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3、解释,原文档都有相关的关联图片(由于不好整理,所以本文档没有例子,如果需要,请与作者联系)D、原文档带有中文解释,如果你一定需要,请与作者联系。获取方式:你可以发邮件至2487452826索取,或者用用搜索引擎搜索 美英桥网,在首页即有相关所有分享内容获取方式。特别说明:本文档全部为原创内容。1 / 171school thingspennounan instrument for writing or drawing with inka fountain/ballpoint/felt-tip penpencilnounan instrument that you use for writing
4、 or drawing, consisting of a wooden sticka sharp pencildictionarynouna reference book containing an alphabetical list of words with information about thema German - English dictionarybooknounset of printed pages that are held together in a cover so that you can read themI've just started reading
5、 a book by Graham Greene.bagnouna container made of paper, cloth,which usually opens at the topa shopping bag (= a bag in which shopping is carried)newspapernouna regularly printed document consisting of news reports, articlesWhich newspaper do you read regularly?schoolbagnouna bag for carrying scho
6、ol books and suppliesfound just the right dictionary to fit into his schoolbagerasernounsmall piece of rubber used to remove the marks made by a pencilIf you draw or write in pencil you can always rub out your mistakes with an eraser.crayonnouna stick of coloured wax or chalk that children use to dr
7、aw pictureswax crayonssharpenernouna tool or machine for sharpening pencils, knives etca knife sharpenernotebooknouna book of plain paper or paper with lines, for writing onShe was jotting things down in a little notebook.magazinenouna large thin book with a paper, and is sold weekly or monthlyShe
8、39;s the editor of a popular women's magazine.dictionarynouna reference book containing an alphabetical list of words with information about thema German - English dictionary2bodyfootnounthe part of the body at the bottom of the leg on which a person or animal stands,bottomI've got a blister
9、 on my left foot.headnounthe top part of your body that has your face at the front and is supported by your neckPut this hat on to keep your head warm.faceverbIf you face a problem, you have to deal with itThis is one of the many problems faced by working mothers.hairnounthe mass of things like fine
10、 threads that grows on your headShe put on her lipstick and brushed her hair .nosenounthe part of a person's or animal's face used for smelling or breathingHe's got a really big nose .mouthnounthe part of your face which you put food into, or which you use for speakingShe kissed him full
11、 on the mouth (=directly on the mouth) .eyenounone of the two organs in your face, which you use to see withHe has no sight in his left eye.earnounused to talk about hearingIt sounds odd to the ears of an ordinary English speaker.armnounone of the two long parts of your body between your shoulders a
12、nd your handsDave has a broken arm .handnounthe part of the body at the end of the arm which is used for holding, moving, touching and feeling thingsAll their toys are made by hand.fingernounany of the long thin separate parts of the hand, touch or feel something with your fingersI cut my finger cho
13、pping onions last night.legnounone of the long parts of your body that your feet are joined toShe fell and broke her leg.tailnounthe part that sticks out at the back of an animal's body, and that it can moveThe dog wagged its tail .3coloursredadj,nounof the colour of fresh bloodWe painted the do
14、or bright red .blueadj,nounhaving the colour of the sky or the sea on a fine daythe blue waters of the lakeyellownoun,adj(of) a colour like that of a lemon or gold or the suna bright yellow T-shirtgreenadjof a colour between blue and yellow; of the colour of grassgreen vegetableswhiteadj,nounof a co
15、lour like that of snow, milk or bonea white T-shirtblackadj,nounthe darkest colour there is, like night without light or put a black substance on something She often dresses in black (= in black clothes).pinknoun,adja pale red colourHer room was decorated in bright pinks and purples.purplenoun,adja
16、dark colour that is a mixture of red and blueHis face turned purple with rage.orangeadjcolour that is between red and yellowThe setting sun filled the sky with a deep orange glow.brownadj,nounthe colour of chocolate or earth or make food brown by cooking itBoth my parents have curly brown hair.4anim
17、alscatnouna small animal with four legs that people often keep as a pet. Cats sometimes kill small animals and birdsa tom cat (=a male cat)dognouna common four-legged animal, especially kept by people as a pet or to hunt or guard thingswild dogspignouna large pink, brown or black farm anima, kept fo
18、r its meatThe meat produced from a pig is called pork, bacon or ham.ducknouna bird that lives by water, has webbed feet or the meat of this birdroast duck with orange saucerabbitnouna small animal with long ears and soft fur, that lives in a hole in the grounda rabbit hole horsenouna large strong an
19、imal that people ride and use for pulling heavy thingsa horse and cartelephantnouna very large grey animal with four legs, two tusks (=long curved teeth) and a trunk a baby elephantantnouna small insect that lives in large groupsa place where ants livefishnounan animal that lives in water,try to cat
20、ch fish in waterRonny caught three huge fish this afternoon.birdnouna creature with wings and feathers that can usually fly. Many birds sing and build nests, and female birds lay eggs. Most birds lay eggs in the spring.beavernouna North American animal that has thick fur and a wide flat tail, and cu
21、ts down trees with its teethsnakenounan animal with a long thin body and no legs,moves in long, twisting curvesA snake slithered across our path.mousenouna small furry animal with a pointed nose and a long tailThe cat laid a dead mouse at my feet.squirrelnouna small furry animal with a long furry ta
22、il which climbs trees kangaroonoun a large Australian animal with a strong tail and back legs, that moves by jumpingFemale kangaroos carry their babies in a pouch on their stomach.monkeynouna small brown animal with a long tail, which uses its hands to climb treespandanouna large black and white ani
23、mal that looks like a bear and lives in the mountains of ChinaA panda or a giant panda is a large animal rather like a bear.bearverbaccept, tolerate or endure especially something unpleasantTell me now! I can't bear the suspense!lionnouna large wild animal of the cat family with yellowish brown
24、fur a pride (= group) of lions.tigernouna large wild animal that has yellow and black lines on its bodyA tiger is a large fierce animal belonging to the cat family.foxnouna wild animal like a dog with reddish-brown fur, a pointed face, and a thick tailFoxes eat smaller animals.zebranounan animal tha
25、t looks like a horse but has black and white lines all over its bodydeernouna large wild animal that can run very fast, eats grass, and has hornsa herd of deergiraffenouna tall African animal with a very long neck and legs and dark spots on its yellow-brown furgoosenounbird that is like a duck but i
26、s larger and makes loud noisesThe female bird is called a goose and the male bird is called a gander.hennounan adult female chicken,a fully grown female birda small flock of laying hens turkeynouna large bird grown for its meat on farms, or its flesh used as food(a) roast turkeylambnouna young sheep
27、, or the flesh of a young sheep eaten as meatlambs gambolling about in the fieldssheepnouna farm animal that is kept for its wool and its meatSheep were grazing on the hillside.goatnounan animal which is related to sheep, which usually has hornsgoat's milk/cheesecownouna large female farm animal
28、 kept to produce meat and milk or Large female adult mammalsa dairy cowdonkeynouna grey or brown animal like a horse, but smaller and with long earssharknouna large sea fish with several rows of very sharp teeth that is considered to be dangerous to humansa great white shark5peoplefriendnounsomeone
29、who you know and like very much and enjoy spending time withJerry, this is my friend Lucinda.boynouna male child or, more generally, a male of any agea teenage/adolescent boygirlnouna female child or young woman, especially one still at schoolBoth boys and girls can apply to join the choir.mothernou
30、na female parent of a child or animalHis mother and father are both doctors.fathernouna male parentAsk your father to help you.sisternounbelongs to the same group or organizationthe Daily Post's sister paper, the Liverpool Echobrothernouna male who has the same parents as you or a male member of
31、 a grouphave two brothers, William and Mark. unclenounthe brother of someone's mother or fatherI've got several uncles and aunts.mannounthe human raceMan is rapidly destroying the Earth.womannounan adult female human beingShe's a really nice woman.missverb,nounfail to hit something or to
32、 avoid hitting somethingThe bullet missed his heart by a couple of centimetres.ladynouna polite or old fashioned way of referring to or addressing a womanThere's a young lady here to see you.momnounmotherMom, can I go over to Lisa's house?parentnounthe father or mother of a person or animalT
33、he eggs are guarded by both parents.grandparentsnounone of the parents of your mother or fatherMy grandparents live in Sussex.grandmothernounthe mother of your mother or fatherauntnoune sister of someone's father or mother, or the wife of someone's uncleI have an aunt in Australia.cousinnoun
34、a child of a person's aunt or uncle, or, more generally, a distant relativeMy brother's wife and I both had babies around the same time, so the cousins are very close in age.sonnounyour male child,used by a man to a boyThis is our son Raja.daughternounsomeone's female childShe's got
35、two daughters and one son.babynounvery young child or animal or treat babybaby birdskidnouna child or a young animalHe took the kids to the park while I was working.classmatenouna member of the same class in a school, college or, in the US, a universityYour classmates are students who are in the sam
36、e class as you at school or college.queennouna woman who rules a country because she has been born into a royal family, or a woman who is married to a kingCleopatra, Queen of Egyptvisitornounsomeone who comes to visit a place or a personTimes Square attracts more than 3 million visitors annually.nei
37、ghbournounsomeone who lives next to you or near youOne of the neighbors complained about the noise from the party.principalnounthe main person in a business or organization, who can make important business decisions and is legally responsible for themThe principal of the business has an office in Ne
38、w York.touristnounsomeone who is travelling or visiting a place for pleasureCambridge is always full of tourists in the summer.peoplenounpeople in general, or people other than yourselfI don't care what people think.robotnouna machine that can move and do some of the work of a person, and is usu
39、ally controlled by a computercars built by robotsgrandfathernounthe father of your father or mother6jobsteachernounsomeone whose job is to teach, especially in a schoola primary school teacherstudentnounsomeone who is studying at a university, school etca first year student at the University of Oslo
40、doctornounsomeone who is trained to treat people who are illShe was treated by her local doctor .nursenouna woman employed to look after a young childdrivernounsomeone who drives a car, bus etca taxi driverfarmernounsomeone who owns or takes care of a farma dairy/sheep farmersingernounsomeone who si
41、ngsher favourite pop singerwriternounsomeone who writes books, stories etc, especially as a joba science-fiction writeractornounsomeone who performs in a play or filmShe's the highest-paid actress in Hollywood.policenounthe official organization that is responsible for protecting people I think
42、you should call the police.actressnouna woman who performs in a play or filmShe's not only a very great dramatic actress but she's also very funny.artistnounsomeone who produces art, especially paintings or drawings or a singer, dancerMany of the artists in the show donated their fee to char
43、ity.engineernounsomeone whose job is to design or build roads, bridges, machines etcHe trained as a civil engineer (=one who designs and builds roads, bridges etc) .accountantnounsomeone whose job is to keep and check financial accounts, calculate taxes etcpolicemannouna member of a police forceA po
44、liceman is a man who is a member of the police force.salespersonnounsomeone whose job is selling thingscleanernouna machine or substance used for cleaninga vacuum cleanerassistantnoun,adjsomeone who helps someone else in their work, especially by doing the less important jobsan administrative/office
45、 assistant7food & drinkricenouna food that consists of small white or brown grains that you boil in water until they become soft enough to eata plate of brown rice breadnounfood made from flour, water and usually yeast, mixed together and bakedWould you like some bread with your soup?beefnounthe
46、 flesh of cattle which is eaten,the meat from a cowThe spaghetti sauce is made with UK minced/US ground knouna white liquid produced by cows or produced by female animals and women Would you like some milk in your tea?waternouna clear liquid,pour water,give water to drinkDoes anyone want a d
47、rink of water ?eggnouna round object with a hard surface, that contains a baby bird etcBlackbirds lay their eggs in March.fishnounan animal that lives in water,try to catch fish in waterRonny caught three huge fish this afternoon.tofunouna soft white food made from soya beans, used in cooking instea
48、d of meatcakenouna sweet food made with a mixture of flour, eggs, fat and sugar or cake shapeWould you like a piece of/a slice of/some cake.hot dognouna cooked sausage in a long piece of breada hot dog standhamburgernouna sandwich consisting of a fried cake of minced beef served on a bun, often with
49、 other ingredientsHamburgers are fried or grilled and then eaten, often in a bread roll.french friescookienounespecially AmE a small flat sweet cakea glass of milk and a cookiebiscuitnouna small thin dry cake that is usually sweet and made for one person to eat or a type of soft bread a packet of ch
50、ocolate biscuitsjamnouna situation in which it is difficult or impossible to move because there are so many cars or peopleSorry we're late. We got stuck in a traffic jam. noodlenounlong thin piece of food made from a mixture of flour, waterServe the meat with rice or noodles.meatnounthe flesh of
51、 an animal when it is used for foodI don't eat meat.chickennouna type of bird kept on a farm for its eggs or its meat, or the meat of this bird which is cooked and eatenWe're having roast/fried chicken for dinner.porknounmeat from a pig, eaten as fooda pork chopmuttonnounthe meat from a shee
52、pa leg of muttonvegetablenoun,adja plant that is eaten raw or cooked, such as a cabbage, a carrotfresh fruit and vegetables saladnouna mixture of raw vegetables, especially lettuce, cucumber, and tomatoWould you like some salad with your pasta?soupnouna usually hot, liquid food made from vegetables,
53、 meat or fishchicken/oxtail/fish/tomato soupicenounwater which has frozen and become solid, or pieces of thisThe pond was covered in ice all winter.ice-creamnounfrozen sweet food made of milk, cream, and sugarvanilla ice creamcokenounsolid black substance produced from coal and burned to provide hea
54、ta coke-burning stovejuicenounthe liquid that comes from fruit and vegetables, or a drink that is made from thisa carton of orange juice teanoun(a drink made by pouring hot water onto) dried and cut leaves and sometimes flowers, especially the leaves of the tea plantChina/Indian teacoffeenouna hot d
55、ark brown drink that has a slightly bitter tasteDo you want a cup of coffee?breakfastnounthe meal you have in the morningWe had bacon and eggs for breakfast .lunchnouna meal that is eaten in the middle of the dayWhat's for lunch?dinnernounthe main meal of the day, eaten in the middle of the day or the eveningWe're having fish for dinner tonight.mealnounan occasion when food is eaten, or the food which is eaten on such an oc
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