



1、冠词用法补充知识1. 定冠词 the 可以用在表示海洋,河流,山脉,群岛,某些国名,组织机构,报纸,杂志,书籍,会议,条约,信仰等名词前。如:the Atlantic大西洋the Sahara 撒哈拉沙漠the Yangtze ( the Yangtze River) 长江 the Philippines 菲律宾群岛the Netherlands 荷兰 the Thames 泰晤士河 the Alps 阿尔卑斯山 the Grand Canal 大运河 the Taiwan Strait 台湾海峡 the Yellow Sea 黄海Note: 但是下列这类名词前零冠词:Life生活周刊Time

2、 时代周刊News Week新闻周刊the Antarctic Circle南极圈the Senate 参议院the House of Representatives 众议院(美国)the Duma 杜马the House of Commons下议院(英国)the Book of Poetry诗经the Three Gorges 三峡the Louvre 卢浮宫the Imperial Palace 故宫the Pentagon 五角大楼Congress 国会Parliament 议会含有 Mount , Lake, Cape等表示孤岛,独山,湖泊的名词前一般不加定冠词,但中国湖泊名词前却常带

3、定冠词。如:Lake Baikal 贝加尔湖Lake Michigan Cape of Good Hope 好望角Hainan IslandMount Jolmo Lungma 珠穆朗玛峰Mt, Fuji富士山the Dongting LakeMt. Ali阿里山the Taihu Lake2. 下列惯用语中要求用定冠词at the same timewith the exception of 除 外by the waygo to the doctorall the year roundtake the consequencein the distancebe armed to the tee

4、thon the run 在流传in the endon the spotfor the time beingat the sceneon the air 在播送中,流传at the end of on the other handfor the better好转by the hourin the long runin the shadeon the side of在某人一边on the wayon the groundthe other day 前几天to the leftunder the circumstanceson the increaseto tell the truthon th

5、e wholego to the theaterbreak the ice 打破沉默show sb. the doorkeep the peace 维持治安(不客气地)请某人离开3. 下列成对使用的名词或名词,形容词等固定搭配中,零冠词。这类用法的词,词义有些很接近,有些指同一事物或含有对比,对照的含义。如:right and wrongstep by stepfriend and foeall in allside by sidehead and shoulders 远胜于husband and wifehand and foot手脚一起,周到地rich and poorback to ba

6、cktown and countrytime after timepencil and notebookword for wordtrack and fieldbit by bitface to faceback and forthfather and sonfrom top to bottomfrom right to leftlight and darkyoung and oldfish and chipsarm in armlaw and orderhand in handlife for lifepen and inkfrom cover to coverfrom south to n

7、orthone by onehands and kneesfrom ear to ear咧嘴笑bread and butterinch by inch4. 下列短语有无定冠词意思不同。 如果名词表示的是具体的建筑物或事物, 有定冠词 the,但如果是与这些建筑物或事物有关的情形或活动,或表明其用途或作用等则零冠词。如:in redin the redin officein the officebehind timebehind the timein schoolin the schoolin hospitalin the hospitalin secretin the secretkeep h

8、ousekeep the housecome out of prison /hospitalcome out of the prison /hospitalgo to school /universitygo to the school /universityby dayby the dayin classin the classout of officeout of the officeat schoolat the schoolin prisonin the prisonin bedin the bedgo to prisongo to the prisongo to bedgo to t

9、he bedgo to towngo to the townat tableat the tableat seaat the sea5.下列惯用语要求不用冠词(零冠词)by heartin returnin fearin dangerat presentin effectby mistakein honour ofin forcein peacein shortin troublein debtat warby way ofon saleon boardin officeon guardout of handunder wayout of mindout of dateat homeaccor

10、ding to planrun for lifefrom bad to worsein sight ofin commonmake waylose heartin chargeout of placeat bottomkeep pace withon arrivalout of jobwithout questioncatch fireat riskleave schoolby chanceon dutyat handgive way6. 下列惯用语要求使用不定冠词。in a wayall of a suddenin a senseat a lossof a sizehave a word withhave a trymake a livingtake an


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