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1、In troductio n to In dustrial Desig nDesign is a particular human beings in order to achieve the purposes of the creative activities, which in cludes all man-made goods in the formati on process.In dustrial desig n con cepts: the curre nt widely used defi niti on of the intern ati onalFederation of

2、Associatio ns of In dustrial Desig n (ICSID) in 1980 for the annual meet ing of the Paris in dustrial desig n un der the ame nded defi niti on: "the mass product ionof in dustrial products, by virtue of training, tech ni cal kno w-howExperieneeand feelingsand give visual materials, structure, s

3、hape, color, surfaceprocess ing and decoratio n to a new quality and qualificati ons, called in dustrial desig n."1. Traditi onal in dustrial desig nIn dustrial desig n for the people truly un dersta nd and play a role in the outbreak ofthe in dustrialrevoluti on, to the in dustrializedmass pro

4、duct ioncon diti onstodevelop. At that time, a large nu mber of in dustrial products ugly, has seriously affected people's daily life, in dustrial desig n as a cha nge in the situati on at the time the in evitable means boarded the historical stage. The traditi onal in dustrial desig n refers to

5、 the means of product ion of in dustrial products con ducted by the pla nning and desig n, so that with the use of achiev ing the best possible match betwee n the creative activities. From this con cept of the n ature of in dustrialdesig n: first,in dustrialdesig n aims to obta in a product with the

6、 best match betwee npeople.This match, not only to meet the dema nd for use, but also with the physical, psychological and other areas to dema nd the right match, which precisely reflectsthe people-orie nted desig n ideas. Second, the in dustrial desig n is a must? Quot; creative activities. "I

7、ndustrial design of nature that it is a very broad coverage of the cross-i ntegrate the scie nee, get in volved in the many areas of research discipli nes, like the in dustrial society of the adhesive, so that the origi nal Isolated discipli nes such as: physics, chemistry, biology, marketi ng, aest

8、hetics, ergonomics, sociology, psychology, philosophy, etc., mutual con tact and mutualexcha nges, the form oforga nic uni ty. Realizati on of the objective to reveal the n atural The laws of scie nee and subjective, dyn amic and creative activities for the arts once aga in joined han ds.2. Moder n

9、In dustrial Desig nTraditi onal in dustrial desig n is the core product desig n. Accompa nied by a historyof the development,design content also tends to the development of moreextensiveand in-depth.Now, the developmentof humansociety has entered amoder nin dustrialsociety, brought about by thedesig

10、 nof the materialachieveme nts of huma n existe nee and its status and way of life is affected by the past can not compare any era, moder n in dustrial desig n, the con cept of this came into being . Moder n in dustrial desig n can be divided into two levels: gen eral in dustrial desig n and n arrow

11、 in dustrial desig n.Gen eral In dustrial Desig n (Ge neralized In dustrial Desig n) Means to achieve a particular purpose, fromcon ceptio nto theestablishme ntof a practicalimplementation plan, with clear and that by means of a series of acts. It contains all the use of moder n mea ns of producti o

12、n and services in the desig n process.Narrow in dustrial desig n (Narrow In dustrial Desig n)Referri ng only to product desig n, that is, aga inst man and n ature in the releva nee of the tools and equipme nt made by the resp onse to the dema nd. In order to survive, in eludi ng life and to maintain

13、 and develop the n eeessary such as tools, equipme nt and products, and other material and equipmentcarried out by design. Productdesig n is the core of products on the user's body, the heart has a good affinity with the match.Narrow the defi niti on of in dustrial desig n and in dustrial desig

14、n of the traditi onaldefi niti onis the same. As in dustrialdesig nsince have always bee n based onproduct desig n, product desig n ofte n referred to as in dustrial desig n.In dustrial Desig n CategoryAs the field of in dustrial desig n in creas in gly expa nding, and in differe nt areas butalso ha

15、s their own characteristics, we can from differentangles on the field ofin dustrial desig n divisi on: 1. The existe nce of art as a form of classificati on:1. The existence of art as a form of classification:On e-dime nsional desig n, refers only to thedesig ntime forthe variable;two-dimensionaldes

16、ign,also known as graphicdesign,is targetedat the planechange the subject, such as graphics, text, trademarks, advertisingdesign.Three-dimensional design, also known as three-dimensionaldesign,such asproduct, packagi ng, con struct ion and the en viro nment; four-dime nsional desig n, is accompanied

17、by one-dimensionalthree-dimensionalspace time (that is, in theform of 3 +1) the desig n, such as stage desig n.2. From the human,natural and social correspondencebetweenstarting,in accorda nee with the discipli nes form the esse nee of the meaning of Category:Human, natural, social composition of th

18、e most basic relations between the circles and classificati on of the relati on ship gen erally is: product desig n: the equivale nt narrow in dustrial desig n, 3D desig n is based;en vir onmen tal desig n: in cludi ng all types of buildi ng desig n, urba n and regi onalpla nning, con struct ion pla

19、 ns, environmen tal engin eeri ng, etc.; spread to the desig n of the Ian guage, text or graphics as the media andachievethe tran sfer activities carried out by desig n. Accord ing to the differe nt media KeguiWei two categories: the text and graphics as the medium of visual com muni cati on;Ianguag

20、e and. Audio media for dissemination of the hearing.3. In accorda nce with the con cept of in dustrial desig n and to defi ne Category:With the developme nt of tech no logy and the use of moder n tech no logy, in dustrialdesig n and process desig n of the boun daries are beco ming blurred mouth ben

21、efits, some of the original Arts and Crafts design of the design activities of both the in dustrial desig n features, such as furn iture desig n and fashi on desig n .In dustrialdesig n as a conn ect ingbridge betwee ntech no logyand the market, the rapidexpa nsion of commercial areas in all its asp

22、ects: advertis ingdesig n:in cludi ngn ewspapers,magaz in es,posters, brochures,trademarks, etc.; display desig n: in cludi ng the paveme nt, Showcase, Showcase, sig ns, exhibiti ons, advertis ing tower;ling and packag ing packag ing desig n: in cludi ng wrapp ing paper, packagi ng, label of goods;

23、binding desig n: in cludi ng magaz in es, books, artwork, carto ons and layout desig n.Even in Ziche ngtiji in the field of con struct ion,in dustrialdesig n also play anin creas in gly importa nt role.The content of In dustrial Desig nIn dustrial desig n in the en terprise has broad applicatio n of

24、 space. Therefore, en terprises in the in dustrial desig n from the level of dema nd for in dustrial desig n point of view of the contents of the en terprises make better use of in dustrial desig n, to create greater value, will provide great convenience.1. Product Design Product Designin dustrial d

25、esig n is the core of en terprise applicati on desig n is the key lin k, it will achieve a cha nge in the form of raw materials for a more valuable form. In dustrial desig ners of the people through the physical, psychological, livi ng habits, and so on all the natural attributes of the cognitive an

26、d social attributes, product features, performanee, form, price, location of the use of the environment, with materials, tech no logy, structure, tech no logy , Shape, color, surface treatme nt and decorati on, cost and other factors, from the social, economicand technicalpoint of view ofcreative de

27、sig n, product ionand man ageme ntin en terprisesin achievi ng desig nquality assuranee, under the premise that the product is a product enterprises, market Of goods, but also the ordinary people of supplies to customer n eeds and bus in ess ben efits of perfect uni ty.2. Corporate image design (Cor

28、porate ldenlti-fication System, referred to CIS)Enterpriserecognitionsystem from a unified corporate philosophy,standardizeenterprisebehavior and consistentposed by the visual image. Through the CISdesign, so that enterprises have the visual impact can be clearly shows that corporate pers on ality,

29、stre ngth and con fide nee in en terprises is a mani festatio n. A successful bus in ess must be a cohesive internal and exter nal con sumers can trust and ide ntity, thereby enhancing corporate reputatio n, and corporate man ageme nt objectives and developme nt goals.3. Environmen talDesig n(and th

30、e in terfacebetwee nthe hardwaredesig n)In dustrialdesig n as a com mun icati onand the environment(con struct ion,tran sportati on, room, shopp ing malls, streets ) betwee n the in terface Ian guageto in terve ne in en viro nmen tal desig n. Through the differe nt acts, objectives and the needs of

31、awareness,to object to the design - kind of Ianguage,people and theenvironmentfor the financial- physical, to give a cordial and convenient,comfortablefeeling.Focus on solvingurban environmentaldesignof humanin terface betwee n the buildi ng and all the problems, such as: in formati on, sig nal syst

32、ems, en viro nmen tal protect ion programmes, so as to also participate in solvi ng the social life of the major issues.4. Design Management (Des; 8n Mana8ement, referred to DM)Design activities soon as the operation of enterprises in important part in projectman ageme nt, in terface man ageme nt, d

33、esig n man ageme nt systems, such as the development of product line management, be good at using design tools, and implementingdesign-orientedthinking and behavior, and with the strategy or tech no logical achieveme nts Into a product or service process. Desig n man ageme ntinto the enterpriseis an

34、 indispensable element for the success of enterprisestofollow the design principles and strategies in the developmentof enterprisesinproduct ion and bus in ess activities of various departme nts for guida nee, to achieve the desig n objective, value-added products. Successful use of desig n man agem

35、e nt, will en able en terprisesin the strategicpla nningstage to con tain the operat ingstrategy, strategic adva ntages for products and en terprises in the competiti on-set a good foun datio n.The ultimate aim of in dustrialdesig n is to meet the physical and psychologicaln eeds of many of the larg

36、est. In dustrial products, arts and crafts people is to meet product ion and daily n eeds, no doubt for the in dustrial desig n is moder n services, to meet the dema nds of moder n people. Therefore, it is first n ecessary to meet people's physical needs - product features. 1 cup must be able to

37、 drink water, a pen must be able to write, a bike must be able to travel, a truck must be able to load and so on. The first in dustrial desig n is aimed through the rati onal pla nning of products due to people more easily use them to better play its effective ness. In research on the basis of produ

38、ctperforma nee,in dustrialdesig n also adopted a reas on ableshape means so that products can have very spirit of the times, in line with performa nee, and coord in ati on of environmen tal products form so that people can have the enjoyme nt of the Un ited States.In dustrial desig n and in dustrial

39、 moderni zati on is the in evitable product of marketcompetiti on,desig ned to target the mass product ion methods of in dustrializedproducts,in dustrialdesig n of moder nhuma n life has a huge impact, but alsocon stra ined by the realities of product ion and livi ng sta ndards.In dustrial desig n c

40、ompa nies in the positi on and role:? Designis a bridgebetweenenterprisesand the market: On the one hand,product ion and tech no logy into the market dema nd for products, on the one hand the market feedback to promote the developme nt of en terprises en terprises.? ? desig n is a means of value -ad

41、ded products: the biggest role in the en terprise isto raise the value-added products. The value of this additi onal material is not visible prese nee, more of the performa nee of the in visible. Appeara nee, product image ? ? Design is an important enterprise resources: good design enterprises will

42、 have a better reputation,making enterprises more dynamic,a company's developmenttools? ? design integrity of the enterprise is to establish a means of visual images: thevisual image of bus in ess is to establish the appeara nee of the best brand image, which is the compa ny a unique style.In du

43、strial desig n creativity is a good product desig n the mostimporta ntprerequisite for simplicity is an importa nt in dicator of good desig n, product desig nis a measure of applicability of ano therimporta nt criteri on, a reas on ableman-mach ine relati ons, huma n-computer in terface harm ony, th

44、eir own Ian guage products should be good at self - Notes, and carefully handle every detail, emphasis on regional ethnic characteristics, contains cultural identity, attention to ecological bala nee, ben eficial to the protecti on of the environment, product desig nof the eter nal.In dustrial desig

45、 n should pay atte nti onto follow the follow ingprin ciples:theprin ciple of creativity; prin ciples of market dema nd; prin ciple of givi ng priority to the user; bus in ess goals prin ciple easy to grasp the prin ciple of aesthetic prin ciples, protecti on of ecological environment prin ciples.In

46、 dustrialdesig nrelated to psychology, sociology, aesthetics, ergono mics,mecha nical con structi on, photography, color scie nee, methodology and desig n ofthe threeconstitutea basis for Into the United States,Europe,Japan and otherdevelopedcoun triesfor in dustrial desig n and in dustrialdesig nde

47、fi niti onof thedevelopme nt processU.S. in dustrial desig n in formati on ageThe UnitedStates is the first country to enter the informationage, informationtech no logy is the most developed coun tries. Whether in the computer hardwareand software, or in the applicati on of computertech no logyin al

48、l aspects of theworld's leadingstatus. In particular, the popularity of the Internet,so that theUnited States more fully into society by the information industry as a leader of the new era. In the new econo mic, cultural backgro und, the Un ited States of in dustrial desig n from the beg inning

49、of the end of the 20th Cen tury 80, great cha nges have take n place.At the same time, to Rowe as the representative of the U.S. pioneer in the design has passed away, despite their n ame to the desig n of some compa nies still exist, but these masters of the locatio n of a nu mber of new in depe nd

50、ent replaced by adesign firm. The new design firm in terms of knowledge structure, services or design with the traditionalmeans in the clear very different firms, because theyfirmly grasp the pulse of the informationage, design and rapid expansionofbus in ess, established in the in dustrial sector G

51、ood reputati on,the U.S. bus in essmagaz inecalled America n in dustry a new gen eratio n of heroes. The new desig ncon sult ing compa ny no Ion ger well-k nown desig ner for the sig ns, but in a "desig n" the name of the word named, stressed that the design is a team event rather than in

52、dividual work, such as the New York Smart Desig n, Chicago Desig n Logic, such as Califor nia's Lunar Desig n. In many cases, the pers on in charge of these compa niesare the first gen eratio nor sec ond gen erati onof Europea nimmigra nts,and thefamousForgdesignis originallya German company, th

53、e new generation ofdesigners to more European concept to the United States, which will U.S. advaneed tech no logy and the Europea n deep historical and cultural traditi ons closer together so that the desig n of the Un ited States in the in formati on age has made a greatleap forward. This is in Cal

54、ifor nia, particularlySilic onValley, particularlycon spicuous in this regard because there are many Europea ns settled here, on the other hand is also here because of the emerg ing high-tech in dustry and the Un ited States earlier in the desig n of machi nes predecessors did not have much con tact

55、.Here, the desig n of many new compa nies have bee n for Apple, and other high-techcompa ni es.With the traditi onalin dustrialdesig n firms to providein dustrialproducts mainly differe nt desig ns, the new desig n compa nies to be able to providemore comprehensiveservices, they can not only provide

56、 productdesignandengineeringdesign of appearanee, can also provide market research, consumerIn vestigati on, huma n-computer research, public relati ons and corporate pla nning site desig n and maintenance, and other aspects of the services, and global activities.In fact, some new desig n compa ny h

57、as established a global n etwork of services to meet the in creas ing globalizatio n of world econo mic tren ds. In dustrial desig n such a cha nge reflects the cha nges in the man ageme nt of en terprises, more and more en terprisesin the future in-houseresearch orga ni zati onsto reduce, in steado

58、fsocial cooperati on, not only to reduce expe nditure, but also the wider com munityto seek professionalResourcescooperation.In addition, manyenterprisestoupgradedesig nas a bus in essquality and to stimulate creative strategicmanagementtool, not only confined to a single product design developmentactivities, thereby greatly expa nded the scope of applicati on of in dustrial desig n.Give n the desig n of a greaterrange of n eeds, desig n compa ny pers onnel are notlimited to design, but


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