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1、I. Listening ComprehensionI I. Grammar and VocabularySect i on AD i rect i ons: After read i ng the passage be I ow, f i I I i n the b I anks to make the passage coherent and grammat ica I ly correct. For the b I anks with a given word, fill i n each b I ank with the proper form of the given word; f

2、or the other bIanks, use one word that best fits each blank.Ten-year-oId Annemar ie Johansen Ii ves with her fami ly in Copenhagen, Denmark. There are soldiers on the streets, and the country (21) (accept)by the Nazis. There isn't enough to eat, and the wor Id is at war. Then the Nazis decide to

3、 “relocate, the country1s Jewish population. The Danes don*t know (22)thei r f r iends and ne i ghbors are be i ng takenaway. They don*t know where they are going, either. But theydo know that i t i s wrong and dangerous and that they must he I p.Number the Stars i s a very powerfu I nove I . Dur i

4、ng Wor I d War II, the Nazis (23) (kill) mi I I ions of peopIe in Europe. Many of those peop I e were Jewi sh. But i n Denmark, a I most a I I of the Jewi sh popuI at i on was saved. Number the Stars i s a work of fiction, but it tells the true story of the Jewish(24) (rescue)dur i ng the war. The m

5、ov i ng p lot i s dr i ven by justice, danger and excitement. But the book a I so dea I s with signif icant ideas that are much (25) (big)than the story itself.Anemar i e must I earn that ev i I doesn' t just appear i n fa i ry ta I es. 111 s a rea I thing that affects rea I peop Ie. She must a

6、I so strugg I e with quest i ons of I oya I ty and sacr i f i ce. Who wou I d she die to protect And is she brave enough (26)(make) that sacr if ice Most importantly, Annemar i e I earns that (27) (be) brave doesn't mean being fear I ess. It means doing the r ight thing despite the fact (28)you

7、are afraid,That1s heavy stuff for a chiIdren's noveI.I have taught Number the Stars to many classes at many different I eve Is. It has a I ways been a popular choice. It uses simple I anguage and sentences. It i s easy to read and prov i des c I ear examp Ies of I iterary techniques I ike foresh

8、adowing(预示).But it i s a I so interest i ng, and the characters are (29) (engage). The pIot i s fuI I of tens i on.Loi s Lowry. The author, has wr itten award-winning noveIs for young peopIe. Number the Stars i s a remarkabIe examp Ie of the taI ent (30)has made her so ceIebrated.Sect i on BD i rect

9、 i ons: After read i ng the passage be I ow, f i I I i n each b I ank with a proper word given i n the box. Each word can on I y be used once. Note that there i s one word more than you need.A. common B. vot i ng C. effortsD. e I ected E. end F. protest i ngG. say H. exerci sed I. arguedJ. equa I K.

10、 r i ghtsIn most democracies today, peopIe expect women to vote. Women are just as ab I e to make dec i s i ons about thei r 31 I eadersas men. But 200 years ago, most peop Ie didn't th ink so.As I ate as the middle of the 19 century on I y men voted i n most Western countr i es. A few countr i

11、es or states I et women vote i n I oca I e I ect i ons. But women vot i ng was far from 32 Atthat t i me, peop I e be I i eved that women be I onged i n the home. That meant they shouId not get i nvoIved with pub I ic I i fe.But women i n Europe, North Amer ica and New Zea I and began 33 th i s s it

12、uat i on. They be I i eved that they shouId have a (n) 34 in thei r government* s Ieaders. In 1792 anEng I i sh nove I i st named Mary Wo I I stonecraft 35 that womenshouId be abIe to vote, In the United States, Lucretia Mott and EI i zabeth Cady Stanton were important figures. They met while campai

13、gning to put a (n) 36 to slavery. In the process, they decided that women a I so shouId have more 37.Yet despite the 38 of these women neither Great Britain nor the United States was the fi rst country to Iet women vote. That honor goes to NewZeaI and, which changed thei r law on September 19, 1893.

14、 Th i s was because of women I i ke Kate Shepherd. She I ed a group that presented pet i t i ons (请愿书)to thei r par I i ament three years i n a row. Shepherd i s now honored on New Zea I and * s s10 bill.New Zea I and was fol lowed by Austra I ia i n 1902 and Fi n I and i n 19 zero s i x. By thi s t

15、ime, some states and terr i tor ies a I lowed women to vote. But the country as a whole didn't give women the r i ght untiI after WorId War I.In many countr ies, the r ight to hold pol itical off ice came a Iong with the r i ght to vote. And women have 39 that right. I n many countr i es, women

16、have even he I d the i r country* s highest office. Al I of that is due to the efforts of women who fought for a (n) 40 voiceIII. Reading ComprehensionSect i on ADi rections: For each bIank in the fol lowing passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fi I I i n each b I ank with t

17、he word or phrase that best fits the context.The search for new, cIean energy sources have occup ied the attention of scientists and poI iticians for years. One common41 for green energy is the wind. A new twist on this oIdresource couId cause energy output of wind-power pI ants to i ncrease great I

18、y.Standard wind power p I ants re I y on strong support and 42can on Iy reach the height of 200 meters or so. Higher than that, winds tend to be stronger and steadier, but the chai lenge is 43 how to obtain the energy from those winds.De I ft Uni vers i ty of Techno I ogy i n the Nether I ands and K

19、ar I sruhe University of AppIied Sciences in Germany have formed a kite-power research group. The group i s working to deveI op kites with inf IatabIe (可充气的)wings 44 to electr icalgenerator (发电机)on the ground.The research group* s goaI is to design a kite that can operate on its own for 24 hours. Re

20、search has begun, but many chaI Ienges rema i n, including mak i ng the generator more 45 and perfecting the automatic fI ight controI and structure of the kites. Nevertheless, in June 2012, they demonstrated that their kites couId operate 46 at an altitude of up to 700 meters.Meanwhi Ie, in Italy,

21、researchers are working on a (n) 47 power generator that re I ies on kites when the generator cal led KiteGen, senses wind blowing, kites are 48 from the end of poIes with high-resistance cab Ies to controI the i r height and angle. These cab I es are ab I e to move the kites i f the system senses c

22、oming object 49 pIanes, he Iicopters or even indi viduaI bi rds. The kites themseIves are Iight, tough and ab Ie to reach fairly high a 11 i tude. The Ioop (绕行)around i n the wind, which sets the center of the generator in emotion50 eIectric current.KiteGen has the 51 to be very cost-effective in th

23、e longrun. After the original cost of designing and setting up the p I ant, I i tt I e 52 i nvestment wi I I be necessary, apart fromstandard ma intenance. The p I ant a I so requi res 53 I itt Ie space, which makes it idea I for cities and means that multiple pI ants can be set up to provide even m

24、ore 54.Kite power has the potent i a I to great I y 55 on current windpower strategies. In the future, it may be an efficient cost eff icient supp Iement to the other sources of energy use or even a rep Iacement for some of them41. A resoIution B. proposaI C. resource D. substitute42. A. genera I Iy

25、 B. frequently C. cont i nuaI Iy D. reguI ar Iy43. A. carry ing out B. figur ing out C. breaking out D. picking out44. A. chosen B. appIied C. col Iected D. connected45. A. efficient B. comp Iete C. powerfuI D. positive46. A. act i veIy B. passi ve Iy C. automatical ly D. artificially47. A. strange

26、B. s imi I ar C d i fferent D. original48. A fastened B. reveaIed C. ta i lored D. re I eased49. A. except for B. i nstead of C. such as D. due to50. A. producing B. inventing C. promoting D. developing51. A. qua I ification B. potentia I C. trend D. intention52. A. norma I B. forma I C. addi t iona

27、 I D. a I ternate53. A. concrete I yC thorough Iy D. relatively54. A. energy B. strength C. technology D. opportunity55. A. focus B. extend C. improve D. transferSect i on BDi rect ions: Read the fol lowing three passages. Each passage is fol lowed by severaI questions or unfinished statements. For

28、each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and the one that f its best according to the informat ion gi ven in the passage you have just read.(A)Many peopIe exper ience problems with thei r spine (脊椎)as they age. The t issue that protects the joints in the spine gradua I Iy breaks down. As a

29、 consequence, the bones, in the spine begin to rub aga i nst each other. Th i s further harms that i ssue as we I I as the bones. The resuIt is pain in the joints and, sometimes, in nerves near the spineThi s pai nfu I prob I em i s actua I I y a d i sease cal led osteoporos i s.Some peop I e are mo

30、re at r i sk of osteoporos i s because of genes that they inher ited from thei r ancestors. Extreme Iy heavy peop I e are a I so more I i ke I y to suffer from th i s d i sease because thei r extra weight puts much pressure on thei r joints. Fortunate I y, there are steps that peop I e can take to h

31、e I p prevent osteoporosis from developing in thei r spine.The most important step i s exerc i se. Stretches can he Ip the muse Ies around the sp i ne re I ax and allow bones to sh i ft i nto better a I i gnment Q非列),Strength exerci ses with I ight we i ghts or bodywe i ght exerc i ses I i ke pushup

32、s can a I so he I p by strengthen i ng the muse Ies around the spine. However, peopIe shouId not overdo these exercises as repeated motions can stra i n the muse Ies around the spine. Trying to I i ft heavy weights with poor technique can have the same effect.Another important factor i s diet. It af

33、fects the hea I th of sp i ne because many vitamins are necessary for bones and nerves. These i ncIude B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids, a I I of wh i ch he I ps keep nerves healthy. PeopIe can get more B vitamin and omega 3 fatty acids by taki ng suppIements so Id by stores. Another important fac

34、tor i s vitamin D. which i s essent ia I for strong bones. Al I of these vitamins and acids can be obtained from food. Thus peop I e can he I p themse I ves by i nc I ud i ng them i n the i r da i I y diets56 What does thi s article mainly exp lainA. Var ious aspects of a med i caI condition.B. The

35、actions of v i ruses that cause iI Inesses.C. Drugs often used to so Ive the phys i caI i ssue.D. The Iocat i on of organs i n the human body.57. How does the wr iter begin thi s art icIeA. By predicting improvement.B. By ana lyzing a ser i es of data.C. By introducing minor injur ies.D. By descr ib

36、ing a graduaI process58. What can readers find in this articleA. A warning about working out too hard.B. A method for improv ing sleep qua Iity.C. A sIogan used to promote heaI th cI asses.D. A big criticism often aimed at doctors.59. What does the art icIe imply about suppIementA. They are mainly f

37、or youngsters.B. They are commerciaI products.C. They are now being researched.D. They are seldom truIy effective(B)I n I ate March of tear i n the earth about 15 meters wide and 20 meters deep sudden Iy appeared i n Kenya, it cut across roads and even split houses i n two. Thi s crack appeared out

38、of nowhere after heavy rains and an increase in seismic activity. Some scienti sts be I i eve that it i s further proof that Afr ica i s slowly spl itting apart.Once a very Iong time ago, Afr ica and south Amer ica were one I andmass before they separated. Simi I ar I y, one day i n the very d i sta

39、nt future, a large part of East Af r i ca wi I I split off from the rest of the continent. This wi I I create a new Iandmarks and a new ocean. The breakup i s the result of p I ate tectonics, the graduaI motion of different parts of the Earth* s crust.When p I ates of the Earth separate and tear awa

40、y from each other.It i s cal led r i ft i ng. The result i s r i ft vaI Iey. Scientists don* t understand the exact mechanism behind r ift ing. But the result i s very easy to observe in theEast Afr ican Rift System (EARS), That1 s why study i ng th i s part of the wor I d i s so important.The East

41、Af r ican Rift system begins in the north in Ethiopia, where three p Iates are moving away from each other. Two of them are cont inentaI plates, the Afr ican and Arabian pIates. They are tectonic pIates that have a large Iandmass above water. The thi rd i s the Soma Ii plate, cons i dered a minor pI

42、 ate, which i s stead iIy mov i ng away from the other two. But don* t pI an on visiting the new ocean anytime soon. The pIates are moving at a rate of about 6 mi I Iimeters a year. At the speed mi I Iions of years wiI I pass before a new ocean is formed.EARS i s not a I I bad news for Kenya. A r if

43、t va I ley i s composed of an area where there is increased volcanic activity and thinned pIanetary crust. This makes it easier to take advantage of the power of steam. For Kenya, this might be an answer to the country * s e I ectr i ca I prob I ems. The drought conditions that frequent I y occur th

44、ere make it difficult to produce energy. But the geotherma I (地热的)power p I ants going on I ine in 2019 wi I I allow them to produce cIean energy with very IittIe water.60. What can be cone Iuded from the passageA. A war wi I I certa inty breakout in Afr ica.B. A d i saster wi I I sudden Iy str i ke

45、 Afr ica.C. A geo logicaI structure will change i n Afr ica.D. A new country wi I I come into being in Afr ica61. Which of the fol lowing pIates might be surrounded by water accord i ng to the passageA. East Afr ica. B. Soma I i plate. C. Arabian plate. D. Afr ica p I ate.62. What prob I em may be s

46、o I ved i n Kenya thanks to the crack i ngA. Poverty. B. Economy. . D. Energy.(0Are you worr i ed about money I f so, I have some good news for you. Someone once said, “If a I I your prob I ems can be so I ved with money, then you don't have any. " I get the point. Un I ess you are on the e

47、dge of losing everything and I iving in your car (which is a very sad thing that happens to peopIe every day), your percept i ons of your prob I ems may not be serv i ng you well.Let1 s take a I ook. Can you pay your I i v i ng expenses and support your fami Iy If so you are OK. Even if you are a fa

48、mi Iy that just bare Iy breaks even every month, you have to count that as a b I ess i ng, Most of us a I so have those terr i b I e, surpr i s i ng unexpected bills. But un I ess you you' re your job or your mind, don* t you a I ways f i nd a way to take care of those expensesPERT INENT (切中要害的)

49、QUESTIONSTo see if you worry too much about finances, ask yourseIf a coup I e of quest i ons Do you wake up worr ied about money Do you check your bank ba Iance and Iook at upcoming bills more than once every few days or even multiple times a day If so, then you may have a I itt Ie f inancia I insec

50、ur ity going on. Let' s Iook at getting it under control. If it1 s making you crazy, it can make your fami ly a I ittIe crazy too. This type of anxiousness is passed on to others, which is important to remember whenever you have the urge to share your fears.TOO MUCH INFORMATI ONTMI (too much inf

51、ormation) happens because it seems that by re I eas i ng Pent-up (压力中的)fee I i ngs of anx i ety you wi I I fee I better and hopeful ly more supported and that this can happen but not with your I oved ones because they wi I I take a I I your fa i r and magnify it. Tai k i nstead with your f i nanc i

52、a I adv i sor, your bank manager or your therapist. Laying your financial fears at the feet of your fami Iy i s not good for them or for you. Yes, be honest about any problems, but if you get emotionaI, so wi I I those cIosest to youPOSITIVE ACT I ON111 s hard to be th i s pass i onate about money,

53、but honest I y, it's rea I I y the best way to get thi s i ssue so I ved. You have to Iook at it from a practicaI standpoint. Go over your debts, Iook cIoseIy at your assets and determine the best thing for you to do with your time r ight now.Maybe you need to use thi s time to get your books an

54、d other on I y your computer or use it to job hunt or to promote your business.Then aga i n you may need to h i re an accountant and go on some i nterv i ews. The point i s simple: the on I y way to re I i eve yourse I f of the uncomfortab I e fee I i ng of financial pressure i s to take some kind o

55、f positive action.63. Which of the fol lowing is true according to the passageA. FinanciaI prob Iems are not vital ones i n everyone1s daily I i fe.B. You1d better caIm down when you have f inanc i a I prob Iems.C. You needn't worry about unexpected bills even if you1re out of work.D. When you h

56、ave financial fears, remember to share fee I i ngs with others.64. The passage imp Ii es thatA. the best way to dea I with money prob I em K to take positive act i onB. as Iong as we share fee Ii ngs with others, money fear wi I I d i sappearC. we shouId have an optimistic attitude toward financial

57、fearsD. any problem we meet can be so I ved with the he I p of money65. The phrase I ay your fi nanci a I fears at the feet of your famiIy in the sixth paragraph probabIy means .A. to so Ive f i nanc i a I fears caused by your familyB. to help your famiIy smart Iy avoid financial fearsC to make your

58、 fami Iy responsibIe for finaneia I fearsD. to encourage your fami ly to face fi nanciaI fears brave Iy66.A.The best title of the passage i sPercept i ons of money and vaIueB.Pass i on, money andfamiIyC.Keep i ng ba Iance ofpsychologyD.Dea Ii ng with moneyworr i esSect i on CDi rect ions: Read the f

59、oI lowing passage. Fi I I in each bIank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used on I y once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.A. Other peopIe exper i ence fa Ise guilt because of h i gh expectations for themseIves.B. 111 s poss i bIe that you fee I guilty because you actuaI Iy d id


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