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1、 Unit 1 Star signs Twelve animal signsRatRabbitDragonOxSnakeTigerHorseRoosterDogGoatMonkeyPigHow old are you? What year were you born in?What is your animal sign? Im the rat./ Im in the year of the rat.Do you know the star signs?What are the star signs represented by? The names of the creaturesrambu

2、llfishcrablioncentaurDo you know them? We always say the_ is the king of the animals. _ and _ live in water, but the_ can come to land. When a _ sees red color, it will be angry. The_ likes eating grass. A _ is half-man, half-horse. lionCrabsfishcrabbullramcentaurWhat are the other star signs repres

3、ented by?scalesscorpiontwinsgoatwater carriervirgin22nd May-21st Jun22nd May-21st Jun21st Apr-21st May21st Apr-21st MayWhat is your star sign? 22nd Jun-22ndJul22nd Jun-22ndJul23rd Jul-22nd Aug23rd Jul-22nd Aug 23rd Aug-22nd Sep23rd Aug-22nd Sep23rd Sep-22nd Oct23rd Sep-22nd Oct 23rd Oct-21st Nov23rd

4、 Oct-21st Nov22nd Nov-20th Dec22nd Nov-20th Dec 21st Dec-20th Jan21st Dec-20th Jan21st Jan-19th Feb21st Jan-19th Feb20th Feb-20th Mar20th Feb-20th MarABCDEFGHIJKL21st Mar-20th Apr21st Mar-20th AprAries/ri:z /白羊座白羊座21st Mar 20th AprTaurus/t:rs /金牛座金牛座21st Apr 21st MayGemini /eminai /双子座双子座22nd May 21

5、st JunCancer/kns /巨蟹座巨蟹座22nd Jun 22nd JulLeo/li:u /狮子座狮子座23rd Jul 22nd AugVirgo/v:gu /处女座处女座23rd Aug 22nd SeptLibra/li:br /天秤座天秤座23rd Sept 22nd OctScorpio/sk:piu/天蝎座天蝎座23rd Oct 21st NovSagittarius/ sitris/射手座射手座22nd Nov 20th DecCapricorn/kprik:n/摩羯座摩羯座21st Dec 20th JanAquarius/kwris/水瓶座水瓶座21st Jan 1

6、9th FebPisces/paisi:z/双双 鱼鱼 座座20th Feb 20th MarAries白羊座白羊座/牧羊座牧羊座21st Mar.-20th Apr.21st Jan.-19th Feb.Aquarius水瓶座水瓶座/宝瓶座宝瓶座20th Feb. -20th Mar.Pisces双鱼座双鱼座21st Apr. - 21st May.Taurus金牛座金牛座/ t:rs / ri:z /paisi:z/kwris/Virgo处女座处女座23rd Aug.-22nd Sept.22nd Jun. -22nd Jul.Cancer巨蟹座巨蟹座22nd May.-21st Jun.

7、Gemini双子座双子座23rd Jul. -22nd Aug.Leo狮子座狮子座/ li:u / kns / eminai / v:gu /Libra天秤座天秤座Capricorn摩羯座摩羯座/山羊座山羊座Scorpio天蝎座天蝎座23rd Sept.-22nd Oct.21st. Dec.-20th Jan.23rd Oct.-21st Nov.22nd Nov. -20th Dec.Sagittarius射手座射手座/人马座人马座/sitris/ sk:piu/ kprik:n/ li:br /A: How old are you?B: Im sixteen.A: What is you

8、r animal sign?B: The pig./ I am in the year of the Pig.A: When is your birthday?B: Its on 10th February.A: Oh, you are an Aquarius!1. What do Eddies stars say today?It says Eddie will have lots to eat and drink today.1.Who brings Eddie the newspaper?2.What does Hobo ask Eddie to read? Why? 3.What ha

9、ppens to Eddies breakfast in the end?Self-learning2:Read the dialogue and answer:Hobo.Hobo asks Eddie to read his stars because it is very interesting.Hobo eats it.Eddie and Hobo One morning, Eddie was havinghis _when he asked Hoboto bring him the_. Hobo told Eddie to read his stars in the newspaper

10、 because it was very _.Eddie got a piece of good news from the newspaper. It was he could have _to eat and drink. But Hobo brought him a piece of _ news.It was his breakfast had been eaten by_.breakfastnewspaperinterestinglotsHobobadRemember 1.Its nice of you to bring me the newspaper. =You are nice

11、 to bring me the newspaper. Its +形容词 + of sb. to do sth. 表示主观感情或态度的形容词:kind, nice, clever, wise, foolish, silly, right, wrong, good, generous, careful, careless, selfish Its +形容词 + for sb. to do sth.表示客观情况的形容词:easy, difficult, important, necessary, possible, interesting It + be + adj. + of sb.+ to d

12、o sth. 形容人用形容人用ofIt + be + adj. + for sb.+ to do sth. 形容动作用形容动作用fore.g. It is kind of Sandy to help me with my work. It is foolish of you to make such a mistake. It is important for us to study hard. It is necessary for you to take an umbrella in such a rainy day.Its polite _ you to say so. Its impo

13、ssible _ us to get there in time.Its rude _ him not to knock at the door before going into the room. Its thoughtful _ her to bring some flowers.Its incorrect _ hunters to hunt those wild animals.Translations:1. Hobo 把所有食物都吃了真是太自私了。(把所有食物都吃了真是太自私了。(selfish) Its _2.对我们来说,学好英语很重要。对我们来说,学好英语很重要。 Its _3.因为有老师的帮助你不应该担心你学不好英语。因为有老师的帮助你不应该担心你学不好英语。 You _the teachers help.4.我们有许多时间完成这项工作。我们有许多时间完成这项工作。 We have _ selfish of Hobo to eat all the food.important for us to learn English well.shouldnt worry about not learning English welllot


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