought joy to people across the wor I d v/i th thei r 10. to push the boundar ies of human achievement.I .用所给词的适当形式填空1. The mother was (de Ii ght) to I earn that her son was admitted to the Tsinghua University.2. However (power) a country is, it sho

22、uId not invade other countr ies.3. We had to put off our (or i gi n) p I an because of the change of the schedule.4. The company has(budget) more than 1 million dol lars for developing and promoting the new product.5. Nowadays people have long abandoned the(tradition)practice of farming.6. He I iste

23、ned with an (absence) ai r and kept glancing at the door.7. The relief supp I i es wi I I be (transport) to the area struck by the strong earthquake soon.8. I a I ways (assoc i at i on) the sme I I of those f I owers with my chiIdhood.9. We are in(compete) with four other companies for the project.1

24、0. He felt(honour) to be asked to speak at the meeting.IV.语篇完形Rea I Ci ne i s a new product 1. on an extraord i nary technology ca I led vi rtua I 2. , which can make the users 3. I ike they are rea I I y i n a new wor Id. With the he I p of spec i a I I y des i gned headsets and gloves, users can f

25、ee I that they are 4. in a new wor Id.Science studies show that VR can be used as a good treatment for people with social prob I ems and he I p them become more 5. around others.Though some users wi I I be 6. by Rea I Ci ne because VR is not reaI, with VR we are able to do things that could never be

26、 achieved i n rea I I i fe. With the Rea I Ci ne, a 7.70 - year - old grandfather couId take a tr ip to Af r ica and see and touch a I ion there. Fi ref i ghters cou Id also be trai ned safe I y, without the r i sk of gett i ng 8., When used i n c I ass, it can br i ng hi story alive or allow the st

27、udents to exper ience the worId as a whaIe or a squi rreI.I n addition, Rea I Ci ne can provide technology for 9. pIanning, which a I Iov/s the engineers to see hov/ a neighbourhood Iooks and make changes before construct i on i s carr i ed out. I n the I ong 10., such urban pIann i ng i s cheaper a

28、nd more pract icaI.选词填空(A. ofB. over)(3) I would Iike to take advantage the opportunity to express my thanks.She has an advantageother students i n the c I ass i nEngli sh.答案:ABI .用所给词的适当形式填空1. Nowadays the young people just won' t go out to get in contact with the (reaIity) worId.2. Can you (pr

29、esentation) me with any reasons to forgiveyou3. One of the (amaze) th i ngs about I i fe, for me, i s that we have a choice in everything we do.4. Android, an operat i ng system deve I oped by Goog I e, has made smart phones more (convenience) to use.5. The whole process of production is(monitor) by

30、 thefood safety watchdog.6. The original(function) test proves that the pI an needs improvement.7. We do think it great Iy(importance) to have a stable I ife.8. LuckiIy the sailors narrowly(escape) hitting the bigiceberg when they sailed on the Oceania.9. (impression) as this story was, it faded when compared with the one of the fa


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