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1、PETS 全国英语等级考试网(www.PETS )鼎力帮助您顺利通过全国英语等级考试!2003 年 9 月 PETS3 笔试真题PUBLIC ENGLISH TEST SYSTEM(PETS) LEVEL 3SECTION IListening Comprehension( 25 minutes) 1 25 略SECTION IIUse of English( 15 minutes)Directions:Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C

2、, or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.TextMusic is an important way of expressing people' s feelings and emotions. The -26- ,forinstance,from1960 to 1969 willbe -27- bymanyas a period ofsocial andpolitical unrest in America. -28- this time, many people despaired -29- the music favored by theAmericanteenagers

3、.-30- , we mustnowadmitthatthe musictheylovedwas -31- asign of the period and a -32- of the tensions and changes that were -33- American society.In the early sixties, -34- about social justice and equality were -35- by the song "BlowingintheWind"which-36-thecivilrightssong"WeShallOver

4、come".Theconflict concerningmilitary-37- inVietnamwas sungaboutin 1965 in the-38- song"Eveof Destruction" and in the song "Ballad of the Green Beret". A few years -39- , a gradual shiftinmoodbecame-40-inoneofthemostpopularsongswhichsuggestedcalmer questions and possible answ

5、ers even as some pop stars protested loudly -41- the draft.Finally, music as a -42- of the political and social process in America was highlighted atWoodstock, New York, where half a million young people came -43- in 1969 to spend three days listening to songs that spanned the decade. This event was

6、 a symbol of the desire for -44- within a time of unrest. Woodstock was a -45- of hope in days of rage.26.(A) generation27.(A) recorded(B) age(B) remembered(C) decade(C) regretted(D) era(D) recommended28.(A) For(B) After(C) During(D) At29.(A) over(B) at(C) with(D) for30.(A) Moreover(B) However(C) Th

7、erefore(D) Thus31.(A) only(B) occasionally(C) often(D) never32.(A) reflection(B) reaction(C) recreation(D) relaxation33.(A) effecting(B) affecting(C) defecting(D) perfecting34.(A) questions(B) arguments(C) debates(D) disputes35.(A) dismissed(B) removed(C) raised(D) promotedPETS 全国英语等级考试网www.PETS经典奉献

8、 936.(A) reformed 37.(A) involvement38.(A) dissatisfying(B) echoed(B) assignment(B) delighting(C) repeated(C) replacement(C) pleasing(D) respected(D) settlement(D) discouraging39.(A) later(B) past(C) on(D) ahead40.(A) evident(B) positive(C) realistic(D) instructive41.(A) with(B) against(C) towards(D

9、) about42.(A) tool(B) creation(C) mirror(D) decoration43.(A) along(B) up(C) together(D) out44.(A) unity(B) reality(C) popularity(D) individuality45.(A) presentation(B) display(C) performance(D) publicationSECTION IIIReading Comprehension( 40 minutes) Part ADirections:Read the following three texts.

10、Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B , C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.Text 1I'd been living with my wife for eight years and one night "morn" says, "I guess youguysare nevergonnagetmarried.I mean,you'vebeen throughjailtogether,you'e living togeth

11、er, but., oh, forget it.""Oh, well," I said, "put it like that and I'll marry your daughter tomorrow."Actually, I don't know what we were waiting for, except that for a guy it's never the right time to get married. I' m also suspicious of any two people who d

12、on' t struggle withthatdecision.Part ofmyproblemwas thatI was stilllustingin myheartafterother ladies. But somehow I knew that I wasn't going to find another woman remotely as greatas my soon-to-be wife. It's a good thing my mother-in-law finally spoke up.I finally gathered my courage on

13、e day when we were having a picnic, and poppedthe question.I alsogavemywifea big touristpamphletaboutSwitzerland.I wasn't taking any chances.She said no.It killed me. I felt sick to my stomach. I lost my appetite. Our dog just stared at me,thinking,"Ifyou'renotgoingtoeatyourlunch,Iwill.

14、"Finally,Isaid,"Butthe Switzerland trip is yours if you say yes.""Switzerland," she said, "is filled with precise, humorless people.""Maybe I should have suggested Paris?"For a minute it seemed as if my change in travel plans would rate a solid "mayb

15、e". But she said no again. When we woke up the next morning, she told me that she'd slept on my proposal. "I guess I was a little rude to you last night," she explained. Meanwhile, I' m figuring I' m off the hook for this marriage thing for at least another eight years. I

16、could afford to be generous."I asked,yousaidno. It's okay,"I said.I mighthavelookeda littletoorelieved because later that day she gave me a little box. Inside was a gold watch. On the back was inscribed. "Yes. I've reconsidered."I liked the watch, so I did the right thing

17、.46. The reason why the man had waited so long was that he.(A) didn' t think eight years was long enough(B) suspected that husband and wife would often quarrel(C) didn' t think he was ready to propose to her(D) was waiting for his mother-in-law' s approval47. The man proposed to the woma

18、n because.(A) he realized he could find no other woman better(B) he was afraid that the woman might leave him(C) he was eager to visit Switzerland with the woman(D) he could finally overcome his fear for marriage48. By saying"Icouldaffordto be generous."(thirdparagraphfromthebottom)the man

19、 implied that he.(A) wouldn' t care too much if he stayed single(B) could take her to a better place than Paris(C) was rich enough to support his wife(D) didn't care what she thought about his proposal49. The last sentence "I did the right thing" implied he.(A) traveled with his wi

20、fe(B) had a successful marriage(C) liked the watch very much(D) waited for another eight years50. The best title for this text would be.(A) How My Mother-In-Law Helped Me(B) How I Received a Gold Watch I Liked(C) How I Made My Wife Travel With Me(D) How I Came to Marry-My WifeText 2"Hi there. H

21、ow's it going?""Oh, fine. Fine. How about this weather, huh ?" "Well, I guess we can always use the rain."What's that? This story ? Oh, just a little look at small talk. You know, those seemingly meaningless conversations you have dozens of times a day, Maybe you'

22、; re waiting for the elevator.Or in a line at the bank. It all seems pretty trivial. Idle chatter about traffic doesn' tdo much more than fill the air with empty words that are quickly forgotten. But you should know that small talk actually has a big place in our lives.Pat Oliver, assistant prof

23、essor on arts, says that, "Left unchecked, small talk can be an invasion. It's so powerful. It does something to you." "Every morning after spendingan hour and a half on the freeway I start the day with small talk with my secretary," Oliver says, "If I don't make sma

24、ll connection with another person, I can' t work."What causes it? As a rule, you' re either trying to force something into your life, oryou' re using conversation as an invisible force field to keep them out. You can be wanting to connect with another person, and small talk is your

25、introduction to more meaningful conversation.The way people use small talk is usually determined by where they happen to be at the time.Take the elevator, for instance. Now there's prime territory. Nobody knows anyoneand there's no reason to start a conversation, but invariably, someone does

26、. Making conversation in such peaceful social settings, according to Oliver, "can confirm your territory. It's a way of feeling liked and accepted."The topics of small talk don't matter. In fact, you don't want anything more taxingthantheweatherorthetraffic.It'snon-threaten

27、ingtalkina threateningsituation. However, the rules change quickly when you're with lots of people doing lots of talking.Let's say you're at a party. Now it' s time to use small talk as a way of making othersfeel morecomfortablearoundyou,so youdon't looksillystandingby the foodta

28、ble alone all night.51. "Small talk", as interpreted by the author,.(A) has no real function in communication at all(B) is usually meaningless and therefore useless(C) is not as idle as it may seem to be(D) is restricted to certain topics only52. According to the author, small talk is ofte

29、n used.(A) to invade other' s private affairs(B) to share a secret between intimate friends(C) to open and maintain channels of communication(D) to protect one' s own privacy53. According to the author, topics of small talk may include comments on.(A) some political issues(B) one' s phys

30、ical condition(C) other' s ways of dress(D) the traffic jam54. Why is small talk described as "non-threatening talk in a threatening situation"?(A) It is used by people to encourage those who are confronted with danger.(B) It is used to show that one is enthusiastic and hospitable.(C)

31、It is used to create a more friendly atmosphere and to avoid embarrassment.(D) It is used by people to protect others in the threatening situation.55. Accordingtotheauthor,atabigparty,smalltalkis usedwiththepurpose of.(A) making both others and yourself feel at ease(B) excluding those you don't

32、like from joining you(C) keeping your voice low so only your friends can hear you(D) comforting those who feel lonelyText 3Dollars and cents are the basic units of American money. The back of all dollar billsare green (hence "greenbacks"). The commonly used coins are: one cent (penny ), fi

33、ve cents (nickel), 10 cents(dime), and 25 cents (quarter). 50 pieces (half dollar) and silver dollars (not really silver anymore) are gaining in usage, while there has been talk of phasing out the penny that's inflation for you. "Always carry plenty of quarters when travelling. Very useful

34、for phones, soda machines, laundry machines, etc."There is generally no problem in using US dollars in Canada, but this is neverpossible in reverse.It's useful always to carry small change for things like exact fare buses, but do notcarry large sums of cash. Instead keep the bulk of your mo

35、ney in travellers' cheques which can be purchased both in the US and abroad and should be in dollar denominations. The best known cheques are those of American Express, so you will havethe least difficulty cashing these, even in out of the way places. Thomas Cook travellers' cheques are also

36、 acceptable, especially as lost ones can be reclaimed at some car rentalcompanies.Dollardenominationcheques can be usedlikeregularmoney.There'snoneed to cash them at a bank: use them instead to pay for meals, supermarket purchases or whatever. Ten or twenty dollar cheques are accepted like this

37、almost always and you'11 be givenchangejustas thoughyou'dpresentedthecashierwithdollarbills.Be prepared to show I.D. when you cash your cheques.Creditcards can be even morevaluablethan travellers'cheques, as theyare often used to guarantee room reservations over the phone and are accepte

38、d in lieu of depositwhenrentingacar-indeedwithoutacreditcardyoumaybeconsideredso untrustworthy that not only a deposit but your passport will be held as security too. Themajorcreditcardsare VISA,MasterChargeandAccess, DinersClubandAmerican Express. If you hold a bank card, it could well be worthwhil

39、e to increase your credit limitfor travel purposes-you should ask your bank manager.56. Why is it useful to carry enough 25-cent coins with you?(A) They can act as small change for the-exact bus fares.(B) There is- generally no problem in using them in Canada.(C) As a basic unit of money, they are g

40、radually gaining in usage.(D) They may come in handy for pay phones or laundry machines.57. Itis notnecessaryto carrycash insteadofdollartravellers'chequesbecause the latter can be.(A) used for phones, bus fares and hotel reservations(B) used to pay in restaurants and big stores(C) used like cre

41、dit cards, even in remote areas(D) exchanged easily, even at car rental companies58. The phrase 'in lieu of' (line 2, paragraph 4) most probably means.(A) on behalf of(B) in line with(C) with regard to(D) instead of59. Which of the following statements is TRUE?(A) Credit cards have more adva

42、ntages than travellers' cheques.(B) Dollar bills are as convenient as credit cards.(C) One-cent coins have been withdrawn from circulation.(D) You can increase your credit limit as you like.60. This passage is most probably taken from(A) a tourist guide(B) a bank brochure(C) a booklet about car

43、rental(D) a handbook on U.S. currencyPart BDirections: Read the texts from a magazine article in which five people talked about the importance of doing exercise. For questions 61 to 65, match the name of each person to one qf the statements ( A to G)given below. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.J

44、enise:I love peas and beans more than most people, so tofu is a natural choice for me. MyChinesefriendAnnabellelovesthemtoo,andtellsmethatsoybeanscontainan ingredientnotpresentin anyotherfoodsource,orat least inthat concentration,that helps prevent breastcancer. Whenwe share a big bowlof these,we ea

45、t withabandon "for medicinal purposes"!I like it plainalthough there maybe many differentways to prepare it and it may cure other diseases.Lee:In fact, I was probably preprogrammed to like it: as a kid one of my favorite bookswas Toruand the Tofu(hopeI' m remembering thetitleright),a s

46、toryabouta young Tokyoboy,namedToru,whowasgiventheassignment,hisfirst,ofgoingtothe neighborhood tofu maker' s by himself and bringing back some fleshly made cubes fordinner. I can still recall Toru' s unique way of getting it home intact ( with a jar filled withwater).Itallseemedverystranget

47、othefive-yearoldmeinsemi-ruralSouthern California.Hoke:It's great in spicy Sichuan style soups, especially with fish, but I like it fried quickly to give a crisp exterior whilst retaining a moist, soft interior. Steaming is another option, with a pork and prawn mince ( with spring onion) on top

48、of each cube. The thing that Ilove most is ,the texture-really good tofu is just amazing in the mouth, poised as it isbetween solidity and fluidity. I' m definitely a fan. Nyby:It's sort of weird to me. You go in to one of those "Mock Vegetarian" restaurants only to find everything

49、 on the menu "mock"-mock chicken, mock beef, mock pork, etc. Nowwhatever you order, it' s tofu molded into something that looks like that particular meat.I don'tknowaboutyou,butif I' meatinga vegetarianI don't need to go througha fantasy of pretending I' m eating a veal

50、 cutlet or a pork chop or a chicken breast. Is this todelude someone, or distract them from thinking they are eating vegetarian food?Robin:Precisely because it is so "tasteless", I eat. it like a madman: I like the way it picks upthe flavorsof the dishesit's servedwith.I can enjoyit in lots of differ


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